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  • in reply to: Shrinking side bar menu #1426688

    yes – now it works well. so do not change now your setting.
    but keep in mind that svgs are a mighty image format – you can influence from outside by css. And often much smaller in file-size and with maximum sharpness.

    PS: if your Logo could be changed a bit – ( like i do ) it would be nice to easier identify the “plant” as the missing “i” in Griegos.
    We as layout-savvy users see this immediately, but a normal visitor to the site may not.

    in reply to: Shrinking side bar menu #1426680

    the point is that logo.hide() will hide the whole anchor. ( including the alt-logo)
    you had to be more specific in your selector

    btw. i would work with an svg logo ( you know your fonts ( Dante and Tribute) so you only had to vectorize the “i” plant.
    i would place both parts in that svg – like this ( where the plant part is set to opacity: 0 from the beginning – only here to see where it is and what dimension it could have.)

    the rest is easy then – you can influence and animate the show and hide of the svg parts by ID:

    in reply to: Hide footer for smartphones #1426591

    if you like to hide it only for real mobile devices ( and not for all small screens ) you can use that class – enfold added to the document ( html ) for mobile devices: avia_mobile

      .responsive.avia_mobile #footer,
      .responsive.avia_mobile #socket {
        display: none;

    and if you like to allow for “mobile Devices” with big screens tablets etc. (ipad…) use a combination of both.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
      .responsive.avia_mobile #footer,
      .responsive.avia_mobile #socket {
        display: none;
    in reply to: Shrinking side bar menu #1426588

    i’m so sorry – i pasted only the function above that i tested on the demo pages with developer tools.
    i forgot to wrap it as Mike said for the child-theme functions.php.

    See how a test on dev tools work with script :
    Just open the console and enter the function you like to test. Return – and test

    click the gif to see the video:

    in reply to: Shrinking side bar menu #1426561

    try to modify this to your needs:

        (function($) {
            $(document).ready(function () {
                if (window.innerWidth > 989) {
                    var header = $('#header');
                    var main = $('#main');
                    var burger = $('.html_header_sidebar #top div .av-burger-menu-main');
                    var footer = $('.html_header_sidebar.html_header_left .av-curtain-footer.av-curtain-activated .av-curtain-footer-container');
                    var menu = $('.responsive.html_header_sidebar #header .av-main-nav > li').not('.av-burger-menu-main, .av-active-burger-item');
                    $(window).scroll(function () {
                      if ($(this).scrollTop() > 200) {
                        header.css({'width': '120px', 'transition': 'all 1s ease'});
                        main.css({'margin-left': '120px', 'transition': 'all 1s ease'});
                        footer.css({ 'width': 'calc(100% - 120px)', 'margin-left': '121px'  });
                      } else {
                        header.css({'width': '300px', 'transition': 'all 1s ease'});
                        main.css({'margin-left': '300px', 'transition': 'all 1s ease'});
                        footer.css({ 'width': 'calc(100% - 300px)', 'margin-left': '301px'  });

    and you had to find a solution for the opened hamburger then yourself. trying to find a solution for paddings on the hamburger ul
    and – because of the new existing place for main some alb elements are not willing to go with that. F.e. on : i can see in developer tools that there wasn’t a recalculation on masonry styles. And you had to find a way to close the hamburger menu when scrolling back to top position.

    in reply to: Shrinking side bar menu #1426508

    copy&paste error – it is of course a (f)unction in the first line

    in reply to: Anchor Link doesn t work #1426422

    It works fine for me in Firefox now that Mike has made some changes.
    But why make life so difficult for yourself? A very slim plugin like Page Scroll to ID does this very elegantly. For example, you can not only specify an offset, but even an offset scroll position in the form of a selector: #header. This makes perfect sense for our shrinking header. But what I really like is the ability to navigate to an anchor on another page. This can be set so that the page opens at the top and then scrolls to the anchor after an (adjustable) delay.

    in reply to: nunito-sans squished #1425964

    by the way – here is the metropolis with its italic font-styles. because the little “e” is in italic not only a slanted regulare “e”

    PS: Enfold supports the variable fonts too. But i would upload them as a separate font-file. And you should know if you realy do need it.
    in the variable font – you got all those options of all static fonts – and more. But at least it is f.e. for nunitio 537kb big. if you only need the 300,400,700 Styles it will be 295kb.
    Less options but better performance.

    in reply to: nunito-sans squished #1425961

    First – i think you have uploaded the whole downloaded archive from google to enfold. Because only the static font-styles are seen – and they are registered as “static” font.

    Next: do you really need all those font-weights ? form 200 to 900 and italic too?
    for most websites it is sufficient to offer only 300, 400 and 700.
    Hint: as you can see here on a post of mine for a lot of fonts it is o.k. to use the browser way to render italic fonts. – ( that topic is in many ways old and obsolete – because a lot of those features are now included to enfold – but f.e. the transfonter tool is still good to use)
    You can see that only a few serif fonts show significant differences between browser-rendered italic fonts and real italic fonts.

    if you look inside the downloaded static folder – you see some expanded, condensed, semicondensed etc. font-styles-
    This is what you mean by squished. Only upload those fonts you like to use.

    Next: the nunito font is separated on google to a 7pt and a 10pt style ( i believe it is a kind of kerning they use. optical or metric kerning)
    i think the 7pt will be the most used.

    Conclusion: Long story short – I have put together the 7pt version as ttf and woff2 ( for modern browsers this is best) font in an uploadable zip.
    Delete your uploaded file from the font manager and upload this zip here instead:

    by the way – activating it for enfold : the fontmanager fonts will be at the end of the dropdown list.

    in reply to: avoid current-menu-item change on scroll #1425782

    Danke – das ist schon klar warum es passiert. Nur ist das nicht immer vom Kunden gewünscht. Kann dann geschlossen werden. Dachte es gäbe eine einfache Lösung.

    in reply to: no fix for justified test #1425781

    if i looks ok on logged in version – then it is a caching problem.
    i see you are using WP Rocket – clear all cachings there and merge the enfold files again ( if you have choosen that option) – clear all browser cachings.

    But please let’s clarify the terms first, i think there’s already a problem here.
    justification means left and right letters in a paragraph are in one line. ( as you can see on the right side of your screenshot : not logged in )
    on the left side this is ( called in Germany Flattersatz ) : ragged margin
    What do you prefer to have?

    Next : do you like to have this narrow blog – or do you like to have it in one line with logo and navigation?

    in reply to: Inline popup/lightbox styling #1425587

    sorry for your setting of allways use jQuery instead of $

    use instead:
    jQuery(window).on('load', function(){

    i do always use the jQuery in a different way – wrapping it inside a jQuery function allows me to use $ instead of jQuery:

    function popup_inline() { 
    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function($) {
    	$(window).on('load', function(){
    		$('.pu-link a').addClass('open-popup-link');
    			midClick: true // Allow opening popup on middle mouse click. Always set it to true if you don't provide alternative source in href.
    add_action('wp_head', 'popup_inline');
    in reply to: no fix for justified test #1425585

    By the way:
    hyphens:auto does not hyphenate Capitalized words:

    One big exception is german language! – Because we write a lot of nouns with big letters at the beginning.

    in reply to: no fix for justified test #1425579

    thanks for the link :

    First: you had the wrong language defintiton on your page – for a good hyphenation you should have your lang set for the main language on your page.
    guess it is:lang="da-DK"
    (alway click to enlarge the images)

    Next: this is justified text layout ! – you can see the rule for it here:

    i told you in the other topic that it is alway difficult to have a nice word distance without breaking the words on justified text.
    if you do not like to justify the text get rid of that part inside:

    #top .fullsize .template-blog .post .entry-content-wrapper {
      text-align: left;   /****** this part is set to justify in your css *****/
      font-size: 1.15em;
      line-height: 1.7em;
      max-width: 800px;  /****** see comment under this codeblock *****/
      margin: 0 auto;

    the 800px ( or 40em ) max-width is a default setting from enfold – if this is what you mean in your e-mail talking about:

    it’s stuck in the center regardless of the CSS I apply

    then you can avoid that by:

    #top #wrap_all .fullsize .template-blog .post .entry-content-wrapper,
    #top #wrap_all .fullsize .template-blog .post .entry-content-wrapper > * ,
    #top #wrap_all .fullsize .template-blog .post-title {
      max-width: unset !important;
      margin: 0;

    if you like to preserve the justification of your paragraph texts – then a hyphens: auto will mainly solve that issue:
    (those ugly underlined spaces inside block : “for______Search_____Engine”)

    #top #wrap_all .fullsize .template-blog .post .entry-content-wrapper p {
      text-align: justify;
      -webkit-hyphens: auto;
      hyphens: auto !important;
      text-justify:  distribute;
      word-spacing: -0.05em !important;
      text-align-last: left;

    but: as mentioned above the hyphenation only works well if the lang attribute on html is set to the language of your texts.
    F.e. the word “Søgemaskineoptimering” does not hyphen on small screens.

    in reply to: Inline popup/lightbox styling #1425569

    first: on jQuery 3.x. the
    is deprecated – use instead:
    $(window).on('load', function(){

    now: a link to that page it concerns would be the best way to give you advice

    in reply to: no fix for justified test #1425565

    please post your webpage where you like to solve that issue.
    I’m participant as you – but with a lot of experience in css.
    if you do not like to post the link here – you can send me an e-mail. My Avatar will show you contact details.

    in reply to: Hook missing in new update of Enfold #1424972

    just a little cosmetic correction – always leave a space after punctuation ( even in english :lol )
    so replace that one line to – and with pipe:
    $cat = implode(' | ', array_map('ucfirst', $categories));

    in reply to: Sektion H1 Problem #1424917

    wenn gar nichts mehr hilft versuch das mal in der child-theme functions.php
    (aber besser ist immer die Entstehung des Elements zu verändern)

    function replace_tags_with_tags(){
      (function($) {       
          function replaceElementTag(targetSelector, newTagString) {
              var newElem = $(newTagString, {html: $(this).html()});
              $.each(this.attributes, function() {
                newElem.attr(, this.value);
          replaceElementTag('h1.the_input_element', '<h2></h2>'); 
    add_action('wp_footer', 'replace_tags_with_tags');
    in reply to: Sektion H1 Problem #1424916

    das war ja auch gedacht um den Title vom Breadcrumb in etwas anderes zu transformieren als ein h1.
    Dann würde das ja die Doppelt h1 Problematik lösen.
    Wie gesagt – besser wäre es das Plugin , welches für den Shortcode zuständig ist zu betrachten.
    der wird wohl das h1 setzen.
    Denn das: <h1 class=”the_input_element” data-math-equation=”” data-original-math-equation=”” data-decimal-places=”0″>Angebot für eine PV-Anlage</h1>
    ist nicht von Enfold seite aus gesetzt worden.

    Kann ich deine Seite mal sehen?

    in reply to: Domainwechsel zerstört alle Einstellungen #1424901

    Wenn Ihr das jetzt mal nachträglich probieren wollt, dann löscht besser mal die Tabellen in der zu nutzenden Datenbank.
    Was wird benötigt:
    Die Neuen Datenbank Daten
    Datenbank Name, DB-User, DB-Passwort
    bei einigen Hostern ist es noch wichtig eventuell den localhost zu kennen. (Strato z.B.: / oder United Domains etc)
    Die Wollen dann dort die MySQL-Serveradresse stehen haben.

    in reply to: Domainwechsel zerstört alle Einstellungen #1424897

    ich vermute mal, das ihr das händisch erledigt habt. ( via ftp und dann Datenbank bearbeitet )

    Ich nutze Duplicator Pro ( die kostenlose Freie Version ist aber entsprechend gut – es fehlen nur die Scheduling Möglichkeiten )
    hier wird alles zu der neuen Domain korrekt migriert.

    Duplicator macht zwei Dateien bei der Sicherung. Eine installer.php und einen Archiv File ( zip – oder dup – je nach einstellungen)
    Sinnvoll setzt Duplicator sogar Plugins wie (WPS Hide Login ) auf deactiviert – und gemahnt danach es wieder zu aktivieren.


    I assume that you have done this manually. ( via ftp and then edited the database )

    I use Duplicator Pro ( but the free version is good enough ; only the scheduling options are missing )
    everything is migrated correctly to the new domain.

    Duplicator creates two files during the backup. An installer.php and an archive file ( zip – or dup – depending on the settings )
    Duplicator even sensibly sets plugins such as (WPS Hide Login) to deactivated – and then reminds you to reactivate them.

    in reply to: Sektion H1 Problem #1424886

    try this instead in child-theme functions.php:

    function replace_tag_for_breadcrumb_title($args,$id){
    		$args['heading'] = 'div';
    		return $args;
    add_filter('avf_title_args', 'replace_tag_for_breadcrumb_title', 10, 2);

    ( you can find the args on enfold-functions.php on line 593ff )

    just for info
    by the way – woocommerce uses that filter to change the title on single product pages to “strong”
    in this case it is in an if clause:

    if(is_single() && is_product()){
    	$args['heading'] = "strong";
    in reply to: Sektion H1 Problem #1424882

    … sorry – soon there will be something more informing …

    edit. a quick way is to replace that enfold h1 tag with jQuery in your child-theme functions.php:
    or – maybe better try to change the heading in your shortcode of the plugin.

    function breadcrumb_change_tag(){
    <script type = "text/javascript">
    window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { 
    	(function($) {
    	  $("#top #main .title_container .main-title").contents().unwrap().wrapAll('<div />');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'breadcrumb_change_tag');

    but i guess we can influence the heading via filter : avf_title_args
    if there is a possiblility to influence the building of an element – it is alway better than to change it afterwards – so use the next solution instead.

    in reply to: Offset smooth scroll shrink sticky header #1424877

    btw – you can insert to page-scroll-to-id to offset a selector f.e. #header – so this will react on the current header height.

    Next: on the input field for excluded selectors – add behind the given selectors :
    ( ps avoid a comma behind the last excluded selector ! )

    the no-scroll class is used on enfold for click events that do not need a scroll to ID. F.e. an inline popup. A link to a hidden container should only open in lightbox and not open the lightbox and scroll to that hidden container.

    in reply to: Offset smooth scroll shrink sticky header #1424830

    yes thats it – ( and btw. the way you described that “problem” was a bit misleading.

    in reply to: Offset smooth scroll shrink sticky header #1424791

    hm …

    in reply to: Offset smooth scroll shrink sticky header #1424700

    If I understand you correctly, then you have, for example, a page that is 1000px high – and you want to shrink the header over this entire scroll distance, e.g. from 100px to your 54px.
    But that would mean that the header should only shrink by fractions of a pixel per pixel of scroll distance? I don’t think this is possible.
    However, if you only want to have a delayed shrinkage, i.e. I first scroll 100px without anything happening to the header, and only then should the shrinkage start, that could be possible.

    in reply to: Icon Next to Burger / All previous topics won’t work #1424680

    By the way – if you are shure that you only need the burger menu from the beginning, you can change that snippet to that – and forget the moving menu item ( snippet 2 )
    ( because this line $items = $cartLink . $items will do the job. – first insertion then the other existing links )

    function add_cart_icon_to_main_menu( $items, $args ){
      if ($args->theme_location == 'avia'){
        $cartLink = '<li class="menu-item-cart menu-item-avia-special" role="menuitem"><a aria-label="Cart" href="#" rel="nofollow" aria-hidden="false" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello" alt="Cart" ><span class="avia_hidden_link_text avia-menu-text">Cart</span></a></li>';
        $items =  $cartLink . $items ;
      return $items;
    add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'add_cart_icon_to_main_menu', 9999, 2 );

    I will never understand why the page links are not published here. Because assistance would be a lot easier (for us participants) if we could see the page in question.

    in reply to: Icon Next to Burger / All previous topics won’t work #1424669

    The thing is, you didn’t mention that you were using the hamburger from the start.
    I can see the item but it is set to display none by css code.

    to see a first result bring this to quick css and look:
    ( a little bit more css to see selectors if influnce )

    #top  {
      display: block !important;
    #top a {
      font-size: 24px !important;
    .av-burger-overlay-active #top a {
    	color: #FFFFFF !important;
    #top a:hover {
    	color: #9d1a18 !important;

    (click to enlarge:)


    and don’t forget to replace the “#” by the link of that cart icon

    get rid of the class: menu-item in that snippet:

    function add_cart_icon_to_main_menu( $items, $args ){
      if ($args->theme_location == 'avia'){
        $cartLink = '<li class="menu-item-cart menu-item-avia-special" role="menuitem"><a aria-label="Cart" href="#" rel="nofollow" aria-hidden="false" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello" alt="Cart" ><span class="avia_hidden_link_text avia-menu-text">Cart</span></a></li>';
        $items =  $items . $cartLink;
      return $items;
    add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'add_cart_icon_to_main_menu', 9999, 2 );
    in reply to: Icon Next to Burger / All previous topics won’t work #1424664

    Please remove the other solution trials – do not use a combined solution – and only use that:
    And copy paste the code from there to your child-theme functions.php.
    After doing that we can discuss when or when not the icon is visible.

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