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Thanks for the reply, unfortunately it doesn’t work.
Whether it is in the css applied to videos or in the actual code it works only for the width and doesn’t hold for the height.Example
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="auto" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>
Using the widget in Enfold doesn’t let you add the inportant ?rel=0 code to a YouTube video and using the iframe code doesn’t let you make it responsive.
JonGetting back to the original question on the thread, it should be noted that if you use the iFrame method above the video will not be responsive.
Is there some CSS that I can add in to used the embed code that allows ?rel=0 while also forcing it to re-size responsively?
The Visual Composer editor allows it but Enfold’s Avia does not.Thanks
Hey Jeff, really nice use of the slider on the header.
If you compress your background image at it goes from 430kb to 180kb, so I would do that for sure.
Also it has a graphic that says, use our online inquire form, but it doesn’t link anywhere. Was confused by that.What plugin did you use for the Nearest To Me and the Chat?
This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by
works perfect, I somehow missed value_verifier_label when I inspected the element.
Thanks a ton
Thanks that did change the color of the title above the captcha, but I was looking to change the color of the text in the formula, example 2 + 1 = ?
The DD / MM / YY in the select a date and other elements changes correctly, however the value for the captcha does not and blends into the background.Thanks again
JonIs there a way to change the Captcha value/question text color?
Even when I change the text colors the color value for this element stays the same (white) and isn’t visible.I tried the code below, but it only changed the answer text color, not the value/question that’s already there
#top .avia_ajax_form .captcha {
color: #000000 !important;
This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by
How did you process/save your background video to be such high quality but a smaller file size?
This issue is also affecting image galleries and masonry grids
November 20, 2015 at 1:08 am in reply to: WooCommerce Icon Showing In Mobile Even With Empty Cart #539297perfect, works great
November 19, 2015 at 10:34 am in reply to: WooCommerce Icon Showing In Mobile Even With Empty Cart #538839Will this only hide the cart icon on mobile when the cart is empty or all the time? Looking to hide it when empty.
November 19, 2015 at 10:26 am in reply to: WooCommerce Icon Showing In Mobile Even With Empty Cart #538836Josue,
Yep, disabled the 3rd party plug-ins and still have the same issue. I noticed it also does in on the Enfold demo pages for the Restarant and Shop which also have Woocommerce.November 12, 2015 at 9:23 pm in reply to: How mp4 videos in lightbox to open and to autoplay? #535089I got this to work fine, but when using it with a YouTube video instead, is there a way to make the video autoplay when opened in the lightbox?
Current link: page:
November 10, 2015 at 11:00 pm in reply to: Remove space between Enfold header & Visual Composer #533733Perfect, works great guys!
For people not familiar, you go to Appearance > Edit then under functions.php add the code provided above on a new line at the bottom of the file and click save. Unless you are using a Child Theme you may need to add it back in each time the them updates, but it is listed as a note at the bottom of the php file for reference. For menu items make sure to enable the CSS field under screen options at the top of the menu page.
Also for people with issues, the sample custom CSS script in the link above that goes in Theme Options > General Styling > Quick CSS works for tablet and mobile because of the 990px break point. Adjust this to 767px for purely mobile only or create additional rules with various break points and unique names depending on what you need.
All my questions on this have been answered.
ThanksNovember 10, 2015 at 8:52 pm in reply to: Remove space between Enfold header & Visual Composer #533667Worked like a charm, I had tried a variation but was missing the .template-page part.
Thanks a ton this make Enfold that much more flexible.Any thought to adding functionality to AVIA to let color sections have a visibility checkbox options for Desktop, Tablet, Mobile like Visual Composer?
You can also embed using an iframe without the API as Google fully allows it. I use it all over my travel website.
Here is some sample code
<iframe src="" width="460" height="490"></iframe>
Works great and is responsive depending on how you use it.Thanks for the heads up on the light box method
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
November 9, 2015 at 7:42 pm in reply to: Remove space between Enfold header & Visual Composer #532852Elliot,
It worked for Laptop and Dekstop but for Tablets and Phones it still has the gap
Jonno problem, I realized by code above wasn’t visible and just changed it for you.
Here is an example of a site I did using Enfold and that simple code as the menu titles. I used text graphics to replace the font, but they can be photos, ect. other method with UberMenu looks like the navigation on my travel website
Both of these methods show the flexibility of Enfold.Yigit thanks a ton, I was messing around with px for some reason instead of of %
For anyone else looking to change their icon box icon size here is my final code
.iconbox_top .iconbox_icon {font-size: 40px !important; height: 60px; width: 60px; line-height: 55px; top: -40px; left: 45%;} .iconbox .iconbox_content .iconbox_content_title { margin: 15px 0 10px 0; } .iconbox_top .iconbox_content { margin-top: 60px; }
Thanks again,
Do you want the images to always be in the navigation or only on mobile?
You can replace the navigation label for a menu item with something like this to switch it from text to an image of your choice
<img src="" />
Are the social icons meant for sharing or links to your social networks?
If they are for links you have make a menu item called Get Social, then add sub tabs for each network.
If they are for sharing you will instead want to use a floating share bar plug in.If you want different stuff on mobile than desktop you may want to try Ubermenu which requires some them customization.
The link above that Elliot posted will let you hire addition support for the menu if needed.-
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
October 14, 2015 at 7:04 am in reply to: Share This Entry: Facebook – Remove author / category / post date #518505Rikard is correct, you can use Yoast for this.
If you are however using a different social sharing plug in for your website you will have to check with the plug in author.
For my popular travel website, which is Enfold, I have have tried 3 social sharing plug ins (Social Warefare, Ultimate Social Share, and Easy Social Share). Enfold worked seamlessly with all three plugins. I have found Easy Social Share to work the best with Enfold for fan counters, side bar sharing widgets, image hover share, and short code sharing and has many options to customize sharing on a site wide and page level manner for Facebook, Twitter, and more. For basic stuff try Yoast.These plugins work not by hiding your data but instead by letting your dictate what title, description, and image are featured when the share happens.
October 14, 2015 at 6:48 am in reply to: Page comments keep showing up in the header with Advanced Layout Editor #518503Elliot,
Thanks, I was able to fix the problem by using a child theme and putting the comments at the bottom of the page loop php.
Was using a 3rd party plug in for Disqus but have it working great on my travel website using Enfold guys, with the new header options in Enfold my original question now takes care of itself with no CSS needed.
Thanks againYigit,
Thanks a ton, I just wasn’t being patient enough.
Flushed the cache and restarted the browser both a few times and it all came back.Thanks again!
Thanks a ton all of those solutions worked, and my client did commit to Enfold.
Had an issue updated Enfold where it hid the Avia editor and had to revert back to the older Enfold, but will open a new thread on that.
Thanks again
@Jlgarcia, the solution that the Enfold staff laid out above has worked great for me with my popular travel website
With any responsive website, a sidebar is going to work best with the boxed layout option instead of the full width. It looks like that’s what you are using already. Keep in mind that even with the solution above you will have to have your sidebar about 20% wider than your ads on the dekstop version to make sure they are not totally cut off when the width gets squeezed.
Biggest question I would have is why are you using that plugin for your side bar ads instead of just pasting code into the sidebar widget?
On another note, the more successful ads sizes range from 300 to 338 pixels wide in a side bar so I’m not sure what you’ll be able to accomplish with 270.Here is a great travel website I am finishing up using Enfold that already has 300,000 monthly visitors!
This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by
awesome, that worked amazing. I was really struggling to find the element ID in Firebug for some reason and this helped a ton.
This reply has been marked as private.The Partner/Logo Element is fairly predominate on the home page, they are the thumbnails of the bugs spanning the entire page that rotate right below the full width slider.
I was able to figure out my space issue, but am still having an issue with the Partner/Logo Element. Everything looks great out of the box but once I add a link to one of the thumbnails it adds a grey background color to the sides. I want to add links to all the thumbnails but do not want it to add the background color.
As an example attached and visible on the site I gave only the “View All Services” thumbnail a link and it has wide great background the other thumbnails do not.
JonHere is my newest website using Enfold for a beauty salon
This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by