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  • #1059838

    I have been getting “limited” by my provider (GoDaddy) for about 3 weeks. In the last 24 hours I have refined the issue down to an error (3 actually) equalling Undefined Index index in: (see error logs and WP Debug below) And specifically lines 481, 484, and 485. The code on this lines is:

    //we dont need a closing structure if the element is the first one or if a previous fullwidth element was displayed before
    if($meta[‘index’] == 0) $params[‘close’] = false;
    if(!empty($meta[‘siblings’][‘prev’][‘tag’]) && in_array($meta[‘siblings’][‘prev’][‘tag’], AviaBuilder::$full_el_no_section )) $params[‘close’] = false;

    if($meta[‘index’] != 0) $params[‘class’] .= ” masonry-not-first”;
    if($meta[‘index’] == 0 && get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), ‘header’, true) != “no”) $params[‘class’] .= ” masonry-not-first”;

    I have compared to two other sites I have running Enfold and I’ll be damned if I can see a difference in the code. All sites are in separate installs on the same server. The tree is in Private Notes as well as login details

    Log files below. Logs are only for today’s (20:54 19/01/28 GMT) errors.

    From WP Debug:
    [28-Jan-2019 14:22:13 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 481
    [28-Jan-2019 14:22:13 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 484
    [28-Jan-2019 14:22:13 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 485

    Server Error Log:
    [28-Jan-2019 01:41:23 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 481
    [28-Jan-2019 01:41:23 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 484
    [28-Jan-2019 01:41:23 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 485
    [28-Jan-2019 01:41:23 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 481
    [28-Jan-2019 01:41:23 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 484
    [28-Jan-2019 01:41:23 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 485
    [28-Jan-2019 01:41:50 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 481
    [28-Jan-2019 01:41:50 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 484
    [28-Jan-2019 01:41:50 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 485
    [28-Jan-2019 01:46:59 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 481
    [28-Jan-2019 01:46:59 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 484
    [28-Jan-2019 01:46:59 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 485
    [28-Jan-2019 01:46:59 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 481
    [28-Jan-2019 01:46:59 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 484
    [28-Jan-2019 01:46:59 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 485
    [28-Jan-2019 01:46:59 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 481
    [28-Jan-2019 01:46:59 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 484
    [28-Jan-2019 01:46:59 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 485
    [28-Jan-2019 01:46:59 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 481
    [28-Jan-2019 01:46:59 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 484
    [28-Jan-2019 01:46:59 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 485
    [28-Jan-2019 01:50:37 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 481
    [28-Jan-2019 01:50:37 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 484
    [28-Jan-2019 01:50:37 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 485
    [28-Jan-2019 01:50:37 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 481
    [28-Jan-2019 01:50:37 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 484
    [28-Jan-2019 01:50:37 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 485
    [28-Jan-2019 01:50:37 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 481
    [28-Jan-2019 01:50:37 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 484
    [28-Jan-2019 01:50:37 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 485
    [28-Jan-2019 01:50:37 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 481
    [28-Jan-2019 01:50:37 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 484
    [28-Jan-2019 01:50:37 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: index in /home/pn219zoy6uxy/public_html/ on line 485

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by MichaelAlbany.

    Hey MichaelAlbany,

    Thank you for reporting this.

    We occasionally got reports about this but could not figure out why.

    Which page is causing the troubles ?
    Did you already try to deactivate all plugins ?

    Best regards,



    The page is the blog ( that has only 5 total posts. The errors are continuing and not changing at all. I did try disabling all plugins for well over a week, same results.


    So do you guys have any suggestions? Will deleting the page/blog posts and recreating it solve the problem? Like I said, its 5 posts, not a huge deal.

    I need to resolve this as it is adversely affecting the other sites as well.

    Thank you!



    Thanks for your feedback.

    I could reproduce the problem – but it is only occurring in backend caused by YOAST. When saving a page/post this plugin is calling the content filter which causes the template builder to execute the shortcodes without being initialized correctly. This leads to the undefined index.

    The blog page has a masonry element – but your error logs show masonry_gallery element. It looks like there are also more elements on one page because there are several entries within the same second.

    Could you figure out if the errors also occur only in backend on your server ?

    By the way – you do not need the “Classic Edior” plugin. We have an option in Enfold Child -> Theme Options -> Select Your Editor.

    Best regards,


    According to GoDaddy, they are only happening on the backend. I do get 503 Service Not Available errors but that is all I see other than the logs.

    I have disabled Yoast for now.

    The blog has 5 posts which have masonry galleries within them, but that is in the post not not he blog page. If I need to rebuild the blog page I’m OK with that. If I need to kill all 5 posts and rebuild them I can even do that. The question is will that fit the issue?

    Any direction is good direction as this is adversely affecting my other 3 sites on that server and I need those up and running all the time.



    Thanks for this feedback. As I could reproduce it I can find a solution in core – I will look into it tomorrow and let you know when I have a possible solution for it – will be tomorrow.

    Best regards,


    Thank you Gunter!

    Just a little more info. Just so you could see what was hitting the server overall I did a screenshot of the error tables (I’m a photographer, I like visuals). The link is in private content below.

    The time on the server is GMT -6. The spikes at Feb 3 and 8:48pm would be at GMT 3:48am on the 4th. I am guessing that was you testing. The other spikes at around 7-8am was me working on a new site and the errors happening with the existing problem at the same time. About that time i de-activated Yoast. As you can see the errors still happened. I de-activated Yoast, I did not disable it or uninstall it so I assume scripts and such were still present. Yoast is still de-activated.

    Do what ever you need to with the site boudoirphilly. I have it backed up.

    Thank you!



    I’ve found a possible solution. Can you please replace


    with this file:

    Do not forget to make a backup of the original file for a fallback.

    The changes can be found in function shortcode_handler_prepare line 315 ff.

    I asked Kriesi to recheck that these changes do not have a negative impact – if not it will become part of the core.

    Best regards,



    When I replaced the code and saved the file all I got in the body was “Array” No error, no text, just Array. The header and footer were fine and unaffected.


    PS Replaced the backed up version and the site is back.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by MichaelAlbany.


    Sorry, I was to quick. Uploaded a new fix – this should work now.

    Best regards,


    OK the fix is applied and the site is functioning. I will check the error logs in the morning my time to see what we have. I will post here before 1300 gmt, 9am my time.

    Hoping… (Fingers Crossed… )


    Funny you’re reading this now. I am on the phone with support. It seems that this did fix the IO errors, at least so far.

    There was a CPU error about 20 minutes ago but that is all in the last 8-12 hours. This did NOT show in the wp-debug.log for so I have to assume that it is something separate and not related. I am on the phone with support to find out why there was no error log in the route.

    Lets give it a full 24 hours before we call if fixed but its looking very positive!

    Thank you sir! You rock! Another reason I love Kriesi!



    Thanks for the feedback.

    Let me know in the next days the status.
    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,


    So far it seems that this has solved the issue. I see no new entries in the error logs but I do see them in the graphic error charts. These could be due to other installs on the shared server, and the fact that my error logs remain static supports this thought.

    I started a new php-error.log today and if that remains clean as I suspect it will, then we can assuredly determine this a fix.

    By the time you read this it will be your Friday. I will update in 24 hours but I doubt you will see that before Monday. If you need me to report sooner just let me know here and I will do it first think ing the morning (about 12 hours from now).




    No hurry – next week is OK.

    Best regards,



    I keep seeing spikes in the I/O area of those charts I linked to. So I set up log after log to try and figure out what is causing it. They kept coming back blank. The reason is that they are not generating “fatal errors” is what I finally got GoDaddy to tell me. So in short this improved the situation greatly but I am not 100% sure it solved the problem. Then again there is the possibility that the continued spikes are totally unrelated. Without an actual fatal error it’s hard to tell.

    More in Private Content.




    I wrote a small script that creates a logfile in the uploads folder: …/uploads/avia_logfile/log.txt in case it encounters again undefined index.

    In enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\shortcode-template.class.php line 413:

    			if(empty( $this->builder->disabled_assets[ $this->config['shortcode'] ]) || empty( $this->config['disabling_allowed'] ) )
    				$content = $this->shortcode_handler($atts, $content, $shortcodename, $meta);

    Before $content insert:

    			if( ( ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) || DOING_AJAX !== true ) && ( ! isset( $meta['index'] ) ) )
    				$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
    				if( ! empty( $upload_dir['basedir'] ) )
    					$log_dirname = trailingslashit( $upload_dir['basedir'] ) . 'avia_logfile';
    					if( ! file_exists( $log_dirname ) )
    						wp_mkdir_p( $log_dirname );
    					$logfile = trailingslashit( $log_dirname ) . 'log.txt';
    					$data = date('d/m/Y H:i:s', time()) . ': shortcode_handler_prepare - $meta[index] not set for ' . $shortcodename . "\r\n";
    					file_put_contents( $logfile, $data, FILE_APPEND );

    Make a backup of the original file for a fallback and keep an eye on the logfile as there is no length check.

    To check that the file will be created replace


    in the first line with


    and load a small page with ALB content. The file should be created and contain some lines. Replace xyz with index again.

    Best regards,


    Yeah, we are passed my knowledge and comfort level. I did what I thought you instructed and the slider on the first site’s home disappeared. Rather than do this on all 4 sites I did it to just that resides in the home directory.

    I restored the backed up shortcode-template.class.php and all is back to normal. I didn’t want to go through and repeat the same actions for all 4 .com sites so i stopped there.

    More in Private Content



    I will try to login tomorrow and try to add the changes to the php files in as a first step.

    Best regards,


    I wasn’t even thinking and I just updated michael and boudoirphilly to 4.5.4. Should i restore them or should I also update and

    I was working on a client’s site and didn’t even think about it.

    Sorry. Let me know what to do.



    4.5.4 has integrated the fix you did before manually. You should be OK to keep this version ans you can update the other sites also.
    Let me know when you are done.

    Best regards,



    I uploaded the modified file enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\shortcode-template.class.php including the logfile output:

    Changes have been made in line 508ff.

    Make a backup of the original file and replace the complete content.

    Then keep an eye on the logfile in …/uploads/avia_logfile/log.txt.

    Best regards,


    In backing up each file I noticed that the shortcode-template.class.php is the same size (35061) for all files in the public-html folder but the one in the route is smaller at 34,604. I assume that is because of the location? Thought you should know that.

    I have now updated all the files on all 4 sites including boudoirphilly, with the new code provided. I assume that is why you posted twice is because you updated the file to include the code required. If you still need to edit anything, feel free.

    Now to watch and see…

    I appreciate your help on all of this. If I ever get back to Europe I owe you a beer.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by MichaelAlbany.


    These folders have been part of the core and are used to seperate plugin specific compatibility code from core.
    If you do not want to include these files look at enfold\functions.php line 618ff and remove the lines with the require_once statements.

    Best regards,


    They are fine. Just don’t remember seeing them there. No big deal. I will leave them as I may use them someday.

    I will let you know wha the log files say once we hit 24+ hours.


    Well, it seems you have found an issue if not the issue. We have error logs for all except BoudoirPhilly MADomains, the site in the route folder has the least amount of errors, then MichaelAlbany (the oldest site and the one with the most migrations), the Red-Curve the newest site and the only ecommerce site is by far the largest error log.

    In short the errors seem to be the same. All start as:

    [time] shortcode_handler_prepare – $meta[index] not set for [item]

    Items range from av_button and av_contact on MADomains (3 lines total), to av_masonry_gallery, av_one_full, av_heading, av_heading, av_one_third, av_textblock, and more on On Red Curve they seem to be more limited to av_tab_container, av_heading, and av_hr, in that order.

    I have downloaded the log files but left them there as well if you wanted to grab copies. I can email them too if you’d like. just let me know where to send them. (see Private Content)


    see Privet Content



    Just recieved them.

    Can you tell if they occur when you work in backend and what page ?

    I will have a look into your site now.

    Best regards,


    I was not working on the sites at all so not so, no clue.

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