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Many browsers have webdeveloper tools implemented today. In former times there only was the firebug plugin for firefox.
I use it today allthough the others are quiet good tools too. (btw. on Safari the webtools has to be activated first)There you go on with your mouse arrow and point the text you want to change and press the context button. I work here in Germany so i only know the german phrase for it ” Element mit Firebug untersuchen” (maybe inspect the element with firebug)
A new window is opend with info about the html and css for that element – and the clou is that you can change the css on the right side without touching your source code on the fly.
hovering the elements on the left side the concerning elements are highlighted on your site.
you can see this on the second image hovering the p tag highligts the p block on the this you can find the right decision what to change and you can try it ( doubleclick on a css rule at the right you can change the rules or context-menu adding some new css rules
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
perhaps it is because you lost a semicolon:
#top .av_header_glassy.av_header_transparency .header_bg { background-color: #86817e; opacity: 0.7 !important; }
on question 2 – maybe there is a more specific css that overrides your css.
and here is an extra semicolonbody { font-size: 14px; line-height: 200% !important;}
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
Oh one more question – can i do this for searchresults page too?
oh i got it:
add_filter('avf_header_setting_filter', function($header) { if ( is_singular( 'event' ) || is_search() ) { $header['header_transparency'] = 'header_transparency'; $header['header_class'] .= " av_header_transparency"; } return $header; }, 10, 1);
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
Thanks Ismael – i found a similar Request here on board and a solution from Josue
but this had changed every page to transparency
now your code makes the perfect solution for me.
Thanks !!!
Can be closed nowsite at the moment does not open. Server not found : why there is a result for gzip test from link above ??
gzip is not enabled on the server “77% Could be saved by compressing this page with GZIP.”
so contact your hoster or login at your hoster and have a look wether there are any possibilities to activate gzip compression._ i could not achieve more than this here –
the point is the shrinking header has its own js calculation of the header a skew is resulting. If you have the whole screenwidth for logo width.
The example above is set by:
#header_main .container { padding: 0; max-width: 100%; } .logo img { display: block; height: calc(18vw); max-width: 100vw; padding: 0; width: auto; }
the css vw means viewport width and for height i do a calculation because 1200:211 is nearly 18%
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
its sad that we other users couldn’t see the page – we often have similar Problems – and so this solution might only be helpfull for you.
2.) Very often the reason for slow speed is the missing of gzip; zlib compression on the serverside (check it here f.e.: )
Maybe your logo is to big in size ? If it is possible to use instead svg files this might help in many ways. Even very small shrinked Logo is very sharp. The filespace is often very small. (have a look on this page: )
the logo above is set via Sourcecode of svg :
preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMid meet"
to shrink to the left side but center on height.
etc.only that fuc….. IE8 could not handle svgs. but you can do a fallback for that case to png/jpg.
If zlib and or gzip is enabled you can use plugins like WP Supercache to speed up your site. etc. pp.
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
so i added the needed classes by:
function add_transparency_on_events(){ if ( is_singular( 'event' ) ){ ?> <script> jQuery(window).load(function(){ jQuery('html').addClass('html_header_transparency'); jQuery('header').addClass('av_header_transparency'); }); </script> <?php }} add_action('wp_head', 'add_transparency_on_events');
but this seem to be not enough.
is there a script loading when having transparency headers ?this works for me (see private content)
how do i set up for single event ( by the way it is events manager not that one of tribe) the transparency header
how to add class to header : av_header_transparency via functions.php for event?
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
Ok Ismael this will work –
but how do i make an selective thing out of it.
I only want to insert that code for the single event (class for body is than “single-event” )no code here because it will insert the heading section from my page here allthough i put it in code brackets
how do you insert that code lines without showing the content on your link above?-
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
Thanks Ismael – i will have a look to it
what is this filter – have you perhaps an example how it could be look like
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
ok i got it with a lot of media querries
can be closedwithout a screenshot or better a link it is hard to help you in this way.
perhaps you can use a fullscreen button (remove the link inside alb element) and set padding to zero on top:
#top .av-fullscreen-button .avia-button-fullwidth { padding: 0 10px 50px; }
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
hm – i want to make a movie of it but today it works well.
The point was that sticky submenu anchors works well on the same parent page – but navigating to a different page/#anchor (2nd, 3rd etc.) the sticky submenu of that page only shown on top if i scroll a little bit.Well as you can see on playground above now it works. Mayby by seting up a gradient on av_section_1 and some other css changings come to a satisfiying end.
So – can be closed now
if you are in f.e. advanced layout builder and you have opened e.g. an icon-box
by hovering the icons and let the mouse over it for a while the charcodes are the way – if you want to use the fonts via css in enfold ( for example via :before or :after pseudoclass you have to put
content:” \e803″; instead of content:” \ue803″; _ the u has to be deleted)for example – i have an own fontello icon set (vfg) uploaded with a pdf icon and on every pdf link i do this:
.pdflink li a:after { content:" \e803"; font-family:vfg; font-size:10px; position:relative; top:-8px }
you see this:
he colorsection is set to:
no min hight; and huge-padding !
background image to no-repeathave you activatet the custom class for alb elements? have to give than the color-section this class !
here is a playground of mine:
if this is ok for you here is my solution :
(the min height of the avia-section was set by theme to 100px)the colorsection is set to:
no min hight; and huge-padding !
background image to no-repeatand you see it the custom class was set to : “background-img-responsive”
.avia-section.background-img-responsive { background-size: cover !important; } .background-img-responsive .content { padding-bottom: 25% !important; padding-top: 25% !important; }
what did you choose on “Section Minimum Height” ?
i can not remember me that i have filled out here on board “the last api”
so how do you control it.
Many questions here are without concerning to a special website.The success of Enfold is on one side the quality of the theme and the good handling of the backend and alb. The other side and one unique selling proposition is the excellent support on the theme and last but not least the
lifetime updates.
For me the last point is a good point to make an advice for my customers.
The support duration is for me not so important because every new customer gets his own api.
But there are a lot of endusers here – and i guess they like the theme because of that possibility of good and everlasting support.btw. a lot of my customers would not invest on a theme that has an anuity for updates!
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
how you did control that ?
sorry i didn’t used the right search phrases:
thanks – can be closed now.
ok i managed it in this way: (it is for tab-titles on the left side – fullwidth)
@media print { .sidebar_tab .tab_titles { display: none !important; } .av_tab_section .tab.fullsize-tab { display: block; float: none; width: 100%; clear: both !important } .js_active .tab_content { position: relative; top: 0; visibility: visible; border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; min-height: 1px !important } }
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
excluding the keywords is not the right way – because if the word is in the content the searchresults should list the page/post – but only than.
Excluding pages from beeing considered is easy – but i thougt there might be a trick to exclude special divs from beeing considered in the search.
(f.e. exclude all div.nosearch )The thing is clear what i want ? If you got a sloagen on every Page beneath the header for example.
These words of the sloagen must be findable – but if only the word is in that sloagen the search results page must not list them.-
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
ok – hat sich erledigt! da hatte sich eine Anweisung in mein quick css verirrt, die da nichts zu suchen hatte (table-layout : auto)
can be closed, because the behaviour is for a setting of my own on quick css. (table-layout: auto)
By the way its not only an ul issue – it seem to be a text issue too. Because alot of p tags everytime a text-block is editied are added !!!
this is indeed the best solution ( royal road) to get it.
Thanks for that ( and its not for taken be granted ) you found a solution !!!
And greetings to LimaCan be closed definitely
see private content
first of all yes i found this part too – and i guess it must be changed the code from 2479-2521
but it does not work !
there are some new features and a new class goes to content (active_tc) not only the title (activeTitle) so i thought it has to be prepared that code for the new shortcodes.js
Maybe my construct is totaly different to the old thread i mentioned above
i put in the iconbox via htmlcode a single tab
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
well we have to see it.
maybe it is quiet simple that the landscape images are to small in that grid!
see here the first row:
all landscapes are too small to show the hover effect
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by