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  • in reply to: floating main menu right #1433181

    First there is a setting on header – header-behavior : “Let Logo And Menu Position Adapt To Browser Window”
    ( av_header_stretch ) –
    but there will be always a distance of logo to the left (in your case) and menu-items ( they all have paddings ) to the right.
    Depending on the screen width, the content of the header is set on default to a value less than 100%.
    Did you realy want to get rid even of that distance? – than you had to set that width to 100%.

    .html_header_top #top .av_header_stretch .container {
      width: 100%;

    and on responsive case ( 768px or 989px)

    @media only screen and (max-width: 989px) {
      .responsive #top #wrap_all #header .container {
        width: 100%;
        max-width: 100%;
    in reply to: Strange problem with empty code-block #1433180

    Apart from Ismael’s comment: on the “Advanced” tab: have you set “Action with codeblock” to : “Add codeblock to content”?
    maybe a script could cause problems here – but an iframe should always work properly – if the iframe code is correct.

    in reply to: Docu Link #1433036

    Yes – thanks a lot and I hope that now more people will have a look at this good documentary before they ask their questions ;)

    Please remove the child-theme footer.php and header.php – if they do not differ from the parent theme files.
    These are more fluid than fluid – superfluous.

    Have you tried to update the theme to the new version via ftp? To me, this sounds very much like a copy error.

    in reply to: Submenu Headlines Size #1432819

    i do not know if other browser got this option of letting a drop-down menu open. On Safari this is very easy.
    Doing this it is easier to inspect the selectors and changings:

    #header .mega_menu_title {
        margin-bottom: 10px;
        font-size: 24px;
        font-weight: 400;
        color: orange;
        letter-spacing: 1px;
        /*** text-align: center ; ****/


    in reply to: Social Media Icons won’t show on Mobile Menu #1432808

    i think that the priority was missing – the error: jQuery is not defined is shown. This is a very clear indication that jQuery was loading after this snippet – and therefore the basis for it was missing.

    First of all, the description of how to proceed is of course correct.
    However, if you have not made any changes to footer.php and header.php before or now – you do not need any copies in your child theme.

    Do I understand you correctly that you have also made the settings again in the editor mode of all your pages/posts on the right in the layout sector? – That would also be unnecessary. Because the default setting there is preselected and therefore takes over the setting of the setting in the Enfold Footer options.

    This setting there is only intended for the exceptional case that the footer page should then not be displayed for this particular page.

    btw. : “I am noticing a lot of other Enfold users also recently having this problem.”
    I only read this in the context when the users have an older child theme footer.php or in particular older header.php, and do not transfer and upload these with the desired changes to the new versions.
    But if there are no user changes made to these files – there is no need for them as copy inside child-theme.

    for a button you can try to insert the link as:

     (Email address hidden if logged out) ?subject=Kontaktaufnahme%20über%20Ihre%20Homepage&body=Sehr%20geehrte%20Damen%20und%20Herren

    spaces should be made as: %20
    first is the subject with a Questionmark ?
    next body text added by Ampersand &

    in reply to: HTML for Turning On Audio? #1432783

    this solution i guess is still working – but a bit more complex than other snippet solutions.
    And i guess that this will only work for selfhosted html5 videos!
    And I really don’t know why it’s still working because I’ve had a lot of upgrades since that trials from 2018/19 and no customization of section.php nor child-theme section.php. So maybe you start trying it without that changing.

    for video-bg in color-section:
    for video-bg in slider:

    for a video element ( not as background ) , you may be able to extract from the code how the mute/unmute can be influenced by a click event. I could also imagine that a small button next to the video ALB element could accomplish this.

    sorry just to mention – my first solution will work with both – see again that example page
    you only have to get rid of that overlay ( or have a less z-index for it – and higher z-index for the button-wrapper.

    Unfortunately, I can’t help you keep the different codes of the different solution approaches apart. My solution – as you can see on the example page – works.


    maybe for your solution to put the button code to caption input area – it is also enough to get rid of overlay or to have a different z-index:

    #top .av-slideshow-caption .av-button {
      z-index: 5;
    #top a .image-overlay {
      display: none !important;
      z-index: 4 !important;
    in reply to: Logo is blurred #1432690

    Danke – Lernen durch Lehren ;)
    (Seneca – Mutuo ista fiunt, et homines dum docent discunt.). :lol
    Es gibt hier Fragen auf die ich nie gekommen wäre, auf die aber auch Kunden kommen könnten. Es ist immer gut, dann nicht herumzudrucksen, sondern mit einer Lösung direkt zu antworten. Das ist quasi Eigennutz ;)

    Sag mal Bescheid ob es mit dem svg als Logo nun nicht mehr ganz so “blurry” ist. Bei sehr kleiner Header Höhe befürchte ich, das die sehr kleinen Schriften trotz der theoretischen Schärfe nicht mehr lesbar sein werden ( Bei Header Height 150px sollte aber das ok. sein ). Das liegt dann am Rendern der Browser – und an der Auflösung deines Endgerätes. Ich staune manchmal was alles noch lesbar auf meinem iPhone oder dem iPad mit Retina Display ist.

    you never mentioned that the images have a link too. Do you need that besides the button inside?
    i do not find any of my settings: neither those custom classes nor the hidden button.

    Of course, this is also possible within a 1/1 column.
    Therefore, I also assumed that the slider should be realized in a non 1/1 column. Because the fullwidth slider cannot be placed within another ALB element.

    PS: although with a 1/1 container I don’t understand why you would want to use the Easy-Slider. I think it is easier to bring a full-width slider to content width and style the buttons of that “fullwidth-slider”

    see the bottom slider at that example page:

    you then can use Ismaels code to style those button. See css code too on that example page.

    here you have that option that each button could have a different link/style etc. but if it should be allways the same button:
    Create first one slide – style it as you like to have. – Then duplicate those slides – and replace the images afterwards. That will save time to edit. ;)

    Did you set all custom classes mentioned on the linked page?

    may i see your page – think of that i’m participant as you – so i do not see private content area.
    It it has to be not in public – send me an e-mail (see links on avatar.)

    in reply to: Logo is blurred #1432631

    Lade es dir aber nochmal runter, ich habe die Farben noch einwenig verändert.

    Gemäß deren Logo :

    in reply to: Logo is blurred #1432573

    PS : beim Nachbau habe ich natürlich nicht darauf geachtet.
    Aber ich denke, man schreibt “Alle” im Spitex-Logo groß.

    Frag mal ob Du das ändern sollst. Dann melde Dich nochmals. ;)

    yes the function comes to child-theme functions.php
    ( be carefull if you put something into child-theme functions.php – the leading first line ( <?php) had to be preserved )
    the css code to quick css.

    you see the layout under the example – and with some comments on how to set the custom classes.
    the styling button is inside the same container as the easy-slider.

    in reply to: Logo is blurred #1432521

    ich lösche jetzt mal wieder die Testseite – OK ? – wenn du es gesehen hast.

    in reply to: Logo is blurred #1432517

    das letzte hochladen, und als logo einsetzen.

    wenn ich sowas nachbauen muss, dann schaue ich zunächst auf deren Seiten ob da pdfs existieren. PDFs sind auch Container Formate. Und die Bilder etc. sind eigentlich meist als solche einzeln auswählbar ( im Acrobat ) bzw – wenn man denn die Sachen im Illustrator öffnet auch!!!
    Wenn man Glück hat, war da mal jemand dran den es auch stört schlechte png/jpgs in Dateien einzubetten. Also sind meist die Logos als vektoren vorhanden. Das Glück hatten wir nun bei beiden Seiten, dort konnte ich pdfs ziehen, die eingebettete Logo in Vektorform hatten.

    Leider setzt der Illustrator defaultmäßig für die Gruppen die Standard Klassen st0, st1 etc.
    Da muss man also ran – damit es nachher auch via css gut ansprechbar bleibt, muss man sinnvolle Gruppen setzen.

    Öffne doch mal das svg mit einem guten Editor. Oder schau dir das mit den Developer Tools mal an:

    du siehst, ich habe die beiden logos in separaten Gruppen und du könntest nun die Sachen auch per quick css umfärben.

    in reply to: Logo is blurred #1432514
    in reply to: Logo is blurred #1432509

    the svg is not a vector logo ( data image inside ).
    That would probably be a painstaking task, with many elements being repeated, and the font will also have to be found.
    ich glaube übrigens nicht, dass in deinem original jpg – die Farben stimmen. Da hat einer beim cmyk nach rgb nicht aufgepasst. ;)

    Den Rest könnte man jetzt auch noch machen.

    Schrift ist : AkkuratStd
    bei Spitex dürfte es eine DINPro sein.

    PS : die Svg könnt ihr gut mit einem Texteditor ( ein guter – nicht word : also SublimeText oder notepad++) bearbeiten.
    Die Klassen könnt ihr dann durch die richtigen Farbwerte ersetzen.

    in reply to: Logo is blurred #1432502

    may a participant as you are – see that logo ?
    or see that logo solo without the page may help too.

    f.e. The logo of your site, for example, is predestined to be used as a vector. ( svg file ) pure font and mathamatical curves.
    A vectorbased logo is in all dimensions sharp.

    you now can see different demos under that example page with 2/3 – 1/3 columns and 3/4 – 1/4 columns.
    1/3 x 1.25 = 0.416

    This construction only works – if the text block needs less space than the image block !

    The point is that the image should have a width of 2/5 due to your column setting – so that the image is now displayed as a whole, the height must inevitably correspond to the aspect ratio. Since the height of the image is 1.25 times the width – and the width of the image is 2/5 of the total width – the color section must then be 1/2 as high as it is wide. In other words, 0.5 times.
    With your setting of 1310px (min-width content; I have 1510px there on the example page), the height is therefore predefined for screen widths greater than this width.
    However, the shrinking of the content starts earlier due to the standard padding of Enfold (left and right 50px each).
    The content itself only has the total width minus these 100px.

    If you do not change the aspect ratio of your image, or the relationship between the columns, then this fundamental principle remains the same.
    So if you want the image to be smaller, you must switch to 3/4 1/4, for example – or select a different image section.

    Did you belong to my post or to the others?
    Because my workaround is based on creating an enfold button on that page directly under the easy slider element. This button will be set to display none via quick css – but is the Source for the buttons inside the slider. It will be cloned. So every styling you do to the source button will be the styling of the slider button!

    see an image of the layout under that example page:


    btw. if you do not append that cloned button to : av-slideshow-caption – but to : avia-slide-wrap
    you can place that cloned button absolutely to every place you like in that slider.

    in reply to: Emphasize subnavi menu items? #1432411

    ja – die menu items erhalten eine eindeutige ID. Da musst du also mittels der Developer Tools rausfinden was der Menupunkt bekommen hat.
    Du kannst aber auch mittels “abzählen” den Selector spezifizieren.

    #avia2-menu .menu-item:nth-of-type(2) {
      color: #cc0033 !important;
      font-size: 1.5rem;
      animation: pound 3s infinite alternate;
    in reply to: Social Media Icons won’t show on Mobile Menu #1432410

    hm – but i do not see it on your site?

    by the way – if you had choosen to load jQuery in your footer – it might be necessary to set for the snippet a priority. Because it has to be loaded after jQuery has been loaded.

    in this case the last line should look like this:

    add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_custom_script_mod_social', 999);

    this error log is typical to a function that needs jQuery but is running before jQuery is loaded:
    (click to see)

    your image has an aspect ratio of 5/4 = 1.25
    the column on the left is 3 units wide – and the column on the right 2 units – so the height must be 2*1.25 = 2.5
    above your 1310px ( keep the padding left/right of 50px in mind ) etc. …

    see with css on :

    you see that below approx. 1000px, the height of the text determines the overall height – and the background-image on the right is cropped then.

    ok – now i understand – but: a basic principle of a column layout is that the column that has the most content determines the height. Otherwise you would have an overhang.

    This is the reason for a background image. It then adapts to the growing content when “cover” is selected, but the content of the image is then also cropped.

    If the content of the column with the text is not the determining element of the height, then it could be set by calculation so that the background image determines the height.

    see here ( a bit different to your request ) how to calculate the setting:

    pull the screen width to narrower width and see – that as long the content of the text cell is less – the background image resizes with the rest responsively.

    in reply to: Social Media Icons won’t show on Mobile Menu #1432362

    Many of the suggested changes to the theme here on the board – are a lot easier to realize if you set up a child theme. That’s why I strongly recommend doing this.
    However, there are probably also good plugins that can insert code snippets like the one above without a child theme.

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