Forum Replies Created
November 29, 2017 at 8:47 pm in reply to: Container Problems Using Short Codes With Enfold Editor #883182
Here you go
Correct placement using the standard Adsense code
Error using the same code inside a short code, pushed it above the content.
Doesn’t matter how far down the page it is or if it is inside either a Code element or Text element, still pushes above the content.
This does not happen inside sidebar widgets or in content using Visual Composer as the editor, only happens when I’m using the standard Enfold AVIA editor.
Thanks again for your help,
There is a huge issue with any audio auto play as most of the web browsers will strip it from your website starting in 2018 and it can hurt how your website shows up. That being said always best to not use auto play with any audio anywayhave you tried to upload said video to YouTube then use the Enfold Video Widget?
That would probably be your best bet as upload directly to the site isn’t a best practice and can cause issues.
You can hide related videos with the “hide related videos” plug inWhat is the BNVara thing you used to add videos on the sub pages like this one?
Sorry I assumed you had it uploaded to YouTube especially since this thread was about using the Enfold Video widget with a YouTube video while hiding the related videos that show at the end.
Typically is it is a best practice to not locally host or upload your videos and it works a million times better to upload them to YouTube or Vimeo then embed them into your website. From load time to compression, reliability, ect this is a much better way to do it. You can upload it as “unlisted” if needed so no one can search for it but you can still use the video url to embed into your website or use with the Enfold Video Widget.
Either way the way rules apply that I mentioned where using the 100%/auto size rules with embed code instead of the Video Widget seem to get crazy with Enfold and you lose your ability to really control the height as it wont’s maintain the aspect ratio as the width changes. You can get into more complicated stuff and create a new class for the video container using php in in the back end editor but that gets a little messy.
you might have to just use the Enfold widget for the video then add the “Hide Related Videos” plugin.
The plugin will also strip out the new Cards and End Screens which YouTube replaced Annotations with this last year, but it does work to hide the related videos.Issue with the Enfold video widget is that it is that is still doesn’t allow for Youtubes ?rel=0 code to hide related videos or other options for starting at a certain time ect. Do note that most browsers will disable your your videos if you try to auto play starting in 2018.
The Issue with using YouTubes embed code in a Text/Code widget inside Enfold instead of the Video Widget is that you have no control or the aspect ratio or height as that is stripped out with the them. Setting them to auto or 100% makes a long skinny video that isn’t responsive.
Alternatively you can use the Image widget to with a thumbnail of a video/player that links to the YouTube video with the ?rel=0 code on the end and it opens in a lightbox correctly.
Would be extremely helpful if AVIA inside Enfold both allowed for Youtube’s ?rel=0 markup and also let us as our own custom preview Thumbnail which would help for Lazy Load and gives us more control as you may want your thumbnail to look different on your website than your YouTube Page. Also would let you embed someone else’s public video but have your own thumbnail for it on your website. Other editors that work on Enfold like Visual Composer allow for this but AVIA does not.
November 13, 2017 at 8:41 pm in reply to: WooCommerce Checkout Page Terms and Conditions shown twice #876264Thanks a ton, this code worked for sure.
Had been having the same problem but not until the most recent version of Enfold.
Any fix coming in the next version?add_filter('woocommerce_format_content', 'yanco_remove_inline_terms', 10, 2); function yanco_remove_inline_terms( $apply_filters, $raw_string ) { if( is_checkout() ) { return ''; } return $apply_filters; }
should it go in functions.php?
July 31, 2017 at 12:17 am in reply to: Blog excerpt length in Sidebar & when using Avia Editor #831924Mike,
Thanks, that didn’t seem to work for either issue I am seeing.
Yes Manual Excerpts is what I am using. It is the only way to populate an excerpt when using the Enfold AVIA editor for a post.@laptophobo Thanks Smart Slider 3 looks cool. I use Revolution Slider a lot but it seems that Smart Slider might load a bit faster.
Do you have a link to your site we can see? Didn’t see it above@goldengate415 I think it is because Enfold 4.1.2 restarts the video to pre play mode at the finish instead of allowing related videos to show.
When you are using the lightbox it is bypassing Enfold’s markups inside AVIA and in that case you need to add ?rel=0.
If you want to link it with the light box, add an image and link it to your video with ?rel=0 at the end.Also maybe add from desktop only padding columns to the huge videos as they are taller than the average screen. You want it to be big but also have the whole video fit in the field of view.
@goldengate415 went to your site and it pops up in a light box but does show related videos at the end so it’s not working.
When I put in ?rel=0 at the end of a video url in AVIA’s video widget it breaks the link as it isn’t supported, see suggestions aboveIt does also look like in some cases with my websites Enfold 4.1.2 automatically hides related videos now. So try dropping the ?rel=0, make sure your enfold is up to date, and test again
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
@goldengate415 using the ?rel=0 code doesn’t work when using Enfold’s AVIA Video Widgets, it breaks the link. You have to use the 3rd part plugin “Hide Related Videos” to do this but the downside is that it also strips out the new YouTube End Screen markups which took the place of Annotations earlier this year.
This was the old solution, but the newest Enfold 4.12 automatically hides related videos and the ?rel=0 is not need as it would still break the link.
You can also hide titles, ect when using YouTube’s embed code instead of Enfold Video Widget but the sizing wont be responsive as Enfold doesn’t handle the width 100% markup with keeping the aspect ratio. You would have to use the ?rel=0 if you use the YouTube embed code.
Lastly you could use the ARVE Advanced Responsive Video Embedder which lets you total hide the video element and replace it with a custom thumbnail image. This lets you hide anything you like and enable lazy load. Downside is you are relying on a 3rd party plugin and they charge you each year for updates. The poor man’s solution is to add an image to your page and link it to your YouTube video as WordPress automatically will open it in a lightbox when clicked, not ideal but it works.
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
millertimesites. Reason: old info since part was fixed in recent Enfold release
This doesn’t seem to be working for me using the Avia editor, but does if the post uses the default editor.
I saw that under Screen Options I can enable Excerpt while using the Avia Editor and post text in there but it doesn’t cut it all at whatever amount of charters I set using the code above. It instead post the entire thing in from the Excerpt box.As you know the AVIA editor is way better as I can lay a post how I want better and work in either videos or a gallery way easier.
Ultimately it would be great if the Excerpt could pull right from the AVIA eiditor without having to paste text in a different area, especially when it is the end client doing the post, but I guess a “use as excerpt” option would have to be added to a text block when editing.Either way is there a way to limit the excerpt length automatically when using AVIA like it does with the default editor?
This will help make it way easier plus keep everything looking more even on the main Blog page.
Here is the blog
Right now I just pasted the same text for all 3 posts into the Excerpt editor found under screen options, but this way does not limit the excerpt length.Limiting or setting the excerpt length differently on when using the “Latest New” widget on a sidebar or footer would be nice also.
Where 200-250 charters might work great on the main blog page, on a side bar I imagine a lot of people would want to set that closer to 100.Thanks
JonThanks for the quick response :)
I had tried working it into the files of my child theme but couldn’t get it which is why I briefly went with Ubermenu.
Ultimately would like to share the solution in the forum for other users since it is a nice twist on Enfold with cool possibilities if it works.Current Grid Row I’m using is 5px tall with 5 equal columns with different colored backgrounds and they do not stack on mobile
See Private info.
Did you figure out your UberMenu issues mentioned above yet?
I have it working correctly in 2 different ways with Enfold 4.1.2.The 1st where it just straight up replaces the Enfold Menu/burger with UberMenu using custom helper-main-menu.php
The 2nd where it acts in a secondary sticky location below the Enfold header (logo left, menu right) with the normal Enfold menu showing alternative content on desktop only (hidden on mobile). Example here
You do not have to add anything custom in helper-main-menu.php to do this. Just add your UberMenu via short code in a Grid Row right above your content on each page and do not set it to replace anything in Enfold under the UberMenu settings. Requires the UberMenu sticky extension to be sticky.
To customize the standard Enfold menu you can paste your html code for an image, ect into the field label area of a menu item in a menu menu and set as at Main Enfold Menu. Then hide it on mobile adding the CSS class of only-dt, if you don’t see CSS class you have to enable it in the Screen Options above the menu page of the dashboard. Then you have to add this to your quick css under General Styling@media only screen and (max-width: 990px) { .only-dt { display: none !important; }}
and add this to the bottom of your functions.php preferable in a child theme
and lastly to hide the Enfold Burger Menu on mobile/tablet so only your UberMenu will show you need to add this to your quick CSS
@media only screen and (max-width: 1000px) { .av-burger-menu-main {display: none!important; } #top .av_mobile_menu_tablet .av-main-nav .menu-item { display: none!important; }}
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
millertimesites. Reason: incomplete info
Add the following code and adjust the px to cover the corrected screen sizes or even get ride of the @media wrapper I added.@media only screen and (min-width: 900px) { #advanced_menu_hide { display: none!important; } } @media only screen and (min-width: 900px) { #advanced_menu_toggle { display: none!important; } }
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
I am having the same issue on my website and saw a few other people post this today.
tiny menu tiny showed up with an x after updating to 4.1.1 you for the update on the markup, it appears to be working for me
Patoni, thanks for sharing I am having the same issue.
Was previously using this CSS to set my break point at 1250px and it now hides the new Burger Menu@media only screen and (max-width: 1250px) { nav.main_menu {display:none !important;} #advanced_menu_toggle, #advanced_menu_hide {display:block !important;} }
Thanks Yigit, that helped, but it looks like my old CSS for a custom break point is messing things up. this code to set up a custom breakpoint to the Burger Menu/Toggle of 1250px and now it hides the toggle as it must be tied into the nav.main_menu wrapper instead of the #advanced_menu_toggle
@media only screen and (max-width: 1250px) { nav.main_menu {display:none !important;} #advanced_menu_toggle, #advanced_menu_hide {display:block !important;} }
I also noticed that the Burger Menu when clicked is stuck in the Full Screen setting regardless on what I change it to and I can not X out of it.
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
NICE, That worked great!
Had tried that but used the entire class name instead of just ’email’
I think I’m all good now.Noticed an issue with the only mobile and only desktop classes not working anymore, but will open a new ticket on that.
@media only screen and (max-width: 990px) { .only-dt { display: none !important; }} @media only screen and (min-width: 990px) { .only-mo { display: none !important; }} @media only screen and (max-width: 990px) { .only-desktop { display: none !important; }} @media only screen and (min-width: 990px) { .only-mobile { display: none !important; }}
Thanks again!
In troubleshooting I did delete all of the CSS code except this and still had the issue
@media screen and (max-width: 769px) { #top div .av-dark-form input[type='text'] { border-color: #C59C5F !important; border-width: 1px !important; background-color: #ffffff !important; }}
Still had the issue with the Email field plus the addition of anything with a drop down selector.
The drop down selectors were fixed with the following code, but the email field just wont take the styling, even with all the other CSS cleared out. Is there something goofy maybe with the class “text_input is_email”?#top div .av-dark-form select { border-color: #C59C5F !important; border-width: 1px !important; background-color: #ffffff !important; } #top div .av-dark-form select option { border-color: #C59C5F !important; border-width: 1px !important; background-color: #ffffff !important; }
Thanks, the !important did not appear to fix it.
Have applied and clear both the website and phone browser cache.Rikard,
Saw your screenshot, however, it is an issue on mobile devices (iPhone & Android as well as some iPads), desktop has been fine.
See my screenshots above.Jon
Thanks I had tried that and am still getting the same issue.
It is working for all of the text fields except Email, like the screenshots aboveJon
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
hmm, the website is up and working fine for me
going forward how can we disable the initial map drag on mobile, but still allow for panning and zooming?
Will be really hard to have maps at the tops of pages using Enfold unless dragging is initially locked but panning/zooming can still be enabled.It looks like maps embedded directly from google are automatically locked on mobile until you press on them to active.
Here is an example of a site of mine where I am using the standard Google embed code
You can scroll past it or you can press to “unlock” the map.Disable Map Dragging
Check to disable the users ability to drag the map on mobile devices. This ensures that the user can scroll down the page, even if the map fills the whole viewpoint of the mobile deviceJohn,
Thanks, I didn’t see any code that Andy provided but used you method as follows and it didn’t do the trick
#top div .av-dark-form input[type='text'] @media screen and (max-width: 769px) { border-color: #C59C5F; border-width: 1px !important; background-color: #ffffff !important; }
I had a feeling that mobile width media query wouldn’t work since the Email field is the only one being affected. All of the other Text Input fields on the are following the styling correctly except email. Have used Firebug to look at the source and can’t find way to fix it.
It seems to only affect the Email field which has a class “text_input is_email”.
Issue only on mobile & tablet I believe, desktop is correct on Chrome, Firefox, & Edge.Jon
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by