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  • in reply to: Enfold 3.6 Crashed My Website…. #643590

    As Kriesi mentioned:


    If you are all receiving the same error then your FTP update was not done properly I am afraid. The best way to fix this is to delete the entire enfold folder and upload the new version. The error indicates that a file that previously was named helper-mailchimp.php and now is named av-helper-mailchimp.php was not removed properly by your FTP tool when updating the folders.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: color section at least 60% #605631

    Hello Vinnie,

    I thank you too! I was exactly looking for this.


    in reply to: Enfold Update to 3.5.1. – Save Custom settings? #602801

    on right side of the main menu of this page is search button ;)

    best wishes,


    PS: it is always better to do backup of custom css

    in reply to: What's new in 3.5? #600856

    Chngelog is in package ;)

    2016 March 18th – Version 3.5

    – new demo content:
    – Hotel demo
    – Spa demo
    – Travel demo
    – Consultant demo
    – Résumé demo

    – style.css – new version number
    – functions-enfold.php – several small improvements to generated css styles
    – header.php – added a new filter function
    – index.php + other default template files: abort script if directly loaded in the browser to prevent crawling errors
    – page.php – fixed a thumbnail size bug

    – folder css:
    – fixed: a css error that was caused by setting a column background to “stretch fullwidth”
    – fixed: a slideshow bug that caused buttons to slide in when they should fade
    – fixed: a display issue with iconbox titles and some specific fonts
    – fixed: an issue with some default css font sizes not adapting properly on smaller screens
    – fixed: an issue with slideshow capations on small devices when
    – fixed: an issue with blank pages not aligning properly on mobile devices
    – fixed: an issue with color section background colors not beeing applied to Left Sidebar Layouts
    – fixed: an issue with transparent headers and custom menu colours
    – fixed: an issue with mobile menu display on tablets

    – folder config-templatebuilder:
    – added: background images for sections, cells and columns can now be set to “scale to fit” so the whole background image is always visible
    – added: font size selection for accordion slider
    – added: option to center accordion text
    – added: new styling option for masonry and masonry gallery element: caption overlay
    – fixed: issue with accordion slider php notice
    – fixed: a problem with product grid item count
    – fixed: a display bug with the Fullwidth Easy slider that was caused by choosing original image size
    – fixed: a pagination bug with the woocommerce grid element
    – fixed: an issue that prevented mailchimp to fetch more than 10 lists
    – fixed: an issue that prevented some servers from connecting with mailchimp
    – fixed: an issue with html elements added to the table element
    – fixed: an issue with the class of the events calendar upcoming events heading
    – fixed: an issue with the feature image slider not accepting disabled autorotation
    – fixed: an issue with the magazine element throwing a php error on subpages
    – improved: masonry filter display when loading new elements via “load more” button
    – added: various title filters

    – folder framework:
    – added: new filter for framework related css body classes
    – added: new google fonts
    – improved: some google fonts now come with more weights
    – improved: dynamic styling generator accepts array values now
    – fixed: an error with form success message
    – fixed: an issue with contact form dropdowns when the “hide label” option was selected
    – fixed: an issue with the import script not working properly with PHP7 and dropping the demo menu
    – fixed: an issue with the contact form autoresponder not working when more than one mail address is added
    – fixed: an issue with google author and publisher rel tag
    – fixed: a multi language issue with the facebook plugin and wpml

    – folder config-woocommerce:
    – added: new product style: minimal overlay
    – added: support and styling for woocommerce bookings
    – fixed: a css notice in the backend when woocommerce is active
    – fixed: an issue with the woocommerce quantity selector
    – fixed: an issue with the dark default themes

    – folder js:
    – fixed: an issue with sidebar main menu sticky calculation
    – fixed: a problem with google map tooltips
    – fixed: an issue with the feature image slider not working in Firefox
    – fixed: a syntax error in the autorotation setting of the slideshow

    – folder includes:
    – added: new design – bright blue
    – added: new layout feature. Instead of stretched and boxed you can now chose “framed” which displays a fixed frame around the site
    – added: new advanced styling element to customise: Slideshow Titles
    – added: new advanced styling element to customise: Slideshow Captions
    – fixed: a bug with the wedding demo that prevented correct image import
    – fixed: missing translation strings in Portfolio.
    – fixed: the advanced styling selector of main menu hover items when the logo is displayed above the menu
    – improved: automated markup for blog posts.

    – folder config-layerslider:
    – fixed: an issue with a javascript file not being loaded properly
    – updated: layerslider to the latest version (5.6.3)

    – folder config-wpml:
    – added: an XML file for languages, available for the facebook page widget
    – fixed: an issue with php notices caused by the grid layout

    – folder lang:
    – updated several translation files

    in reply to: Contactform is not working any more #600849

    Hello Dominique,

    here is the changelog:

    2016 March 18th – Version 3.5

    – new demo content:
    – Hotel demo
    – Spa demo
    – Travel demo
    – Consultant demo
    – Résumé demo

    – style.css – new version number
    – functions-enfold.php – several small improvements to generated css styles
    – header.php – added a new filter function
    – index.php + other default template files: abort script if directly loaded in the browser to prevent crawling errors
    – page.php – fixed a thumbnail size bug

    – folder css:
    – fixed: a css error that was caused by setting a column background to “stretch fullwidth”
    – fixed: a slideshow bug that caused buttons to slide in when they should fade
    – fixed: a display issue with iconbox titles and some specific fonts
    – fixed: an issue with some default css font sizes not adapting properly on smaller screens
    – fixed: an issue with slideshow capations on small devices when
    – fixed: an issue with blank pages not aligning properly on mobile devices
    – fixed: an issue with color section background colors not beeing applied to Left Sidebar Layouts
    – fixed: an issue with transparent headers and custom menu colours
    – fixed: an issue with mobile menu display on tablets

    – folder config-templatebuilder:
    – added: background images for sections, cells and columns can now be set to “scale to fit” so the whole background image is always visible
    – added: font size selection for accordion slider
    – added: option to center accordion text
    – added: new styling option for masonry and masonry gallery element: caption overlay
    – fixed: issue with accordion slider php notice
    – fixed: a problem with product grid item count
    – fixed: a display bug with the Fullwidth Easy slider that was caused by choosing original image size
    – fixed: a pagination bug with the woocommerce grid element
    – fixed: an issue that prevented mailchimp to fetch more than 10 lists
    – fixed: an issue that prevented some servers from connecting with mailchimp
    – fixed: an issue with html elements added to the table element
    – fixed: an issue with the class of the events calendar upcoming events heading
    – fixed: an issue with the feature image slider not accepting disabled autorotation
    – fixed: an issue with the magazine element throwing a php error on subpages
    – improved: masonry filter display when loading new elements via “load more” button
    – added: various title filters

    – folder framework:
    – added: new filter for framework related css body classes
    – added: new google fonts
    – improved: some google fonts now come with more weights
    – improved: dynamic styling generator accepts array values now
    – fixed: an error with form success message
    – fixed: an issue with contact form dropdowns when the “hide label” option was selected
    – fixed: an issue with the import script not working properly with PHP7 and dropping the demo menu
    – fixed: an issue with the contact form autoresponder not working when more than one mail address is added
    – fixed: an issue with google author and publisher rel tag
    – fixed: a multi language issue with the facebook plugin and wpml

    – folder config-woocommerce:
    – added: new product style: minimal overlay
    – added: support and styling for woocommerce bookings
    – fixed: a css notice in the backend when woocommerce is active
    – fixed: an issue with the woocommerce quantity selector
    – fixed: an issue with the dark default themes

    – folder js:
    – fixed: an issue with sidebar main menu sticky calculation
    – fixed: a problem with google map tooltips
    – fixed: an issue with the feature image slider not working in Firefox
    – fixed: a syntax error in the autorotation setting of the slideshow

    – folder includes:
    – added: new design – bright blue
    – added: new layout feature. Instead of stretched and boxed you can now chose “framed” which displays a fixed frame around the site
    – added: new advanced styling element to customise: Slideshow Titles
    – added: new advanced styling element to customise: Slideshow Captions
    – fixed: a bug with the wedding demo that prevented correct image import
    – fixed: missing translation strings in Portfolio.
    – fixed: the advanced styling selector of main menu hover items when the logo is displayed above the menu
    – improved: automated markup for blog posts.

    – folder config-layerslider:
    – fixed: an issue with a javascript file not being loaded properly
    – updated: layerslider to the latest version (5.6.3)

    – folder config-wpml:
    – added: an XML file for languages, available for the facebook page widget
    – fixed: an issue with php notices caused by the grid layout
    – folder lang:
    – updated several translation files

    in reply to: SEO Yoast Unable to see Avia Layout Builder body content. #564968


    The fact is Enfold is compatible with Yoast SEO, it is just not supporting 3 spots color feature. I guess Developers of Yoast SEO plugin could think of better flexibility and do scaning in front end as crawling bots are scaning the page.

    in reply to: SEO Yoast Unable to see Avia Layout Builder body content. #564447

    I see this topic became alive…
    Here is my opinion: yes Yoast Seo Plugin cannot read content of avia layout, but this should resolve the Author of the Yoast plugin. Yoast should be compatible with themes – so let’s contact Yoast to improve their product ;)

    in reply to: Deactivate Bold Styling #543482

    Hello to all,

    I need also to disable bold styling, because I am using 3 colors in one sentence with <strong>. But in frontend it has one color.
    I tried to edit dynamic-css.php and remove all codes with “strong”, but it didn’t work.

    Thanks for help!


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Milan.
    in reply to: Compatibility with PHP7 #533532

    Thank you for information. I guess it would be good to create new sticky topic where we can report issues and bugs :-)

    in reply to: Mobile Menu Settings #507501

    Hello Yigit,

    Thank you for super fast and working reply.
    And last questions: I would like to have as mobile menu icon own image:
    1. Where I can edit it?
    2. Where is part of CSS which I can modify to get own look of mobile menu?

    Thank you and Have a nice day,


    in reply to: CSS: changing location of fonts including fontello. #478296

    This is VERY SMART solution!!! Thank you very much!

    Milan :)

    in reply to: How to hide Portfolio on Blog page #467691

    Hello Dake,
    Yes, it is important information, I forgot. I want hide tab and its ciontent. So your solution works partly. Portfolio is hidden, but there is an ugly empty space :)
    I decided to hide table completely with this:

    .tabcontainer {
    	visibility: hidden !important;
    	display: none !important;

    How I should modify it if I want hide .tabcontainer in all posts and bog page but keep it visible on only pages? Thanks.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Milan.
    in reply to: How to hide Portfolio on Blog page #466950

    Hello Ismael,
    No, it didn’t help… Do you have another solution please?

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