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  • in reply to: Rogue Color Layer #122438


    No kidding, I am still working on the grey site. See that’s what I was talking about.

    Your site looks really good in all the colors you’ve done it. You got an eye for this. I can;’t match 2 colors , have to ask people lol.I think you are taking the wrong approach with this, if may make an observation. You are changing awesome looking super hi pro looking site left and right. I do the same but thats because my colors look hideous. You should be entering content and get something up , like 100% up and running and then once the goal is accomplished you can play around with different looks. However I wouldnt throw away those designs you did since each can be part of a living portfolio.



    in reply to: Hide toggles if a toggle is open. #122630


    Sort of like a prize drawing whereby as soon as one door is opened , the other doors get disabled? or in this case the toggles that were never opened disappear? It could be done since each individual toggle has its own unique ID, and there is already code that tracks the opening and closing of toggles. Just need to add some jQuery to it that adds a display:none; style to the appropriate div tags. I am not sure something like this is in the scope of the support team’s purpose especially in the light of the time it will take to figure this out and test it. Though I am not sure., see what the others think.



    in reply to: Slider Thumbnails #119337


    The thumbnails functionality was not removed on purpose , and this is likely an unexpected side effect of either theme CSS update or something else but Kriesi is working on this now.



    in reply to: POST IN SEARCH VIEW #121910


    Sorry for the delay , the fault is mine. You can upload a screen shot to your Dropbox, Google Drive,, or a number of other free image upload websites.

    You can use one of the free plugins to extend the search like or others in here



    in reply to: Adjusting sub-menu in header #121646


    Sorry for the delay with the weekend.

    1) The theme has 5 menus , two of which have only 1 menu on screen. So that leaves 3 menus which each have the main/submenu. Please clarify which one of the three you are talking about (found in Enfold > Theme Options > Headers

    a) Fixed Header with Social Icons and additional Navigation

    b) Non-fixed Header with Social Icons and additional Navigation

    c) Header with Social Icons and bottom Navigation


    This deals with the little point (called avia arrow) on the line that moves under the navigation items;





    .current-menu-item>a>.avia-menu-fx>.avia-arrow-wrap, .current_page_item>a>.avia-menu-fx>.avia-arrow-wrap {

    display: block;



    AVIA ARROW color


    .header_color .avia-menu-fx .avia-arrow{

    background-color: rgb(195, 81, 47);

    color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

    border-color: rgb(195, 81, 47);



    AVIA ARROW position


    .avia-menu-fx .avia-arrow-wrap .avia-arrow {

    top: 10px;



    AVIA ARROW size, more position shape


    .avia-arrow {

    height: 10px;

    width: 10px;

    position: absolute;

    top: -6px;

    left: 50%;

    margin-left: -5px;

    -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);

    -moz-transform: rotate(45deg);

    transform: rotate(45deg);

    border-width: 1px;

    border-style: solid;

    visibility: hidden;



    AVIA Under Menu Floater – color


    .header_color .avia-menu-fx{

    background-color: rgb(47, 83, 195);

    color: rgb(170, 106, 70);

    border-color: rgb(47, 53, 195);




    in reply to: Rogue Color Layer #122437


    Issue 1) What color you need them?

    Issue 2) I will need to login again for that

    Issue 3) This code fixes mobile layout fully as far as i can tell.

    .html_boxed #main {
    overflow: visible !important;



    in reply to: Rogue Color Layer #122434


    No cynicism. Ghost site true story and so is image where all those white color codes are in css files on your site. Listen, there are internal caches , server caches, all kinds of stuff. There is jQuery problems where css is taken from a different selector. You have a file enqued in your theme somehow, so someone wrote that files location out and added it somehow. And if that happen, I am ready to believe about white colors as well. Read over things I write on the forum.

    Its a waste of time in my opinion, trying to play Sherlock Holmes and the ghost in the machine , because I did enough of that, and let me tell you, that most times you will find nothing( ), but waste lot of time, its not gonna get you anywhere ( ) , focus on the goal ( ). I just added those to show that weird stuff happens, and my advice is consistent, so no cynicism.

    What i would like to know is why your website looks dark grey on Chrome Regular and dark blue on Chrome Canary (developer Chrome version)

    Now thats weird, something new I haven’t seen before.



    in reply to: Rogue Color Layer #122432


    Oh, that’s nothing. WordPress’s haunted. I can tell you some storied. I once deleted a website, put a different image on the server, started a new site, reinstalled my browser and the deleted site was still up! and not only that, people were sending me messages and a few even placed orders and I was getting google analytics data. Went for a good two weeks like that.

    Some say when you clone some deprecated private interface without first declaring it … bad stuff happens. Dunno what but I read that after doing that they never find their glasses , ever again. Some of these people haven’t left the parent’s basement in years. Sun would kill them, on the spot, so I believe them. A real puzzle of an enigma..

    You do know you still have that css file that’s encrypted and is enqueued on your installation that I said should be removed a week or more ago, right? Its gone, but its being enqueued somewhere out there. Please remove it from enqueue_style function somewhere on your site.

    Take a look here

    You see all those numbers on the left? That is the number of times the css code for color white can be found in each of your css files right now. That’s a dozen or three selectors with white color, and there are more with #fffffff and white and 255 255 255…. So this isn’t exactly a proper WordPress haunting like that time Booger McGinsky went into the code repository and never came out!

    :) It’s midnight sunday!



    in reply to: Header Border (bottom) #121320


    Try this. I took the image you provided , cut a piece off and you can use it. Now you can get the effects just the way you want them with any paint program. You can ask someone else on here or get a freelancer if you are determined to have a css only solution.

    background: rgb(221, 221, 221) url("") bottom left repeat-x scroll;

    The code I gave you before would work with Ismael’s css since I tested it on your site as I did this one so it accounts for whatever css is already there. The trick is to figure out if it goes before or after Ismael’s css (i added it to your css/custom.css file while testing it)



    in reply to: Rogue Color Layer #122430


    This CSS will fix the testimonials on live site that are jumping since one a little shorter, the code will hold their heights so that annoying jump of the page as the testimonial box resizes goes away

    .avia-slider-testimonials .avia-testimonial-content, .avia-slider-testimonials .avia-testimonial-content p:last-child  {
    height: 179px;



    in reply to: the pages don't show up properly on internet explorer #120146


    Oh I read about VMI a long while ago, can’t remember what. Oh yeh, Thailand army has a lot of officers who are graduates from your school. Read it on flight to Bangkok and … But I digress.

    There’s something off on the site. I can’t put my finger on it, seems to be a delay somewhere as I am jumping between media queries, the mobile menu is just a tad slow than normal, and some things are not as smooth and stretchy (this is on Chrome) though visitors won’t notice that since they are in the same screen size, it’s unusual and may be part of the issues that show up on earlier IEs but are managed on Chrome.

    You have some errors

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

    Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a frame with origin "". Protocols, domains, and ports must match.

    Second is Chrome nonsense error but first should be fixed. That’s a file for the fontello glyphs/fonts that create the icons in the theme its IE9+ . You probably don’t have the correct mime type in your .htaccess file for .woff file i would guess …

    You are running on IIS 7.5/2008 Server have 128meg wp/ram . Should be ok

    ===== <– this is how i am seeing this page through ie8 and xp (emulated). if you see it any differently can you post a screenshot like this? Well besides the two run on videos, a few missing backgrounds. missing toggles, and of course that 3d campus tour, website background, thingy below the menu,

    Your videos are messed up on Chrome even because the first one (push-ups training) is not in the same aspect ratio as the other 3. So it needs to be re-encoded in the same aspect ratios as the other 3, otherwise at best it will have black lines on two sides

    .avia-video iframe, .js_active .avia-iframe-wrap iframe, div .avia-video .avia-iframe-wrap {
    position: relative;
    width: 320px;
    height: 186px;

    try this css at the end of /css/custom.css

    I don’t have an ie8 but i think most of these can be fixed though not sure about the 3d tour, ie8 users are used to shades of grey and error messages just about anywhere they go online, so having complex animation will only confuse and bewilder them.



    in reply to: Header Border (bottom) #121316


    Oh I got you now on 1st point. You want an optical illusion of some kind .. like this site … This is better done to background image. I am not a graphics guy to do this with images or css and in my view that would be outside the scope of the support team. However I will try to to give you code for how i would go about this, because I honestly don’t know how to put a shadow there that would create a 3rd depth effect, If you can show me some website or an image i can try to copy it but inventing stuff like that requires a designer to invent it artistically.

    You probably need something like this (this image to big, but you understand, to create depth

    I made this by adding this css, and if you find an image with right shading to create the effect it would look pretty good.

    .footer_color {
    background: rgb(15, 15, 15) url( center center no-repeat fixed;
    margin-top: -25px;

    Here is different way to go about it


    For your second point, no problem: Just add this to the bottom of your /css/custom.css or to Quick CSS , but to the very end of either one.

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1140px){
    .main_color .container {
    width: 1030px;
    border-top-color: #e1e1e1;
    border-top-style: solid;
    border-top-width: 1px;
    border-bottom-color: #e1e1e1;
    border-bottom-style: solid;
    border-bottom-width: 1px;
    border-top-width: 0px !important;

    .main_color .container {
    width: 100%
    border-top-color: #e1e1e1;
    border-top-style: solid;
    border-top-width: 1px;
    border-bottom-color: #e1e1e1;
    border-bottom-style: solid;
    border-bottom-width: 1px;



    in reply to: Problem with table layout in mobile devices #120524


    Lets take a step back and see how things look if the mobile version of the table looked like the big screen table but just smaller. Please comment out lines 1059-1064 and 959-977 in /css/shortcodes.css (Just add /* at the start of each block, and */ at its end)

    What do you think? or more importantly , how does it look on an iphone or android. On my browser resized it looks like … well,.. yes, a table, with all its parts in correct places.



    in reply to: Translating search #122175


    I took a longer look at this since my localhost experienced the same problem as yours. The problem comes from Dreamweaver (at least mine did). If using Notepad2 you open up the theme files you’ve edited with Dreamweaver, specifically functions-enfold.php, searchform.php and the function-set-avia-backend.php , and in Notepad++ the fifth menu item is Encoding. The file I edited to paste the same word you used for search saved in ansi format. After converting it back to UTF8 (5th menu item), i no longer got that bad character set in the search box.

    If you go to the demo site of the theme and type Russian into the search box there are no problems at all which makes me believe that the problem lies elsewhere since this is the identical theme you and I and the demo site use.

    Open up .htaccess file located at the root of wordpress and add this to its top (if you don’t have that file just create it)

    AddDefaultCharset utf-8
    <IfModule mod_charset.c>
    CharsetSourceEnc utf-8
    CharsetDefault utf-8
    AddCharset utf-8 .atom .css .js .json .rss .vtt .webapp .xml



    in reply to: Translating search #122174


    Those weird characters are not a font. They are Mojibake ( )

    Checking on this. hangon. You are using I think ISO-8859-1 encoding and not UTF-8 or perhaps somewhere the encoding changes because i see page has UTF-8 on it, but whether files were edited and saved in ISO-8859-1 format is another story.

    —-previous issues

    The block of code in my previous answer was to fix contact page and possibly other functionality in the theme and it is working correctly. If you look at source of contact page, ( ) you can see that now form field elements have a russian id but written in english letters. Before the new code, there was nothing there.


    If you want something to show up inside that widget, ( i see it here , but not on the other website) you need to create blog posts (not pages) That box displays only from posts. Also I don’t see any comments on your website so there is no data to display.

    To remove it.add this css to your website /css/custom.css file .widget.avia_combo_widget, .entry-content h3 {
    display: none;


    What makes you believe Dreamweaver is that dependable? Most developers dislike it (I use it though, too comfortable with it).



    in reply to: Header Border (bottom) #121314


    Terribly sorry for the delay, my mistake.

    I looked at your images but they really don’t tell me what code to manipulate. Instead lets take a look at the theme demo site (your site would be een better since otherwise I would have to rebuild your entire site and with this theme there is always more than one way to make something.

    It looks like you are showing the border of the main content area with the header area on top and with the footer area on the bottom. And the last image shows a fatter bottom border. Alright. So you want

    1) bottom line to be lighter OR have a drop shadow that comes on top of the footer in order to put footer in back. I can make the line any color you want but as to whether the effect you are looking for is achieved I don’t know (since I am not sure what you are trying to do, sorry)

    #top .footer_color {
    border-color: rgba(234, 234, 241, 0.56);

    Please take a look at the css above (add to /css/custom.css) to lighten bottom line. If you want it lighter, change the .56 lower as 0 is completely transparent and 1 is fully visible.

    2) There really is no way to shorten the line under the header since its the header border that runs all the way across on top and below. It can be removed and in its place could be placed something else , a smaller container for instance whose width can be controlled, but no way to make only a portion of the header bottom border visible, and mask the rest without introducing extra elements.

    3) You wrote ‘I want the footer to stretch across all the way but the line shortens for the header border.’

    #top .header_color {
    border-color: rgba(255, 10, 10, 0);



    in reply to: Translating search #122172


    Please follow the directions in this post to make the theme compatible with Russian language. Otherwise you will have issues all over the place.

    Please read this post in order to find any string you want within the theme in seconds (that is how we do it).

    See first if making the theme compatible with cyrillic will take care of the font issue, which it should, if not we will deal with it. Please let us know.



    in reply to: Thumbs looks strange #121497


    Most of your images are still 600×600 being shrunk with css to 257×257. (this time first image is at correct size) You on a shared host? Low WordPress memory allocation probably. Just re-upload the images manually, it will take 15mins. Regeneration is tricky business , seems to be working less reliably lately. The theme has been made with rectangular thumbnails in mind, so something isn’t happy. Please update the theme because with so many css changes, anything i give you would become invalid after the update.


    If you did not make customization to theme template files then essentially yes. If you modified the template files, you will need to port the modified code from the old to the new theme. I usually use app (free) to compar the entire old theme folder to new theme folder and then can see line by line the differences in case i forget.

    1) download zip from

    2) unzip and take out the second zip

    3) unzip the second zip (called enfold) on your home computer

    4) rename folder to enfold-new (for example)

    5) using FTP connect to your website. and upload enfold-new next to the enfold theme folder currently running on your site

    6) rename the enfold theme folder to enfold-old and rename enfold-new to enfold.

    Sounds harder than it is, but this is the fastest and most painless way to do it with very little chance of a screwup.



    in reply to: Problem with table layout in mobile devices #120521


    I think I found the solution at least for when i do this on my local install.

    Please add this css to your /css/custom.css file

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px){
    .responsive .avia-data-table .avia-button-row, .responsive .avia-data-table tr:first-child th {
    display: block !important;

    When you create your table, you leave the first column as default , but instead switch it to center text column,so that all your columns have the same label. The rows you can leave as is. … Because your column is default, the css class is not showing up in the table code.

    **Please remove your cache plugin while developing or you will wind up going crazy from never seeing any of your edits until the cache expires.



    in reply to: Custom CSS and Text/font size #121981


    You are going about it all wrong. What you need to do is install Chrome Developer Tools. This is what we use to modify CSS live. Easy to use and no need to know much css even. Take a look at the videos and in 15 minutes you will solve your problem. and

    To create a child theme. Just use this plugin, and then look at the files the plugin made, compare them to yours and you will see where the problem was

    CSS is based on 2 concepts specificity and cascade. a naked h1 tag has little specificity and chances are (100%) that after your h1 tags , the theme’s original h1 tag definitions will come later in the cascade and will override your h1 tags since in a child theme they will be the very first css processed in the cascade.



    No problem! Enjoy the theme!



    in reply to: Lightbox on preview images… #121358

    Thanks and enjoy the theme. If you run into problems we are always here.

    Good luck,


    in reply to: Slider Thumbnails #119335


    Sorry for the delay. Trying to recreate what I made before. Please hang on a bit longer, I will look if update changed something and ask Kriesi for guidance if unable to find any changes.

    So far these are the only thumbnails I was able to display



    in reply to: IconBox does not appear in Opera. #120886


    Unfortunately I don’t have XP and haven’t used IE8 in long while. Will try to set up something and take a look. Can you post some screen grabs on or elsewhere showing how a page looks?



    in reply to: Thumbs looks strange #121495


    Please update your theme, a big update just came out to v1.5 with lots of improvements.


    You need to change ”portfolio_small” size , that’s the one for the portfolio thumbnails to 257×257 (i accidently put 300×300) Also notice i clicked the button on there to make it change to blue color ‘Show in post insertion’ .. to the right and on the same line as portfolio_small.

    Try regenerating again on the bottom, and so it doesnt take forever, deselect all the various image locations and then select only the portfolio_small , and do the same for the post type portfolio items ( see image: )

    If 1st image doesnt regenerate, just delete it and reupload it again .



    in reply to: Lightbox on preview images… #121356


    Ya that’s the problem. Apple for some reason discontinued Safari for Windows a year ago, making it difficult to see what’s going on. If this issue is not a major discomfort, please hang on till i get a chance to see it on an Apple device since on Windows i don’t see any blinking on any browser (



    in reply to: Fixed background image and flexislider bug in chrome #118052


    I will go to the rest of you one at a time, if you left a url , but feel free to add this code and see if it improved the situation.


    the 3rd block of css will fix your issue. You can add all 3 since they all stop flickering in other areas.

    @frankwelschle the code below fixes you too as far as i can tell. i can see the violin pieces as i scroll with the css below added to your page (please optimize the big image).


    everything looks fine to me , without the code below or with code below, i didn’t see anything blinking in chrome on windows, but since the area is the same , please try the code below and see if it makes a difference.


    Please try this css in /css/custom.css

    z-index: 0;
    #socket {
    margin-top: 0px;
    z-index: 0;
    .main_color {
    position: inherit;



    in reply to: Lightbox on preview images… #121354


    Yeh but I might as well fix it now, since I think someone else was having similar issues. Take a look at this

    Is the part where the menu and logo are located supposed to be like that ? the background i mean. Can you post a snapshot what you consider correct, when logo becomes small?

    Please see if this does anything

    .avia_textblock, .avia-icon-list, .avia-button, .avia-testimonial, .iconbox, .avia_message_box, .avia-team-member, .widget, .post, .team-img-container img, .team-social, .iconlist_icon, .fallback-post-type-icon, .fullsize .related_posts, .grid-image, .avia-caption-content, .avia-caption-title, .entry-content {
    -webkit-backface-visibility: visible !important;




    Please try adding this

    z-index: 0;
    #socket {
    margin-top: 0px;
    z-index: 0;



    in reply to: Lightbox on preview images… #121352


    I think I found the problem. Please add this

    z-index: 0;
    #socket {
    margin-top: 0px;
    z-index: 0;

    If this same behavior happens elsewhere, please let us know. I tested on Chrome on Windows 7, and flashing on hover goes away.



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