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  • I figured it must be the alphabet, so I put Latin.
    So shall I do the same in all the sub-directories, or specifying the 4 languages for each page as I did in the “main” site (French) is enough ?

    Dear Team
    Thank you for your different advice.
    Putting the Hreflang in the head seems indeeed the best option, but I translated all myself, and don’t use WPML. So I downloaded the Hreflang manager plugin and indexed everything. But I don’t see any differencies in the url, and the speed is not affected. How can I see if it worked ? I never refilled the information “script 1” as I didn’t know what to put – latin ? among the many other choises like japanese, cyrillic, arabic, coptic, etc. it seems the best choice, but as the denomination is very precise (even latin gaelic is possible) I was not sure if it refers to the latin language or to latin alphabet, and so I left that empty. Maybe it didn’t work because of that ?
    Thanks again for your advice.
    Kind regards,

    in reply to: Change masonry font size #1422638

    Hi Nikko,
    Thank you vrey much for the code. It worked on all sites. In this case I had to purge the cache. Now I get why Mike always sais to do it !
    You can then close this issue. Thank again
    Kind regards,

    in reply to: Margins unmanageable: code somewhere ? #1422633

    Thank you very much Mike. It is fine now. You can close this issue.
    Kind regards,

    in reply to: Icons titles unbalanced on smartphone view #1422632

    Hi Nikko,
    I changed every single icon manually. So you can close this issue.

    in reply to: Icons titles unbalanced on smartphone view #1422547

    Hi Nikko,
    I don’t have time anymore. I will go through all of them. It you achieve answergin within the day, please try a solution that works for all of them. Here below the correct codes. THanks,

    in reply to: without main site #1422059

    Dear Ismael,
    Thank you for your explanation.
    I understood how to do it, I just have three questions before.
    1. Is a snapshot enough to restore the site in case something goes wrong ? Because you talked about creating a backup, and I don’t know how to do it.
    2. Will still be my main site and the others sub-domains of it ?
    3. My visit card show, so if clients type that, how are they going to land to the right place ? Is it going to be according to the language they’re using ?
    Thank s again,
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Change masonry font size #1421900

    Hi Nikko,
    On the first example, when looking on computers AND on smartphones, the masonry titles “Berne”, “Bienne”, etc. are too big compared to the H2 title beneath “LA MATIERE DE LE’MOTION”.
    I would like them to be as in the english version: smaller and not in fat.
    I don’t know how to provide snapshots, sorry.
    Thanks for checking,

    in reply to: Icons titles unbalanced on smartphone view #1421898

    and I forgot this

    in reply to: without main site #1421897

    Hi Ismale,
    I don’t work with WPML: all my sites are sub-directories that I translated on my own (I’m a translartor).
    Is there a way to work the /FR url for the main site in this situation ?
    Thanks again for checking,
    Have a good day

    in reply to: Icons titles unbalanced on smartphone view #1421896

    Hi Nikko,
    THank you for this code.
    It worked for some of the pages,but on others, it didn’t, for the computer view, icons are too small and too close to the border and between each other. Is it possible to set the code differently ?
    As for the smartphone view, in some of the pages, icons are on the left or repeated twice. I put the links below. Maybe we can work them separetely or is there something in their setting that must be undone ? Or try something else ?
    Thanks again,
    Have a good day,

    in reply to: Change masonry font size #1421857

    and see,
    strangely, on the english version it is ok…

    in reply to: Change masonry font size #1421856

    Hi Nikko,
    Thanks for your answer.
    Sorry, my mistake: I was refering to this kind of page.
    Thanks agains and regrads,

    in reply to: Margins unmanageable: code somewhere ? #1421855

    Hi Mike,
    Thank you for your answer.
    I still have problems with the margin undeer the first H2 title in the italian subdirectory, it is fine on the computer, but too big on the smartphone view.
    In the french homepage, the separator after the second H2 title (Cité marchandes) has a too big space with the paragraph below; moreover it should be equally distant from both text up and down and it’s not. This issue counts for the smartphone particularly, but the computer view is also slightly irregular.
    Same problem in the english homepage, the separator after the second H2 title “Beautiful Market”: too small on the upper part (smartphone view).
    Below, the separator after the third H2 title (Materiality) is barely ok, but if you notice, the parameters are exagerated: 20 and 2, to achieve a lower space still bigger, and no parameters are available in the lower box which is a gitter box. It is ok for me, but I draw your attention on it because this seems to me an irregularity. Or,there is something I’m not aware of.
    Thank you for checking that.
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Managing margins for responsive purpose #1421852

    Hi Mike,
    I don’t do code, so no it doesn’t help. But after many tries ant time spent, I could solve the issue.
    Thank you,

    in reply to: without main site #1421851

    Hi Ismael,
    Thank you for your answer.
    Maybe I was a little confusing.
    So I started with a main site in french. After it was done, I cloned it in 2 subdirectories which I called /EN and /IT. So my question is: can I also call the main site /FR ?
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Margins unmanageable: code somewhere ? #1421574

    As for the other margin and padding issues I solved them more or less, as i worked the whole night.
    I don’t know if Enfold has instability problems with this, but I need to read a clear explanation on how one can control margins and paddings.

    in reply to: Margins unmanageable: code somewhere ? #1421573

    PS: the issue concerns small screens only

    in reply to: Margins unmanageable: code somewhere ? #1421572

    Dear Team,
    In my english site now the image of video (at rest) is only party visible, I tried every possible parameter to solve the issue and don’t achieve anything.
    Can you please help also with this ?

    in reply to: Margins unmanageable: code somewhere ? #1421552

    After 3h work, I could change some of the parameters. But not the space between the green evaluation icon and the first paragraph ( Une destionation); it’s still too big on the smartphone view and everything is on zero. At least that I see. The parameters are too many.
    Can I please get a simple definition of what all these parameters good for (paddin, margins, box margins/poadding, special title padding and margin, ec.. ec.c. ecc.) ? When one uses a padding, when one uses a margin. It’s a huge mess, I repeat myself: they are too many, and they don’t react in the same way from one page to another. Please a little help.

    in reply to: Margins unmanageable: code somewhere ? #1421543

    Or maybe, is there an article that explains howto use the different types of margins, adding, boxes etc ?

    in reply to: Margins unmanageable: code somewhere ? #1421530

    The gaps between the single blocs are particularly huge in the smartphone view.

    in reply to: Margins unmanageable: code somewhere ? #1421528

    In details:
    I can’t modify the distance between the slideshow and the first title. I would like it smallere like the others, I am trying to set all parameters like the others sites, but nothing do.

    I can’t modify the distance between the first title and the green review icon, I would like it smaller like on the other sites.

    And also a smaller distance with the following color box.

    Please explain what’s wrong so I can understand and never have this problem again. I’m really sick and tired of these margins problems. Thank you

    in reply to: Margins unmanageable: code somewhere ? #1421527

    It’s only the french version causing a problem. The other two are fine.

    Hi Mike,
    Thank you for the explanation. I noted everything.
    And thank you very much for all of your precious help in doing this cloning and language switcher.
    With your guidance it was all very easy to do. Now I feel comfortable to translate the other two versions on my own and put them online.
    So this never ending issue can now finally be closed.
    Thank you, Thank you.
    Kind regards,

    in reply to: Managing margins for responsive purpose #1421224

    PS: I also have a problem with the distances between my H3 Titles and the separator bar beneath: there is NO WAY I can achieve the same distance. Here too, I don’t really undeerstand what is the meaning of a padding and of a margin. Please explain me exactly which parameter I have to change to achieve a regular distance equal in all cases. The problem with spaces in Enfold is that I think I set a standard parameter at the beginning, but then it was not regular in all the responsive views, and I had to change them all in an individual way. This took a huge amount of time and now it seems to have gone off track over time and I see myself starting this loss of time all over again.

    Hi Mike,
    We can certainly close the issue.
    But before, can you tell me how to undo the block mentioned by the message “Warning: Unterminated comment starting line 2 in /home/hulaslim/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold-child/functions.php on line 2” and how to undo the block caused by the saving in the default editor, in case it happens again ?
    Thank you
    Best regards,

    Hi Mike,
    Thank you very much for your precious help. I hadn’t realized I saved the page as “block editor”. So that it doesn’t happen again, can you tell me where does one have to click to save a page like a block editor ? Is the block editor what in French is called Default editor ?
    Thank you and best regards,

    Since it said line 2, I deleted the asterisk with the left slash. Now it sais:

    Vos modifications de code PHP ont été annulées en raison d’une erreur sur la ligne 2 du fichier wp-content/themes/enfold-child/functions.php. Veuillez la corriger et réessayer d’enregistrer.

    syntax error, unexpected ‘*’, expecting end of file

    Now the computer view shows a normal situation (hopefully) but the smartphone view still has this message “Warning:…..”, but mentioning line 3.

    Dear Mike,
    I also agree with you. Too much work.
    I deleted everything, but there is a problem on the homepage of the french website, on top it sais Warning: Unterminated comment starting line 2 in /home/hulaslim/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold-child/functions.php on line 2

    and on the mobile screen a huge space appears before the slide show.
    The english homepage has a smaller slide-show now, surrounded by a white square around.
    How can I fix this ?
    Thank you and kind regards,

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