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Thanks! Changing the youtube url worked.
Yes. I had the links point to blog posts for the time being. Here is one of the original videos that I tried to have come up in a lightbox.
Great. Thank you!
This reply has been marked as private.I have that plugin already installed. It doesn’t seem to make a difference.
Thanks. Unfortunately changing the functions.php didn’t seem to do the trick.
I use a child theme and haven’t worked on the header because I was afraid of messing with it. Is that what you recommend?
I don’t understand your response. I was not trying to get the video to play automatically. I was just trying to get it to play.
I was able to figure out a solution by using the easy slider though. Thanks for your help and have a great day.
Thanks. I changed to Full Screen Slider but I can’t get the video to fit inside a container with that either, nor can I get it to play. Do I have something set wrong?
Thanks! That plays now. I have a couple of more questions if you don’t mind.
1) I tried making the slider smaller, but couldn’t figure out how. When I tried putting it inside a content element that was 3/5 the size of the page it wouldn’t allow me to. Is there a way to make it smaller on desktop. The size is perfect on mobile.
2) When the video comes up on mobile, it comes up a little below the static thumbnail. Is there a way to layer it so it comes up right over the static thumbnail? See attached image.
Thanks. Would I need to upgrade layerslider to do this? I am having trouble finding documentation to help me accomplish that.
Thanks. I tried a vimeo video but I’m not getting any sound. It’s important that there’s sound as this is a portfolio. Is there always no sound when background video is selected? If so, is there another way to do the video full width that allows sound?
Thanks. That’s great. It fills the slide, but I can’t get it to play or go to the next slide now. Is there an issue with my video provider?
Thanks Richard,
I removed that code. Is there also a way to make the video full width on mobile?
Sorry, here’s the screen shot. I’ve included the login details in the private content.
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by
Whoops. Should have realized that. Thanks!
Thanks, but I’m still having trouble.I downloaded enfold from the envato market and when I try and upload the updated theme I get this message now.
The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
This has been resolved. Thanks!
This has been resolved. Thanks!
Sure. It’s
Great. Thanks!
Great. That worked. Thanks!
Great. Thanks! That solved it.
Thanks! I see that I get a white bar when I first hover over at the top of the video and then when i move the arrow off the video and hover over again, the play button appears.
Do you know why I have the white bar? Is this something that you have seen before? If not, what do you think could be causing this? Thanks again!
Thanks. I’m not seeing the changes though. What does the site look like when you look at it?
I’m sure with being closed over the holiday’s that you are trying to catch back up, but I Just wanted to follow up with this to see if you got my last response (with all the info you need to login). Please let me know. Thanks!
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by
I tried sending an email to the email you gave after the forums were closed but it kept getting returned. Here’s the info. Thanks!
Thanks. Just added it.
Thanks! I figured it out. I used the code box to embed the video instead. Consider this solved.
Thanks for the response. I cleared cache on three different browsers, reloaded, tried hard refresh in that link you mentioned and did icognito / private windows but the text is still white on white when I scroll. Where as when I’m logged into wordpress and I scroll the logo text changes to gray on white.
Thanks. I just noticed when I am logged in the website does exactly what I want it to do upon scrolling (see links to images below). The text is white at first and then changes gray upon scrolling. When I am logged out though the logo doesn’t change and the white text on white background essentially disappears. Do you know why this would work only when I am logged in?
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by