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  • in reply to: Links Decoration CSS Help Needed #1053964

    Hi Mike,

    Hover down any time and the border will appear. I cleared the cache many, many times. Tried several browsers and they all show the same bar as before once you hover down on them.

    If I replace my CSS with yours above, will this wacky behavior stop happening?

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Links Decoration CSS Help Needed #1053942

    Hi Mike,

    I think I had already tried that. It’s added and the bottom border still shows. I also tried to apply it to the Hover and Visited states and cannot make it go away.



    in reply to: Load Only Used Elements is it truly active? #1053939

    Ah! That would be for the functions.php, right? I’ll test it tomorrow and let you know!!

    Thank you!!

    in reply to: Links Decoration CSS Help Needed #1053238

    Hi Basilis!

    I fixed the button with this CSS code but I am unable to fix the image piece. (adding #top.single-post makes things worse) At least we have one more piece solved… All we are missing is to stop the images (and sliders) from showing the bottom border.

    /*underline links body*/
    .entry-content a {
    color: #000 !important;
    border-bottom: 5px solid #e06;
    .entry-content a:hover {
    color: #e06 !important;
    text-decoration: none !important;
    border-bottom: none !important;
    span.avia_iconbox_title {
    color: #fff !important;

    I also tried adding this code but it didn’t work :(
    #top .wp-caption img {
    border: medium none;
    display: block;
    padding: 5px;
    margin: 0;
    width: 100%;
    border-bottom: none !important;

    in reply to: Links Decoration CSS Help Needed #1053206

    Hi Basilis!

    I just replaced the CSS code with yours (I even changed the #000 for the button to #fff as it should be) and it’s not working.

    The Avia buttons should look and behave like these ones: (no matter what color is chosen, the font is white even on hover) and no border (on hover or not)

    And the images and icons should not have a border (on hover or not)

    #top.single-post .entry-content a that applies to both the button title and the regular links on the body. If you change it to white, the hyperlinked body text disappears (turns white) Is there a way to split this behavior? (same with the border bottom?)

    Thank you!!


    in reply to: Load Only Used Elements is it truly active? #1052537

    Hi Ismael!

    Sorry for my delay in responding but I wanted to make sure I could clear it out on my own.

    I have been updated to the latest version of WordPress and Enfold and now it seems to be working as it should. A single compressed CSS file and no jQuery migrate load… :)

    I really don’t know what could have caused it… but it’s fixed… Quick question… I am trying to add a dns-prefetch and for some reason the child’s php file does not like it but I added the lines to the header.php (child theme) and I wanted to make sure I did it correctly. This is the URL:

    This is what I tried on the functions php file:
    /*DNS Prefetch
    function havi_dns_prefetch() {
    echo ‘<meta http-equiv=”x-dns-prefetch-control” content=”on”>
    <link rel=”dns-prefetch” href=”//” />
    <link rel=”dns-prefetch” href=”//” />
    add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘havi_dns_prefetch’, 0);

    (It did not like the last line)

    And what I added then to the header.php:
    <link rel=”dns-prefetch” href=”//”>
    <link rel=”dns-prefetch” href=”//”>
    then the rest…

    Do I have to add: <meta http-equiv=”x-dns-prefetch-control” content=”on”> before the above?

    Thank you!!!


    in reply to: Links Decoration CSS Help Needed #1051925

    Hey Vinay,

    I removed the “important” and it is not changing the social media icons to black now but it still added the underline and it wasn’t doing so before. Also, the avid button cannot be switched to white font (even manually) I tried.

    So now it’s this:

    /*underline links body*/
    #top.single-post .entry-content a {
    color: #000;
    border-bottom: 2px solid #e06;
    .entry-content a:hover {
    color: #6e9e9a !important;
    text-decoration: none !important;
    border-bottom: none !important;

    But my previous one worked better. Still underlining images and affecting Avia buttons.

    Hope you can find a solution.

    Help is much appreciated as this will increase readership and conversions!


    in reply to: Duplicate markup generate by Enfold #1051912

    Thank you, Ismael! I actually reached out to the ESSB guys and they had made a change to their plugin. One of the admin functions was moved to another part of the settings and disabled. I enabled it to setup a specific functionality that avoids duplicating Yoast’s go markup.

    It’s been taken care of!!

    Thank you so much for caring!!



    in reply to: Links Decoration CSS Help Needed #1051910

    Hi Vinay!

    It did not work. It actually made it worse as the social media icons are not underlined (and the aviation button is too) constantly and the text is black.



    in reply to: Flickering on Chrome on Load More #1050978

    Ho Basilis,

    The code worked!! Thank you!!

    in reply to: Flickering on Chrome on Load More #1050972

    Ooooopps!! I spoke too soon. I was testing on Safari.

    I just checked on Chrome and with 4.5.2 it flickers a LOT!

    I will add the code to the css and let you know.

    in reply to: Flickering on Chrome on Load More #1050971

    Thank you. Ismael!!

    Updated to 4.5.2 and the flickering is gone! There’s only a small side to side movement after the load more but totally livable!

    Thank you so much!!!

    Warm regards,


    in reply to: Duplicate markup generate by Enfold #1050969

    Hi Basilis!!

    Thank you so much for your response! I’ll check with the ESSB plugin guys, then. Otherwise I have no clue as to what could be generating those.

    Warm regards,


    in reply to: Load Only Used Elements is it truly active? #1050966

    Hi Victoria,

    That’s exactly what puzzles me. CSS merging it’s enabled!!

    Any other ideas?


    in reply to: Load Only Used Elements is it truly active? #1047553

    Hi Nikko,

    Appreciated but that doesn’t solve my problem.

    Even though CSS and JS performance from Enfold are enabled and jQuery migrate and emoji are disabled and Load ONLY active elements is selected elements not used by the page are being loaded and definitely not being compressed.

    Cleared the server Cache and they still load.

    How can I stop them from loading if they are not called?

    Thank you!


    in reply to: Flickering on Chrome on Load More #1046976

    Hi Victoria,

    I do have making a small screencast on my todo list. Sorry, I just launched a new site and this may be caused by some leftover js from previous versions as the new site does not exhibit this behavior.

    It would be faster if I give you access to one of the staging sites. Or we can wait until I do the screencast. As it’s not a high priority ticket, I leave it up to you.

    Let me know which way we should go.



    in reply to: Very strange Click to Call Button Behavior #1046974

    Hi Ismael!
    I’ll keep your solution handy. I found a fix. I’m sharing:

    The format (even though http gets added when inserting a shortcode) for the Tel url should always be:


    9 being a numeric character. Not http or https prefix should be entered. no backslahes, nothing. So far, it has the same clicking behavior on all buttons.

    I am sure it will be reflected on the Conversion Tags I implemented via GTM as well (as they all have the same identical value and we know computers roll like that – identical lol)

    If I don’t see it working, I’ll try your fix. Give me 3 to 4 weeks to be able to measure and I’ll give your my final feedback.



    in reply to: Very strange Click to Call Button Behavior #1035247

    Hi Basilis,

    I do have Skype and all Apple computers have calling capabilities via FaceTime (including mine). Shouldn’t one of those apps open to make the call?

    If I click on the tel:800number it does open FaceTime. If I click on the button it doesn’t and if I click on the phone links on the page it takes me off the website into a blank page on the same window.

    What I do notice is that all of these urls are constructed differently (I see that when I hover over them on Safari)

    The one that works is tel:9999999999 and the button is https://tel:9999999999. Only Chrome takes me off to a blank page. Am I entering something incorrectly?

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Masonry element – flickering on Load More #1034511

    Hi guys!
    Quick question… Do we still have to add the script to stop the flickering for Load More on Chrome with version 4.5?
    Thank you!!

    in reply to: Very strange Click to Call Button Behavior #1034216

    Hi Basilis!

    The part where you click on the Tel url and they leave the page to a blank page. This happens only on desktop. Mobile does dial the number.

    Thank you so much!!



    in reply to: Enfold 4.4.1 & Gutenberg #1033293

    Personally, I can’t wait until this: and Classic and Gutenberg editors becomes a reality with WP 5.0 too.

    It will enable me to move the posts one by one to Gutenberg while always keeping the pages on Enfold’s ALB.

    Do you think that eventually WP will do away with the Classic TinyMCE editor?

    in reply to: Very strange Click to Call Button Behavior #1033173

    Hi guys,

    I was able to adjust my tracking on GTM to capture all clicking behavior but the second button does take the person off the website on a desktop (if clicked)

    Of course, it works perfectly well on Mobile.

    Let me know if you want access to the staging site!



    in reply to: Very strange Click to Call Button Behavior #1032373

    Hi Victoria!!

    You can add it but it does not behave in the same way.

    Would you like me to give you access to this staging site? I can develop a page with just buttons or plain Tel:links and add some notes for you on the text so you can see for yourself.

    It is quite strange.

    The first number works like a charm and the second one opens on a new page.

    When I switch back to the first phone number on the second link and update the page, the button/link behaves properly. It doesn’t seem to like the second number (or third, or fourth) and I think it’s Tel:URL related. Placed outside of a button it doesn’t work the same way either.

    Best regards,


    in reply to: CSS behavior inconsistent across browsers #1032237

    Hi Rikard,

    I cleared the Safari cache 3 times, cleared History. closed browser, re-opened, restarted the computer. All before placing the ticket.

    Yesterday there was a Safari update. Today, I checked again, some pages were showing partially CAPS and partially non-caps. Cleared the browser’s cache again. This time it did it. Browsers are becoming more persistent on keeping things cached I’ve noticed. It’s all about speed.

    Thank you so much,

    I have another issue that has been happening for a few months with a Custom Separator that does not force a line break after. I have been replacing it with a whitespace separator but this forces me to update all of the blog posts. Would you like me to add a link to the blog here or open a new ticket?

    Also, could you please take a look at this ticket: the button does not behave consistently when you change the link phone number. I don’t know if it is because it’s a second call button on the page or the URL format is not the right one for Enfold (I have found several tickets that indicate tel:8000000000 is the way to go but I also found tel:18000000000 as the way to go and I’d like a little direction) Both buttons should behave in the exact same manner. I have tested copying the shortcode and changing the number and it stops working properly (it links to a blank page that looks like an error). I have tried inserting a brand new shortcode and again the same error happens with the second number and call button. It’s the URL that’s failing because it doesn’t have the proper formatting. Which is the formatting Enfold needs for Click to Call buttons?

    Thanks again for your help on this. It is essential for me to have the URL behave consistently so I can track it. If I don’t know what it looks like, I cannot track it. And it evidently the URL seems to look the same but the behavior on the webpage shows it doesn’t.

    Kind regards,


    in reply to: Very strange Click to Call Button Behavior #1031896

    Hi Victoria,

    I found this ticket: my website’s phone numbers are not setup with a +1 Do you think that’s the reason they are not working properly?

    Actually there was another topic that indicated to add them without +1

    Thank you for your prompt response,


    in reply to: CSS behavior inconsistent across browsers #1031842

    Hi Victoria!

    The H1 – H6 elements should not transform but they do transform in Safari.

    Here’s their text on Safari:

    This is on Chrome (as it should be seen):
    Best Fully-Managed Conversion Optimization Services (H1)
    Fully-Managed Conversion Optimization Services: What’s In It For You (H2)
    Website Redesign Example: 250% Conversion Rate Increase (H2)

    Let me know if you need access to the site and I’ll create admin credentials for you.



    in reply to: Very strange Click to Call Button Behavior #1031819

    Hi Victoria,

    This is theme related. Why does the button open in a new page when the number is local? Or is it because Enfold does not allow two phone numbers on the same page with the same exact behavior?

    I’ll take care of the tracking when the behavior of the button gets to be the same for all the Click to Call buttons.

    Thank you.


    in reply to: Very strange Click to Call Button Behavior #1031475

    Hi guys,

    I hope this helps. I tested one more option. To show the local number and just change the TEL:URL from the local to the 800 number and the error goes away. Of course, I cannot use this as a workaround because if people want to call the local number, they should and they will see it on their phones.

    But the code should not behave differently upon the number. Is there a conflict with having more than one number on the page? I don’t know where else to look.

    Thank you!!


    in reply to: Enfold 4.4.1 & Gutenberg #1027775

    Hi @michaelH !!

    How did you get Enfold 4.5? I am still on 4.4.1 – What did I miss?

    Thank you!! :)


    in reply to: Author Title Tags & Category H1s #1014373

    Fixed it!! Modified H3 to H1 :)

    add_filter(‘avf_tag_label_names’,’new_tag_label’, 10, 1);
    function new_tag_label($title){
    $currenttag = single_tag_title(”,false);
    $title = ”
    <h1 class=’post-title tag-page-post-type-title’>”.$currenttag. “</h1>
    return $title;

    Thank you!!


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