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  • in reply to: Backround for Text in "Headline Rotator" #666136

    if you don’t like to make a general changing you might better give this alb element on your page a custom class

    f.e. : rotator-bg

    than try to add to quick css :

    #top .rotator-bg  .av-rotator-container-inner {
        background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) ;
        border-radius: 100px;
        display: inline-block;
        padding: 30px;
        position: relative;
        text-align: center;
        text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff;
        box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #333 inset;

    there is a bit more styling in it to show you whats possible

    see here in the green field:

    Centering the container :

    .rotator-bg {
        text-align: center !important;
    in reply to: Header link entfernen #666125

    Gerne – bis demnächst dann mal wieder in diesem Blog

    in reply to: Change top bar colour only in Transparent Header #666122

    try to explain more precise what you want to achieve.

    Btw. it is much easier if we have your testing page.

    The changings should only affect the homepage – everything is fine on your other pages with your actual settings ?

    the transparency of #header_main_alternate in which the main navigation is placed is in the header container (at the bottom of the header container)
    so if this main navigation including container is transparent the background color of header is visible. !

    you can try this:

    .home #header_main_alternate {
        background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) ;
        bottom: -50px;
        position: relative;

    now the main nav sits under the header not over it. But does it realy look good?
    look here if this is what you mean:

    in reply to: Header link entfernen #666110

    if you like to change the link than try this in your child-theme functions.php

    function av_change_logo_link($link)
        $link = "";
        return $link;

    if you only want to get rid of the klick action do this in quick css:

    div .logo {
        pointer-events: none;
    in reply to: Change top bar colour only in Transparent Header #666101

    try it in this way:

    .header-scrolled #header_meta {
        background: #080  !important;

    the header-scrolled class is added at the end of the scrolling process – so this is i think what you want
    the transparency of the top menu until scrolling comes to an end.

    maybe you have to make some rules for your listpoints in the top bar.

    by the way – by using an rgba value you had the choice to make it a bit tranparent with a unique color:

    .header-scrolled #header_meta {
        background: rgba(255, 150, 50, 0.5)  !important;

    you can see it here:

    in reply to: show only posts with my iDs #665463

    well you don’t need the id if you only want to show those three posts give them a special tag f.e. “myids” (:lol)
    you can now take every alb element which gives you the opportunity to show instead of category the option “show customized taxonomy” and than choose not category but “post tag”

    in reply to: Hi, why are there many bugs on mobile device browsing? #665259

    mostly a missing bracket or semicolon and everything following is gone

    in reply to: Custom Headers for Woocomerce pages #665138

    if you like to select the category 17 and all products from category 17.

    I don’t like to install a demo shop to help you – so you have to have a look for yourself.
    if a single product is shown – doesn’t it have the product category too in his source code.
    so when you selectis_product_category('17') this does automatically even select all single products of that category?

    in reply to: wpml flags into header #664811

    why don’t you use the secondary menu on that case.

    Activate on Enfold Options – Header – Extra Elements
    and choose secondary menu on top bar at the left.

    Now i think the flags goes by default to that secondary menu.
    you can choose a background for header on enfold options and the behavior is like you want it on small screens

    see here:

    in reply to: wpml flags into header #664767

    i think this is a clearing issue because widget li is clearing both.
    Try this one here:

    #lang_sel_list li {
        clear: none !important;

    i think he has changed his design a bit :

    in reply to: Link in caption of featured image #664749

    the featured image is that little image related to a page/post/portfolio which you set up on the right side of editing mode.

    Where do you put in there a html code?

    Or do you mean an advanced-layout-builder element – please describe your problem a bit more precise here.
    is it the featured image slider alb element you mean?

    in reply to: Bottom border on header #664746

    and if you don’t have choosen the minimal with dropshadow. You can set it on the class too:

    .header-scrolled {
        border-bottom: 2px solid #090;
        box-shadow: 0 2px 5px #bbb;
    in reply to: Bottom border on header #664743

    there is a class for the shrinking header if shrinking process comes to its end: header-scrolled so:

    .header-scrolled  {
        border-bottom: 2px solid #080;
    in reply to: Contact form doesn't send emails #664740

    there is the login page to the wordpress backend. If you press under the form “Lost your password?” – did you than receive an e-mail from your wordpress installation?

    in reply to: Editing a text box, can't justify the text. #664737

    you mean this littel button in my image above shown with the red arrow?


    in reply to: Button links with commas not working #664736

    if it has to be a comma in the url – try to use %2C

    in reply to: Editing a text box, can't justify the text. #664653

    tell me please how!

    in reply to: Editing a text box, can't justify the text. #664524

    on your frontend i couldn’t check this out. and for the mods – they need an account (hidden content area) to look to your backend.

    But i see on your site that there are a lot of justified text blocks – so you found out how to achieve your styling?

    in reply to: Editing a text box, can't justify the text. #664296

    So you are not in the advanced layout builder modus but in the normal editing modus style?
    you have to press that little button on the right (see red arrow)

    sorry – as a participant as you are i can not help you because i don’t see the site – “Password protected”
    i think there is a Password in the hidden part of the thread here so you have to wait on Mods.

    One easy way could be to goto Dashboard – Enfold (Child) and under import/export there is a button “export themesettings file”

    export your english themesettings – change your language above on clicking to a different flag – goto “import themesettings file” and choose these “english” Themesettings.
    You have to repeat the import for each Language

    But on every Changing this has to be redone! So style first your english Version as long as possible and than do this procedure.

    in reply to: Center ADD TO CART woocommerce shortcode #664291

    without a link to the site there will be no chance to help you.
    if there was a hidden link – than you have to wait for the mods.

    if it is the same thing like here:

    important for that is to give the whole form.cart a width – otherwise the centering will be not so easy

    form.cart {
        width: 300px;
        left: 50%;
        transform: translate(-50%);
    button.single_add_to_cart_button {
        width: 160px !important;
    in reply to: How use 3 logos in header? #664151

    hm sorry i only used svg so for png or jpgs you have to create the output in this way:

    function third_logo($logo) {
    $logo .= '<strong class="logo third-logo"><a href="url3" target="_blank">' ;
    $logo .= '<img src="/wp-content/uploads/logo3.png"/>';
    $logo .= '</a></strong>';
    return $logo;
    add_filter('avf_logo_final_output', 'third_logo');

    but than you have to set a new css rule to display that logo img because we have set all logo img to display none

    .logo.third-logo img {
        display: block;
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: How use 3 logos in header? #664149

    ok – here we go:

    this to functions.php of your child-Theme:

    function first_logo($logo) {
    $logo .= '<strong class="logo first-logo"><a href="url1">' ;
    $logo .= file_get_contents("/wp-content/uploads/logo1.svg");
    $logo .= '</a></strong>';
    return $logo;
    add_filter('avf_logo_final_output', 'first_logo');	
    function second_logo($logo) {
    $logo .= '<strong class="logo second-logo"><a href="url2">' ;
    $logo .= file_get_contents("/wp-content/uploads/logo2.svg");
    $logo .= '</a></strong>';
    return $logo;
    add_filter('avf_logo_final_output', 'second_logo');
    function third_logo($logo) {
    $logo .= '<strong class="logo third-logo"><a href="url3" target="_blank">' ;
    $logo .= file_get_contents("/wp-content/uploads/logo3.svg");
    $logo .= '</a></strong>';
    return $logo;
    add_filter('avf_logo_final_output', 'third_logo');

    you can use png/jpg as well!

    this to quick css ( you have to play with these values because it is dependent on your header givings and logo dimensions etc.)

    div .logo { float: none}
    .logo img {display: none}
    .html_header_top.html_logo_center .logo {
        left: inherit;
        transform: inherit;
    .logo.first-logo {
        float: left;
        width: 350px;
        z-index: 4
    .logo.second-logo {
        left: 50% !important;
        transform: translate(-50%) !important;
        z-index: 3;
    .logo.third-logo {
        width: 100%;
        z-index: 2
    .logo.second-logo a {
        width: 450px;
    .logo.third-logo a {
        float: right !important;
        width: 120px;
    .logo.first-logo a, .logo.second-logo a, .logo.third-logo a {
    display: inline-flex

    some settings here are only vor svg use (width of logo a f.e.)

    i decided to go the easy way to set on small screens that only the important logo is shown and the others are on display none

    in reply to: How use 3 logos in header? #663526

    you can see it here in a test environment:

    on Small screens these two logos left and right goes to display none. But it might be possible to work with floating and let them go in a row under each other.

    A great advantage of this method is that you can use svg too (and not as a background image) like in the example above.
    And on that you can make some css gimmicks like color changing on hovering by f.e. in my case

    svg#bonn_logo:hover .st0,
    svg#bonnzeit_logo:hover .st0  {
        fill: #060;
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: How use 3 logos in header? #663498
    in reply to: How use 3 logos in header? #663492

    i use this one here for two logos ( and it seems that there is no limitation to that on two)

    function first_logo($logo) {
    $logo .= '<strong class="logo first-logo"><a href="http://url1">' ;
    $logo .= file_get_contents("http://path/wp-content/uploads/firstlogo.svg");
    $logo .= '</a></strong>';
    return $logo;
    add_filter('avf_logo_final_output', 'first_logo');	
    function second_logo($logo) {
    $logo .= '<strong class="logo second-logo bg-logo"><a href="http://url2" target="_blank">' ;
    $logo .= file_get_contents("http://path/wp-content/uploads/secondlogo.svg");
    $logo .= '</a></strong>';
    return $logo;
    add_filter('avf_logo_final_output', 'second_logo');

    if second logo goes to a new Domain use the target rule to a new Site etc.

    and than some css is used to customise these logos:

    div .logo { float: none}
    .logo img {display: none}

    so the normal logo is not used but 2 new images in the header area.
    on two logos i let them float 1 to the left and the other to the right.

    on Three Logos the third logo has to be centered.

    But what do you want to do with those three logos on responsive case (small screens) etc.

    in reply to: Custom Headers for Woocomerce pages #663481

    btw. you can see these logical operators here:

    in reply to: Custom Headers for Woocomerce pages #663471

    the point is if ( is_product() )

    see reference here:

    so you have to combine this rule f.e.:

    function add_banner_before_breadcrumb() {
    	if ( is_product() || is_product_category() )


    if you want different on products and on categories than i think you have to use for each.
    i’m not so familiar with that – so wait till a mod looks to your question if an if elseif case could work.

    add_action('ava_after_main_container', 'add_banner_before_breadcrumb'); 
    function add_banner_before_breadcrumb() {
    	if ( is_product() )
    		    echo '<h1 style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank">
    			<img border="0" alt="Banner Name" src="" style="float: left; z-index: 99999; width: 100%;"></h1>';
    	elseif ( is_product_category() )
    		echo '<h1 style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank">
    			<img border="0" alt="Banner Name 2" src="" style="float: left; z-index: 99999; width: 100%;"></h1>';
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.
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