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  • there is no such option in enfold by default. Yes – that page is an enfold page – but there might be custom script combining overlay main menu with footer menu.

    in reply to: Disable all Tuesdays, except some in datepicker #1414921

    one thing to mention on inserting these snippets to child-theme functions.php: Sometimes you had to set the priority of the function to be before loading of datepicker. So a 10 might be usefull as priority – f.e.:

    function exclude_datepicker_dates() {
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var unavailableDates = ["17/12/2017", "12/12/2017", "18/6/2017"];
        function unavailable(date) {
        dmy = date.getDate() + "/" + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + date.getFullYear();
          if (jQuery.inArray(dmy, unavailableDates) == -1) {
          return [true, ""];
          } else {
          return [false, "", "Unavailable"];
    add_action('wp_footer', 'exclude_datepicker_dates', 10);

    and to keep in mind – counting starts at zero : Sunday is Day: 0 of the week and

    in reply to: Too many 301 forwards to privacy page #1414919

    can you please have a look if on enfold settings page there is still a redirect page selected.
    If you do not reset that entry – and only set the maintainance mode to disabled – there will be some settings preserved on enfold

    btw: same with custom 404 page and redirect

    in reply to: Open Video in Lightbox using Image Element #1414898

    and you do not like to use the video alb instead for it?
    There you have the option to have a user defined image as preview image – and on advanced tab you can choose “Show in lightbox”

    by the way – in which form did you enter the youtube link? as

    in reply to: social media icons in mobile menu #1414897

    i would have centered them in a different way. Not only because the fit-content is not supported on all mobile browsers or IE’s: Link

    The isHeading is only the “first level” Menu Item text. I did not set it as a first level item with a submenu (expandable) in the code. That would be quite possible. But I didn’t want to do without a heading for the sub-menu items.

    in reply to: social media icons in mobile menu #1414890

    Are they still here on header options dialog:

    in reply to: social media icons in mobile menu #1414876

    if you like to try a littel different solution – as said above – using socket social icons
    see result on :

    my snippet for child-theme functions.php:

    function social_footer_icons_to_hamburger_menu(){
      $('#header').one('click', '.av-main-nav-wrap', function() {
        var isMobile  = $('.av-burger-menu-main').css('display'),
          isHeading = "Social Bookmarks",
          social    = $('#socket .social_bookmarks').clone(true).addClass('sub-menu').css('display','block'),
          mobileMenu  = $('.av-burger-overlay');
        mobileMenu.find('#av-burger-menu-ul').append('<li class="menu-item-social av-active-burger-items" role="menuitem"><span class="avia-menu-text">'+isHeading+'</span></li>');
        if( social.length ){
    add_action('wp_footer', 'social_footer_icons_to_hamburger_menu');

    this to quick css ( had to be adjusted to your needs)

    #socket .social_bookmarks { 
        display : none ;
    #top #av-burger-menu-ul {
       padding: 120px 0px 0px !important
    #av-burger-menu-ul .menu-item-social {
      display: table;
      width: 100%;
    #top #av-burger-menu-ul .menu-item-social .avia-menu-text {
      display: block;
      width: 100% !important;
      padding: 15px 50px 5px;
      text-align: left !important;
      font-style: italic;
    in reply to: social media icons in mobile menu #1414854

    Yes – Rikard but they are here:

    in reply to: social media icons in mobile menu #1414796

    These icons are there : scroll inside your overlay menu – they are placed at the bottom.
    on my opinion a nested ul should be inside a li element. Then it would be easier to position the sub-level element inside that List element.

    Next tip: i would use for it the socket social icons. If you do not like to see them – it would be easy to set them to display: none.
    Because – we do not run into conflict with the header_meta social icons. : it could happen that on bigger mobile devices ( tablets ) when opening the hamburger and closing it again switching to landscape view social icons may not be visible on header_meta.

    in reply to: Layerslider not hiding on mobile #1414546

    The layer slider setting for the slider in question is really only suppressed for mobile devices – not for small screen sizes. Or was your slider indeed displayed on mobile phones despite the setting?

    in reply to: Issues Enfold theme / website #1414520

    btw. you should change the font color on hovering the menu-items

    #top #header .av-main-nav > li:hover > a .avia-menu-text, 
    #top #header .av-main-nav > li:hover > a .avia-menu-subtext {
      color: #FFF;
      text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #000

    it shows now the same color as the background-color.

    in reply to: Image in top right corner of color block #1414441

    if you like to preserve your column setting – do not place an empty 4/5 and an 1/5 – just use a 1/1 container
    inside an image alb with image position right. Choose the image size on entering your media.

    this is my css for that page :

    in this case it might be the best to use a custom class – f.e.: image-right-top then:

    #top .avia-section.image-right-top  .container {
      width: 100% !important;
      max-width: 100% !important;
      padding: 0;
    #top .avia-section.image-right-top .content {
      vertical-align: top !important;
      padding: 0;
    in reply to: Image in top right corner of color block #1414435

    do not try to put an extra container to that color-section.
    Just place two background-images for that container.
    so remove the image inside and place just a quick css :

      background-image:url(, url(;
      background-position: calc(100% - 50px) 50px , left top;
      background-size: 200px auto , cover !important;

    see here:

    in reply to: Order – Social Share Buttons #1414392

    On import export you can see the font you uploaded

    on that place where you see on hovering the font icon code there is no info on the font-name?

    in reply to: Order – Social Share Buttons #1414383

    as a participant as you are – i do not see any private content message.
    i do not know what is the name of your uploaded font for that teams icon!

    in reply to: Order – Social Share Buttons #1414381

    ok – now i tried to do it with a font file
    i only uploaded that teams icon : font name is teams so i used:

    function avia_add_custom_social_icon($icons) {
    $icons['Teams'] = 'teams';
    return $icons;
    add_filter('avf_social_icons_options','avia_add_custom_social_icon', 10, 1);
    function avia_add_custom_icon($icons) {
        $icons['teams']  = array( 'font' =>'teams', 'icon' => 'ue800' , 'display_name' => 'Teams Link');
        return $icons;
    add_filter('avf_default_icons','avia_add_custom_icon', 10, 1);


    in reply to: Order – Social Share Buttons #1414373

    ok – your mentioned code – your font is called fontello or do you use the existing : entypo-fontello font.
    then your code is wrong with the name of the font

    next : on docu there is an example code – using images instead of font icons . You will have the opportunity to have better social icon instead f.e:
    from :
    ( here with 40px icon – but adapt it to your needs )

    #top .social_bookmarks li,
    #top .social_bookmarks li a {
      width: 40px;
      height: 40px;
    #top #wrap_all .av-social-link-teams a:before{
        content: "";
        width: 40px;
        height: 40px;
        display: inline-block;
        vertical-align: middle;
        background: url(/wp-content/uploads/teams.png) no-repeat center center;
        background-size: contain;

    the link you can set in options on enfold

    in reply to: Enfold Text Block – 2 columns #1414370

    you are welcome

    in reply to: Enfold Text Block – 2 columns #1414360

    But:. a color-section has that fold/unfold option too !
    so you can put your column layout and what ever you like to one color-section and do the same thing to it ;)
    and use 1/2 columns as usual

    in reply to: Enfold Text Block – 2 columns #1414359

    you can surround your “blocks” (h6 p and ul) in text-mode by div with a custom class – f.e.: <div class=”no-column-break”></div>

    and then :

    .no-column-break {
      break-inside: avoid-column;
    <div class="no-column-break">
    <h6>Hvilke fordele har WooCommerce ift. at oprette en webshop?</h6>
    WooCommerce er en fleksibel og brugervenlig e-handelsplatform, der integreres sømløst med WordPress. Nogle af de primære fordele inkluderer:
    Brugervenlighed: Let at installere og opsætte, selv for brugere uden tekniske færdigheder.
     	<li>Tilpasning: Et stort udvalg af temaer og plugins giver mulighed for at tilpasse webshoppen til dit brand og design.</li>
     	<li>Produktstyring: Nem håndtering af produkter, kategorier, lagerbeholdning og priser.</li>
     	<li>Sikkerhed: Regelmæssige opdateringer sikrer en pålidelig og sikker webshop oplevelse.</li>
     	<li>Stor fællesskabsstøtte: En aktiv brugerbase og et stort udvikler fællesskab tilbyder support og ressourcer.</li>
    <div class="no-column-break">
    <h6>Hvordan adskiller WooCommerce sig fra andre e-handelsplatforme?</h6>
    WooCommerce skiller sig ud på flere måder:
     	<li>WordPress-integration: Det er en integreret løsning til WordPress, hvilket gør det nemt at tilføje e-handelsfunktionalitet til en eksisterende WordPress-hjemmeside.</li>
     	<li>Skalerbarhed: Det er velegnet til både små og store webshops, da det tilbyder en bred vifte af udvidelser og tilpasningsmuligheder.</li>
     	<li>Åben kildekode: Det er baseret på åben kildekode, hvilket betyder, at det er gratis at bruge og muligt at tilpasse efter behov.</li>
     	<li>Fleksibilitet: Det er let at tilføje og administrere produkter, integrere betalingsmetoder og udvide funktionaliteten via plugins.</li>
    <div class="no-column-break">
    <h6>Hvordan hjælper WooCommerce med at gøre styringen af en webshop nemmere?</h6>
    WooCommerce er designet med brugervenlighed i tankerne:
     	<li>Intuitivt kontrolpanel: Et brugervenligt kontrolpanel giver let adgang til produkter, ordre, lager og andre indstillinger.</li>
     	<li>Responsivt design: Webshoppen vises pænt på både computere og mobile enheder, hvilket er afgørende for en god brugeroplevelse.</li>
     	<li>Indbygget betalingsintegration: Muligheden for at integrere populære betalingsgateways gør det nemt at håndtere transaktioner.</li>
    <div class="no-column-break">
    <h6>Hvilke udvidelser er tilgængelige for WooCommerce?</h6>
    WooCommerce har et bredt udvalg af udvidelser og plugins:
     	<li>Betalingsgateways: Tilføj forskellige betalingsmuligheder, såsom QuickPay, Bambora, PayPal, Stripe og mange flere!
    Forsendelsesmetoder: Integrer med forskellige forsendelsesudbydere for at tilbyde forskellige leveringsmuligheder til dine kunder.</li>
     	<li>Produktanmeldelser: Lad kunderne give anmeldelser, hvilket øger troværdigheden og tilliden til dine produkter.
    Salgsovervågning: Få indblik i salgsstatistikker og kundeaktivitet for at optimere din webshop.</li>
     	<li>Hos ICONIQ bygger vi også moduler Gutenberg som er kompatible med WooCommerce, samt integrerer de fleste systemer du arbejder med.</li>
     	<li>Hvorfor er WordPress et ideelt valg til at drive en webshop gennem WooCommerce?</li>
    <div class="no-column-break">
    <h6>WordPress er en af de mest populære CMS-platforme med mange fordele:</h6>
     	<li>Brugervenlighed: Nem at bruge og administrere indhold, selv for dem uden tekniske færdigheder.</li>
     	<li>Stor fællesskabsstøtte: En stor og aktiv brugerbase giver let adgang til support og ressourcer.</li>
     	<li>SEO-venlighed: WordPress er godt optimeret til søgemaskiner, hvilket hjælper med at forbedre webshoppenes synlighed online.</li>
     	<li>Skalerbarhed: Det er velegnet til både små og store webshops, da det tilbyder en bred vifte af udvidelser og tilpasningsmuligheder.</li>
    <div class="no-column-break">
    <h6>Gutenberg’s fordele for WooCommerce webshop:</h6>
    Gutenberg gør det lettere for webshop-ejere, at skabe en imponerende og kraftfuld webshop oplevelse uden at skulle ty til kompleks kodning. Med Gutenberg’s blokredigeringsfunktion kan du tage din WooCommerce webshop til næste niveau med visuel kontrol og kreativ frihed over dit indhold.
    Du får bl.a. følgende funktioner:
     	<li>Visuel redigering: Se ændringer i realtid.</li>
     	<li>Mere kontrol over layout: Nem organisation af indhold.</li>
     	<li>Nem integration af indhold: Integrer WooCommerce produkter på flere måder med Gutenberg.</li>
     	<li>Fremtidssikret: Fokus på kontinuerlige forbedringer og fokus på performance, uden du skal gøre noget.</li>
     	<li>Mindre kodeafhængighed: Reducer behovet for kompleks kodning.</li>
     	<li>Forbedret brugeroplevelse: Enkel og intuitiv brugergrænseflade.</li>
     	<li>Hastigheden i top: Gutenberg sikre den bedste performance og dermed en bedre brugeroplevelse.</li>
    ICONIQ bygger integrationen mellem Gutenberg og WooCommerce og skræddersyr setuppet, så det passer til dit brand og udtryk.


    in reply to: Enfold Text Block – 2 columns #1414350
    in reply to: Enfold Text Block – 2 columns #1414349

    by the way – you can hamper floating of lists-items to the next text-column or breaking p-tags :

    in german tradition these stying mistakes are called “Hurenkind” and “Schusterjunge”

    Hurenkind (whore child)
    occasionally called son of a dog, around 1900 freak, since the 1980s sometimes widow. This is the name given to the last line of a paragraph when it is also the first of a new page or column. According to an old prejudice, “son of a dog” did not know who their father was – their origins were unclear. Impoverished, they begged on the streets. If the last line of a paragraph slips to the next page (or paragraph), when you turn to that page you don’t know what content that first line refers to. So the origin of the line at the top of the page was lost like that of a whore child.

    Schusterjunge (cobbler’s boy)
    sometimes also called orphan. This is the name given to a line of a new paragraph at the end of the page or column, which is continued on the following page. In the past, it was often the cobblers who took in orphan boys for apprenticeship. These cobbler boys had to leave the household at the end of the apprenticeship and did not know where they could go afterward for the entire apprenticeship. Cobbler workshops were on the lower floor of the building. If only the first line of a paragraph still hangs on the page, when you read that lone line you don’t know what will happen next. So the continuation of the line at the bottom of the page is uncertain, like the life of a cobbler’s boy.

    in reply to: Enfold Text Block – 2 columns #1414344

    thats exactly what Nikkos hint will do – just place a 1/1 column and choose 2, 3 etc column counts – very usefull and more magazine stylish:

    in reply to: Order – Social Share Buttons #1414341

    just if another participant comes to this topic:
    you can order your social media icons on setting them in the “Social Media Profile” in the right sequence – from top to bottom is left to right.
    Unfortunately, you can’t drag and drop the fields into position.

    in reply to: accessibility #1413992

    Well, Günter is already working on it for the next version – to include improvements that are related to ARIA:
    in the meantime test this quick fix:

    function wai_aria_fixes(){
    window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { 
    (function($) {     
      $('.avia-svg-logo a').attr('aria-label', 'SVG Logo'); 
      $('.avia-standard-logo a').attr('aria-label', 'Logo');
      $('.av-main-nav .av-burger-menu-main').attr('role', 'menuitem');
        'aria-haspopup' : 'true',
        'aria-controls' : 'menu2',
    add_action('wp_footer', 'wai_aria_fixes');
    in reply to: WAI-ARIA … #1413872

    the second filter – does it need all those arguments – if so it had to be:

    in reply to: WAI-ARIA … #1413838

    OK – here we go

    in reply to: aria-hidden #1413813

    maybe a tabindex="-1" will do a better job

    tabindex="-1" means that an item is only focusable programatically.
    aria-hidden="true"means that item is completely removed from the accessibility tree.

    in reply to: WAI-ARIA … #1413789

    PS : pagespeed insight is not complaining about the missing alt title attribute for the logo but about the lack of the aria-label

    in reply to: WAI-ARIA … #1413788

    Believe me, I didn’t go that deep into the matter either. The last time I had to optimize the pagespeed for a customer, I noticed the slightly worse value for accessibility (in the mobile case).

    after I added some stuff via jQuery ( which is certainly not the best way) :

    PS: there I have not yet installed an SEO plugin, which is why Meta Descriptions are missing – therefore there also not yet the 100%

    see private Content Area

    But you see that I have made it easy for myself

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