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  • in reply to: Enfold Full-Width Masonry Gallery #234792

    there is a check for custom link url in the masonry-entries.php on line 727

    $custom_link = get_post_meta( $id ,'_portfolio_custom_link', true) != "" ? get_post_meta( $id ,'_portfolio_custom_link_url', true) : false;
    if($custom_link) $this->loop[$key]['url'] = $custom_link;

    is it possible to insert here a target=_blank
    because that will be ok – if there is an external link than open a new window – if not open normal

    in reply to: Enfold Full-Width Masonry Gallery #229089

    perhaps it will be easier to create a new array for the target but i don’t find it where i can insert it.
    This will be a great thing because the most links of portfolio should be self but in some case it will be nice to have an input field for blank

    in reply to: Enfold Full-Width Masonry Gallery #229015

    is it possible to make a set-up that if a class is set (f.e. extlink) the target is blank and if not the link goes to self ?

    i activated the custom.css by using add_theme_support('avia_template_builder_custom_css'); in functions.php
    so i can give the masonry field a special class.

    btw. because of updates the string is now on line 548

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #219898

    very nice Medienvirus – but this is Jupiter Theme – isn’t it ?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Guenni007.
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