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hm i changed my test page to have a mega-menu on demos ( )
but the widget is still inside the hamburger even if i click first on a mega-menu-item.I thought someone mentioned that it might be related to embedded colour profiles ;)
Anyway – It’s good that Mike found this error though.In the first link, the opening sentence and the comments actually say all you need to know. :
It is important that the immediate parent container of the elements (on which one should be sticky) is at display: flex
There are a lot of settings on flex containers – but this is the essential conditionon the image
you can see that for the sidebar (aside) the direct parent element is the div with the class: container.The sidebar itself got that position sticky – the top value determines the distance to top.
This for sticky position inside the parent container.But:
/*** the whole thing only works if top containers are set to: ***/ .responsive #top { overflow-x: visible; } #top #wrap_all { overflow: visible; }
Yes that is a quick and dirty way:
A way to have there a widget :
/*** custom social bookmarks widget ****/ function social_bookmarks_register_widget() { register_widget( 'add_social_bookmarks' ); } add_action( 'widgets_init', 'social_bookmarks_register_widget' ); class add_social_bookmarks extends WP_Widget { public function __construct() { $widget_ops = array( 'classname' => 'socialbookmarks-widget', 'description' => __('A widget that displays the social bookmarks', 'avia_framework') ); parent::__construct( 'add_social_bookmarks', THEMENAME.' Social Bookmarks', $widget_ops ); } public function widget( $args, $instance ) { $title = apply_filters( 'widget_title', $instance['title'] ); echo $args['before_widget']; //if title is present if ( ! empty( $title ) ) echo $args['before_title'] . $title . $args['after_title']; //output echo $before_widget; $social_args = array('outside'=>'ul', 'inside'=>'li', 'append' => ''); echo avia_social_media_icons($social_args, false); echo $after_widget; } public function form( $instance ) { if ( isset( $instance[ 'title' ] ) ) $title = $instance[ 'title' ]; else $title = __( 'Social Bookmarks', 'avia_framework' ); ?> <p> <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'title' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Title:' ); ?></label> <input class="widefat" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'title' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'title' ); ?>" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $title ); ?>" /> </p> <?php } public function update( $new_instance, $old_instance ) { $instance = array(); $instance['title'] = ( ! empty( $new_instance['title'] ) ) ? strip_tags( $new_instance['title'] ) : ''; return $instance; } }
and for quick css:
#top .socialbookmarks-widget .social_bookmarks { float: left; margin: 15px 0 0 ; position: relative; } #top .socialbookmarks-widget .social_bookmarks li { float: left; clear: right !important; }
but: these are only the social button you have set on enfold options dialaog.
Die Benennung war eigentlich egal. Du springst aber ganz schön, was deine Ziele betreffen – klar da steckt der Kundenwunsch dahinter, aber jetzt ist es vom Hauptmenu ins Top-Menü gewandert?
Und obwohl dein Kunde Platz sparen wollte – moniert Googles Suchmaschine wahrscheinlich, dass die clickbaren Element zu nah beieinander stehen und zu klein sind.
#top .av_header_transparency #header_meta { border-bottom: none; } #top #header_meta { background-color: transparent !important } #header_meta .avia_wpml_language_switch img { width: 30px; margin-left: 10px; }
wenn du übrigens sehr aktuell bist was Enfold und WPML betrifft gibt es nun eine neue Option unter: Theme Optionen : WPML Options Management :
By default all options are copied to a new added language
“Global Setting”: Option settings are always used for all languages.
“Global Layout”: If checkbox below is selected, option settings are used for all languages and also copied (!!!) to all languages. Deselecting will stop this behaviour and options can then be set for each language separately.
All other options have to be set for each language separately.Das ist eine interessante Neuerung. Da es nun möglich ist globale Spracheinstellungen wie z.B quick css Einstellungen nicht für jede Sprache setzen zu müssen.
bitte entferne mal das Snippet von Ismael:
und setze dann das Hauptmenü ( welches ja bei dir Burgermenu heißt) so wie beschrieben.
Da das Burgermenü ( das von Enfold) ja normalerweise eine Kopie des Hauptmenüs ist ( das von Enfold) müssen wir dann nur noch es dort ausblenden.das heißt du hast das Main-Menü “Burgermenü” genannt – ist aber egal.
Dann mach es so wie oben beschrieben – wähle Drop Down ( speichern nicht vergessen )– und dann kommt da oben nicht das Drop-Down wenn du es so machst?
what is the reason i ask that question on top:
i do not know if wordpress preserves the embedded color-profiles on recalculation the smaller images. but these are used in f.e. masonry. so if you use the non recalculated original image in a slider and have the image in a masonry – there could be a difference between f.e. saturation – depending on your browser or monitor you are looking to them.
- The majority of typical consumer monitors have a color profile similar to the standard sRGB profile, and can’t display any “better” profiles.
- Almost all images, especially on the Web, were designed to be displayed in the sRGB color profile. When displayed correctly, they look the same on a high-end “wide gamut” monitor as on an average sRGB monitor.
- Not all browsers and image viewers support color profiles correctly. While basic support has improved in recent years, there are still cases where it’s buggy or misconfigured, so it can’t be relied upon for anything fancy.
the better control for website images is to save images in the sRGB profile with gamma 2.2, but don’t embed any profile in the image. That’s the most compatible and most efficient solution.
The uploaded images have embedded color profiles? f.e. adobe rgb ?
Contrary to my opinion that these settlements make sense, I tried to find a solution. Now, unfortunately, I have to throw in the towel. No idea how I could turn this off.
Adding aria-hidden=”true” to the icon hides the icon character from being included in the accessible name.
This is part of WAI-ARIA roles and i do not know why Google has a problem with it.However, the mistake is that they contain focusable descendants.
i read something about giving to those decendents an attribute: tabindex=”-1″Du hast in diesem Bild :
nicht all deine Menüs drin? Alle Menüs die ich anlege in WordPress erscheinen dort in dem Drop Down. Daher verstehe ich nicht warum es bei dir anders sein sollte.because the sections etc got their own background-color. Only if you set them to transparent – the #main background-color could be seen.
das css ist ja unabhängig davon – wie haben Sie die Flaggen dort oben hinbekommen. Nicht über diesen Punkt “Menü-Sprachumschalter wie oben eingeblendet?
Ah habs nachgelesen – das kann man aber eben auch mit den WPML mitteln dort einfügen (
Das Hauptmenü muss ja da auch gelistet sein. Das Snippet von Ismael wäre garnicht zwingend notwendig gewesen.Socket war auch nur für meine Beispiel seite. Es muss in deinem Fall dann das Hauptmenu sein. – Nicht das Burgermenu
wie hast du den sonst die Flaggen dort oben in das Menu gesetzt?
wow – i never heard about that filemtime() Function – thanks nice to know
But this Page: is not an Enfold Installation – isn’t it ?
July 4, 2023 at 10:22 am in reply to: Translate just countdown information (days, hours, minutes, seconds) #1412404PS : i do not know if we could use the filter: language_attributes for only one element.
You can use this filter to change the output for a specific page even though the entire installation is set to a different language.July 4, 2023 at 9:45 am in reply to: Translate just countdown information (days, hours, minutes, seconds) #1412402if you like to set it for only that element on a default english page -( and not for the whole page)
Setting only the lang attribute for that Element will be not enough.
But you can set for that specific Element the attributes separately – give to the animated countdown element a custom class or like i did a unique ID
f.e.: spanish
then put this to your child-theme functions.php:function set_spanish_translations(){ ?> <script> window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { (function($) { $('#spanish').attr('lang', 'es-ES'); $('#spanish .av-countdown-years .av-countdown-time-label').attr({ 'data-label': 'Año', 'data-label-multi': 'Años' }); $('#spanish .av-countdown-months .av-countdown-time-label').attr({ 'data-label': 'Mes', 'data-label-multi': 'Meses' }); $('#spanish .av-countdown-weeks .av-countdown-time-label').attr({ 'data-label': 'Semana', 'data-label-multi': 'Semanas' }); $('#spanish .av-countdown-days .av-countdown-time-label').attr({ 'data-label': 'Día', 'data-label-multi': 'Días' }); $('#spanish .av-countdown-hours .av-countdown-time-label').attr({ 'data-label': 'Hora', 'data-label-multi': 'Horas' }); $('#spanish .av-countdown-minutes .av-countdown-time-label').attr({ 'data-label': 'Minuto', 'data-label-multi': 'Minutos' }); $('#spanish .av-countdown-seconds .av-countdown-time-label').attr({ 'data-label': 'Segundo', 'data-label-multi': 'Segundos' }); }(jQuery)); }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'set_spanish_translations');
July 4, 2023 at 8:57 am in reply to: Increse minimun logo size when header shrink at scrolling #1412401By the way for others that will come via search function to this topic :
This is obsolete now – we have on header – header behavior now a “Shrinking Amount” Setting.the link above is an example what you like to achieve? The enfold link is in private content?
Think of that each column could be translated separately by the Element itself in advanced setting. So shifting the column outside the section is easy.
And a z-index setting is included on the advance tab of that element.also bei mir ist oben dann direkt ein drop-down.
Ich habe auch keine Flags automatisch in dem Hamburger.(bitte nur die Startseite anschauen – ich habe da keine Übersetzungen und auch keine Styles für das englische gesetzt.)
Die im Hamburger könnte man ja ausblenden.
#top #av-burger-menu-ul .wpml-ls-item { display: none; }
Ist es auf deiner Seite noch aktiviert?
Hast du auch für das richtige Menu die Eigenschaften gesetzt?ok – can be closed
Danke – dachte mir schon ähnliches.
Habs notiertFor better contrast on your slider headings you can have a little outline with drop-shadow on them:
#top #main .avia-slideshow .avia-caption-title { color: #FFF; text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #000, 1px -1px 0 #000, -1px 1px 0 #000, 2px 2px 4px #000; }
if you got a full-slider solo on pages – there will be an automatic container after this. on most of your sites this will have the id: after_full_slider_1
so maybe this could solve your issue:
#after_full_slider_1 { display: none; }
if there are other containers after the slider this automatic container will not be created.
Next you had to be more specific in your heading color setting. because f.e. your heading under the slider is white on white ( maybe that is what you mean by big whitespace: “NIEUWE PRODUCTEN”
same by “Vragen?” : “De meeste voorkomende vragen”. –
offerte aanvragen: heading on top of the form: “Offerte aanvragen”
– white heading on white groundlook at your quick css there is a rule:
#top .no_margin.av_one_fourth { padding:2px; }
you have set instead of a closing an opening curly bracket!
Next : you have an opening media querry :
@media screen and (max-width:450px) {
but it does not close – go and have a look what rules must be surrounded by that media-query
did you see on WPML – Languages ( Sprachen ) – Language Switch (Menü-Sprachumschalter) – you can edit ( a little pencil icon ) that setting (for main-menu) in a popup – to drop-down ( my example shows a socket menu )
after that we had to find new css settings ;)
Yes – thanks –
That’s what I thought; I offered something like that here for many of the ALB elements; a lot of it was later adopted into the core in discussion with Günter (a little better coded than my skills allowed, of course) – as nice as it is to have it easy at the moment, it’s so time-consuming to check with every new update whether something has changed in the corresponding ALB and features have been added that make it necessary to implement the changes again.