Forum Replies Created
January 29, 2020 at 2:56 pm in reply to: Little bug in ALB – option to add cell beneath a row doesn't fit #1179437
Is already merged for the next release – will be fully responsive for all text length now.
Best regards,
Thanks for feedback.
I will close this topic for now – feel free to open a new one if you need further assistance.
Enjoy the theme and have a great day.
Best regards,
GünterJanuary 29, 2020 at 2:44 pm in reply to: Telegram in Social Share Buttons after upgrading to 4.7.2 #1179431Hi,
Glad it works now.
Thanks for pointing out yelp icon. I agree to change the colors for it. Will be in next release.
I will close this topic – feel free to open a new one if you need further assistance.
Have a nice day and enjoy Enfold.
Best regards,
GünterJanuary 29, 2020 at 11:22 am in reply to: Little bug in ALB – option to add cell beneath a row doesn't fit #1179362Hi,
Thanks for reporting this – could reproduce it.
Thanks for the quick fix.
Yes, it is really a matter of length of translation and a HTML structure that does not allow to style it correctly for longer text. I will try to fix it in the next update.
Best regards,
As a start for the new design:
Best regards,
GünterJanuary 28, 2020 at 6:04 pm in reply to: Blogbeiträge auf der News-Seite werden nicht mit Textauszug angezeigt #1179110Hi,
Eine Seite/Post/Portfolie mit ALB gemacht besteht nur aus shortcodes – hat in dem Sinn eigentlich keinen “Content” sondern nur Layout Elemente die dann befüllt werden.
Man kann das Eingabefeld Excerpt befüllen – das wird dann auch z.B. im BlogPost angezeigt mit Read More Link wenn man “Blog Content length” resp. “Define Blog Grid layout” entsprechend auswählt (Title and Excerpt + Read More Link).
Ursprünglich war der ALB auch nur für Seiten freigeschaltet, erst später auch für post und portfolio.
Im normalen TinyMCE Editor Visual mode gibt es einen Button “Insert Read More tag”, im Text mode einen “more” button.
Best regards,
We are making silent beta releases between normal releases – downloadable from a test server as password protected zip.
If you want we can mail you link and password to e-mail mentioned above as soon as we release one.
And follow regards,
GünterHey Grant,
Thanks for sharing the ideas.
I opened a feature request in our dev repo on github.
Follow the changelog and
Best regards,
Soweit ich das Problem im ALB contact form lokalisieren konnte: tritt auf, wenn jQuery im footer geladen wird.
Als schnelle Lösung die Option Performance -> Load jQuery in your footer deaktivieren.
Fix ist in nächster Release ( oder grösser).Oder in Datei enfold\framework\php\class-form-generator.php um Zeile 636:
add_action( 'wp_footer', array( $this, 'helper_print_datepicker_script' ) );
ersetzen mit:
add_action( 'wp_footer', array( $this, 'helper_print_datepicker_script' ), 99999999 );
Nicht vergessen, eine Kopie der Originaldatei für ein fallback anzulegen, Server und Browser cache leeren.
Solltest Du Hilfe brauchen benötigen lass es uns wissen. Wir benötigen WP admin access und ftp access.
Danke für diese Info und den shortcode.
Best regards,
GünterJanuary 28, 2020 at 4:03 pm in reply to: Delete contents of public_html/wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia #1179054Hi,
Thanks for the login.
Please see – there is exactly the same problem.
What you can try to do is to deactivate all plugins in a dead time and check if there is still the problem with files being created (I reverted the php file back to display hash-xxxxxx again – so it will be easier to follow, disable merging options will clear all files).
We will let you know if we find something.
Best regards,
Thanks for the credentials. I could not update the php file – but in conjunction with the other tread ( where I could get in backend and modify the php file (I removed the extension xxxx from filename hashvalue-xxxxx) I realized the following:
- Enable CSS file merging (delete old file setting does not matter)
- Clear page server cache (if you are logged in and open e.g. frontpage you find it in the admin bar at top)
- Clear browser cache
- Reload the page – still the unmerged (!!) CSS files are loaded – not the merged one as it should be
- if you check with ftp you can see the merged file is generated (remember the time stamp)
- Now clear page server cache again
- Reload the page again – still all CSS files are loaded
- If you check ftp backend the timestamp has changed – means the file has been overwritten – using the current implementation with xxxx a new file is created
Conclusion: Your server environment simply ignores loading the merged files. So you can leave these options disabled. They even slow down your site.
At the moment I have no idea why this happend. I will forward it to Kriesi and the other mods – maybe they have an idea.
Best regards,
Sollte eigentlich funktionieren – hab gerade auch einen Report bekommen, dass es da ein Problem gibt.
Welche Version von Enfold verwendest Du? Ein Link zu deiner Seite mit dem Kontaktformular wäre auch gut.
Best regards,
I cannot reproduce your problem on my server (Enfold 4.7.2).
Please give us a link to your site, WP admin credentials and specify exactly step by step how to reproduce.
Best regards,
If I can get into WP backend – I will do it temporary for testing and then deactivate it again.
But link above returns: Apache is functioning normally
I would need a link your-domain/wp-admin.
Best regards,
GünterJanuary 27, 2020 at 6:00 pm in reply to: Blogbeiträge auf der News-Seite werden nicht mit Textauszug angezeigt #1178746Hi,
Soweit ich auf den ersten Blick sehe, sind die Posts mit ALB gemacht. Diese haben ein anderes Verhalten. Um “Read More” zu verwenden, dürfen nur “normale Posts” verwendet werden – default editor.
Best regards,
I’ve rechecked the code again – but I’m still unable to find an explanation why it is not working as expected.
We just got another user ( – also .nl domain).
Could you please provide me WP admin account, link to WP backend and FTP account so I can connect with an FTP client like FileZilla to your server,
I would like to remove the timestamp from our file and check the server timestamp for the merged files ( I think, that the files get regenerated on each pageload – but as they have the same name they overwrite the old file and you do not recognise that ). But as already said I’m not able to reproduce it on our servers and on my dev server.
Best regards,
GünterJanuary 27, 2020 at 5:37 pm in reply to: Delete contents of public_html/wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia #1178742Hi,
@janhofmanveiligheidsopleidingeYou are using an older version of Enfold – that should not make any problems.
I checked your site and it seems to work as expected – I disbled merging again.If you check Performance -> Delete old CSS and JS files? the merged files are removed when disabling merging or saving theme options.
If this checkbox in unchecked, files are kept when theme version changes or new js or css files are added to be merged.I could not login WP backend. And I would also need link to ftp server please. And the allowance to save php files with theme editor.
We have another user with a similar problem (, also with a .nl domain) and I would like to remove the timestamp from our file and check the server timestamp for the merged files ( I think, that the files get regenerated on each pageload – but as they have the same name they overwrite the old file and you do not recognise that ). But I’m not able to reproduce it on our servers and on my dev server.
Best regards,
GünterJanuary 27, 2020 at 4:13 pm in reply to: Adjust Google reCAPTCHA implementation in contact form content element #1178735Hi,
Thanks for coming back.
Seems that the CSS changes somehow got lost on merging the files.
Nevertheless I improved the code a bit by adding classes to the form when reCaptcha V2 or reCaptcha V3 is used (changes when V2 is used as fallback). So it is now easier to style.
I updated the 2 translations you mentioned – thank you.
If you want to help us updating the translations – we do not have a list of the used text – can only be found in php code.
But if you use the plugin Ismael mentioned above: You can select the language file, then search for the string you want to translate (search works for both german and english) and save it.
I uploaded the latest version of the german files (including all translatable strings up to today – so you do not need to sync.
If you want to get the latest beta for testing – let us know and we can give you the link to a zip file.
Best regards,
GünterJanuary 27, 2020 at 1:36 pm in reply to: Telegram in Social Share Buttons after upgrading to 4.7.2 #1178687Hi,
Thank you for using Enfold – and sorry for that.
Will be fixed in next update.
Meanwhile can you replace the content of includes/helper-social-media.php with
Do not forget to make a backup of the original file for a fallback.
Best regards,
Honestly I have no idea why it is not working on your server. It must be something specific because we do not get any reports like this from other users.
The reason you did not see it before was that the generated filename is always the same (see part before “—“, after that is the timestamp) and probably has overwritten the old one.
I can add a filter that will allow to remove the timestamp but this does not speed up loading because the same files are saved again and again.
Better solution would be to turn off Enfold file compression and use a caching plugin.
Best regards,
Thanks. Could access your hoster.
It is creating a new js and css file on every call to your site – strange.
As I could not access your WP backend I do not see what plugins you are using – but it could be a plugin conflict.
But could you try to deactivate all plugins, deactivate file compression, save theme options, clean up the dynamic_avia folder.
Then activate compression again and perform several frontpage loads and check. Only 2 files should exist (js and css) and no new ones should be created.
Then activate one plugin after the other and check.
Best regards,
GünterHey pippylu,
Thank you for reporting this.
I added a fix for the next release ( aria-hidden=”false” ).
As there are no filters there is no way to change this without modifying core files.
You will have to add the fix in enfold\includes\helper-social-media.php function build_icon() around line 172.
Add tabindex=’-1′ to the
If you need help with this let us know.
Best regards,
Server does not answer at all with the link above – timeout.
Best regards,
Thank you for using Enfold.
Sorry for the problem.
I tried to add a fix in your backend but I cannot modify the php file in theme editor.
Please replace enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/shortcode-template.class.php with
Do not forget to make a copy of the original file for a fallback.
If you want us to do the update please provide ftp credentials.
Best regards,
GünterHi Ferry,
Could you check the credentials please – they do not work for me.
Best regards,
GünterJanuary 23, 2020 at 2:43 pm in reply to: WPML + Page Content component issue (Resuable, Translatable blocks) #1177627Hi,
The local wpml_config.xml is no longer used by WPML. It is only left because some other translation plugins might use it.
Translation of page id in links should normaly happen by WPML.
So if you are in e.g. german and add in shortcode av_postcontent a link to a german page and translate the page to e.g. french WPML should translate the link in av_postcontent to the french translation of that page in the link – if it exists.
If this does not work – this is a bug in WPML in my opinion – and should be fixed by WPML compatibility team.
Best regards,
Can you give us a link to your site and WP admin and FTP credentials so we can check what is going on behind – and what files are created.
The only idea I have is that due to security settings on your server the created compressed file cannot be read and is generated again and again.
We added a timestamp to the filename in one of the previous releases because we had bug reports that changes to e.g. Quick CSS were not rendered because the basic filename did not change and browsers did not recognise that they need to load the changed file.
Can you check with your hoster that files in dynamic_avia folder can be created by php user and also be read by php user – resp. by the user the scripts are running.
Best regards,
GünterJanuary 23, 2020 at 10:43 am in reply to: WPML + Page Content component issue (Resuable, Translatable blocks) #1177516Hi,
The shortcode would be something like:
[av_postcontent link='page,3848']
As much as I’m concerned WPML manages the translation on their own server in a config file.
Best regards,
GünterJanuary 22, 2020 at 12:55 pm in reply to: How to disable tabs on element edit in new enfold?? #1177165Hi,
Forgot to mention:
Goto Enfold -> Layout Builder -> Options Toggles In Modal Popup
If you are also interested: please open a new thread so we can give you the link and password.
Best regards,
GünterJanuary 22, 2020 at 11:38 am in reply to: How to disable tabs on element edit in new enfold?? #1177127 -