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November 4, 2023 at 7:16 am in reply to: Icon Next to Burger / All previous topics won’t work #1424623
In fact, you could do it with a hook as well. – but i would use a wordpress hook on that.
The main navigation menu theme_location is avia.
( you see that you can use that hook also to other menu locations :
avia(main-menu), avia2( top-menu), avia3(footer-menu) )function add_cart_icon_to_main_menu( $items, $args ){ if ($args->theme_location == 'avia'){ $cartLink = '<li class="menu-item menu-item-cart menu-item-avia-special" role="menuitem"><a aria-label="Cart" href="#" rel="nofollow" aria-hidden="false" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello" alt="Cart" ><span class="avia_hidden_link_text avia-menu-text">Cart</span></a></li>'; $items = $items . $cartLink; } return $items; } add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'add_cart_icon_to_main_menu', 9999, 2 );
replace that “#” in the snippet with your prefered link
this will insert a new menu-item to the main nav. But: it will be the very last menu-item even behind the search icon and even behind the hamburger icon itself.
Same here moving it to the right position is easy with that extra class from snippet ( menu-item-cart)function move_cart_icon_before_burger() { ?> <script> (function($){ $('').insertBefore($('li.av-burger-menu-main')); })(jQuery); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'move_cart_icon_before_burger');
to see that solution used :
November 4, 2023 at 6:39 am in reply to: Icon Next to Burger / All previous topics won’t work #1424622first : if you have a shop – and that is the cart icon for. i guess there are options to show that cart icon in main menu.
_______One method to do it:
i prefer the hook on next answer !
do you know how to give a custom class to a menu item?
place inside the menu an custom link ( preferably as the last link in your main menu. ), replace the label of that menu-item with your icon. give the custom-class : menu-item-avia-special to it. thats it
Menu-items with that class will be visible – if the burger is active1) custom link – the later “navigation label” is what you insert to “Link Text”
– in your case it is enough to insert:<span class='av-icon-char' aria-hidden='true' data-av_icon='' data-av_iconfont='entypo-fontello'></span>
2) give to that menu-item the custom class: menu-item-avia-specialif you do not see on editing the menu-items a custom class input field. :
on top right Window of your Menus Option Dialog there is a slide out dialog : “Screen Options” – open it and mark all you needed for that:
to change position with f.e. the search icon that is easy … just ask
( in that case it might be useful to have another custom class on that menu-item f.e. in your case menu-item-cart)November 2, 2023 at 6:31 pm in reply to: Image “Slightly zoom the image” not working properly #1424431yes – and please – the update on 5.6.8. does not have that fixed.
test if the other selectors had to be set too!
.avia-image-container.av-hover-grow.av-hide-overflow, .avia-image-container.av-hover-grow.av-hide-overflow .avia-image-container-inner, .avia-image-container.av-hover-grow.av-hide-overflow .avia-image-overlay-wrap a.avia_image { overflow: hidden; }
I take my example page offline again. It was probably not that urgent.
Did you try to embed the layerslider with its shortcode (on Project List hover the preview – click on the 3 dots on the top right – embed) ?
October 29, 2023 at 4:46 pm in reply to: Masonry-Gallery Lightbox Link Settings doesn’t work #1424032Yes – but that is sometimes difficult to realize. A child-theme header.php or footer.php is often easier to manage.
You only need to check after updates if there are significant changes in their parent themes files. Therefore, changes should be well documented (possibly by comments inside).But you use justification there, don’t you?
With justified text, that’s exactly what often happens, that there are unsightly word spacing. You will have the same problem in Word. In Word, a more or less intelligent word separation is you have to decide now what to do if you set a text-block to justify.
By the way – how did you set this? because Tiny Editor does not offer – justified can use hyphens or word-spacing f.e.:
p { text-align: justify; -webkit-hyphens: auto; hyphens: auto; }
some css properties ( text-justify; word-spacing ) are not well supported by all browsers. see:
p { text-align: justify !important; -webkit-hyphens: auto; hyphens: auto !important; text-justify: distribute; word-spacing: -0.05em !important; text-align-last: left; }
but i would not use everywhere a justification. So it is much better if you set a custom class to those texts that should be justified.
and use the custom class to specified text.btw – with the extra long words, which are separated unsightly, also a manually set “should break points” could be useful.
You can use for that the html entity:­
this is short for softhyphenation – in Word this is called conditional line break
and there is a nonbreakinghyphen entity too Link. for words like “on-page”, “off-page”There is one small catch – both Nikko’s and my solution. Masonries that load further elements with the More Link are not affected by this. You would then have to add attributes, e.g. with MutationObserver, at the moment of entry into the DOM.
f.e. ( in this case for all links in a Masonry )
function open_masonry_entries_in_new_tab(){ ?> <script> (function($) { MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver; var observer = new MutationObserver(function() { $("a.av-masonry-entry").attr("target", "_blank"); }); observer.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true }); })(jQuery); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'open_masonry_entries_in_new_tab');
as far as I understood it, only the one link should open in a new tab. The others should open on the same page.
so maybe use instead:
function open_custodiapestcontrol_links(){ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { (function($) { $('.av-masonry-entry[href*="custodiapestcontrol"]').attr('target', '_blank'); })(jQuery); }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'open_custodiapestcontrol_links');
or – if you like to open all external links ( links that have a different domain ) in a new tab ( with some exceptions like mailto etc. )
use:function open_external_links_in_newtab(){ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { (function($) { var url = window.location.origin; $('a').not('a[href*="'+url+'"], a[href*="mailto:"], a[href^="#"], a[href*="tel:"], a[href*="javascript:;"] ').attr({ 'target':'_blank', 'rel': 'noopener', }) })(jQuery); }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'open_external_links_in_newtab');
(remove rel attribute if you do not like to set)
October 28, 2023 at 2:30 pm in reply to: Masonry-Gallery Lightbox Link Settings doesn’t work #1423967have a look if you got a child-theme header.php.
This file in particular has undergone major changes over time. In this case, you should remember why you created a child theme header.php. You should then apply these steps to an up-to-date header.php and upload it instead.Das sollte man noch ein wenig verfeinern, und auch browser übergreifend – zumindest mit -webkit prefix machen.
Das animation timing – eventuell mit bezier Kurve animieren.Es gibt einen hook, in den du ein Bild oder eventuell besser noch ein svg setzen könntest: wp_body_open
Es sollte nicht schwer sein das Bild so mit einem z-index zu belegen, der dann den eigentlichen Inhalt überdeckt. Eine getimete Animation der Transformation sollte dann auch möglich sein.Also für die child-theme functions.php:
add_action('wp_body_open', function() { if(is_front_page()){ echo '<div class="body-overlay"></div>'; } });
für das Quick css:
.body-overlay { position: fixed; display: block; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 5000; animation: transformUp 3s ease 2s forwards; /** for shortform see: ***/ } .body-overlay { background-image: url(/wp-content/uploads/test-london.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; } @keyframes transformUp { 0% { transform: translate(0px, 0px); } 100% { transform: translate(0px, -102vh); } }
to this topic possibly one more. I have made the experience that plugins like : Post Types Order could interfere here.
it is working nice – but did not involve the portfolio – and i could not find out why. Portfolio are at least posts so – where is the crux?
it would be nice to participate as a participant ;)
next special question :
there is on github a wp-core snippet:
btw. on your docu there is a dead link concerning to this.
It is for duplicate post/pages without plugin. It works – but portfolios are excluded from that trick.
how to include portfolios there ( or better to include a CPT )here is the pastbin page from my edited php:
But : this is only a file that is translated inside to english where there are in original spanish terms. On those lines that are visible to users i only had insertet the option to translate strings with avia_frameworki think ismaels code should work.
on looking for this from docu:
click on your CPT on dashboard and look to the url window on top – what post-type you see there
f.e. on portfolio ( which is a CPT too ). you see: edit.php?post_type=portfolio
try a shortform – then with the info you get from that url window
add_filter("avia_post_slide_query", function($query) { unset($query["post_type"]["vacature"]); return $query; }, 10, 1);
yes this works for me too!
even on sortable toggles : this bug is my fault – one should always check first if something set has to be removed – before adding a new code.
II have tested it, but not stress tested. Means very lush content and fast clicking the toggle headings.
So – although the internet is full of suggestions about this Chrome bug regarding clearing – deleting the floating property is the solution.i’m so sorry – i tested it on my own toggles – and there it worked like a charm –
try this instead ( or in addition)
#top .single_toggle { clear:both; }
but loosing the focus away to top is still on your page a problem – because if you open a toggle – you like to read it – and not to move to the top!
I did not see on your page why the toggles looses their focus – on click all moves to the top. – this is not standard behavior!
Can you try to deactivte the total cache – refresh all cachings and merging of enfold.
Well with your Alias name and a little search i found your page ;)
and on FAQ everything works fine here in OSX Chrome
Edit : . You are right. I see – if you open the 5th or 6th toggle there are again this behavior.
Can you please remove the interims solution with toggle_wrap set to display: none
and refresh all cachings and merging please after that.I had to inspect where we can correct this. – on the enfold page it works as i said as expected.
wow das ging schnell:
ist online – ps habt ihr das noch schnell eingebaut! wahnsinnfixed: CSS for chrome bug accordion toggles do not close properly and leave white space
i think – yes you can shorten it – and maybe you use the css rule google offers – for those wanted font styles:
function avia_add_content_font($fonts){ $fonts['Assistant'] = 'Assistant:wght@300;400;700&display=swap'; return $fonts; } add_filter( 'avf_google_heading_font', 'avia_add_content_font'); add_filter( 'avf_available_google_fonts', 'avia_add_content_font');
the css definition will be :
font-family: 'Assistant', sans-serif;
if you download the font from google there is the variable font inside too. The static fonts are in an extra folder. Did you upload the whole zip to enfold?
In this static folder there are condensed styles too!
But one piece of advice from me is: don’t install too many fonts. The performance of the website will suffer.
As I mentioned in another topic, you should think carefully about whether you should include italic font styles at all. Especially with sans-serif fonts, the slanting of the font on the browser side is often almost identical to the italic font style.If you can do without the support of older browsers, then the variable font might be the better alternative anyway. There, all font styles would be included, and the memory usage is much lower. ( 1,1Mb versus 4,8MB ) .
Next offer modern font style types as woff2. The Google download do offer only ttf. You can upload it with the zip too – but the woff2 will be loaded.
Try this zip ( with only light, regular and bold style (woff2 and ttf) ) – this would be a good way for the most of the websites: your uploaded font and use it instead.
think of to use them – these uploaded fonts are at the end of the dropdown list on font setting options
nicht dafür ;)
can you try
#top .av_toggle_section { clear:both }
thats indeed a chrome thing only!
October 23, 2023 at 3:35 pm in reply to: Is it possible to hide the “All” sorting tag on the accordion? #1423421October 23, 2023 at 12:55 pm in reply to: Is it possible to hide the “All” sorting tag on the accordion? #1423399ok – as mentioned above – that is much easier because this element got an option to tell the frontend what opens first on load.
i have never seen the sorting option here – sorry.
if you like to get rid of the separator aswell – add to mikes code the first tag-separator:
( first-child will work too ).togglecontainer .taglist a:first-of-type, .togglecontainer .taglist .tag-seperator:first-of-type { display: none; }
Thanks for info.
It sometimes happens that errors creep in when saving to the database. These can be very persistent. Therefore, it often helps to simply create a new page with the same content. For the home page, it doesn’t matter what the original page is called – the addendum will be removed from the permalink anyway. For other pages, you will need to delete the broken page completely in order to give the new page the same permalink.October 21, 2023 at 11:00 pm in reply to: Is it possible to hide the “All” sorting tag on the accordion? #1423271Sorry, I did not see that you were talking about the accordion. But we are talking about which folding element? the accordion has by default an option to choose the opening tab. There are no sorting options. You mentioned partner logos. On this element we do not have sort options. So my suggestion is that you are talking about Masonry or Portfolio Grid. So please clarify your request.