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  • in reply to: Enfold Showcase #116451

    Hi Patrick,

    thanks for liking my site. Let`s see how to deconstruct these features:

    1. NEUGIERIG GEWORDEN is a coloured section, set to alternate content and instead of using a bg color, i set a background image with:

    Background Image Position: Center/center

    Background Repeat: Stretch to fit

    Background Attachment: fixed, added large padding and that´s it. I wanted the boxes to scroll on top of the image.

    2. For the menu i am using the ubermenu plugin, but basically the structure is:

    Item level 1 (triggers the flyout)

    – item level 2 (like KINDERMUSIK or INSTRUMENTE)

    — subitem 1 to level 2

    — subitem 2 to level 2

    — subitem 3 to level 2

    – next item level 2

    Hope, this is of some help for you.

    Cheers, Sebastian.

    in reply to: Enfold Feature Requests #114611


    have to agree with the others: really an outstanding theme with tons of possibilities i am still figuring out to use wisely ;-)

    Since the 1200px layout is available, Enfold got even better. but i was wondering if it possible, to get a moving sidebar, for some of my pages on getting very long and therefore harder to navigate if you have not the submenu/ sidebar at hand. This would be an awesome feature.

    Keep up that great work,


    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #116448


    when i came across Enfold, it made switch our music school`s website from joomla to wordpress, finally. Admittedly, i hesitated for several month to make the change, since i was not that familiar with WP, but Enfold did the job – after two weeks testing time and hopefully an update for the 1200px portfolio grid issue, the site will be online by june. – have fun with it.

    Cheers, Sebastian.

    in reply to: Text Block got uneditable #117214

    Maybe this is of some help:

    Since i could not edit any text block after updating to 1.4, i disabled the active plugins one after another. Nothing changed until it comes to Woocommerce. Disabled it, all of a sudden text editing worked again and even after re-enabling WooCommerce still does. Hopefully this will be the last issue – the portfolio one is still waiting for a solution – to be the pest ;-)

    Have a great weekend, regards,


    in reply to: Update quirkiness #117247


    had the same phenomenon last week, this code did it for me – hope, this is of some help. Not happy with the update too, got some major issues.

    Put this in the custom.css and give it a try:

    #header_main, #header_main_alternate {

    background-color: #fff !important;


    #header {

    position: fixed;

    box-shadow: 0 0 0.5em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);


    #main {

    margin-top: 152px;


    #wrap_all {

    position: absolute;

    width: 100%;

    z-index: 1;




    in reply to: Portfolio pics overlap when using 1200 layout #117090

    Sorry for the huzzle, but i thought, update to 1.4 would solve this issue. But the Portfolio pics remain a little woozie even after the update, see at the bottom “Die Gitarrenlehrer”

    Any ideas about how to get the pics evenly sized?



    in reply to: Define lenght of Post Slider excerpt #116272

    Hi Devin,

    oh yes, i forgot that there is an option button at the top ….

    Thanks for pointing me to the right direction.

    Cheers, Sebastian

    in reply to: "In case you need help " Section Homepage #115432

    Great, thank you Devin. Meanwhile i had figured it out on my own, but your explanation made it perfectly clear.

    Have a nice day,


    in reply to: "In case you need help " Section Homepage #115430

    Okay, installed a local testversion, but i still cannot figure out how the “need help” section from kriesi demo is set up. Your kind help is welcome ;-)

    Cheers, Sebastian

    in reply to: Header Type: Keep Header with social icons fixed #115202

    playing around with the options i found that the header to me looks even better with some shadow like:

    box-shadow: 0 0 0.5em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);

    Regards, Sebastian

    in reply to: strange horizontal rule behavior #115373

    Great to hear! And thanks again for this fine piece of art- and craftmanship, it is pure pleasure working things out with enfold!!!

    Finally a theme that fits our needs.

    Cheers, Sebastian.

    in reply to: Header Type: Keep Header with social icons fixed #115200

    Great, this works perfect. Are there any plans or actual suggestions about the small fixed header WITH social icons? This would be awesome!

    Cheers, Sebastian

Viewing 12 posts - 151 through 162 (of 162 total)