Forum Replies Created
February 15, 2017 at 8:48 pm in reply to: Google Search console 403 error on directory wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/ #747657
I just found the solution by editing robots.txt and adding a line:
User-agent: * Disallow: /wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/
I would like to suggest you guys to create a roadmap of the functions or options that are planned to include in the nearest release. I took a look at the feature request page but none of the suggestions are considered for future implementation. Enfold is a great theme but it needs a bigger upgrade to keep it up on the top. A lot of themes are changed and many other frameworks are getting more and more exciting. As you can see in the feature requests, most of the users including me would really love to have improved mobile menu layout, and other options. Please consider this suggestion. Keep up the good work!
January 26, 2017 at 10:55 pm in reply to: How to prevent the transparent header on mobile to transform into normal header? #739148I found that this behaviour is done by the code between lines 1654 and 1662 in enfold/js/avia.js :
if(transparent) { if(st > 50) { //header.removeClass('av_header_transparency'); av_change_class(header, 'remove', 'av_header_transparency'); } else { //header.addClass('av_header_transparency'); av_change_class(header, 'add', 'av_header_transparency'); } }
Can we set a function to override the
av_change_class(header, 'remove', 'av_header_transparency');
and keep theav_change_class(header, 'add', 'av_header_transparency');
for screen width under 767px?Regards
I edited the code by changing the line from ‘if(st > 50)’ to ‘if(st > 50 && window.innerWidth >767)’ and now it works, the only thing is how to keep this code when updating theme?
if(transparent) { if(st > 50 && window.innerWidth >767) { //header.removeClass('av_header_transparency'); av_change_class(header, 'remove', 'av_header_transparency'); } else { //header.addClass('av_header_transparency'); av_change_class(header, 'add', 'av_header_transparency'); } }
January 26, 2017 at 10:19 pm in reply to: How to prevent the transparent header on mobile to transform into normal header? #739142Hi, Ismael this code caused visual issues on other pages where we use default header, I didn`t applied it. If the class attribute “av_header_transparency” is being removed on scroll, can we set a custom function with jQuery for keeping the class attribute “av_header_transparency” on specific page or ignore the class attribute removal for specific screen width? Can we interact with the class attribute by telling to keep it on the specific page with jQuery? Or if we can remove the scroll rule
Something like in this example:
function add_custom_script(){ ?> <script> jQuery(window).load(function(){ if (jQuery(window).width() < 480) { <--CODE PART --> </script> <?php } } add_action('wp_footer', 'add_custom_script');
January 26, 2017 at 1:39 am in reply to: How to prevent the transparent header on mobile to transform into normal header? #738675Hi,
I have found something similar on this forum using Google search. The issue is very similar to mine. This reply could be a fix, but I need to adapt it to be suitable on all pages on mobile screen width not single page like it was done in this example:
Maybe Josue could be so kind and help me out here?
How can I stop this header shrinking and transformation on mobile and fix the header transparent only with transparent logo and transparent color setup?
This reply was modified 8 years ago by
January 22, 2017 at 5:45 pm in reply to: How to prevent the transparent header on mobile to transform into normal header? #736985Hi, Ismael!
I attached everything I have set in the private area. Let me know if that will be sufficient for you to replicate the issue.
January 18, 2017 at 2:04 pm in reply to: How to prevent the transparent header on mobile to transform into normal header? #735298Hi Ismael,
The purpose of the CSS is to set the header on mobile transparent with white (transparent header) logo. To check this:
1 you have to create a page with full-screen slider;
2 set the page header to transparent;
3 add the custom CSSThen you can go and check the transparent header on mobile screen width. Scroll down a bit and you will see that the header is transforming to standard header. I want to prevent this transform on mobile and leave the header transparent. The reason for this is because the standard header is pushing the full-screen slider and its contents below the header. This results in wrong function of next section and doesn’t look good.
January 16, 2017 at 4:31 pm in reply to: How to prevent the transparent header on mobile to transform into normal header? #734166Hi Yigit,
In fact this is not an issue with any plugins. It is a default behavior how the Enfold theme header on mobile is working. Add the custom CSS I`ve posted on the first post on any Enfold site that is using a full-screen slider with transparent header. You will see what happens when you scroll down a bit.
January 12, 2017 at 10:52 pm in reply to: How to prevent the transparent header on mobile to transform into normal header? #732869Hi Basilis,
It is nothing extremely specific. In fact you can try and inspect this behaviour on any of your enfold testing installation with an active transparent header. The header will transform to basic style (white or whatever it is set to) when you scroll down. What I need is to prevent this behaviour – the header transformation and leave it transparent. If it is possible with css, I can set media rule to limit that transformation prevention on mobile screen only.
I have attached the link to a website with transparent header. You can try to resize the browser and scroll down a bit and you will see that the header on mobile screen width is transforming from transparent to regular header and pushing the fullscreen slider below, which I would like to prevent.
November 23, 2016 at 9:49 pm in reply to: Add categories links above post title in Featured image slider #716177Thanks Nikko! It worked! You should add this option for future updates.
Best regards
November 21, 2016 at 4:14 pm in reply to: Add categories links above post title in Featured image slider #714871Thanks Nikko,
I have added a line above the one you mentioned to test if it will work: $caption = ‘ <h3 class=”avia-caption-title”>TEST</h3>’;
It shows “TEST” above the title, so it will work. The question is – how do I get category link and name onto this line?Here is the whole section of code that I have now:
foreach ($this->entries->posts as $slide) { $counter ++; $thumb_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $slide->ID ); $slide_class = ""; $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies(get_post_type($the_id)); $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($thumb_id, $this->atts['image_size']); $link = get_permalink( $slide->ID ); $title = get_the_title( $slide->ID ); $caption = ""; $caption .= ' <div class="caption_fullwidth av-slideshow-caption caption_center">'; $caption .= ' <div class="container caption_container">'; $caption .= ' <div class="slideshow_caption">'; $caption .= ' <div class="slideshow_inner_caption">'; $caption .= ' <div class="slideshow_align_caption">'; $caption .= ' <h3 class="avia-caption-title">TEST</h3>'; $caption .= ' <h2 class="avia-caption-title"><a href="'.$link.'">'.$title.'</a></h2>'; if(strpos($this->atts['contents'], 'excerpt') !== false) { $excerpt = !empty($slide->post_excerpt) ? $slide->post_excerpt : avia_backend_truncate($slide->post_content, apply_filters( 'avf_feature_image_slider_excerpt_length' , 320) , apply_filters( 'avf_feature_image_slider_excerpt_delimiter' , " "), "…", true, ''); if(!empty($excerpt)){ $caption .= ' <div class="avia-caption-content " itemprop="description">'; $caption .= wpautop($excerpt); $caption .= ' </div>'; } } if(strpos($this->atts['contents'], 'read_more') !== false) { $caption .= ' <a href="'.$link.'" class="avia-slideshow-button avia-button avia-color-light " data-duration="800" data-easing="easeInOutQuad">'.__('Read more', 'avia_framework').'</a>'; } $caption .= ' </div>'; $caption .= ' </div>'; $caption .= ' </div>'; $caption .= ' </div>'; $caption .= $this->create_overlay(); $caption .= ' </div>'; $slide_data = "data-img-url='".$img[0]."'"; if(empty($img)) $slide_class .= " av-no-image-slider"; $html .= "<li {$slide_data} class='slide-{$counter} {$slide_class} slide-id-".$slide->ID."'>"; $html .= $caption; $html .= "</li>"; }
November 12, 2016 at 1:55 am in reply to: Burger menu on mobile with Logo center menu below setting #711366Hey Nikko,
The function adds the code in the toggle on mobile screen width but the new menu is not clickable. The old menu is still appearing when tapping on the new icon. It is impossible to activate and open the new burger-menu. When clicking on the button Enfold mobile menu opens instead of new burger menu.
Screenshot when not hovered:
Screenshot when hovered:
Unfortunately I cannot demonstrate the behaviour to you, because it is not hosted on a public server. I have tried your suggested code on a basic with header menu below logo.
Can you please try this on your test environment to better understand?
November 12, 2016 at 12:59 am in reply to: Enfold medical visual issues on phone screen width #711361Thanks Yigit, it worked!
November 8, 2016 at 9:53 am in reply to: Burger menu on mobile with Logo center menu below setting #709669What I want to do, is to use the new burger menu instead of the Enfold mobile menu. Kriesi released a new menu type with the latest update – burger menu, which is used in Enfold Creative Studio template. The only problem is that I want to set the burger menu only on mobile and leave the logo center, menu below desktop menu. I cannot set it with the header Logo center, menu below.
What I want to do is: Use the header menu on desktop and tablets, but this burger menu on mobile
Right now it is impossible to set on Enfold’s settings. Is there a workaround?
Edit: I mean Menu style: the ‘burger icon’ menu
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by
November 6, 2016 at 9:12 am in reply to: Burger menu on mobile with Logo center menu below setting #708807Hi Rikard,
I am hosting it on my localhost and the site cannot be accessed right now. Basically this is a question about this layout where header is with centrred logo and menu below.
Done everything myself! If someone is interested here is the code that made this to happen:
.language_flag img { display: none !important; } .language_code { display: block !important; text-transform: uppercase; }
Hey Andy,
Sorry, you might understood it wrong. I am not meaning any sidebar widgets. The whole thing is about the Enfold sidebar menu.(sidebar header or whatever it might be called) On a default WordPress theme the WPML language selector is not seen at all. I also tried this solution but didn`t had any changing effect –
I have uploaded the development website to a temporary server online and attached the link and access credentials to the private area. I just want to replace the WPML flags with the language name with two letters for each language but not sure how to do that. That`s all.
Hey Andy,
Your solution is not working as I expected, but I have done this repositioning myself, setting the top WPML sidebar menu switcher positions to centre by adding the following lines:
.html_header_sidebar #top .avia_wpml_language_switch { border-bottom-style: none; position: relative; left: 50%; margin-left: -50px; }
However, I am still in a need to replace the flags images with just the language names in text – “EN” and “RU”
I suppose that this switcher is the default that comes with the Enfold built-in compatibility for WPML plugin. Changing the WPML plugin settings in “Language switcher options” under “Language switcher style” and “What to include in the language switcher” settings doesn`t make any effect on the actual visual appearance with the WPML switcher in the sidebar menu. Please help.Regards
I know that bumping this wouldn’t help but I think that you forgot about this topic.
Hey Jordan,
Unfortunately, the website is not hosted yet. It is on my localhost. The menu I use is the basic ENFOLD left sidebar menu with basic WPML settings. Nothing really changed here, I only changed the names for languages to EN and RU. I attached the screenshots with examples which part I meant to change and how I would like it to look after the css changes.
As you see in the image below, the WPML language flags are positioned at the top left side of the sidebar menu:
This is the visual appearance I would like to achieve:
What should I do to replace the flags with the EN and RU and move them in the centre of sidebar menu as well as on the mobile version header?
June 28, 2016 at 9:10 pm in reply to: Different logo for smartphones only (excluding the tablets) #654476Thanks Yigit! This did the job perfectly! I will also try out the plugin suggested by Basilis.
May 25, 2015 at 8:40 am in reply to: Layer Slider previous/next buttons overlaying header when slider is partly shown #449417Hi Rikard!
The actual website is on wamp local server right now. You can discover this even on the main demo version of enfold. Scroll down till half of layer slider is seen and the header is shrinked then just hover on slider area and the previous/next slide buttons are shown overlaying the header.
April 2, 2015 at 9:07 pm in reply to: Mobile menu doesn`t load side scrollbar after first page load #422773Hi Elliott!
The same on Windows Phone 8.1 default browser.
And if you take and resize it on google Chrome for desktop PC, then reload the page and click on mobile menu icon the menu appears with an extra side scrollbar. If you scroll to the end you can see the webpage contents. If you close and reopen the menu all is working fine again.
January 24, 2015 at 7:16 pm in reply to: Font appearing part bold part loght on IE and other explorers #384938Thanks!
Worked for me!
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This reply was modified 8 years ago by