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  • in reply to: Enfold Contact form and spam #1042346

    Is that plugin compatible with previous versions of theme? Or only 4.4+ covered?

    in reply to: Enfold Contact form and spam #1039467

    Unfortunately this is happening for all our clients since this topic appeared on May 2018. And it is not a server issue because the websites are hosted in different servers including WP Engine, Kinsta and other well known providers. We have to abandon using the Enfold contact forms and change them with CF7 with reCAPTCHA from Google. Using wordfence/sucuri or any 3rd party WordPress plugin is not a fix of the cause. Please escalate this to the dev team asap.

    in reply to: Events Calendar Styling Issues #995157

    The same here. It seems that The Events calendar have been updated and the old Enfold styling of the calendar is out of date. Please let us know how to fix the “There were no results found.” visual issue.

    in reply to: Google reCAPTCHA and Enfold Contact Form #979499


    can you please share the working reCAPTCHA solution again? The link you provided to is not available


    in reply to: Google reCAPTCHA for avia contact form #979470

    I have no choice. The Avia contact form is sending us spam mails (even with unchecked privacy consent) the bot somehow manages to bypass Avia contact form.


    in reply to: Enfold Contact form and spam #979301

    The same thing. Check the contact form spam bot protection because it is not working properly.

    in reply to: Google maps API retired version #973685

    Thanks Peter, it helped!

    in reply to: Mobile menu reveal on scrolling up with headroom js #963162

    @Ravicski I found out that the real CSS conflict happens on mobile with this part of the code:

    .headroom--pinned {
         will-change: transform;
         transition: transform 200ms linear;
         transform: translateY(0px);

    So the solution might be to remove the old CSS and use a customised keyframes animation for .headroom--pinned and .headroom--unpinned classes. This might be a good beginning to start with:

    	animation-name: slideDown;
    	-webkit-animation-name: slideDown;	
    	animation-duration: 1s;	
    	-webkit-animation-duration: 1s;
    	animation-timing-function: ease;	
    	-webkit-animation-timing-function: ease;	
    	visibility: visible !important;						
    @keyframes slideDown {
    	0% {
    		transform: translateY(-100%);
    		transform: translateY(8%);
    		transform: translateY(-4%);
    		transform: translateY(4%);
    		transform: translateY(-2%);
    	100% {
    		transform: translateY(0%);
    @-webkit-keyframes slideDown {
    	0% {
    		-webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
    		-webkit-transform: translateY(8%);
    		-webkit-transform: translateY(-4%);
    		-webkit-transform: translateY(4%);
    		-webkit-transform: translateY(-2%);
    	100% {
    		-webkit-transform: translateY(0%);

    Hope it helps! Cheers!

    in reply to: Mobile menu reveal on scrolling up with headroom js #960193

    It is expected to behave like on the demo I posted above. With functional menu.

    It is not sticky when the user is scrolling down and not causing distraction. This solution helps to get instant access to menu.


    in reply to: Mobile menu reveal on scrolling up with headroom js #958543

    Correct, I have the same issue with burger menu a.k.a mobile menu, which you mentioned in your post.

    in reply to: Mobile menu reveal on scrolling up with headroom js #958503

    Thanks Ismael,
    I think you got me wrong here… The desktop is fine. I was thinking about how to implement this on mobile without having the issues.

    As you can see, the mobile menu on mobile cannot be seen when opened but I would like to get it working on mobile with a small transition on reveal and hide.

    Currently the enfold menu on mobile makes some kind of CSS conflict and I cannot figure out why is this happening.


    in reply to: Mobile menu reveal on scrolling up with headroom js #957431
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Checkbox contact formular to data security contract #955781

    Dear Ismael,

    Thanks it almost worked, however now the email contains “: true ” which I also would like to hide. Is it possible?

    Edit: Okay I just added the : true after the text and it worked.

    in reply to: Checkbox contact formular to data security contract #952562

    Guenni007 provided a good temporary solution but how can we hide that checkbox text to appear on the sent email? Any function to add to email with CSS display:none !important;?

    Hey Nikki,
    Can you please guide me where to find this lock function in the theme files?

    As this is really important, I will examine the code and try to set the ability to unhide the saved templates button for users to create new pages.


    in reply to: Hook WPML language switcher before hamburger menu #884251

    Found it myself. I hooked this after main menu which is still in main container area:

    add_action( 'ava_after_main_menu', 'wpml_switch_to_header' );
    function wpml_switch_to_header() {
    	echo do_action('wpml_add_language_selector');
    in reply to: Tab section content issues with iOS on Safari #882971

    When will this be fixed?

    in reply to: Enfold Facebook widget – title not showing translated (WPML) #882970

    Update: fixed them myself but please fix the Enfold widget compatibility with wpml on next version.


    Why is this still not fixed? The Enfold widgets like Facebook and Mailchimp cannot be read by WPML string translator.

    in reply to: Tab section content issues with iOS on Safari #876657

    We are patiently waiting for these bugs to be fixed since the beginning of August.

    in reply to: Tab section content issues with iOS on Safari #875162

    Hi Victoria,

    Does it really looks fine on your end? The icons doesn’t animate when switching between tabs, the contents are partly shown. I think you missed something. Please check again.

    in reply to: Tab section content issues with iOS on Safari #873265
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Tab section content issues with iOS on Safari #872881

    The version 4.2. didn`t solve the issues described above.

    I updated the demo website to 4.2, completely flushed the browser cache, put the CF on Development mode, bypassed it completely (on a DNS level) and tested it for a lot of times on different iOS devices.

    Nothing seems to be solved. The icons didn`t pop up completely, on iOS the contents load partly hidden, when refreshing the contents of Tab section disappear, then on the next refresh appearing partly. When changing from horizontal to vertical there are issues as well. BTW – on Android Chrome it is not looking good too.

    in reply to: Tab section content issues with iOS on Safari #867485

    Just have a look on any Enfold install with tab section on Safari browser. The issue is not only on my end nor specific to any hosting environment. It’s been more than 2 months without a solid solution. Disappointed.

    in reply to: Tab section content issues with iOS on Safari #865556

    Hi Vinay,

    That code isn’t directly related with this, besides I would like the icons to stay animated – like they are naturally meant to behave.

    I hope that you understand what this issue is about. There are other users reported tab section bugs on Safari as well, so I am not the only one. A lot of Enfold based production websites are affected by this.

    At least give me an ETA, so I can consider – keep the Enfold or use another theme.


    in reply to: Tab section content issues with iOS on Safari #864615

    Am I being ignored here?

    in reply to: Tab section content issues with iOS on Safari #862065

    Is this being fixed? Two months have passed already. When can Enfold users expect this to be fixed? This is taking too long.

    in reply to: Tab section content issues with iOS on Safari #861360

    Hi Connepon,

    Yes, I’ve read your topic. I have the same issues with Enfold on Safari. I am holding the publishing of the update on my website for almost two months now! Waiting for the fix Kriesi.


    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for the code, it changed the field type but there is another problem now. After applying the code the number is not sent through email at all. You can make sure by testing it yourself. I think it might somehow be related with the field validation.


    It is not on a specific website. You can assume that it is a basic Enfold theme without any customizations.

    I mean that you can set up a contact form on any of your Enfold environment with a text field. Set it as a valid phone number and see the issue on your smartphone device. Normally, it should switch the keyboard to a phone number entry.

    What I want to know is: How to change the phone text field type to a phone number, so the browser know it is a phone number which is asked to fill-in? Where is the HTML/PHP code of the contact form located? Which line of code sets the field type?


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