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please – this seem not to deregister the loading of the api !
I has to use it for the third party plugin and before i installed that i want to do this above! But maps api is still loading on that site.
i tried thris from yigit :
function dereg_gmaps_api() { wp_deregister_script('avia-google-maps-api'); } add_action('init', 'dereg_gmaps_api');
but with no success – than i have a look to the source where it is loaded.
well i found that line in google_maps.php line 43 – but there must be other places to find.what is the line in shortcodes.js line 431 ff
the code above is not enough!or better if you dont want to display them. you choose in your alb editior for that portfolio :
“no title and no excerpt”
btw. to the mods: the german translation here is wrong
the translation here was “Nur Titel ohne Textausschnitt” that means only title without excerpt.
But it has to be neither nor “Weder Titel noch Textauschnitt”
oder “Kein Titel kein Textausschnitt” – first Phrase in bold seem to me better German-
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
well if you dont want that there is the link function:
grid-sort-container .entry-content-header a { pointer-events: none; }
if you don’t like to see those headings including the links:
grid-sort-container .entry-content-header a { display: none; }
so now you have to decide if this is only for that portfolio , and only on a specific page!
On Contact Formular Editior – on the tab e-mail
did you put in the[file-705]
to the attachment field ?you see this here on cf7 support:
but in this case there is something like this is in your form settings:
[file file-705 limit:1024 filetypes:jpg|png|pdf class:upload_file]
so there has to be the concerning file in the e-mail
so you must insert in file-attachments:[file-705]
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
So without a real link to your site i’m out now. A mod from now on has to help you.
first of all there is a “/” missing as on every other sites with id Link
the 376 has to be the ID of your portfolio-item !
by the way it does not work with the link of my example above to the portfolio-category:
has no effect !-
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
have you a link to your site?
the page is the page including that portfolio grid element:
that is my site
and if i want to open from the beginning one of those ajax fields the rest of the url is that the ?custom_ajax=3142
the link of mine above : ? is it what you want?
i understand the link to the help-site in this way:
This snippet will allow you to create links to your portfolio ajax items and have one of them open up when the page is loaded.
It opens the site in this way:
and not in that way (by default)
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
btw. i’m a participant as you are here on board; but everyone here of the mods do the best they can – but your request from Friday – just before weekend ? have a little understanding that they have a private life too!
Thanksaha – so i misunderstood your “popup” request.
the thing is , that you have a page where a ajax portfolio is placed. On default there was no portfolio shown till you click one of those littel thumbnails beyond that portfolio.
(this is similar to tab navigation accept there was the possibility to say which tab is opend when opening the page)You want that the page opens with a certain portfolio opend in ajax view!
And here we are: the portfolios are not numbered 01, 02, 03 they got a unique ID .
You can find out what id the portfolio has if you open it standalone – something like : …/wp-admin/post.php?post=3142
is on your browserwindow – the 3142 is the IDand this ID is in the LInk above: can see it here in my testpage:
try this:
as linkby the way: where is that code from?
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
please try in your example of your link to add behind your link: ?iframe=true
the code above gives you only the chance of using it by activating the font on Enfold/… fonts
if you do not choose the font on Enfold Options the font is still not activated!
One easy way is to activate the font (if you don’t want it by default for all h2) to go to enfold/advanced styling/ and create a rule f.e. for h6 using this font. From than on you can use the font on quick css.
no problem –
PS this is what my solution looks like: works – ok.
But if you have a transparent header you have to find a solution (for scroll offset i think) because the color-section f.e. with background image is looking through header.maybe you give the code of mine above a chance. You only have to activate in Enfold – Header – Extra Elements
1) the search icon in Navigation
2) Position of Header social icons (you don’t have to have social icons here)function av_move_search(){ ?> <script> jQuery(window).load(function(){ jQuery(".av-main-nav > li#menu-item-search").detach().appendTo('#header .social_bookmarks') }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'av_move_search');
What is not so nice on that solution is
there is a little time shift till the search icon list point is in the social-icon list but it has the right position from the beginning.
Only a little css is needed to have the search results in that dropdown look good:.ajax_search_entry { text-align: left !important; min-width: 250px !important; padding-left: 15px !important; }
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
well – i tested it and if sub-menu is empty it does not work
So it is not so easy without having other content there.
If you got social profiles you can do the Yigit trick by shifting the search field to that field:
But there has to be that little mark on: Append search icon to main menu
and there has to be at least one social Profile.this in child-theme functions.php
function av_move_search(){ ?> <script> jQuery(window).load(function(){ jQuery(".av-main-nav > li#menu-item-search").detach().appendTo('#header .social_bookmarks') }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'av_move_search');
thats a good idea – every first answer of mine will get a tag in this way. I didn’t see the wood for the trees :lol
And don’t tell Christian that i can copy his circles :)
and ! use complex Passwords –
alot of my customers have the name of there children or something very easy!Since i use 1password i use extrem passwords with 26 or more letters/signs/numbers
sorry – me as a participant too – i’m now out.
maybe the mods have an Answer for you – but se my comment above
If you google to “is it good practice to use iframe”OK
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
One more on that: the left shift of the icons is a bit tricky – this is in dependency to caption length.
If the length of the caption under the icon is to big the left position has to be corrected.I tried to place the av-icon-char in an absolute way (only the circles with the icon) but than positioning of the caption is not possible.
the code i gave you was site-specific ! so if you take this one the rules will work for all code-block / iframes:
.avia_codeblock { height: auto; padding-bottom: 65vh; position: relative; width: 100%; } .avia_codeblock iframe { height: 100% !important; left: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; width: 100% !important; }
if you like to put the iframe in a widget use a text in the widget and place the iframe code in that container:
<p class="iframe_container"> <iframe src="" width="100%" height="100%" scrolling="no"></iframe> </p>
than you can place as allways:
.iframe_container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 65vh; height: auto; width: 100%; } .iframe_container iframe { position: absolute; height: 100% !important; width: 100% !important; left: 0; top: 0; }
see here: Link
the reason why i did it in a text-block was the possibility to use widgets too
bytheway : its because iframes are allways difficult.
If you google to “is it good practice to use iframe”
there are tonns of lists where this point is discussed. From the point of seo as well. Performance Reasons too!
To have one or two the whole Site seems to be ok ( on youtube there is no other way)-
This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by
or you give this a chance:
are they free or payed font files ?
The reason why i ask this is because there are some sites which can make webfont files out of that:
Please take the new code because i put it on math basis – declaration see here : link
yes i will give it a try. But this is a bit to mighty and so complicated.
see here – but i do not found a solution now for enfold menu :
that is what i want
by the way i noticed that safari does not support content: url()
so i would now prefer the background solution !Can you please move that question to FAQ if it is on interest. Else remove the thread
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by