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  • in reply to: Image with hotspot in Columns #291978

    it only works if i set the surrounding container to:
    from display: table to block

    .av-hotspot-container {display: block }

    in reply to: creating a child theme of enfold #291457

    hey Devin – what is the advantage of your “child-theme” on github to the one we can download here:

    in reply to: Coming Soon page has menus which i do not want #290034

    did you changed the imported coming soon site or do you made it by yourself?
    Don’t forget to set the attribut on the right side of site editior to template : Blank – no header – no footer

    in reply to: Not recieving emails when submitted? #289980

    sometimes it is necessary to goto your hostaccount of your provider and declare a standard E-Mail Account.
    I got this at hosteurope – in the Standardsetting has to be set an E-Mail Standard Adress. (this might be a total different of that what you use in your contact form.

    in reply to: Category Layout (Blog) #289949

    I think i got it.
    I have to have a sidebar (on Sidebar Layout) and do the following:

    .category main {width: 100% !important}
    .category .content {border-style:none !important}
    .category aside {display: none !important}

    miss the forest for the trees

    than it looks this way:

    in reply to: New Feature Hotspots can not edit in Chrome #289943

    you have the firefox onto your machine? so your solution is as simple as you say it by yourself.
    For editing the site use firefox.
    Allthough your right that a backend should be work as well on all browsers – but i’m so happy that this theme works very well in the frontend to all browsers, that this is not a major problem.

    in reply to: Category Layout (Blog) #289480
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    change the english phrase? or do you want to change a translation of it?
    helper-social-media.php contains that phrase. But i do not know if you change it on line 214 what happend.
    The translations than too has to be corrected.
    If you only want to change the translation you had to oben the po-files in lang Folder

    in reply to: Ken Burns Effect at Fullscreen Slideshow #286551

    what do you use for Velvet Theme – is it a Plugin? Looks nice

    in reply to: Deactivation of link for Logo in header #285234

    ok – this is quick and dirty – and with no risk

    in reply to: Deactivation of link for Logo in header #285160

    you might test this instead – but please do only test it on an experimental installation!
    It starts on line 417:
    You can see the difference above:

    	 * return the logo of the theme. if a logo was uploaded and set at the backend options panel display it
    	 * otherwise display the logo file linked in the css file for the .bg-logo class
    	 * @return string the logo + url
    	function avia_logo($use_image = "", $sub = "", $headline_type = "h1", $dimension = "")
    		$use_image 		= apply_filters('avf_logo', $use_image);
    		$headline_type 	= apply_filters('avf_logo_headline', $headline_type);
    		$sub 			= apply_filters('avf_logo_subtext',  $sub);
    		$alt 			= apply_filters('avf_logo_alt', get_bloginfo('name'));
    		$link 			= apply_filters('avf_logo_link', home_url('/'));
    		if($sub) $sub = "<span class='subtext'>$sub</span>";
    		if($dimension === true) $dimension = "height='100' width='300'"; //basically just for better page speed ranking :P
    		if($logo = avia_get_option('logo'))
    			 $logo = apply_filters('avf_logo', $logo);
    			 $logo = "<img {$dimension} src='{$logo}' alt='{$alt}' />";
    			 $logo = "<$headline_type class='logo'>".$logo."$sub</$headline_type>";
    			$logo = get_bloginfo('name');
    			if($use_image) $logo = "<img {$dimension} src='{$use_image}' alt='{$alt}' title='{$logo}'/>";
    			$logo = "<$headline_type class='logo bg-logo'>".$logo."$sub</$headline_type>";
    		$logo = apply_filters('avf_logo_final_output', $logo, $use_image, $headline_type, $sub, $alt, $link);
    		return $logo;
    in reply to: Deactivation of link for Logo in header #285158

    i think you have to edit in function-set-avia-frontend.php (framework folder/php/) some lines!
    here you can see the avia_logo funktion is defined:

    	 * return the logo of the theme. if a logo was uploaded and set at the backend options panel display it
    	 * otherwise display the logo file linked in the css file for the .bg-logo class
    	 * @return string the logo + url
    	function avia_logo($use_image = "", $sub = "", $headline_type = "h1", $dimension = "")
    		$use_image 		= apply_filters('avf_logo', $use_image);
    		$headline_type 	= apply_filters('avf_logo_headline', $headline_type);
    		$sub 			= apply_filters('avf_logo_subtext',  $sub);
    		$alt 			= apply_filters('avf_logo_alt', get_bloginfo('name'));
    		$link 			= apply_filters('avf_logo_link', home_url('/'));
    		if($sub) $sub = "<span class='subtext'>$sub</span>";
    		if($dimension === true) $dimension = "height='100' width='300'"; //basically just for better page speed ranking :P
    		if($logo = avia_get_option('logo'))
    			 $logo = apply_filters('avf_logo', $logo);
    			 $logo = "<img {$dimension} src='{$logo}' alt='{$alt}' />";
    			 $logo = "<$headline_type class='logo'><a href='".$link."'>".$logo."$sub</a></$headline_type>";
    			$logo = get_bloginfo('name');
    			if($use_image) $logo = "<img {$dimension} src='{$use_image}' alt='{$alt}' title='{$logo}'/>";
    			$logo = "<$headline_type class='logo bg-logo'><a href='".$link."'>".$logo."$sub</a></$headline_type>";
    		$logo = apply_filters('avf_logo_final_output', $logo, $use_image, $headline_type, $sub, $alt, $link);
    		return $logo;

    but please don’t ask me how to do it best

    in reply to: custom fontello icon set to standard post pic #279884

    thanks for your advice. I thought that the place just before (at th bottom of functions.php)
    require_once( 'functions-enfold.php');
    is best for it.
    the reason why i don’t use a child setup was that a few versions ago i got some trouble updating the theme in this environment.
    But since i update the theme allways manual via ftp – your right – i go back an create a childtheme setup.

    in reply to: Apple Touch Icon #279415

    wood for the trees
    i added between a

     if (function_exists('avia_favicon'))    { echo avia_favicon(avia_get_option('favicon')); } 
     echo "\n";
     if (function_exists('avia_appleicon'))    { echo avia_appleicon(avia_get_option('appleicon')); }

    or is that too quick and dirty ?

    in reply to: custom fontello icon set to standard post pic #279312
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    in reply to: custom fontello icon set to standard post pic #278854
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    in reply to: Enfold – Menü (avia) bitte ohne Rahmen (border) #262361

    ein link wäre schön, denn ich will nicht unbedingt meine Seite umstellen müssen um das abzuchecken.

    in reply to: 2.7.1 Update Issue #261766

    by the way – the last advice will do the job without changing the display status !

    in reply to: 2.7.1 Update Issue #261760

    or try this in case you do not want to cut your pictures:

    .avia-content-slider .slide-image, .avia-content-slider .slide-image img {
        border-radius: 2px;
        display: inline-block;
        position: relative;

    and for heaving the overlay effect on the complete image try this:

    .slide-image, .image-overlay {
        max-height: auto;
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.

    i think something has changed with fixed positioning in general.
    on 2.7 the fixed Background Pictures are working perfectly on my Ipad!
    on 2.71 not ! What happend?

    in reply to: Enfold and svg support #256632

    Edit: oh sorry someone changed on my illustrator the export options for svgs.
    So everything is allright now. Sorry

    in reply to: Enfold Full-Width Masonry Gallery #234792

    there is a check for custom link url in the masonry-entries.php on line 727

    $custom_link = get_post_meta( $id ,'_portfolio_custom_link', true) != "" ? get_post_meta( $id ,'_portfolio_custom_link_url', true) : false;
    if($custom_link) $this->loop[$key]['url'] = $custom_link;

    is it possible to insert here a target=_blank
    because that will be ok – if there is an external link than open a new window – if not open normal

    in reply to: Enfold Full-Width Masonry Gallery #229089

    perhaps it will be easier to create a new array for the target but i don’t find it where i can insert it.
    This will be a great thing because the most links of portfolio should be self but in some case it will be nice to have an input field for blank

    in reply to: Enfold Full-Width Masonry Gallery #229015

    is it possible to make a set-up that if a class is set (f.e. extlink) the target is blank and if not the link goes to self ?

    i activated the custom.css by using add_theme_support('avia_template_builder_custom_css'); in functions.php
    so i can give the masonry field a special class.

    btw. because of updates the string is now on line 548

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #219898

    very nice Medienvirus – but this is Jupiter Theme – isn’t it ?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Guenni007.
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