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  • in reply to: Language Switcher – Deutsch – Englisch #453739

    wie erreichst du die Zweisprachigkeit?
    ich nutze das Plugin WPML welches von Enfold bereits sehr gut unterstützt wird:
    da kann man sich entscheiden, wo die Fähnchen ihr zu Hause finden.
    Meist nehme ich es in diese Enfold secondary nav – oben wo auch soziale netze etc auftauchen.
    Schau mal hier:

    in reply to: Image background in color section not responsive #453722

    did you read it carefully?
    Have you set the custom class for the color-section?

    Custom class for alb elements via :

    and did you choose for the color-section : huge padding !

    no – you did not – because i can see it in your source code

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: psd files #453721

    you don’t have to do that. I really don’t know why these psd files are in the zip file but for the wordpress theme to install you don’t need them.

    Did you upload the via Dashboard/Themes Install ?
    or do you mean – you uploaded it by ftp ?

    in reply to: Background image on main page #453716

    you could set background-positon to center center: {
        background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url("") repeat scroll center center / cover ;

    and if you like you can use a transparent effekt on wrap_all:

    .page-id-1605 #wrap_all {
        background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) none repeat scroll 0 0;
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Background image on main page #453712

    why do you want to do it with #main : try {
        background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url("") repeat scroll 0 0 / cover ;

    and perhaps you take a little shadow for the font:

    .page-id-1605 h2, .page-id-1605 span {
        text-shadow: 3px 3px 8px #333;
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Background image on main page #453707

    could you please give us the link to the page where you tried to do so.

    ok i see the page id and the link is than:

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Image background in color section not responsive #453695

    i did it here on a test environment for me:

    i gave a custom class to the color section (in my case its : background-img-responsive)
    and color section is without no borderstyling but with huge padding
    than goto quick.css and :

    .avia-section.background-img-responsive {
        background-size: cover !important;
    .background-img-responsive.avia-section-huge .content {
        padding-bottom: 15% !important;
        padding-top: 15% !important;

    the paddings : you have to play with a little bit (important is that you have choosen “huge padding” for color section)

    you can see the result here (on large screenwidth the overflow is as usual on the bottom.)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Guenni007.

    der Eintrag ist aber nur im Root index.php zu machen !
    die index.php im Subdir ist unberührt. Ich würde dir auch ehrlich zu deinem Einfall raten, denn manche Plugins W3TC etc kommen schon mal mit solchen Dingen (htaccess eine Ebene höher) durcheinander.

    und das Teil im Subfolder lassen und nur die Domain dort hin delegieren kam nicht in Frage?
    Ich mache das für Kunden häufig so, dass ich die neue Seite erstmal im Subdir installiere, damit man auch online was zeigen kann. Und wenn dann die Seite abgesegnet wurde schalte ich nur die Domain auf den Subfolder um. Da sind dann lediglich die beiden Verzeichnisangaben von auf zu ersetzen.

    Im Falle eines Umzuges (auch auf andere Server) nutze ich jetzt selbst für Seitenumzüge auch innerhalb der Verzeichnisse Duplicator.
    Wenn das auf deinem Server problemlos läuft, dann ist das ein geniales Tool.
    Es generiert ein installer.php und ein zip-Archiv
    Beides kann man dann am gewünschten Installationsort platzieren und den Installer ausführen.
    Nach erfolgreichem Entpacken wird man gefragt nach der Neuen Datenbank; Passwörtern – ich glaube noch ob man direkt neue Benutzer anlegen will (oder einen neuen Admin anlegen möchte).

    In deinem Fall müsste man diese Beiden Dateien also erzeugen vom urspünglichen Install (also index.php noch im Verzeichnis)
    Ich würde dann in deinem Fall eine neue Datenbank anlegen. Dann kannst du immer noch auf die andere Installation zurückgreifen

    in reply to: How to create a side menu like the one on the demo? #450558

    this is not a menu in that common way.
    This site above you mentioned is a Site with no sidebar and with a 1/1 Element from Advanced Layout Builder – and in it the Tab Element.
    All is set up manually ! not a dynamic Menu as you have it on Dashboard / Design / Menues

    what i can not understand is that on your other sites there is the same gap without those nested empty difs !

    have a look

    as you can see the <div class=”main_color container_wrap fullsize”> goes not to the footer ???

    big surprise ( an you can see that on webdeveloper tools there is no padding or margin defined

    thanks Josue – i decided to convert those post to portfolio posts.
    And i will look if there is a possibility to get the concerning Menu-Item to be highlighted.

    Perhaps i will place the portfolio entries as submenu under the Menuitem and i will set this submenu to display none.

    Can be closed – Thanks

    Edit : Done ! have a look josue

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.

    htaccess und gegebenfalls htpasswd gehören im Übrigen dann auch in das rootverzeichnis.

    solltes du bei deinem Hoster auf einem WindowsServer die Seite haben gilt es noch etwas zu beachten! (punkt 7)

    1. Ursprüngliche WordPress Installation war im Unterverzeichnis “wordpress”
    2. Im Dashboard unter Einstellungen / Allgemein
    3. In dem Eingabefeld für WordPress-Adresse gib ein
    4. Im Eingabefeld für Seiten-Adresse gib ein :
    5. Klicke auf Änderungen übernehmen ( ignoriere die Fehlermeldung )
    6. Gehe mittels ftp Programm zu deinem WordPress Ordner und
    7. Kopiere – nicht verschiebe! Die index.php und die .htaccess-Datei in das Rootverzeichnis (Blog address).
    Besonderheit bei WindowsServern : keine .htaccess sondern ein File : web.config
    Diesen Verschieben nicht Kopieren!
    8. Öffne die index.php des Rootverzeichnisses mit einem richtigen Texteditor (zb Wordpad++)
    Ändere die folgende Zeile:
    require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . ‘/wp-blog-header.php’ );
    nach (unser Beispiel war ja „wordpress“:
    require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . ‘/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php’ );
    9. Logge dich nun auf der neuen URL ein. Also unter
    10. Wenn du nicht die Standard Permalinks gesetzt hast gehe bitte noch zu Einstellungen/Permalinks und aktualisiere diese. Bei entsprechenden Schreibrechten des htaccess-Files schreibt WordPress diese dann korrekt hinein. Falls nicht musst du sie händisch eintragen ( die im Rootverzeichnis)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.

    Du hast nur die index.php in das root gesetzt und der Rest befindet sich noch im Unterverzeichnis ?

    Wenn dann musst du im Unterverzeichnis die ursprüngliche (default index.php) index.php haben und die index.php im Root so bearbeiten:

    Öffne die index.php des Rootverzeichnisses mit einem richtigen Texteditor (zb Wordpad++)
    Ändere die folgende Zeile:
    require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wp-blog-header.php' );
    nach (hier ein Beispiel mit dem Unterverzeichnis: „subdir“):
    require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/subdir/wp-blog-header.php' );

    Im Dashboard dann bei Einstellungen:
    WordPress-Adresse auf und
    Seiten-Adresse auf lassen.

    oder hast du nur die Domain auf das Unterverzeichnis verlinkt?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.

    i don’t know why but there is on your site a nested div Container between main and footer

    sourcecode image

    have a look at your advanced layout builder if there is a 1/1 element set or something else

    This reply has been marked as private.

    ok i see the point : i set up that highlighted Page as the Blog Page (Enfold Options: “And where do you want to display the Blog?”)

    isn’t it possible to set up a current-menu-item indivduell for each category.
    the point is that i have in main-nav Sites and on these sites there are links to single posts with defined category.
    f.e. a category : “team” (i don’t want the category as menu-item; i want the styling options from alb on sites) so the links to the Team-Members single Post go from a Site calles “Our Team”

    ok i found it
    so you have to know the number in your custom font (or entypo font)
    and f.e.

    a.extlink::after {
        content: " \e801";
        font-family: "entypo-fontello";
        font-size: 12px;
        vertical-align: top;

    so i gave to these links which i should mark with it a class : .extlink and then it works

    the backslash was the thing i don’t know :wink

    in reply to: How to get fullwidth image on top #448342

    ah – btw i set up container max-height to 70vh (means 70% viewport height)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Center logo with overlap #447820

    boa had choosen the header: header center menu below

    than header_main_alternate comes by default.

    you than can go to your menu and for home link you can set the following (but you first have to go to WordPress options dialog on Menu Site and make Classes and Description visible) look to the screenshot.

    on angezeigter name ( sorry i have the german WP installed) you can set an img link to your logo

    and when you have done that give us please a link to help you more

    The rest is css ( even the mobile

    in reply to: Umlaute: Problems with Ü in Firefox #447766

    i have this sometimes when copy/pasting text from customer files.
    Perhaps a pdf or docx Dokument.
    Overwriting on editor solves my problems.

    if so – try it with

    #header_meta .avia_wpml_language_switch {
      display: none !important;
    in reply to: how to style fullwidth slider ? #447646

    can be closed – i managed it in a different way:

    color section and in it an image – the Rest is pure css and thats obligatorisch doesn’t work on IE8 :lol

    in reply to: Center logo with overlap #447403

    first link isn’t Enfold and
    boa did the trick by placing a link in the main nav!

    <li class="header_logo">
    <a href="">
    <img width="300" height="100" alt="BOA Elite" src="">

    and the main “logo” placed in the options dialog of enfold is set to display none:
    and the “logo link” in main-nav is then set to display: none

    div#header_main strong.logo {
        display: none;

    with mobile menu the “real logo” then set to display: block

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Center logo with overlap #447396
    in reply to: how to style fullwidth slider ? #447122

    i first set it up with color section and background image – but i can not obtain responsive behaviour of the images

    in reply to: svg graphic as logo and fallback png #446266

    can be closed now – thanks for your helpful hints

    in reply to: svg graphic as logo and fallback png #446263

    this works :

    function svg_replace(){
     	$('img[src$="svg"]').attr('src', function() {  
        	return $(this).attr('src').replace('.svg', '.png');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'svg_replace');

    so in IE8; if there is a svg file and a png with the same name in the same upload-folder it will be replaced by that png

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: svg graphic as logo and fallback png #445784

    hm ?

    but this doesn’t work:

    function svg_replace(){
    jQuery('.avia-msie-8 img[src$="svg"]').attr('src', function() {  
        return jQuery(this).attr('src').replace('.svg', '.png');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'svg_replace');
    in reply to: svg graphic as logo and fallback png #445767

    it is not possible to handle every svg file in this manner ? only the logo ?

    than this could be used for fallback. If there is a svg file and an existing png with exactly the same name it will be replaced.

    in reply to: Quick css doesn't working properly #445654

    these folders are in /wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/
    and you gave these files permission to 777 ?

    Strange behaviour than. I often have that trouble because i change ownership by default to the ftp user and not wp but than it works after filepermission change.

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