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  • in reply to: Cookie tab content to translatable #1265796

    Hi Ismael,

    In the meantime I found out that using line breaks and other html code like in the tab content did cause the translation issues for the cookie modal popup window. Once I deleted all that it worked following your suggestion.

    Can you flag this topic as solved please?

    Thanks & best regards,

    in reply to: Cookie tab content to translatable #1249995

    Hi Ismael,

    No, there is no other login url.
    Did you notice the Private Data field in my previous message?

    Please advise.


    in reply to: Cookie tab content to translatable #1249285

    Hi Ismael,

    There is no other login url than the one I gave you. I tried to login with the details I gave you and was able to login.

    I checked to make sure that the css selector corresponds to the class attribute of the element that has to be hidden. That was the case. The strange thing is that it does work for the Button Tooltip and for the Tab Label bit not for the Tab Content. If you check the site in EN and NL you can see that the first tab

    <span class="nl-cookie">Ja wij gebruiken cookies!</span> <span class="eng-cookie">Yes we use cookies!</span>

    is showing the correct label, however the content is shown in both NL and EN (I will shortly leave it there for you to verify.

    Please advise.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: critical error on single portfolio pages after updates #1248228

    Hi Ismael,

    Now I have a delay as well ;-)

    Thanks for the info and your help!

    Can you flag this topic as solved please?

    Best regards,

    Thanks Rikard for your help so far!

    I would be pleased if it is possible to receive new code to exclude the current portfolio from “more portfolio / also interesting”.

    Best regards,

    Hi Rikard,

    Thank you for your reply. I followed your suggestion and it seems that a portfolio related function (not really surprising uh…) causes the issue.

    Each portfolio has a section at the bottom showing other portfolio items. To exclude the current portfolio I added a piece of code that must have come from your support:

    // Portfolio Grid Single Query - actieve portfolio item uitsluiten 
    add_filter( 'avia_post_grid_query', 'avia_portfolio_query', 10, 2);
    function avia_portfolio_query( $query, $params ) {
    	if(is_single()) {
    		$id = get_the_ID();
    		if(avia_post_grid::$grid == 0) $query['post__not_in'] = array($id);
        return $query;	

    Obviously that is quite a long time ago and perhaps the code for portfolio in Enfold has changed in the meantime so that this functional code doesn’t do the job any longer? Can you help me to update this code or provide me with new code that will work to achieve this?

    Because I have other customers using portfolio as well and they most probably are using the same code I am sure I will encounter this issue at more websites once I am going to update them.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: critical error on single portfolio pages after updates #1232553

    Hi Rikard,

    Ok, I wasn’t aware of this but iThemes Security obviously blocked the editor. You now have access to the editor.

    If you prefere I can still give you ftp login details.

    For now I will leave it to you, but just for my information: can I switch between parent theme and child theme without loosing all settings? I did that once in the beginning that I worked with Enfold and had to start all over again. I know I can make a backup of the Child Theme’s settings but at the time I did that, that wasn’t the case I believe. That’s why I never dared to do that again…

    Looking forward to your further info.

    Best regards,

    Hi Rikard,

    Sorry, I didn’t mean to annoy you!

    It is very strange that you don’t see the problem on a local installation. Both my client and I see this error from different locations, pc’s and devices.

    I am not sure if I understand exactly what you mean by ” the editor is not active”. You should have full access to all there is in the installation, including the Enfold Child settings. The portfolio within WordPress dashboard is called “werken”, if that helps.

    Yes, you can test by deactivating plugins. I will tell my client to not work on the website until we hear from you.

    Thanks & regards,

    Hi Rikard,

    Sorry, my mistake, you should be able to see everything now.

    I deactivated all plugins. First all together at once and thereafter one by one. Because I noticed a small difference in the page when I activated and de-activated Really Simple SSL plugin, I contacted them. They confirmed me the critical error is being caused by the portfolio of the theme.

    With all other plugins I didn’t see any difference.

    Please let me know.


    Thank you Rikard.

    Please find login detail below.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Monique.
    in reply to: How to set up a page like your demo Minimal Photography #1201540


    Hope you are all well and healthy?

    Just cleaning up my ‘mess’. Can you please flag this topic as closed?

    Thanks & best regards,

    in reply to: YouTube nocookie links #1201539


    Hope you are all well and healthy?

    Cleaning up my ‘old mess’…

    Meanwhile I understand the even for youtube-nocookies embeds cookies are being used :-p. So when using You Tube video’s you’ll anyway have to include them in the cookie settings to be loaded only after visitor’s consent (at least for The Netherlands).

    So we have to live with it. Or choose Vimeo like Guenni007 is more or less suggesting ;-)

    Can you please flag this topic as closed?

    Thanks & best regards,


    Hope you are all well and healthy?

    Just cleaning up my ‘mess’. I noticed this error message occurred on various sites but only once after a specific WP update (WP 5.2 in fact). Thereafter it didn’t occur anymore.

    Can you please flag this topic as closed?

    Thanks & best regards,


    Hope you are all well and healthy?

    Just cleaning up my ‘mess’. For various reasons this topic is no longer applicable.

    Can you please flag this topic as closed?

    Thanks & best regards,

    in reply to: Uncertainty about the size of uploaded images #1201534


    Hope you are all well and healthy?

    Just cleaning up my ‘mess’. Can you please flag this topic as closed?

    Thanks & best regards,

    in reply to: How to set up a page like your demo Minimal Photography #1143355

    Hi Rikard,


    If I understand correctly you are using here a so-called “Perfect Manual Masonry: Manually control the height and width of entries by adding either a “landscape” or “portrait” tag when creating the entry. Elements with no such tag use a fixed default size, elements with both tags will display extra large”. Is that correct?

    Is it possible to create/achieve the same, but not having to create/use portfolio items but just images with light box when you click on an image?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: How to set up a page like your demo Minimal Photography #1139070

    Hi Rikard,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I added the debug mode to my child’s functions.php and can see the [code] field under the Advanced Layout Builder as well as an extra field Enfold Shortcode Parser with three options.

    Can you please send me the corresponding shortcode?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: WordPress sends message about technical problem with Enfold #1136705

    Hi Mike,

    See your reply #1106884. It took me a while to reply.

    I just updated my site to the latest versions (WP 5.2.3, Enfold 4.6.1). I also deleted the ‘issue’ with the “class-breadcrumb.php” in my child theme. Not that this was ‘bothering’ anything, but it was not applicable anymore.

    My site just works fine. So there are no functional problems whatsoever. Not as far as I can see anyway.

    However, after updating I again got an email message from ‘WordPress’ saying that my site has a technical problem:

    Een fout van het type E_COMPILE_ERROR werd veroorzaakt op regelnummer 146 van het bestand /home/u19338p24840/domains/ Foutmelding: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘includes/helper-privacy.php’ (include_path=’.:/opt/alt/php73/usr/share/pear’)

    I am not sure if there is really a problem. But these emails are quite annoying.

    Please advise.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Strange behaviour when loading pages with masonry grid #1126891

    Hi Ismael,

    My client’s site was hacked and caused Enfold files to be corrupted. After a big clean and re-installation of WordPress and Enfold, this issue as well as the issue in topic #1125899 were solved.

    Sorry to have bothered you and thanks for your help.

    Can you please flag this topic as solved?


    Hi Basilis,

    My client’s site was hacked and caused Enfold files to be corrupted. After a big clean and re-installation of WordPress and Enfold, this issue as well as the issue in topic #1122772 were solved.

    Sorry to have bothered you and thanks for your help.

    Can you please flag this topic as solved?


    Hi Sigmund,

    I assume with ‘landing page’ you mean the ‘home page’ of the site? Or in other words, the page which is set in theme options as frontpage? No, that page has no content section with 100% height.

    There is one page (a sort of Work in Progress page) which we use when the site needs major maintenance and which has a content section with 100% height. But that page is only used when necessary and normally has concept status (= now). Further I seriously hope that this doesn’t have an influence on the other (published) pages?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Strange behaviour when loading pages with masonry grid #1125569

    Hi Ismael,

    I’d like to remind you that there are pages with only a few items, Also on these pages it doesn’t work properly. See (1) below.

    I just tried to change one of the pages to pagination with 9 items per page (that should be ok, or?). That doesn’t solve the issue. See (2) below.

    Optimizing images
    My client optimizes all images before she loads them in WordPress. She reduces them in size and quality so that each image stays under max. approx. 100-150KB. Most of the time she is far under.

    What happens when she loads the images in WordPress is that Enfold creates 17 different images for each original images. Most of the images Enfold creates are far bigger than the ones my client uploads. I don’t understand that. See two examples below (3).

    This can’t be right, can it?

    Best regards,

    Thanks you for your reply Ismael!

    I understand what you’re saying. The strange thing is that this also happens with pages that only have a few portfolio items. Will pagination in those cases help? Will it help that much if we would set pagination to 10 items when the page only has three or four items?

    Best regards,

    Hi all,

    Still waiting for this to be solved…

    Please advise.

    Kind regards,

    Hi Mike,

    Please find below.

    Best regards,

    Hi Günter,

    – The folder config-wpml inside the folder enfold has the same permissions (0755) as all other folders. The files inside this folder have the same permissions (0644) as files in other folders.
    – I am not using (a) cashing (plugin).
    – I am always using ftp. I have downloaded the latest version of Enfold now various times to update various website and I have the same problem/message for all websites.
    – I believe I have a new problem which tmo is related to this issue. On one site I want to deactivate Polylang plugin. before updating WP/Enfold/plugins I had a HTTP 550 error. Now I am getting a message “The site is experiencing technical problems. Check the admin e-mail inbox of your website for instructions.” [translated from Dutch]. I haven’t received an e-mail for instructions.

    I suppose it is not the best way (nor most favorable way) if I have to create extra code in functions.php of the parent theme for each website… (maybe over and over again?).

    Please advise.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Monique. Reason: Sorry, this was caused by something else
    in reply to: EU-Cookie-Law guideline compliancy #1103914

    Maybe it is worthwhile trying the following plugin:

    I am going to test it in the next few weeks.

    @cg: I understand that different countries explain ‘the rules’ in a different way :-(

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Monique.
    in reply to: EU-Cookie-Law guideline compliancy #1102976

    Just for all clarity: I didn’t say that Enfold was not compliant. Enfold as such does not load any (personal) cookies.

    When you want to comply with the law and you are using (not anonymized) personal statistical and marketing cookies, you would need to show a cookie banner and give visitors the option to agree (or disagree) with these (not anonymized) personal statistical and marketing cookies BEFORE the scripts are being loaded. Since when the scripts are being loaded before consent, the cookies already have been placed.

    As far as I understand Enfold does not offer this option (loading of scripts only after consent). I asked Enfold support (here above) to confirm this but so far no reply to that.

    There are ways to fully comply with the law by using other systems (ie. plugins) but as far as my investigations go, they will cost you money. For some companies that won’t be an issue, but for several of my clients (ie. foundations) this is an issue though.

    I am curious to know if #cg can give advise on how he uses the theme and wordpress to fully comply with the law!

    Hi Günter,

    Re Can you please check if the file enfold/config-wpml/config.php exists?
    I checked it and the file is there.

    Re If you do not need WPML you can remove enfold\functions.php line 29
    For both mentioned sites we do not need WPML.

    What code can I use in the child theme’s functions.php to remove WPML? I never change core files because the changes will get lost in the next update.

    Thanks & have a nice day,

    in reply to: EU-Cookie-Law guideline compliancy #1101346


    Sorry to interrupt. As far as I know, Enfold’s cookie banner is not yet 100% compliant.The official rule is that not anonymized statistical and marketing cookies may only be loaded after prior consent by the website visitor. I believe this is not the case with Enfold. Can you agree with this Rikard?

    That having said, there seem not to be many options yet (for WP websites) to fully comply with the law, apart from programming yourself… In my search I noticed that all (free) plugin builders that offer a cookie banner warn that they cannot guarantee that your site is GDPR-proof when you use their plugin. Most of these offer a paid version as well, but several of my clients (such as charity foundations) cannot spend extra money again and again on stuff they didn’t ask for…

    The best option (I believe) I found so far is Cookiebot. First you can do a free test which cookies your website in fact uses. Than they offer several plans to comply with the law, depending on the size of your site. They offer a small free version, but I haven’t tried it yet.

    Hope this is helpful for you!

    Best regards,

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