Forum Replies Created
May 12, 2016 at 8:38 pm in reply to: Can't edit Our Wedding's Page after import wedding demo #631581
Hey marcellovoc,
Please post us a link to your website and your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend. Login credentials include:
- the URL to the login screen
- a valid username (with full administration capabilities)
- as well as a password for that username
Best regards,
KriesiPS: I think its rather disappointing when people ask for support and at the same time rate the theme with one star, without waiting to receive help. I hope you reconsider your rating once the issue is solved…
May 12, 2016 at 3:07 pm in reply to: VaultPress found suspicious code in one of the files included with Enfold #631416Hi!
Its indeed a false positive since the file was patched by us (something that woothemes did not do) However since we are no longer using the file anyways I will probably remove it altogether with the next update from our framework :)
You can try something like, this:
add_filter( 'posts_clauses', 'post_query_order', 20, 1 ); function post_query_order( $pieces ) { if(is_search()){ global $wpdb; $pieces['orderby'] = $wpdb->prefix.'posts.post_type ASC'; } return $pieces; }
Best regards,
KriesiDid you set the linking option to “apply link to image”?
If so and it still does not work, please post us your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend. Login credentials include:
- the URL to the login screen
- a valid username (with full administration capabilities)
- as well as a password for that username
I am afraid without the possibility to check your backend its a little hard to investigate the issue further. I can see that the overlay is not applied but I am not sure if this is a plugin conflict, an issue with the layout builder, a customization or something completely different :/
Any chance you can provide a login at a later time?
Best regards,
KriesiPS: love what you have done with the theme, the site looks great!
Got what you are talink about. However the gif would only keep animating if it was created by setting the animation to looping which does not seem to be the case. If I open it directly it only shows the animation once:
Because of that it also is animated only once in the slider. I guess if the gif animation was set to loop and the slideshow slide interval would be set to the time the gif takes to make one full animation you could make this work.
Best regards,
The default query sorts all entries based on the date. You can of course try to use a snippet like this in your themes/child themes functions.php but I consider not messing with it and using a plugin the better option.
But feel free to try this, I found it on stackoverflow, maybe it works as you want it :)
add_filter( 'posts_clauses', 'post_query_order', 20, 1 ); function post_query_order( $pieces ) { global $wpdb; $pieces['orderby'] = $wpdb->prefix.'posts.post_type ASC'; return $pieces; }
Best regards,
Thats correct. This is expected behavior: you can either link the whole image or place some buttons with links. I am afraid there currently is no option to do both, mostly because the html structure we are using would require changes.
Best regards,
KriesiHey Doron,
I am not 100% sure if thats what you mean but what you can do is to place 2 video elements within a “grid element” that has 2 cells. Just make sure that the cells got no padding and the videos should both use exactly 50% of the available width :)
Best regards,
KriesiHey tdproperty,
I am afraid I am not sure were the plugin code would need to be modified to change the behavior. In this case its probably better to ask the plugin author for support since I don’t think that the issue is caused by the theme :)
Best regards,
Since enfold only uses the default wordpress search you would need to use a plugin to do something like that. Its unfortunately quite hard to group the search results as you would require it (the wordpress default ist to mix those and list them by date) so I dont think there is a simple code snippet that we can offer that fixes this for you.
However, some of the more advanced search plugins might work fine for you. eg: states that it can sort results by relevance and not by date, which might work fine for you ;)
Best regards,
KriesiMay 2, 2016 at 7:50 am in reply to: error Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display handlers #625501closing this because its a duplicate of:
May 1, 2016 at 7:34 pm in reply to: error: Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display #625366Hi,
Truth to be told: I can not be 100% certain until we try one of those solutions. Might indeed be something different but since no one else is experiencing this issue (and we got a good sample size with 80.000 customers ;D ) I think its correct to assume that this is a server issue, and the large memory usage also points in that direction…
Best regards,
KriesiI opened the page in the avia layout editor and scrolled down to the 3 embedded images. then I clicked on each of those and set the alignment to “center” instead of left ;)
Danke fürs Follow up :)
Gute Sache. Wusste nicht das man diese Core funktion mittlerweile schon ändern kann ;)
Wenn du das ganze in ein Plugin file schreibst und dieses Plugin aktivierst wird der code auch funktionieren und nicht entfernt wenn du das Theme wechselst :)
Wenn du ein “av-expire-session.php” file in deinem wp-content/plugins folder erstellst und diesen code reinkopierst solltest du ein funktionierendes Plugin haben:
KriesiApril 30, 2016 at 1:28 pm in reply to: Passwort für geschützte Seiten nicht im Cache speichern #624989Jo, das problem mit dieser anleitung ist dass du da WordPress Core files ändern würdest und diese änderung mit jedem wordpress update wieder weg wäre.
Ist generell eine praktik von der abzuraten ist. Wie gesagt, das ganze hat leider nichts mit dem theme zu tun. Könnte mir vorstellen das es ein plugin gibt das kann was du dir wünscht, leider ist mir da keines bekannt.
Ne kurze suche zu wordpress plugins mit logout hat folgendes gefunden, vielleicht hilft das ja? 30, 2016 at 11:43 am in reply to: Passwort für geschützte Seiten nicht im Cache speichern #624929Hey Albrecht,
Da wir hier nur WordPress interne Funktionen verwenden und der code nicht aus den Theme files sondern aus den WordPress Core Files kommt fürchte ich dass uns das nicht möglich ist.
Vielleicht gibts dazu ein Plugin, bekannt ist mir allerdings leider keines :/
Da das speichern des passworts eigentlich ja vom Browser bestimmt wird und nicht von WordPress oder dem Theme wärs auch ne möglichkeit ein Browser Plugin zu suchen :)Lg,
since this is not a permanent solution and will be removed with the next update, (ans also removes all thumbnails that are generated and necessary for the theme):Would you mind posting me your login data for wordpress as well as your FTP data in the “private data” field?
I will see if I can find a fix that works better.Apparently this is an issue with GoDaddy, we have had some users reporting it now…
Best regards,
KriesiHi sackerly,
The latest version of Layerslider will of course be included with Enfold, but depending on our own development cycle it may take anywhere from a day to a few weeks until we release the new layerslider version with a theme update. (Assuming that its not a super critical update, we will of course always try to immediately update the slider if there are major security fixes included or if a previous version is broken in a major way)
As I have been told the version 5.6.6 offers a few minor bug fixes and some non critical security updates, so we will probably release it with the next major theme update.
What Rikard meant was that if you always want to run the latest version “immediately” you would need to get a license on codecanyon :)
Best regards,
KriesiApril 29, 2016 at 4:00 pm in reply to: WordPress 4.5 is not propperly working with enfold.. pls fix asap!! #624602Hi Aline, sorry for the late reply
I just checked your site and everything seems to work fine. If you are stille experiencing the problem it is probably because the browser cache is still not cleared.
Best regards,
This might have something to do with your server rather then your theme. You might want to try to activate the default theme and try to update again. If it still does not work you might need to try and update the installation via FTP
Best regards,
Kriesi -