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  • in reply to: Background video doesn't load #1352585
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    in reply to: Background video doesn't load #1352564
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    in reply to: Background video doesn't load #1352546
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    in reply to: Personalize footer #1352545

    Thanks for the great advice.

    in reply to: Background video doesn't load #1352533
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    Hi Rikard,
    Thanks for the tip.
    I did that and it worked.
    But the image is not precise, even though my logo is huge compared to the advised dimension. I downloaded an even bigger logo (2400 px large) but it remains unprecise. And by the way, this is a problem I am having also with smaller gallery images (link below)). Say smaller, but they have 1500 px in width…
    Please tell me how I can fix this.
    Thank you so much,

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    Thanks for your remark, I wasn’t aware I had a password problem.
    You can reach my website at the adress below.
    I could in some way fix the stability problem.
    But the question remains about how I can make my logo bigger and visible ? I am not sure I konw what is a reasonable size for titles and images either; maybe is all too big, what do you think? Can you advice at this purpose ?
    Thank you so much for your precious help,

    the links to my website and to the website I would like to take as a stable model where elements become small is I dezoom (and don’t become big again, as it presently does on my website).

    Thanks for the answer, but that was not my purpose, I don’t want to touch the code. I there isn’t a way without touching the code, then I’ll leave it and reproduce manually the same combination of functions.
    Back to my other problems, the elements on my page look huge even wenn I dezoom with the mouse, and my logo looks looks too small. Moreover it is hardly visible on the header and it comes down in an ugly way. I tried to search in the menus but didn’t find anything. How can I fix this ?
    Here my page and an example of page where the elements don’t become huge, even though the site remains responsive. I would like to have the same. Thank you.

    Right beneath the slideshow there are two boxes with a text, the first one is Guided Tour: I would like to put there, in the title, my logo, and in the second title (des visites immersives) an icon. Is it possible ?

    Other question, so I can work a little more indipendently: is there a way I can copy or import a part of the Enfold landing page I like into my homepage ? I could create a model of it but i don’t know where it went and how I can use it. Thanks.

    Oh sorry, i don’t know what happened. It works now.
    One question: how do I put my logo in the first colum and an icon in the second one ?

    I added a red button inside the first text column under the galery, but it is showing underneath, and not ihnside, Moreover, and more problematic, when I open the section to modify the name written on the button it is empty, and this happens also with all the other sections. Did you modify something in the page ?

    The width is very unstable when I add a more button. I was talking of image dimension because maybe it is linked. The first two boxes after the slide show are way much bigger than I wanted.

    That’s the future homepage


    Thank you for the answer.
    Well you speak this language every day, for me it’s the first time.
    And yes, i need some help to understand different things. In the meantime I could get a little way but franckly it’s hard.

    For example, columns. I built a 4 columns gallery preceeded by 4 titles and followed by text boxes, since i didn’t find anything better (I avoid using color boxes since I want my background to be all white). But margins are totally irregular, texts are not stable and I can’t add a More button cos the culums get messed up.

    By the way, how do I bring elements down when I get far away from the header ? When I drag them I can’t scroll at the same time. I try to dezoom with the mouse to do the long distance without scrolling, but then the icons get too small. I think my images are not good in size, by the way.

    I also have a problem with my logo, since it comes down in an irregular way. As I said in the preceeding message, logo is big, but it remains too little.

    Is it possible to remove images that I don’t use from the library ?

    Thanks very much in advance for your help.

    Actually it means that I don’t know how to use the demos.
    What are all these pages I received (Homepage advanced Layout Builder, Home v10 Magazine,…) ? Models I can modify or just things to look at and try to do the same in a new page ? If so, where do I get an explanation or sort of dictionnary to know what are the single icons (ex. tab section, a masonry ? a wall ?!). And do I have to test them all to see if I like them ?!
    I thought to download the Default Demo so everything is already prepared and I just have to replace the content. It is not working this way ?
    Clearly I don’t know where to start from and I don’t want to make mistakes. I need a tutorial, please. I wanto to do the exact same page as the default demo homepage, just with my content.
    Thank you.

    Thanks for answering.
    I have the Default Demo homepage installed on my website (url beneath).
    I would like to replace the Latin content with my content. On top I have a slideshow like the one showing in the second url, which is the coming soon page.
    I do I replace the Demo slide-show with my slide show ? In the box there is the long code text beginning with:
    [av_layerslider id=’1′ av_uid=’av-9tunm6′]
    [av_one_third first av_uid='av-9o3wpq']
    Unfortunately I don’t read chinese. What do I do ?

    Hi Mike,

    I could finally find the way to create 5 sub-directories (empty), by coping the parent directory. Three questions:

    1. If i got it right, I have to edit the parent theme first with content, and then copy it in sub-directories: right ?

    2. Is it possible to delete the child-directories that I created and duplicate new ones (once I edit the parent theme) without disbalancing the website or my c-panel ? (so to keep the pages layout, the images and the video and have to replace just the text while duplicating, cause I already lost a lot of time).

    3. I followed your recommendation to import the enfold default demo, and it said to import the child demo first, so I did it. What do I have to do with it now ? Does it run automatically by itself and stores things, or do I have to do something with it ? Cause I will have a parent and 4 child themes.

    Thanks a lot for your help and kind regards,

    in reply to: How to download default demo #1351685

    Hi Rikard,
    Thanks for answering quickly.
    The tutorial didn’t say that demos are to be imported from the dashbord. You might want to add this to it, so other people won’t struggle like crazy to do it from the Enfold page :-)
    As for the import, it worked, thank you. But I had to give it 6 tries, ’cause the message “try and reflesh page” would come over and over again.
    So the problem is solved, thanks very much.
    Kind regards,

    Hi Mike,
    Thank you very much for your answer.
    I am unsure what to do, since you say you wouldn’t use it for multilanguage purposes.
    My aim is to buil a multisite in 5 languages using the system of the subdirectory. Yigit already gave me a 3-steps process (1. create a child directory in one language 2. duplicate it in 4 other languages. 3. add a language switcher widget to the header). All y I need a more detailed step-by-step guide.
    Do you have this somewhere ?
    Thanks again

    Please tell me if I am good before doing it:
    app-installer, click Wp icon, insatall now (so I’m going to use the same wp I have on my parent theme, if I get it right), then change folder wp with the name of the child theme, but here I have a doubt: underneath, parameters, do I have to tick “multisite option”, since I want to build a website in 5 languages using this system ?
    And do I have to set a new user name and password ?
    Then do I have to set things in “advanced options” about the database ?
    Then there are thiemes, but not Enfold, and I would like to use Enfold.
    Thanks for your help and kind regards,

    Hi Mike,
    Thanks y lot for your quick answer.
    My FTP doesn’t show my computer on the left but the content of my website server.
    But I do have both things: the c-panel with categories to open, and at the bottom, the app-installer with the WP, joomla etc. icons.
    But I don’t get what you mean with: “If so you can choose your subdirectory in the install wizard and let the installer set up the database and files for you”.
    What is and where is the install wizard ? Please explain step by step. I already named my subdirectory in Public html.
    Thank you very much for your help.

    Hi Yigit,
    Thanks for answering. I tried to follow the instruction of the first link
    The instruction: is not clear and complete for me.
    1. I already have WP: do I have to install it ONE AGAIN ?
    2. If so, downloads are usually done on the computer, but instruction says “In the local files panel of your FTP client, go to the ‘wordpress’ folder you just extracted”: how do I get to extract zips in the FTP client, which is not on my computer but on internet ?

    I found the enfold documentation.
    All I need to know is:
    1. Do I have to remove everything I did or not ?
    2. At which point of the process explained in the documentation shall I start working on the multilanguage site ?
    3. Where can I find a tutorial explaining the steps of creating a sub-directory multi-site with the child directories.
    Please somebody help.
    I’m completely stuck, cos the site is stuck, nothing of what I do works anymore.

    in reply to: Log in #1349078

    Can I please get an answer ?
    I am completely stuck . Please.

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