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  • in reply to: Bullet color #584301

    look here:

    what is the difference (these are two text elements with unorderd list inside.
    the last alb element i gave a class : “noliststyletype”

    The thing is that list style type belongs to the text (and text color)
    so i set the list style type to none ! and ad via before a new content ( a list point)
    This is now a new element and can be selected

    .noliststyletype li:before {
        color: #900;
        content: "•";
        font-size: 25px;
        margin-left: -12px;
        padding-right: 5px;
        position: relative;
        top: 5px;
    .noliststyletype li {
        list-style-type: none;
    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Logo over slider #584297

    and if you like it with shrinking header try this solution here:

    .responsive .logo {
    display: block
    .logo, .logo a {
        overflow: visible;
    .logo img {
        height: 180%;
        max-height: 225px !important
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px){
    .responsive .logo {
        height: 120px !important;
    .responsive .logo a {
        display: block;
    .responsive .logo img {
        max-height: 220px;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 400px){
    .responsive .logo img {
        max-height: 175px !important 
    .responsive .logo a {
        display: block;

    see here :

    you have to play with the values a little bit.
    on that page i have header value at custom height 125px

    in reply to: How to link to section IDs without reloading the page? #584169

    on my page it did exactly what you like to have. So how looks your link like?

    in reply to: plugin for login that leads to private content #584077

    for the login. you can use a plugin like:
    And for the members you can choose only subscribers – that is enough.

    in reply to: plugin for login that leads to private content #584071

    hm it seems to be to easy ! ?

    goto plugin editor and open – choose secret content and only ad that meta box for portfolio:

            _x( 'Show this to logged in visitors only?', 'Headline for checkbox / activation on portfolio', 'secret_textdomain' ),

    so it looks afterwards at the top in this way:

    function secret_meta_box() {
            _x( 'Show this to logged in visitors only?', 'Headline for checkbox / activation on posts', 'secret_textdomain' ),
            _x( 'Show this to logged in visitors only?', 'Headline for checkbox / activation on portfolio', 'secret_textdomain' ),
            _x( 'Show this to logged in visitors only?', 'Headline for checkbox / activation on pages', 'secret_textdomain' ),

    then the plugin works too for portfolio entries !

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: plugin for login that leads to private content #584044

    :lol: this seems to do it (even hide the menu list point by setting up only one mark in that (page/post)

    Take this solution and forget the one before!

    but ( it only works for post and pages – i will try to extend it to custom post (like portfolio posts) )

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: plugin for login that leads to private content #584026

    to show a different menu for logged-in logged-out users there is a php way via child-theme functions.php

    you make two menus (the one for non logged in users and the other one) i called them main menu (for logged out users) and main menu logged (for logged in users). The one for logged out users i checked for main navigation

    function my_wp_nav_menu_args( $args = '' ) {
    if( is_user_logged_in() ) { 
    	$args['menu'] = 'main menu logged';
    } else { 
    	$args['menu'] = 'main menu';
    	return $args;
    add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_args', 'my_wp_nav_menu_args' );

    but this only hides the pages links in your menu – if you want a restriction there are a lot of plugins – but i did not find one easy to use
    Eyes only or page restrict etc. role scoper .
    But i don’t like to test it now.

    in reply to: Site Migration #583996

    there are a lot of plugins (which you only have to activate if you need them) that were made for that in a comfort way.

    I like Duplicator. Duplicator creates 2 Files (an installer and a zip-File with all of the content)
    What you need for migrating is : an empty folder on your host, an empty database (if you use the default table-prefix wp_ for your installation)
    Then you upload these two files via ftp and on browser you then call the installer.php to make the rest. On an input field you can insert the new datas
    Database Name, Database User, Database Password (there are more options f.e. to change Admin but not on default settings)
    and press run. Thats all. After login to your new installation only delete those two files from your root and regenerate permalinks maybe necessary

    in reply to: demo import isn't working #583986

    a little offtopic – i have imported yesterday one demo file.
    i often change my media structure just from the beginning to “not in month and year-based Folders”
    The import of all pages and posts works good – but some images weren’t imported. Could it be that the imported files have to have that media structure of month and year based folders ?

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Slider: Change timing for all slides at once? #583974

    I fear he is talking about advanced Layerslider – and then i think it is not possible in a short way

    in reply to: How can I achieve this blog post format? #583866

    in the alb set two blog elements with raster layout !
    The first one choose same category as the second one but only show 1 post and 1 row

    The second one 2 rows and show all but don’t forget to mark that offset number not to show posts twice.
    Thats it.

    in reply to: Masonry Sort: Can we sort the sort titles? #583862

    well there was a little plugin for posts and pages order (intuitive custom post order) which handles it for posts and pages.
    so i look for a similar plugin for category:
    Works even for portfolio.
    You can drag and drop the order at dashboard. there are additional tab “Taxonomy Order” on each Kategory having post or portfolio.
    But it changes it for the whole site – not only for specific pages.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Header and main body. #583176

    did you get what i tried to describe – the trick is – no color section for that – concerning to your image above

    left side yours – right side the way it worked

    in reply to: boxed layout and margin on top #583146

    yes can be closed – customer decided to have a stretched layout now. But definitly i will use it in future projects

    in reply to: Color tables #582955

    well try to do the following – and definitly play with background-color :lol:

    .main_color tr:nth-child(2n) {
        background: #e24020 !important;
    .main_color tr:nth-child(2n+1) {
        background: #9c899c !important;
    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Wo genau speichert Enfold #582951

    sollte gehen. Wenn ich mehrsprachige Seiten mache gehe ich meist hin und layoute zunächst komplett alles durch. Und transferiere dann die Einstellungen von der Einen in die andere Sprache mit diesem Befehl. WPML gibt einem nämlich die “Chance” auch hier Länderspezifische Versionen zu hinterlegen – was ganz nett ist, aber eben eher die Ausnahme darstellt.

    in reply to: Wo genau speichert Enfold #582947

    du meinst die Sachen, die in die quick.css kommen.
    Gespeichert wird im wp-content/uploads ordner unter dynamic_avia –

    Aber du kannst die Enfold Optionen die du einstelltest auch via Daten Import/Export “Export Theme Settings File”

    Click the button to generate and download a config file which contains the theme settings. You can use the config file to import the theme settings on another sever.

    Meines Erachtens sind da alle Enfold Optionen (auch die Quick Css Einstellungen mit drin.

    PS ich sichere meine ganze WP Installation mittels Duplicator rück.
    Der generiert genau zwei Files (installer.php und ein zip-File)
    Im Falle eines Server Umzuges oder bei Absturz oder Viren-Befall lädt man nur noch 2 Files auf den leeren Ordner hoch und führt die installer.php aus.

    in reply to: Let menu-item open in a new tab #582942

    if you are in Dashboard – Appearance – Menus look on top right side of the window – there is a hidden tab called “screen options” press that and choose for “Show advanced menu properties” Link target

    Than you have the possibility to set the behavior for each Menu Item by toggling it and choose “New window or Tab”

    btw i use often the possibilty to set for each menu item its own class – same way!

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: How can I highlight the current-menu on a single-page-site #582935

    but the problem could be that the id (Anchor) only is for that color-section – so if you leave the color-section by scrolling to the text beneath it will have a fallback to “home”
    so try it – because only setting this thing to your site via firebug (developer tools) maybe different

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: How can I highlight the current-menu on a single-page-site #582933

    btw. the little line under the menu-items make it what you want if you have choosen it for styling.

    so the class interesting is “current-menu-item” added even to achor elements


    li.current-menu-item a {
        color: #900 !important;

    so it might be best if you add this code to your quick css but in enfold options choose the same color for
    “Logo area font color” and “Logo area secondary font color” Otherwise the home stayed marked as active.

    in reply to: boxed layout and margin on top #582571

    ok i got it (with some cheating)

    i insertet a div via child-theme functions.php:

    function custom_func() {
    <div class="spezial"><span>Content</span></div>
    add_action('ava_main_header' , 'custom_func');

    set the span to visibility hidden.

    this special container gets now a background with the graphic of background body image. etc pp.

    looks nice

    in reply to: boxed layout and margin on top #582434

    yes i thought of that too – but i want a margin (or padding – concerning to what the rule goes (html, body or wrap_all) on top.
    if this marging could not be seen all the time it would be ok for me if the header scrolls to top and begins then to shrink and is fixed on top.
    But to look nice it has to scroll first than on top it starts to shrink and gets the fixed positioning.

    now the header and main and all the rest is seen when it passes the header which is sticky with that distance above.

    in reply to: disable related posts #582291

    do you mean “eventi” ?
    go to widgets and drag and drop out this field. If you don’t have a substitute information on that row you can reduce on enfold options – footer – the count of columns in footer. For you than 3 is best ?

    in reply to: custom backgroud for color section #581934

    by the way – each color-section has on that edit field the possibility to determin a background-image or background-color (look to the tabs on edit case)
    “Section Background Tab”

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: custom backgroud for color section #581933

    a frequently made fault on inserting a css class is that the point infront of the class is forgotten.
    on that field where you put in the class – there it has to be written without that dot. But on quick css you have to make it.

    .white-bg {
    in reply to: disable related posts #581919

    hm :

    .related_posts {
        display: none;
    in reply to: Submenu on IPad does not fade out after click #581499

    yes – that menu you see is additionaly set by me in that site – so on my part i could get rid of those list points in main navigation.

    But do you think that this might be a better feature if hovering only decides about emerging Submenu and the click about disappearing.

    in reply to: How to Centre Avia Mega Menu Bullets Vertically #581479

    The advice is indeed visible on your site so a response seems to be unnecessary.
    Your welcome ! :wink

    in reply to: How to Centre Avia Mega Menu Bullets Vertically #581275

    try this here:

    .avia_mega_div .avia-bullet {
        margin-top: 8px
    in reply to: Php7.0 compatibility? #581134

    Sometimes i use for a new test environment old mysql databases.
    so often conflicts arise from that. so best is to use a completely new database or to go in mysql and erase all tables before.
    Often people do not even change table prefix – so in might be possible that there are some entries are not overwritten by new one.
    The folders are one thing to avoid conflicts.

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