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  • in reply to: Demo feature request #624569

    Hey Arabeek,

    1.) the shortcode/builder element used here is the “icon” element. you need to set the option “icon style” to standalone icon for a look like this:

    2.) I usually use a a fullscreen/fullwidth slider as the first element of the page. in the sidebar you can then set the header visibility:

    3.) In this case both of them are actually “contact form” elements that send you an email with the data the user entered. Since Enfold 3.3 you can also connect a form like this to the Mailchimp newsletter service

    4.) There are various ways, but I would recommend to use the video element used in our template builder:

    The video will always try to stretch 100% of the width so you need to contain it with columns. The height is defined by the ratio you enter in the settings.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Issue with IE 11 for specific language #624559

    PS: theoretically there is another way (for developers): you would need to remove our snippet and check in internet explorers developer console which plugin file throws an error. this might be enough to identify the plugin.

    in reply to: Issue with IE 11 for specific language #624556

    Hey Jurgen,

    You pretty much nailed it ;D
    In order to identify the plugin causing the problem you might need to deactivate them one by one.

    However the snippet should work for at least a few months without problems, so what I would recommend to do, is to keep track of which plugins received an update in the meantime. Every few weeks try to simply remove the script and see if the error re-appears.

    Chances are high that if you use commonly used, well maintained plugins that the creator will eventually fix the problem :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: MailChimp Submit button is not showing up #624551

    Not sure about adding it since its something related to another plugin and not to our own styling rules.
    maybe we will if it keeps coming up ;)


    in reply to: Please contribute and translate Enfold #624547

    Glad to hear that ;D

    Hi Nic,

    Please make sure that your menu settings look similar to these:

    This means no “Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu” enabled and that the “ Main Menu” is the checked at theme locations.

    If that is already the case and does not help please post us your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend.

    Login credentials include:

    • the URL to the login screen
    • a valid username (with full administration capabilities)
    • as well as a password for that username

    Best regards,


    I guess it might be because is a premium theme that comes bundled with 2 plugins: the layerslider and our own template builder. Those 2 extra plugins along with your existing plugins are maybe too much for the server and require too much memory.

    A more basic theme with less options might be just enough to no longer stress your server with memory issues. So in the end you probably got an additional option.

    You can either search for less resource hungry plugins, a less resource hungry theme or just increase the memory limit of your site. either of these should work

    Best regards,


    I am afraid I am not sure I understand the first question.
    You can download the theme again by logging into your themeforest account and then going to:

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Easy Slider #624490


    Seems to work fine. The one thing thats probably throwing you off is that the slideshows always try to fill as much space as possible, in this case the entire width of the column it is placed in, so depending on your browser width the image might be a little larger or smaller than intended.

    The slideshow behaves that way to look great on any number of different devices like desktops, tablets and mobile phones.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Issues with Video Slider on iPhone/iPad #624485


    I see what you mean. Thats actually intended behavior, the fallback image is just that: an image. it does not have any behavior attached to it. The idea is that sections with background videos are just used for pure aesthetics. If you want to make sure that videos are played on mobile devices the best way is to place a link on an image to youtube or embed them directly.

    This is because mobile devices are quite different from desktop devices when it comes to handling video and to keep the experience similar across all mobile devices we went with the current solution.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Having trouble with mobile nav #624473

    Hey mikemhn,

    I am actually not sure what you are referring to. I checke the site on my mobile devices and everything looks fine. Since mobile devices have problems with the CSS property “fixed” we dont use a sticky navigation on those.

    As for the overlapping: since everything looks great on my 3 mobile devices (windows mobile, android and ios) I could imagine that this is a caching issue and your device has mixed up changes in the html structure but serves an old stylesheet. Would recommend to try to delete your mobiles browser cache.

    Let me know if that helps. If not a screenshot might help us in identifying the problem.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Load CSS in footer #624456

    Hey mdxclr,

    loading css in the footer is nothing that is not a valid way to load styles according to the W3C so there is really no easy way to do this. And even if you do so it might not really help your site and just satisfy a general guideline.

    Just read the second response from Thomas here:!topic/pagespeed-insights-discuss/uzOYa_lrepw

    And in fact, this is not a real issue. Your pages may load fast as lightning without this rule fulfilled or slowly like snails fulfilling it. Remember the hints at Page Speed Insights are just hints and suggestions what you could do to improve your users’ experience. PSI does not measure the real loading times over different connections and with different devices (we all know some of them are a pain – both), but only technical preconditions.

    In short: I wouldnt worry about the rule and not waste to much time trying to satisfy it…

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Höhe der Leiste von Breadcrumbs #624432

    Hey Florian,

    add this to your custom.css stylesheet in folder /css/ or to the quick-css panel located in your wordpress backend at Enfold->General Styling:

    #top .title_container .container {
        padding: 0px 0px;
        min-height: 0px;

    that should do the trick. Increase the height by changing the first padding value :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Please contribute and translate Enfold #624417

    Will do. Thanks for the contribution :)

    glad you fixed it :)
    Will close the thread for now, if you got any other issues please feel free to open a new thread ;)


    glad you fixed it :)
    Will close the thread for now, if you got any other issues please feel free to open a new thread ;)


    Hey Barbara,

    thanks for the notice. We have already issued a ticket for this error and will include it with the next update

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Issues with Video Slider on iPhone/iPad #624285

    Hi Eric, sorry for the late reply.

    I checked your site and it seems to look fine on mobile devices. which fallback image are we talking about? Maybe I am missing something here :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Overlay effect BUG FOUNDED! #624276

    Hi and sorry for the late reply.

    Actually thats something that I have not come across yet.

    Would you mind posting us your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend?

    Login credentials include:

    • the URL to the login screen
    • a valid username (with full administration capabilities)
    • as well as a password for that username

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Opening hours (table) #624272

    Feel free to do so :)


    in reply to: Enfold Multisite #624267

    same to you! ;)


    Nothing more? Usually the script should tell which line of which file. Without that the error message is pretty useless for us I am afraid since the error could be caused by either the theme or any plugin file, or even wordpress itself and we are not able to tell were it was caused…

    I tried to reproduce the error and saving did work fine for me on your page, however I noticed that everything is really slow and that the servers memory consumption is really high.

    You got a memory of 256mb by default, but simply displaying the backend admin panel required 190mb – this means if there are a few more plugins active or if a complex operation is performed by WordPress there is a good chance the site will go out of memory and throw a random error, like the one your are experiencing.

    This also would explain why deactivating plugins (no matter which ones) solves the issue temporarily since it reduces the required memory.

    But one (or several) of the plugins require a lot of it, and if you want to keep all of them enabled I think you will need to ask your hosting provider to upgrade the site to use more memory…

    Something like 320mb. This would solve the issue but truth to be told, it would probably be better to find out which of the plugins uses so much memory and try to find a replacement

    Best regards!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Kriesi.
    in reply to: Enfold-Admin-Menue jetzt untereinander #624242

    Hey Hansdieter,

    Das einzige was mir einfällt wäre ein caching problem mit den css dateien (du könntest versuchen deinen browser cache zu löschen und schauen ob das hilft)

    Falls nicht wär mein nächster Tipp ein Plugin das da irgendwie reinfunkt. Könntest also mal versuchen eins nach dem anderen zu aktivieren/deaktivieren und schauen obs das ist.

    Zuguterletzt kannst du uns auch die zugangsdaten zum admin bereich posten und wir schauen uns selbst um ob wir das Problem finden können :)


    thanks for the follow up!
    Will close this issue then ;)

    in reply to: Portfolio Raster ohne Linien #624234

    Hey joernbaenfer,
    I guess you are talking about the 1px margin between each portfolio item?

    Add this to your custom.css stylesheet in folder /css/ or to the quick-css panel located in your wordpress backend at Enfold->General Styling:

    #top .grid-entry .inner-entry {
        margin-right: 0px;

    If you want to get rid of the border around the portfolio title as well also add this:

    #top .grid-entry .inner-entry {

    Best regards,

    in reply to: WooCommerce [add_to_cart id=""] shortcode stopped working #624230

    Hi, sorry for the late reply,

    I guess we are talking about this page: ?
    Seems to work fine for me, did you already solve the issue?

    Btw: I would recommend to update enfold to the latest version since the one you are currently using has a javascript problem with the latest WordPress version. This issue was fixed with Enfold some time ago ;)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Enfold Multisite #624226


    In that case you would not need a second license I think :)
    You would need to install WordPress on the subdomain as well and upload the theme there too to set up a second site. An alternative would be to use a WordPress Multisite installation that allows subdomains. 

    I am not sure about your technical expertise and if you are able to do that on your own, unfortunately this is out of scope of our normal support but you can use our customization form to try and hire a freelancer if you need help :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Ajax Portfolio in an accordeon #624216

    glad I could help ;)

    in reply to: Please contribute and translate Enfold #624210

    Hey Jean,

    Sorry for that, we must have missed it. Will add it to the next update. Thanks for the contribution! :)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Enfold Multisite #624208


    Here is an example: If you are a webdesigner with a company and your company website ist on the main domain, and you also have a personal page on a subdomain where your main goal is to get hired for web design service then the two installations pretty mich serve the same purpose. In that case they are considered as “one project” and no second license is necessary.

    If – for example – your personal page is a blog were you tell people about your vacations and pets then the two sites are not related and themeforest would require you to get a second license. Hope this clarifies everything :)

    Best regards,

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