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ok it seem that on class-form-generator.php the line 360 is correct but the other required fields are not !
$required = ' <abbr class="required" title="'.__( 'required', 'avia_framework' ).'">*</abbr>';
seems to be neccessary on all$required
$required = ' <abbr class="required" title="required">*</abbr>';
on line 418, 539, 576, 655, 722 does not end in a translatable title. the definition above does !on class-form-generator.php on line 360 the title is set a bit different to the other abbr.
Maybe this causes the fault ?hm not completely solved:
On name and e-mail input field it is o.k. on the others not ???
see private link
ok – it seems to be a conflict between pot file (required) and po translated files.
in english the required is written with small letters (not capitalized first letter)
if you load f.e. in po-edit the po file you have to synchronize the po file with the pot file.
The existing “Required” Translation is lost then because on pot File there is only a “required” phrase.
Translate that required to your own translated file – it will than correctly show the translated title if you hover that little star !Edit: there has to be both the “Required” and “required”
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by
soweit ich mich erinnere gibt es bei Masonry doch immer die Möglichkeit die Anzahl der Spalten zu setzen!
Dann kann man den Abstand noch in Varianten einstellen, und die Rasterungseinstellung kann man mittels flexibles, perfektes und perfektes Automatisches Raster einstellen oder?April 27, 2016 at 1:02 pm in reply to: Unterschiedliche Namen für selbe Seite in Haupt- und Subnavi #622999to put something via widget just after main container opens you can use this code here in child-theme functions.php file:
add_action( 'ava_after_main_container', 'enfold_customization_newlogo_widget_area' ); function enfold_customization_newlogo_widget_area() { dynamic_sidebar( 'newlogo' ); }
and on dashboard / widget you than have to create a new widget area called: newlogo
than you can place your logo and backlink to landingpage to a text-widget in this new area
why don’t you use this demo settings here:
set the div .logo to display none and put on all pages the logo on top of main
What about this rule? This isn’t part of 3.5.3 Enfold ?
April 15, 2016 at 11:19 am in reply to: Enfold update problem- How to don't lose customisations! #614720On updating your theme files i allways uses the ftp manual version. See here on
Scroll down to : “Update manually via FTP” and have a look to the video
April 15, 2016 at 11:10 am in reply to: Enfold update problem- How to don't lose customisations! #614716It is in General (not only for enfold) a good advice to have a child theme installation for wordpress!
There is a nice online documentation (or on your envato complete Download of Enfold an offline Version) for Enfold here: is a little tutorial for enfold child theme:
On Download Section there is a downloadable Child-Theme of Enfold with at least a (on default) empty functions.php (for that child theme)
Some files in the wordpress hierarchy do not overwrite the existing ones but they can add information and rules to the original files of the theme itself. One of those Files is the functions.php. So here on board there are a lot of customization hints by adding some code to that child-theme functions.php !If you activate first the parent theme and after that the child theme – there are some options to transfer the settings of the parent theme to the child theme. Read and see the tutorial mentioned above on “Moving to a Child Theme”
One of the greatest benifits of Child-Theme Installation is that on updating the parent theme those customizations of your child theme are not influenced !
das ich keine gültige Lizenz mehr am laufen hatte ist bisher noch nicht vorgekommen. Heißt – bei mir kam immer mal wieder eine frische hinzu für neue Aufträge. Daher ist die Frage trotzdem auch für mich interessant.
if not it will be nice to have some possibilities to selekt those words specifically.
If you do this:Villa Santi <span class="bed icons"> 4 Bedroom</span> | <span class="bath icons">4 Bathroom</span> | <span class="size icons">Land Size : 750 m2</span> <span class="beach icons">10 min. walk to beach</span> | <span class="shop icons">10 min. walk to Shopping, Restaurants, Spa and Massage</span> <span class="airport icons">25 min. drive to airport</span>
.icons::before { font-family: entypo-fontello; font-size: 24px; position: relative; padding-right: 5px } .bed::before { content: "\e8af"; top: 3px; } .bath::before { content: "\e8ce"; top: 3px; } .size::before { content: "\e869"; top: 3px; } .beach::before { content: "\e8b9"; top: 3px; } .airport::before { content: "\e8b6"; top: 3px; } .shop::before { content: "\e859"; top: 3px; }
see here:
for formating your text with span tags you can use f.e. Bueltges Add quicktag pluginor if it is allways the same text underneath those hotels you can copy paste the whole content and fillout than the correct values for the given Hotel
<span class="bed icons"> 4 Bedroom</span> | <span class="bath icons">4 Bathroom</span> | <span class="size icons">Land Size : 750 m2</span> <span class="beach icons">10 min. walk to beach</span> | <span class="shop icons">10 min. walk to Shopping, Restaurants, Spa and Massage</span> <span class="airport icons">25 min. drive to airport</span>
PS: i did the top value to the specific class because sometimes it might be better to put in different values.
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
yes now i know what you mean – i will think of it a while becaus i want to make it
is the text under your images dynamicaly generated or do you fill out those details?
Villa Santi 4 Bedroom ; 4 Bathroom - Land Size : 750 m2 10 min. walk to beach | 10 min. walk to Shopping, Restaurants, Spa and Massage | 25 min. drive to airport
if you want no animation at all:
but the images has to load on page load – this animation “mimics” that loading time – the non animation mode looks very boaring – sorry
btw. if you only want to influence some Masonries you have to use custom css class..avia_desktop.avia_transform3d .av-masonry-entry { perspective: none; } .avia_sortable_active .isotope { transition: none ; } .avia_desktop.avia_transform3d .av-masonry-entry.av-masonry-item-loaded .av-inner-masonry { animation: none; } .av-masonry-image-container, .av-inner-masonry-content, .av-masonry-pagination { transition: none; } .avia_desktop .av-masonry-entry:hover .av-masonry-image-container { transform: none }
if you have no link to your site where we can see your whishes – is there an example site on enfold demos?
i guess it could be done by pseudo class before but it is easier to have not only a description of your problemif you have it in your waste basket (trash) (dont know the word for it because i’m working on a german wp installation) it is nonetheless present for wordpress. So the url is taken to that page/post.
If you empty your basket before you create the new one or rename the 2nd one it will work.thanks ismael but this is not the right position – but it gave me the hint where to search.
i browsed around in enfold folder where the do_action is used.
In header.php there is a piece of code i can use for that:so this is now a solution for me:
add_action( 'ava_after_main_container', 'enfold_customization_header_widget_area' ); function enfold_customization_header_widget_area() { dynamic_sidebar( 'header' ); }
perhaps it is better to rename the widget area to something else f.e. before-main
and of course this is not to use with transparent or glassy headers!
This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by
i suspect – yes – because there is a bigger step on enfold update from 3.47 to 3.51 – but we will hear the mods on that
what do you mean by “broken”
Sometimes in different combinations the js files of the advanced layer slider are in conflict with bwp minify.
Then i goto bwp settings / managed enqueued files and set those js files of layerslider to “scripts to not minify”thanks Ismael – yes i removed it and do it on that case manually on adding on top a colorsection with “widget everywhere” alb element.
i’m planning to create a town portal page – and i want to show on different places ( f.e. under the header – before content (top of main)) to show some entries of a given category.
But nevertheless this question is important – there are these tips to create a “header-widget-area”
but you can see it in private content link that the scroll offset does not consider that existing header-widget-area
the first color-section is laying under the widget-areaich vermute mal , dass Du die Seite via Liveupdate Funktion von WordPress upgedatet hast?
ich nutze schon immer nur die Methode via ftp – scheint mir die sicherste zu seinich denke da musst du jetzt auf einen Moderator hoffen – warten
___________I guess that you have updated the page via LiveUpdate feature of WordPress ?
I use allways the ftp method – seems to be the safest i think you have to wait now for a mod to help you.
by the way : the update from 3.5 to 3.5.1 only updates (besides the style.css) the shortcodes.css
maybe you can try to upload that file manually (ftp) to that concerning folder (enfold/css/shortcodes.css)sorry – it was my fault – a copy paste (impressum) fault (copying divs and other html elements from another installation into visible field to the tab results in errors)
can be closed
This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by
yes begrafiks – i do it in your way! but this is for a beginner a little hurdle because he stucks on that point.
and yigit “learning by teaching” is just egoism ;)
to find solutions for other participants question is the best way to learn something about enfold. – And this makes my work with my cutomers here seems to be the complete rule:
.header_color .avia_mega_div { background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85) !important; } .avia_mega_div .sub-menu, .header_color .main_menu ul .avia_mega_div ul, .header_color .main_menu .menu .avia_mega_div ul li a { background-color: transparent; }
but this only rules the mega-div !!! if you want the whole dropdown menus we must do something different !
try this first:
.header_color .avia_mega_div { background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85) !important; } .avia_mega_div .sub-menu, .header_color .main_menu ul .avia_mega_div ul { background-color: transparent !important; }
i think anything under 0.8 opacitiy makes it diffuse
next step is that the list points got its own background-color (and hover state)
and this is only for mega menu – the rest dropdown menus you don’t need to adopt?
is there a good plugin for that not to complicated and working well with Enfold ?
Have you any good advice for me?Thanks
hm – now i know:
#if ( is_singular( 'portfolio' ) && has_term( 'apotheken', 'portfolio_entries' ) ) { …
my fault was that i thought the Portfolio Categories are “Categories” :lol
can be closed now
hm – can be closed i got it in this way (two logos option – and logo img on display none)
it seems to be important to have the absolute path to the uploaded svg images (code comes to child-themes function.php)function first_logo($logo) { $logo .= '<strong class="logo first-logo"><a href="/bonnzeit">' ; $logo .= file_get_contents("absolute-url1.svg"); $logo .= '</a></strong>'; return $logo; } add_filter('avf_logo_final_output', 'first_logo'); function second_logo($logo) { $logo .= '<strong class="logo second-logo bg-logo"><a href="/bonnzeit">' ; $logo .= file_get_contents("absolute-url2.svg"); $logo .= '</a></strong>'; return $logo; } add_filter('avf_logo_final_output', 'second_logo');
This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by