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  • if it is your homepage – i see there are different renderings – maybe it is because you host only the 400 – regular font-weight !
    The headings are set to 300 – light font-weight.
    i do not know how they react if they do not find the font-weight used – but i guess that safari will take the fallback font-family then.

    maybe you think of to offer only the variable font for your page – then you will have all font-weights you need.

    Im übrigen solltest Du eventuell für diese sehr schmalen Screenweiten, die Grid-Cell Paddings von den 100px verkleinern.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Guenni007.

    i’m kidding – but what do you mean by “not displayed correctly” – is it a different font-family, font-style, font-weight etc.

    in reply to: Team Page Layout Model. #1402251

    It is not a pre-designed layout!
    Enfold builds up the layouts like a construction kit (modular). You have elements that provide a certain larger structure and can serve as containers for other children containers. At the same time, these parent containers can be used to define backgrounds or separations between sections. ( color-section, Grid-Row, Tab-Sections ). The other layout elements serve to make divisions of this total width. 1/1 , 1/2 etc. pp.
    In the next tab of the Advanced Layout Builder you see content elements. Here you will also find your Team-Member element.
    You simply drag it to the place where you want to place it e.g. in a 1/2 container. etc..
    The third tab contains media elements, two of which are full-width elements – and thus cannot be dragged inside a container (full-width and full-screen sliders).
    Your team page now has some 1/1 containers – then for the first two team members two 1/2 containers and so on.

    after drag&drop all your elements to your layout – you can now begin to style and fill the elements with input.
    F.e. the team-member element – click on the Element itself in your layout – a popup with styling options shows you how you can insert and style it.
    Here again there are tabs that show a meaningful structure of what is being done.

    in reply to: Google maps fullscreen GDPR #1402194

    this is wat i see:

    so first: why did you nested your code inside containers that are no full containers? If you like to have it full-width?
    place a color-section – that is a full-width element – maybe give the wanted height of your map to that section – and place only inside a code-block element – with your shortcode inside. – hope that will help

    I do not see any hint for opt-in !!!

    in reply to: Google fonts und Datenschutz #1402187

    have you realy copy&pasted the snippet above ?

    because – where is the closing (ending) semicolon ?

    by the way – you can delete these comments or place the snippets under these comment.

    in reply to: Enable swipe feature to lightbox? #1402160

    have you checked if it is not activated on default?

    in reply to: Google fonts und Datenschutz #1402115

    BUT : after that – open functions.php on the right side of that window
    do not kill the first line <?php

    on english it is : Appearance – Theme File Editor.
    On default it is visible that option to edit theme files via dashboard – if not – tell us – mayby your security settings or a plugin hampers that option.

    in reply to: Google fonts und Datenschutz #1402013

    as i wrote : Child Theme functions.php

    in reply to: Google fonts und Datenschutz #1401935

    Sorry no private content area for me. I’m participant as you

    Schön – mach doch noch die letzte Color-Section auch in dem dunklen Blau – der Breite Abstand stört ein wenig. Dann kann man auch den Trenner sehen.

    Der weiße Border kommt dann vom:

    .container_wrap {
      border-top-style: solid;
      border-top-width: 1px;

    den schmeiß ich auch immer direkt raus ( also auf border-top: none )

    in reply to: Animated SVGs #1401883

    No Mike

    Sorry I don’t understand, are you saying that uploading the SVG in the media library removes the animation?

    it is the usage as img src that will not do the animation. Inserting it as background the same.

    try in your child-theme functions.php:

    function change_href_from_scroll_top_link(){
    if ( is_page(2077) ) {	
    <script type="text/javascript">
    window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { 	
    (function($) {
    		'href': 'https://new_link',
    		'title': 'new Title',
    add_action('wp_footer', 'change_href_from_scroll_top_link');

    if you got more than one page use array:
    if(is_page(array( 2077, 38147, … ))){

    see test page:

    in reply to: Google fonts und Datenschutz #1401865

    Leider ist man damit noch nicht ganz vor Abmahnungen gefeit- die meisten Google Addons ( Tag Manager, Analytics, Youtube , Maps, Recaptcha etc. ) laden mit dem Dienst auch Schriften nach. Man sollte also diese Dienste auf jedenfall so setzen (blockieren), dass immer zunächst ein opt in erfolgen muss. Ohne Zustimmung geht es also nicht. Dann sollte man in seinen Datenschutzhinweisen auch ruhig explizit darauf hinweisen, dass diese Dienste auch Schriften nach laden.
    also z.B.:

    Sollten Sie der Nutzung eines der Google Dienste ( Maps, Recaptcha, Youtube etc. ) zustimmen, so lädt Google eigene Schriften ( Roboto, Google Sans ) nach.

    in reply to: Google fonts und Datenschutz #1401861

    nein – die Fonts die du im Enfold Optionen Dialog : Allgemeines Styling – Schriften wählen kannst, werden dann über Google Server eingeladen!
    Das ist – nicht nur nach meiner Meinung : nicht DSGVO konform.

    Meine Klare Empfehlung daher die Google Fonts die man haben möchte selbst mit dem : Import/Export – Manager für Benutzerdefinierte Schriftarten hochzuladen. Diese Schriften befinden sich dann auch wie oben zur Auswahl auch in dem Drop-Down der Auswahlschriften, sind aber ganz unten in der Liste platziert.

    um noch der Gefahr zu entgegnen auch wirklich keine Google Fonts über Enfold zu laden platziere ich mir in der Child Theme functions.php noch folgendes Snippet:

    function my_output_google_webfonts_script( $activate ){
      return false;
    add_filter( 'avf_output_google_webfonts_script', 'my_output_google_webfonts_script', 10, 1 );

    danach lädst Du dir deinen Font hoch und wählst Ihn dann im Drop Down ( siehe oben an )
    solltest du nur ( Montserrat light, regular, bold benötigen – hier das zip zum Hochladen : Link )

    bei der Montserrat Schrift würde ich die italic fontstyles nicht mit hochladen. Die Browser können ganz gut aus eine regular Schrift eine italic rendern ohne das große Unterschiede zu dem reinen italic Schriftschnitt entstehen. Bei Serifen Schriften sieht das manchmal anders aus, da können sich einzelne Buchstaben schon mal mehr unterscheiden. : Link

    in reply to: Use Gif’s as Icons #1401835

    You can upload gifs to your media library. However, if you insert them into your elements, and you want to keep any animations you may have, you must use the original gif (not a scaled down version).
    The recalculated files will lose the animation.
    Google times after using it as a featured image (animated gif) no recalculation was done and the maximum width had to be considered.

    in reply to: Sitespeed Slow (TTFB +10 seconds) #1401834

    is there a link i can inspect? If you can not make it pubplic than insert the info in the Private Content Area.

    in reply to: replace the h3-Tag for team member with a p-tag #1401801

    or use that filter: avf_customize_heading_settings in your child-theme functions.php
    a lot of enfold alb elements do have that filter implemented

    function customize_team_member_heading( array $args, $context, array $extra_args = array()){
      if( $context == 'avia_sc_team' ){
        $args['heading'] = 'p';   
      return $args;
    add_filter( 'avf_customize_heading_settings', 'customize_team_member_heading', 10, 3 );
    in reply to: Enfold Child error!!! #1401799

    next question – have you installed an advanced layerslider standalone plugin?

    The js file is loaded via:
    The style is loaded by:

    in reply to: Enfold Child error!!! #1401795

    First of all – why is it a child theme error ? i do see on your head section only enfold folders – no child
    Next: there are urls in head section not related to your domain :
    maybe this mismatch is causing the troubles.
    Yes it is possible to install wordpress to subfolders of domains. And even as multisite installation – the base referece path is allways the domain you like to see on top in the browser window.
    f.e. – what do you enter as urls for that installation :

    or how did you redirect to your domain?

    in reply to: 2 indentical Google fonts loading? #1401732

    but that’s already complaining on a very high level, isn’t it? Gtmetrix values of nearby 100% ;)
    A TTBF at 83ms – that are top values – so what ?
    As I said, I would rather worry about the compliant GDPR implementation.

    for example now – my results on top are nice too – but why does it wait so long after everything is loaded to load the last 30kb of the favicon? a good 200-300ms pass before loading the last file. And this caused a “bad” TTLB value.

    in reply to: Sitespeed Slow (TTFB +10 seconds) #1401731

    there are many factors that can influence the TTBF values. Go and test your page on :
    you can see on waterfall tab more info on how the influence is for TTBF:
    Hover that first line on Waterfall where / is – a tooltip with more info opens.

    in reply to: Animated SVGs #1401729

    @cocoagroup : did you test the SVGator Plugin ?

    in reply to: Animated SVGs #1401719

    i tested it now on a different page – it does not work there – don’t know why

    maybe you had to choose a different way to implement the animation inside that svg : see

    in reply to: Animated SVGs #1401714

    sadly no way to go that quick and dirty solution.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: 2 indentical Google fonts loading? #1401670

    that screenshot of dev tools – what browser is it? Chrome?

    on kriesi too these are different unicode-ranges
    and once – there you are right: different sources googleapis and gstatic – that is not neccessary.

    in reply to: 2 indentical Google fonts loading? #1401668

    these are not identical the same fonts:


    if you upload those files to :
    you see that the first one is a open sans regular (45kb) – the second one is too a open sans regular but with different localisation:
    Catalan, Marshallese, Macedonian, Romanian; Moldova, Navajo, Romanian, Serbian, Undetermined; North American Phonetic Alphabet and Undetermined; International Phonetic Alphabet.
    It only has special cyrilic characters:

    Why there is that additional character set loaded – i could not imagine.

    Next – i will look now to – but i guess that these three fonts are the font-weights light, regular and bold.

    in reply to: 2 indentical Google fonts loading? #1401661

    I don’t know how strictly the General Data Protection Regulation is applied in the Netherlands. I didn’t want my clients to have to fight a civil suit. Google Analytics is one thing that is absolutely not GDPR compliant and can only be loaded after consent. An afterward option to install a gaoptout addon is nice but even that is not GDPR compliant: first consent – then load

    in reply to: 2 indentical Google fonts loading? #1401660

    where do you exactly see that f.e. or your does load Open+Sans twice
    there is once the script that decides if the font could be loaded – if there is a consent.
    so – if (cookie_check && !silent_accept_cookie) … and inside a lot of if clauses that has allow_continue = false next – only if (allow_continue) = true then load font.
    the next line in head it loading the font itself.

    So what you could say is that kriesi and your site do not respect the cookie consent setting. Or you have set them incorrectly. Or when I look at, no value is placed on GDPR. Because without having rejected or agreed to anything, a huge list is displayed which are all not GDPR-compliant.


    The safest way to deal with the font issue in terms of the GDPR is to host it yourself.
    And that’s exactly what this code from Ismael or the alternative filter from me is for. It prevents the embedded handling of Enfold with Google Fonts.
    Then you had to upload via Enfold Font Manager your Open Sans Font – and choose that font ( selfhosted Fonts are at the end of the fontlist ) in Enfold Font Options dialog.

    in reply to: 2 indentical Google fonts loading? #1401560

    Next – do you use the advanced Layerslider on that page?
    The layerslider has its own google font support – have a look if that could be the reason:
    on layerslider options page – see on top right that gear : click – and see if there is google font support activated.

    in reply to: 2 indentical Google fonts loading? #1401559

    first: can you remove this from ismael – i used that code long time to do the same thing – but i recognised on some pages that i update to the latest php Versions that it might come into conflict.

    function my_output_google_webfonts_script( $activate ){
      return false;
    add_filter( 'avf_output_google_webfonts_script', 'my_output_google_webfonts_script', 10, 1 );

    instead of:

    function enfold_customization_switch_fonts() {
        global $avia;
        $avia->style->print_extra_output = false;
    add_action( 'init', 'enfold_customization_switch_fonts' );

    of topic for the one public link:
    second: – besides the page link (i do not see as participant) where your fonts are loaded : i see on the other page that there is no Consent to any of your features you use for that page.

    third: i can not see any @font-face rule in your css – did you upload the open sans font to the font-manager of Enfold ?

    next: the google maps could not cause that font-loading with open sans. Google Map loads “Roboto” and “Google Sans Text”
    maybe one of your other Google Things ( Analytics etc. )
    if you want to hamper loading of these fonts for maps :
    add_filter( 'avf_gmaps_no_google_fonts', '__return_true' );

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