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  • in reply to: footer / socket problem on fullwidth masonry pages #214924

    here is a pic showing the footer & socket section on top of the page I disabled footer and socket for now, since sunday is our visitors peak day.

    footer_socket issue on masonry pages

    It would be great to use both features, full masonry AND footer socket, which actually does work on another page

    Thanks for your help,

    in reply to: footer / socket problem on fullwidth masonry pages #214923

    Hi Ismael,
    thank for you advice. So i have been through the Guitar lessons page at, which consists mainly of color sections stacked on one another, only “coding” it contains are dropcaps in the text, but they are set properly.
    All other sections contains an image and special heading, the contact form and the video player – all enfolds built in Shortcodes, so even a coding dummy like me cannot get tags unclosed ;-)

    To be honest: I have no idea where to look for open tags or divs …

    Cheers, Sebastian,

    in reply to: Position Mega Menu Submenu #214919

    Hi Ismael,
    thanks for your answer, but this did not solve the problem – yet ,-)

    Please see the attached image: the thin orange line (not contained on the site, i just draw the line for demo purposes) marks the upper border of the submenu div. this container should move about 5px downwards to align with the thin grey line, which is supposedly the bottom-border of .header-main?

    Sub Menu Div alignment

    the CSS you mentioned did not show any result, even if i set it to 100px.

    Any other idea?

    Thank you,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by mirzepapa.
    in reply to: Position Mega Menu Submenu #214822

    Hey Yigit,
    thanks for coming back. Not quite:

    There is a thin, lightgrey line underneath the first level menu items. Hovering this, the submenu appears, and its white box overlapps the grey line just by some 3-5px. I would like to the submenu box aligned to the grey line. I do not even know where to make it move anywhere ;-)

    cheers, sebastian

    Hi Devon,
    thank you so much for sharing your work. Unfortunatley it does not work for the musikzentrale website so far. Here is what i have done:

    – disabled custom.css so it does not interfere with the modifications
    – entered this to the Quick CSS field in Enfold -> Styling

    ================================================== */
    #top.home #header_main {
      border: 0;
    .header_color .header_bg {
      background: transparent;
      border: 0;
    /* # Header
    ================================================== */
    #top.home #top .logo {
      left: -4px;
    .header_color .main_menu ul:first-child > li > a {
      color: #fff; 
      font-size: 15px;
    .header_color .avia-menu-fx {
        background: #aabdd3;
        border-color: #aabdd3;
        display: none;
    /* # Home Page Specifics
    ================================================== */
    #top.home #header {
      position: absolute;
      padding-top: 40px;
    /* #slider */
    #top.home #fullscreen_slider_0 {
      padding-top: 128px;
      height: 710px;
      background: #e6e6e6;
      border: 0;

    It moves the header and the intro section down as supposed to and removes the borders, but header is still white and the full screen slider is to far underneath the header. I assume, i missed something in the styling, so any idea is welcome. Otherwise i am excited to read your tutorial on the Full Screen Homepage soon.

    Thanks again,

    in reply to: browsers crash on mobiles (safari & chrome) #169873

    Hi Devin,
    thanks for coming back on my issue. Meanwhile, icons do load and show up, this was cache related for sure. But still, both browsers i do use on iPhone (iOs 7.02) crash after loading approximately two third of the homepage.

    Did not experienced anything like this, site works great on all other devices – iPad, iMac, PC are fine -, but not on smartphones, iPhone and android as well.

    Any ideas what causes this problem?

    in reply to: Features comparison in Tables #166554

    on i used the icon`s shortcode to solve this. For the cross e.g.:

    [av_font_icon color="#999999" icon="115" size="30px" position="center" link="" linktarget="no"]

    Style it with the intended color and size and your done.


    Cheers, Sebastian.

    in reply to: Enfold Feature Requests #166549

    Request: replace the font icons with images

    i have been searching around quite a bit, but did not find an idea so far:
    Is there any way to replace the font icons in three specific icon boxes with three individual images?

    Thanks for your help!

    Cheers, Sebastian.

    in reply to: some font icons missing in Firefox #164240

    … all of sudden, they are back again. Without doing anything.

    in reply to: responsive menu quit working #139570

    Hi Peter,

    great, thank you so much. So i will remove the backup (en)folders and give another shot to the minifier. I would skip it, if it would not do such a great job.

    Thanks for you quick help.

    Have a nice day,


    in reply to: mega menu styling #138678

    Thanks, now i am done with the menu styling.

    Great support.

    in reply to: Mega Menu Alignment #138695

    Hi Josue,

    thanks, that did the trick.

    Redards, Sebastian

    in reply to: mega menu styling #138676

    Hi Josue,

    thanks for that! I adjusted it to my needs now, but there is still one thing i cannot figure out: How to change the little arrow`s color?



    in reply to: Safari does not like 2.1 at all #140884

    Hi Devin,

    sad news, but something we can handle. But the issue with non appearing icons, poor font rendering etc. exists on Chrome, Safari and FF Macs in their most recent version, as my friend and, in meanwhile some others, stated. So any idea what it going wrong? Any workaround imaginable?

    Thanks & regards,


    in reply to: Safari does not like 2.1 at all #140882

    Hi Pat,

    indeed, by far best support ever and up to now, every single problem has been solved. So i am pretty confident that someone will help up us to figure what it is going wrong.

    Tomorrow is another day, so let`s see ;-)

    Cheers, Sebastian.

    in reply to: Safari does not like 2.1 at all #140880

    PS: I am using Safari 5.1.7 on a Windows 7 PC

    in reply to: Safari does not like 2.1 at all #140879

    Hi Devin,

    thanks for checking.

    A friend of mine pointed me to, you will find the error on pages under MUSIKUNTERRICHT –> INSTRUMTENT & GESANG –> pick any. I saw it on a PC with Safari and experienced the same errors.

    My friend just called, telling me, it looks really weird on all browsers on MACs (latest OSX and older ones too, different browser`s generation of Chrome, Safari and Firefox) – no tabs, fuzzy fonts etc. Please see for an impression.

    Would be great to have this fixed. We deal with musicians, unnecessary to mention, that quite a lot of them use macs.

    Thanks for your help,


    in reply to: responsive menu quit working #139567

    Hi Peter,

    i did as adviced (updated to E 2.1 and WP 3.6.1), diabled jQuery Updater, but with no change, the / any mobile menu on iphone is still not visible. It shows up if i resize the browser window to a mobile sice, everything is fine.

    Then i deativated all plugins except the ones mentioned, but without success.

    Any other ideas?

    Thanks & regards,


    in reply to: responsive menu quit working #139564

    Hi Josue,

    thanks for coming back on my issue with the responsive menu. I disabled the jquery updater, but the only effect is the layer stops working, saying there is an old jquery at work. But no responsive menu does not show up anyway.

    Any other idea is welcome, since we do have about 40% mobile visitors, this one is vital.

    Thank you.


    in reply to: Error with contact form #139021

    Hi Ismael,

    hope this is the right link:

    Regards, Sebastian,

    in reply to: Error with contact form #139019

    Hi Yigit,

    thanks for coming back.

    Here are lines 296 to 300:

    ‘ // Allow the uploads to be attached to a post/page

    $post_id = apply_filters( ‘vfb_upload_attach_post’, 0, $form_id );

    // Insert attachment into Media Library and get attachment ID

    $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment( $media_upload, $uploaded_file, $post_id ); ‘

    Since line 298 ist empty, i paste the whole “Handle Attachment” Section, maybe this is of some help to figure out the cause:

    ‘ // Handle attachments

    if ( $field->field_type == ‘file-upload’ ) :

    $value = ( isset( $_FILES[ ‘vfb-‘ . $field->field_id ] ) ) ? $_FILES[ ‘vfb-‘ . $field->field_id ] : ”;

    if ( $value > 0 ) :

    // 25MB is the max size allowed

    $size = apply_filters( ‘vfb_max_file_size’, 25 );

    $max_attach_size = $size * 1048576;

    // Display error if file size has been exceeded

    if ( $value > $max_attach_size )

    wp_die( sprintf( apply_filters( ‘vfb_str_max_file_size’, __( “File size exceeds %dMB. Please decrease the file size and try again.”, ‘visual-form-builder-pro’ ) ), $size ), ”, array( ‘back_link’ => true ) );

    // Options array for the wp_handle_upload function. ‘test_form’ => false

    $upload_overrides = array( ‘test_form’ => false );

    // We need to include the file that runs the wp_handle_upload function

    require_once( ABSPATH . ‘wp-admin/includes/file.php’ );

    // Handle the upload using WP’s wp_handle_upload function. Takes the posted file and an options array

    $uploaded_file = wp_handle_upload( $value, $upload_overrides );

    // If the wp_handle_upload call returned a local path for the image

    if ( isset( $uploaded_file ) ) :

    // Retrieve the file type from the file name. Returns an array with extension and mime type

    $wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype( basename( $uploaded_file ), null );

    // Return the current upload directory location

    $wp_upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();

    $media_upload = array(

    ‘guid’ => $wp_upload_dir . _wp_relative_upload_path( $uploaded_file ),

    ‘post_mime_type’ => $wp_filetype,

    ‘post_title’ => preg_replace( ‘/.[^.]+$/’, ”, basename( $uploaded_file ) ),

    ‘post_content’ => ”,

    ‘post_status’ => ‘inherit’


    // Allow the uploads to be attached to a post/page

    $post_id = apply_filters( ‘vfb_upload_attach_post’, 0, $form_id );

    // Insert attachment into Media Library and get attachment ID

    $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment( $media_upload, $uploaded_file, $post_id );

    // Include the file that runs wp_generate_attachment_metadata()

    require_once( ABSPATH . ‘wp-admin/includes/image.php’ ); ‘

    Thanks for your advice.

    Cheers, Sebastian

    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #116515

    Just wanted to share this:

    It is pure fun to work with enfold, great theme, outstanding support, first class community. Nothing that can`t be done with this combination.

    Thanks guys.

    Cheers, Sebastian.

    in reply to: responsive issues with menus and logo #137548

    Okay, lucky enough, my friend decided to skip the second step. puh!

    So here is what i want to achieve: Regular Menu, regular page up to 1030px, underneath main menu is skipped and the responsive menu appears.

    Here is what i have added so far to get there:

    In avia.js

    // responsive menu function

    function avia_responsive_menu()
    var win = $(window), header = $('.responsive #header');

    if(!header.length) return;

    var menu = header.find('.main_menu ul:eq(0)'),
    first_level_items = menu.find('>li').length,
    bottom_menu = $('html').is('.bottom_nav_header'),
    switchWidth = 1030;

    if(first_level_items > 5 && !bottom_menu)
    switchWidth = 1030;

    In Quick CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1030px) {
    .responsive #header .main_menu ul {
    display: none;

    But still, responsive menu appears a lot earlier, at 1060px (this would be okay, if not) the main menu is still there, below 1024px main menu starts overlapping the logo.

    Sorry for asking that dumb, but i just can`t figure out how to solve this.

    Thanks for your kind help,


    in reply to: responsive concept #135586

    Hi Devin,

    thanks for that, really helpful

    Cheers, Sebastian

    in reply to: Menu overlap on ipad portrait #135536

    Hi Ismael,

    great, thanks for that!

    I have entered as mentioned above to, but here is what happens now:

    resizing the browser window below 1030px both now, the main menu AND the mobile menu, show up. when i go under 1013px in width, the logo vanishes, but still both menus are there, main and mobile. The main menu disappears when i go below ~780px

    here is my setting, anything wrong with that?


    ‘function avia_responsive_menu()


    var win = $(window), header = $(‘.responsive #header’);

    if(!header.length) return;

    var menu = header.find(‘.main_menu ul:eq(0)’),

    first_level_items = menu.find(‘>li’).length,

    bottom_menu = $(‘html’).is(‘.bottom_nav_header’),

    switchWidth = 1024;

    if(first_level_items > 8 && !bottom_menu)


    switchWidth = 1100;




    ‘@media only screen and (max-width: 1100px) and (min-width: 1024px) {

    .responsive .main_menu ul:first-child > li > a {

    padding: 0 8px;

    font-size: 12px;



    Thanks for your help

    Regards, SEbastian.

    PS: I am not really aware of what i am doing with those entries, it is more a guessing thing ;-)

    in reply to: Best practice for update to 3.6 #134262

    I am that much Joomla-spoiled … in this it does matter a lot ,-)

    in reply to: W3 Total Cache breaks Lightbox #134746


    here is a great tutorial on setting up W3TC properly. Works like a charme after i followed these instructions:

    Hope this is of some help,


    in reply to: Best practice for update to 3.6 #134260

    Thanks for the answers. But do I update WordPress or enfold first?



    in reply to: Fonts will not change #132073

    okay, i have added to custom.css

    body {

    color: #444444;

    font: 13px/1.65em;

    font-family: ‘Maven Pro’, ‘HelveticaNeue’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;


    that did the trick for me.

    Not that elegant, but as long as it works, i am fine with this solution.

    Cheers, Sebastian

    in reply to: Fonts will not change #132072

    Hi Ismael,

    thank you so much, now at least the headings look like they are supposed to. But the content looks like some boring Arial still.

    Any idea for the final touch?



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