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Yes they are still being updated, still work, and there are elements doe both woocommerce & general use.
I’ll check them out to see how the code is laid out. If it is formatted in a way that the element API works with it…I’ll give some a go. Looks like they’d be nice for portfolio or fashion type sites.
It’s been a while, but I finally have more time to work on updates. Are there any requests or ideas for some custom layout elements? Any common plugins which use several shortcodes?
Sorry, but it isn’t. With the new version of Enfold, the child theme that has been out there does not work unless you capitalize the name in the stylesheet. Has nothing to do with the 2015 template. I just did another fresh install this afternoon and have the same issue.
The issue is simple. In the new version of Enfold you’re capitalizing the word “Enfold”. That wasn’t the case before in the theme name declaration. The child theme still has it in lowercase. You need to just capitalize the word in the style.css file of the child theme to get it to work. Devs, please update the file.
Few things…
First, the contact form looks great and works well when it functions correctly. That said, there are countless threads that go back years. In most of the responses, the default answer is to install a SMTP plugin. When that doesn’t work, then blame the host.
Next, the SMTP plugin that mods push in here hasn’t been updated in over 4 years. There’s a newer and better one out there.
Next, telling people to just use Contact Form 7 is bad… That’s basically telling people to install yet another plugin just to use a feature the theme has already. The theme has a form, it should work and have built in options in the Enfold settings to allow for different setups. Plus, CF7 will slow down most sites since its scripts run on every page regardless if there’s a form on it or not.
Finally, I have it working using your contact form and that linked plugin using the Gmail SMTP option.
As I mentioned…there’s something odd about the setup of the built in form. Without using that plugin, it still only works on specific pages without issue. Some forms created won’t work at all. The form I had issues with would send the auto response, but not the email to me. So there is definitely a script issue in the theme itself. Either a specific combo of fields in the form or other elements from the theme whose scripts mess with things. Something….
Like the devs did with Layerslider, why not partner with a dev to include SMTP options for the form? Expand on the form options across the board really. There are lots more options that can be added to make it a premium feature. The better these features get, the more the dev can charge for the theme. Even as an add-on we can optionally purchase.
To further test things out. I placed the same form on a page with another form I know that works. Same issue. So that tells me it’s a form specific issue.
I have spent quite some time trying to test it out by removing, changing, adding different fields. Removing the auto-respond text. You name it. I can’t spot a difference between the two forms…the one that works versus the one that doesn’t…beyond the cosmetic. When viewing the source…they are the same.
Worked like a charm. It really would be great for the devs to include a simple download button/link in the demo import section on the back end. It’d be a really simple update to do so. This seems to happen a LOT with various demos, especially the ones with layerslider. That part of the import seems to be where it tends to hang up and error out.
Doprbox would be great.
Thank you. I need the Enfold import file, layer slider import files, and the media.
As I stated previously, I tried that. This isn’t my first rodeo. There is no setup to the child theme…it is literally the files provided here.
I have another open thread where I am having issues importing another demo. In that one, the issue happens when it tries to import media. The import feature of WordPress is known to be riddled with issues when it comes to importing media, etc. I can only imagine that compounding when a theme tries to plug into said feature like Enfold does.
What would help would be optional demo downloading that includes the wordpress page import file, the Enfold import file and all related graphics. That way we can import each thing separately.
Is there a manual download option for the layerslider import, enfold settings and media files? I keep trying this demo import and it fails and it seems to be hanging on media importing.
I did a manual import using the xml file directly. If I tell it to import the media as well, it fails. If I import without the media, it works…but then you see the issue. It seems to be with layerslider. I’m getting an error message on that one. So it would be great if there was a more robust way of manually importing these demos. A downloadable file with each of the files needed, including media. I’m wondering if a lot of the issues with importing have to do with layerslider and/or media.I simply activate the child theme, import a demo, like the construction one. It says it completed successfully. When I go to the home page, or any page, it’s blank. If I activate the parent theme and import the same demo it all works fine. Switching back to the child, blank. I’ve had this happen many times. I assumed it was just a random import issue the first couple times, but it tends to happen often. I even tried deleting all of the imported stuff and starting over from scratch.
Note…my clients use GoDaddy, but that shouldn’t be a cause.
There are some older, closed threads here on this, but no fix.
I’m on the newest version and I just put in the new code and it works for me. I would assume there was an issue with way you put in the new code or something up with your server not loading the updated version.
The only other option is to wait for them to push the update with the fix included.
Hopefully all these major update issues….this issue, the auto-update issue, the header issue, etc…all serve as a lesson for the dev team to do more extensive tests on various setups…especially on ones with a Woocommerce setup that uses the various kinds of built-in product types.
I’m taking requests this weekend for new elements to create. If you know of one that is some sort of HTML/CSS element that looks nice, or if you’re using a common plugin which has multiple shortcodes to display things, please link them here and I’ll look at and consider them.
Are we still waiting on a fix? I haven’t been able to sell anything on my site for a week or so now….at least anything that isn’t a simple, virtual product that is.
I created a new topic…but there’s really no need for admin access as the issue is known…it’s the mod code provided here. It isn’t variable compliant. While it stops the resource and 500 error issue, a side effect is that it shows every variable product as out of stock. Virtual products seem to be fine, but since most of mine are variable products, the issue is pretty big for me. Kinda screwed either way until a fix comes in.
As a point of reference, I am using the advanced layout elements to build my woocommerce pages. As the mod provided by you guys earlier requires an edit of one of those elements, it’s pretty clear the issue lies there.
Sorry, but that isn’t going to fix the issue. The issue is the last Enfold update. Another mod already posted a temp fix that stops the 500 error by editing a template builder element. That edit doesn’t account for variable products. Instead, it shows them as being unavailable or out of stock. The issue is the modded code provided to stop causing a resource loop of a 500 error page.
March 11, 2018 at 4:34 am in reply to: Add support for WooCommerce 3.0’s new gallery feature to your Costum productPage #925135Are you looking to create a custom layout element? Or would you like to mod an existing one?
I have created lots of custom elements. If this is a simple one, I don’t mind giving it a go. Do you have a link to a working example of what you’re looking to get?
Any updates on this issue?
March 9, 2018 at 10:45 pm in reply to: Woocommerce Cart Page: Cart-Table next to Cart-Totals/Collaterals #924783I’m not sure what you’re referring to here. For me, whatever is attached in your post shows nothing. I see a header, but nothing else. The iframe doesn’t seem to load everything in these forums. Wanna try a screenshot maybe?
Kinda hard to give a fix without a live version since it seems to sound like a CSS issue that can fix it.
March 9, 2018 at 10:41 pm in reply to: recent update woo simple product with addon timing out #924780Just to be clear…are you using the little code patch they posted in another thread? For me I am, but it has broken every product page other than virtual products.
Create both sliders on the page. Set one to display only on desktop, and the other to only show on mobile.
March 9, 2018 at 9:03 pm in reply to: Woocommerce Cart Page: Cart-Table next to Cart-Totals/Collaterals #924725have a link to view?
Any solutions to resolve this?
Upgrading your PHP version is a definite must, but that wouldn’t be part of the upgrade install issues. I’ve been on 7.2 and I still get this issue. Doesn’t happen every time for every client, but often enough. Love this theme, but lately, there have been a lot of issues with the updates pushed out that makes it feel like sufficient testing isn’t being done. With the newest update, there’s a significant WooCommerce bug in the Enfold code.
Hopefully they right the ship soon.
Correct. The virtual products on my site are fine. The variable ones…are not.
I’m with Lukas on this. While it stopped causing the resource look hogging all the server’s CPU and get the page to load for me, the issue is far from fixed. Now not a single product shows as in stock despite none of them having inventory management turned on.
Same here…keep having to upload files manually for any client using this. Now there’s a MAJOR WooCommerce issue with the theme…