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Hi Basilis, i replaced the 1920×1080 image with a 1280X720: Better but still to big. It looks ok on a mobile but on my pc screen it looks a bit crappy. When i resize the IE11 screen <767 its responsiveness makes it bigger and then it looks perfect.
This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by
Thanks Elliott for the advise!
Hi Elliott! No compatibility view and 100% in IE11 in 1920X1080. Screenshot:
October 27, 2015 at 7:34 pm in reply to: How to adjust Blog posts grid 3 column to 2 column layout for category and tag? #525761Thanks Ismael!! Modified tag.php and archive.php and solved the issue!
Thank you Dbarta but i’m allready using that option but did not fix the problem. I tried:
#infotips .container { width: 100% !important; max-width: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; }
But that didn’t help either. I’m still hoping for some repsonsiveness like this and that!! Thank you so much!
Is this why the scroll down Arrow is not working in parallax mode?
But, a more responsive parallax color bg is possible i guess. Example:
There is nothing left then to make the color bg at this page set to fixed on a mobile screen. Can you help me out please?
I use the following code and it works in IE11 but not in the latest Firefox and not in Chrome. The page starts with an emty gray peace and as soon as you scroll down it looks strange. (problem only below 767):<style type = “text/css”>
.container .content { padding-bottom: 0px !important; }
.main_color {
background-position: top !important;
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
.av_one_third {
width: 33% !important;
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
.av-parallax {
background-size: cover !important;
background-attachment: fixed !important;
background-position: center center !important;
background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
-webkit-background-size: cover !important;
-moz-background-size: cover !important;
-o-background-size: cover !important;
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by
Hi Debenm,
I’m having the same issue ( Did you fix it? Any tips would be very welcome!
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by
The background in this example with parallax option enabled is not responsive: As soon as i change the option from Parallax to fixed or scroll its responsive. I would expect the same output from the color background with Parallax as the output with scroll option and with Fixed option. Long story short:
A) Color background with parallax: not responsive on pc and not responsive on a mobile + scroll down Arrow does not work on a mobile. (this is the problem i’m talking about)
B) Color background with fixed background: responsive and the scroll down arrow works on a mobile. Works nice, no problem here.
C) Color background with scroll background: responsive and the scroll down arrow works on a mobile. Works nice, no problem here.
1. Why is there difference in scaling/responsiveness between A and B+C?
2. Why is the scroll down Arrow not working in parallax mode?Hi Ismael!
As soon as parallax is enabled and i test the website on a mobile, nothing is scaled. the image stays at 1920 so i can see a little bit of the background. When i test it on Internet Explorer or Firefox or Chrome on a pc and make the window size smaller, the background reacts a little up and down but there is no scaling at all. As soon as i try all the same tests with the scroll option or the fixed option instead of the parallax option, the scaling/responsiveness is (not perfect but) there! Why is there a difference in scaling between these options? Please try a colored background with scrolling or fixed and a page with the parallax option and you will see the difference.
This url is responsive: It immediately reacts to the scaling of the page without distortion. This one does not.
And why does the scroll down button doesn’t work on a mobile when parallax is enabled?Hi Josue! The screecast url doesn’t work. The problem is in the parallax option. As soon as that option is active in the color background, there is no repsonsiveness at all. With the scroll option active its a bit more responsive but not complete. And with the parallax option the scroll down Arrow doesn’t work on a mobile. And on a pc, there is no scaling whatsoever on the background image when parallax mode is active.
I installed the update V3.1.1 and then 3.1.2 and cleared the cache on all the browsers on my HTC m8 and my pc. There is no difference. The background doesn’t scale/isn’t responsive on the pc and phone. Please check out on a mobile and on a pc. And the scroll down Arrow is vissable on the Phone but doesn’t respond with colored background in parallax modus.
Opened the file AVIA.JS in Adobe Dreamweaver and changed line 88 from
$(‘a[href*=#]’, container).avia_smoothscroll(container);
to Josue’s mod
$(‘a[href*=#]’, container).not(‘.wpts_li_a’).avia_smoothscroll(container);
Adobe gives me a script error. Then i noticed the typo in the mod. $(‘a[href*=#]’ and should be $(‘a[href*=#]’. The last character. You have to look very good to notice the difference. (at least i do) Uploaded the file. Problem solved!!!
You guys are unbelievable wizards… Thanks!Hi Josue, i just did. The mod on line 88 in avia.js is active.
February 24, 2015 at 9:02 am in reply to: Icon Alignment on Mobile | Change from vertical to Horizontal #401217I had the same problem. 3 icons horizontal on a pc appeared vertically on a mobile. I do not understand why they are displayed vertically on a mobile, thats not responsive i guess. But i solved it with Yigit’s solution.
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
.av_one_third {
width: 32% !important;
Thanks again!Hi Josue, yes it works but it disables the smooth scrolling and scroll back to top icon. I would like a combination of smooth scrolling and my tabs.
Check this picture please : I would like the smooth scrolling to be active on the green selection of anchors but not on the red selection.Hi Rikard! Yes. I have a div container on top of the color section, a box with text and this code is an improvement of the bg image scaling.
Hi Josue!
As soon as i add this line i get a script error in Adobe Dreamweaver. Should i ignore it?Thanks Andy!
Hey Günter, it works!!! Now i have the social toolbar on every page i like with the background i choose.
Thank you!Hi Elliot! Thanks for the help, i found it. Its the Easy Media Gallery V1.2.93. I deactivated it for now but do you have any tips how to fix this?
Thank you guys!! Works like a charm!
Hi Josue,
Thanks but is it possible to apply a media querie to one page instead of all the pages? and if so, how can i accomplish this?the following querie applies to all the pages.
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
.responsive #top #wrap_all .flex_column {
width: 48%;
margin-left: 4px;
margin-right: 4px;
}Thanks Josue!! I removed the option with 2x 1/4 displayed on a mobile. But there is one page where i would like display 2x 1/4:
The following css did the job.
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
.responsive #top #wrap_all .flex_column {
width: 48%;
margin-left: 4px;
margin-right: 4px;
How can i apply this on just one page only on a mobile in landscape modus.(not in landscape)?
re: 2. In the socket i have a text displayed: “shortcode not loaded”. How can i remove this?
Here is an example with this socket text.
Its the same page where i would like to display 2x 1/4 out of 4 on a mobile in landscape modus.(not in landscape)YES thats it!!!! And a nice solution for padding on other pages! Perfect Elliot. And thanks Flikk for engaging!
Hi Elliot,
That doesn’t help. It inherits 50px padding-top and 50px padding-bottom from .content, .sidebar. If your solution with that custom separator would overrule those 50px’s that would be great. I would like to adjust the padding ( 50px top and 50px bottom) but only on this page. I don’t want the padding to be adjusted on the homepage.Thank you so much!
This reply has been marked as private.Thanks for your solution. I added a left and right margin because without it the content is stuck to each other and doesn’t look ok.
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
.responsive #top #wrap_all .flex_column {
width: 47%; margin: 0px 4px
On the left and right there is a lot of white unused space. I really would like to adjust the inner/center space instead of the left and right. Is that possible? Try the first link fromt he previous post on a mobile Phone to see what i mean.
Another question, after i insert an iconbox and a line below it, i see a lot of white space between this and the next item: <entry-footer>
How do i remove the entry-footer? -
This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by