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  • Regenerating the thumbnails AND the php code to change the optimizing of images fixed the issues.

    Thank you!

    Let me ask this, Is there a way to change the container size and what will that impact in a negative way?


    PS – Or is there a better option such as a slider with thumbnails?

    This is a major problem then. Most of my clients are photographers and they will have both Portrait and Landscape oriented images, myself included.

    Small images of 1031 on a 27″ monitor (what most editors use) just won’t market artists properly. I tried your above code, not helping.

    Any other suggestions? The gallery options included in enfold is a very large part of its attraction.


    I was having the same issue and using this code almost works. The problem is that it doesn’t take into consideration the portrait oriented images. Its fine for landscape orientation, but not portrait. This is in Lightbox mode only.

    And example of the issue can be seen here:

    Is there additional CSS to accommodate?

    More infö in Private Content

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Update problem #1084143

    @marko7 – if you upload the unzipped Enfold folder to the wp-content/themes/ directory it should show when you go into appearance themes. If you already have a folder there named enfold and have enfold already selected as the used theme, rename it to enfold.old. This will bring the site down but only while the folder is uploading. Once uploaded the site should return to normal, as long as you are using a child theme.

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1074901


    Where ever you are, if I am ever there I am going to buy you many beers!

    I am kind of stuck with GoDaddy for now. I will deal. Clean Talk just this morning added a new PHP Offsite Error logging. I am going to check that out. It also has a firewall that I haven’t been using, so…

    Thanks again!

    If you ever come to Philadelphia USA, beer is on me!


    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1074367

    GoDaddy was not helpful. Their answer is that there are too many images. I am a photographer by trade so, obviously. They said spend money, upgrade to a plan with no limits. I am thinking it may be SPAM bots as my spam firewall (CleanTalk plugin) is getting about 350 attempts a week. I have seen as many as 1200 in a week, mostly from Russia.

    I don’t know about REST API calls but I can spend the day learning!

    Thanks for all your help!

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1074078


    It seems that something is fixed and something isn’t. There are no more error logs being created so that is the good news.

    The bad news is that I am still getting IO spikes and GoDaddy is still biting the site as being “limited in the last 24 hours”. I am not even sure this is still an Enfold issue as without some type of error log I am at a loss on how to track it down.

    Some details in Private Content.

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1071095

    I have review the log files, or should I say lack there of. I am still getting I/O spikes of some kind but they are minimal. Not sure they are even related without some type of log. No fatal error means no real log entry so…

    I also updated one site to WP 5.1 for overnight observation.

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1070371

    Done. I will let you know how it goes. Have a beer on me this weekend!

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1070324

    Got it. Just an FYI it is only happening on the one site if that helps.

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1069943


    The one site you have been working on directly (Private Content) is the only one sill returning errors, the rest of the sites seem to have calmed down. The error though looks more like code than an error though. Below is the most recent entry in the error log.

    Your thoughts?


    Error Code:

    20/02/2019 13:51:59: shortcode_handler_prepare – $meta[index] not set for av_masonry_gallery
    SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]: /wp-json/wp/v2/posts/
    shortcode_index: 10
    Ajax: No Ajax Request
    REST: REST Request
    fake: 1
    [el_class] => avia-builder-el-10
    [index] => 10
    [this] => Array

    [siblings] => Array
    [next] => Array

    [prev] => Array



    [el_class] =>
    [custom_markup] =>

    [0] => Array
    [tag] => av_one_full
    [content] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [tag] => av_heading
    [content] => Array

    [index] => 1


    [index] => 0

    [1] => Array
    [tag] => av_one_third
    [content] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [tag] => av_textblock
    [content] => Array

    [index] => 3


    [index] => 2

    [2] => Array
    [tag] => av_two_third
    [content] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [tag] => av_image
    [content] => Array

    [index] => 5


    [index] => 4

    [3] => Array
    [tag] => av_one_fifth
    [content] => Array

    [index] => 6

    [4] => Array
    [tag] => av_three_fifth
    [content] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [tag] => av_contact
    [content] => Array

    [index] => 8


    [index] => 7

    [5] => Array
    [tag] => av_one_fifth
    [content] => Array

    [index] => 9


    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1068477

    Got it. I will update them now.

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1068387

    Hu Gunter,

    OK you lost me. All sites are running 4.5.4 so is that what you’re thinking when you say, “If you want you can update your other sites with [latest version of Enfold including the latest fixes to the avia_logfile directory.]” or should I be copying the avia_logfile directory and pasting that into the other sites?


    PS – Just a humorous note, it has taken me until this post before my computer learned that your name does not have an “h” in it! LOL All notes above that say Gunther, I blame Apple’s auto correct. ;-)

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1067918

    OK I did something wrong. The site you updated, no new errors. the sites I updated, still have issues.

    See Private Content

    What did I do wrong?

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1067852

    Hi Gunter,

    I updated all sites with the files provided and I have disabled WP-debug on all sites previously. The only error logging is the coded ones you provided. I will monitor those for a day or two to see what happens before reloading to the original shortcode-template.class.php.

    I didn’t get to this until 12:54 GMT because when you first posted I was literally walking out the door. Sorry for the delays.

    It was my pleasure to help get this fixed. I enjoy the collaboration! Anytime you want to look at something or test something on these site just let me know, I will create a backup and get you the accesses you want/need. Being the owner of 30 licenses of Enfold kind of gives me a vested interest! LOL

    I will let you know what the final verdict is Monday morning my time. I am GMT -5.

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1067523

    What I had been doing was using the classic plugin and disabling it in the theme. The reasoning was that, this was the setup when we were getting the fatal errors. I have now disabled the classic editor plugin and rest Enfold to use the classic editor. (Does anyone besides WP like the block editor?)

    Part of the issue there also was that in 4.5.2 or 4.5.3 the screen options were not there for the enfold classic editor but they were for the plugin version. That has since been fixed/changed in 4.5.4.

    On the site a raw text file is showing under the Avia Builder sections. This does not show on any of the other sites. Is this part of your code?

    On the ALB Debugging, again, not within my knowledge range. Don’t know how to find it let alone use it!

    More in Private Content

    I appreciate all you’re doing here!

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1067503

    I was not working on the sites at all so not so, no clue.

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1067480

    see Privet Content

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1067478

    Well, it seems you have found an issue if not the issue. We have error logs for all except BoudoirPhilly MADomains, the site in the route folder has the least amount of errors, then MichaelAlbany (the oldest site and the one with the most migrations), the Red-Curve the newest site and the only ecommerce site is by far the largest error log.

    In short the errors seem to be the same. All start as:

    [time] shortcode_handler_prepare – $meta[index] not set for [item]

    Items range from av_button and av_contact on MADomains (3 lines total), to av_masonry_gallery, av_one_full, av_heading, av_heading, av_one_third, av_textblock, and more on On Red Curve they seem to be more limited to av_tab_container, av_heading, and av_hr, in that order.

    I have downloaded the log files but left them there as well if you wanted to grab copies. I can email them too if you’d like. just let me know where to send them. (see Private Content)

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1067085

    They are fine. Just don’t remember seeing them there. No big deal. I will leave them as I may use them someday.

    I will let you know wha the log files say once we hit 24+ hours.

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1067010

    In backing up each file I noticed that the shortcode-template.class.php is the same size (35061) for all files in the public-html folder but the one in the route is smaller at 34,604. I assume that is because of the location? Thought you should know that.

    I have now updated all the files on all 4 sites including boudoirphilly, with the new code provided. I assume that is why you posted twice is because you updated the file to include the code required. If you still need to edit anything, feel free.

    Now to watch and see…

    I appreciate your help on all of this. If I ever get back to Europe I owe you a beer.

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1066667

    I wasn’t even thinking and I just updated michael and boudoirphilly to 4.5.4. Should i restore them or should I also update and

    I was working on a client’s site and didn’t even think about it.

    Sorry. Let me know what to do.

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1066586

    Yeah, we are passed my knowledge and comfort level. I did what I thought you instructed and the slider on the first site’s home disappeared. Rather than do this on all 4 sites I did it to just that resides in the home directory.

    I restored the backed up shortcode-template.class.php and all is back to normal. I didn’t want to go through and repeat the same actions for all 4 .com sites so i stopped there.

    More in Private Content

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1064835


    I keep seeing spikes in the I/O area of those charts I linked to. So I set up log after log to try and figure out what is causing it. They kept coming back blank. The reason is that they are not generating “fatal errors” is what I finally got GoDaddy to tell me. So in short this improved the situation greatly but I am not 100% sure it solved the problem. Then again there is the possibility that the continued spikes are totally unrelated. Without an actual fatal error it’s hard to tell.

    More in Private Content.


    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1064381

    So far it seems that this has solved the issue. I see no new entries in the error logs but I do see them in the graphic error charts. These could be due to other installs on the shared server, and the fact that my error logs remain static supports this thought.

    I started a new php-error.log today and if that remains clean as I suspect it will, then we can assuredly determine this a fix.

    By the time you read this it will be your Friday. I will update in 24 hours but I doubt you will see that before Monday. If you need me to report sooner just let me know here and I will do it first think ing the morning (about 12 hours from now).


    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1063632

    Funny you’re reading this now. I am on the phone with support. It seems that this did fix the IO errors, at least so far.

    There was a CPU error about 20 minutes ago but that is all in the last 8-12 hours. This did NOT show in the wp-debug.log for so I have to assume that it is something separate and not related. I am on the phone with support to find out why there was no error log in the route.

    Lets give it a full 24 hours before we call if fixed but its looking very positive!

    Thank you sir! You rock! Another reason I love Kriesi!

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1063428

    OK the fix is applied and the site is functioning. I will check the error logs in the morning my time to see what we have. I will post here before 1300 gmt, 9am my time.

    Hoping… (Fingers Crossed… )

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1063217


    When I replaced the code and saved the file all I got in the body was “Array” No error, no text, just Array. The header and footer were fine and unaffected.


    PS Replaced the backed up version and the site is back.

    in reply to: Undefined Index – Error #1062977

    Thank you Gunter!

    Just a little more info. Just so you could see what was hitting the server overall I did a screenshot of the error tables (I’m a photographer, I like visuals). The link is in private content below.

    The time on the server is GMT -6. The spikes at Feb 3 and 8:48pm would be at GMT 3:48am on the 4th. I am guessing that was you testing. The other spikes at around 7-8am was me working on a new site and the errors happening with the existing problem at the same time. About that time i de-activated Yoast. As you can see the errors still happened. I de-activated Yoast, I did not disable it or uninstall it so I assume scripts and such were still present. Yoast is still de-activated.

    Do what ever you need to with the site boudoirphilly. I have it backed up.

    Thank you!

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