Forum Replies Created
September 23, 2016 at 9:51 am in reply to: Remove "related videos" when displaying Youtube videos in lightbox #690566
goto the youtube video and look to the share button – one button right there is the embed button open it
now there is ( a bit hidden) another button with “more” – press it now you got the following image:there is a list what you can choose on options ( one is not listet – the autoplay function! code: ;autoplay=1 )
copy the iframe embed code – without the width / height instructionsthis iframe embed code you can place in a code alb element !
The only thing now is to set up the height/ width of the video
soon more to come here :lol:edit: autoplay does not work in lightbox mode
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
The alb element headline has got his own custom class (here: headline-background ).headline-background * { letter-spacing: 2px !important; line-height: 60px; } .headline-background span { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px #333; border-radius: 15px; padding: 5px; }
the first rule: everything following that custom class gets the attributes ( so h2 in this case and the span)
the second rule : only the span contentPS : i styled it a bit more that you can see how it works – if you only want to have black background with white font-color – you know what to do.
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
it will be much easier to help if there was an example page – if you don’t like to post the live site link on public than only mods could help you. Or is there a Site on Enfold Demo Pages where the analogon is placed?
f.e. the heading therefirst of all the source code has to be in this way that you can make a selection between first line and after break the second line.
Because html works in headings of enfold you can do the following to obtain a two line heading:first line<br/>second line
but to make it easier to differ this might be a good source for that:first line <br/><span>second line</span>
this will be enough but to shorten sometimes the code in your quick css it might be good to have here
for the whole heading a custom class f.e. headline-background-
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
hm – isn’t it the same code as mine?
only the filter name differs
avia_same_category_filter instead of enfold_customization_same_cat
$settings instead of $s-
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
you have to work with media querries:
@media only screen and (min-width: 989px) { .mobile-slider { display: none; } }
so this slider is not shown if the screen width is more or equal to 990px
you have to decide the split point for that – if the split point is 768px
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .desktop-slider { display: none !important; }} @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) { .mobile-slider { display: none !important; }}
max and min width if it is above 768px the one is shown the other is not
if it is beneath 768 vice versa – thats alland what do you want to colorize now?
erase my code above and put in f.e.:
.forsikring_priser .pricing-table-wrap:nth-child(2) .pricing-table li:nth-child(4) { color: #f00; }
you see how it works
this was the 2nd column and in that 2nd column the 4th list pointand :
.forsikring_priser .pricing-table-wrap:nth-child(3) .pricing-table li:nth-child(3) strong { color: #63b5be !important; }
without strong – the stong rule would not be overwritten
so 3rd column 3Listpoint (and strong to overwrite here the general strong rule)also auf dem Ipad mit Retina Display ist die kleine weisse Linie da ?
Keine Ahnung wo die herkommt.September 22, 2016 at 5:26 pm in reply to: Enfold 3.8 Icons not showing/bugged – Still an issue #690351but the screenshot on the left shows some chinese Icons.
some texteditors have a lot of invisible meta informations – and are not able to save a file without a filetype and a file extension !
On Mac i use Sublime Text (on PC notepad ++)
and your htaccess is after uploading again set to invisible by that little dot infront of that file ( .htaccess )-
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
ich habe das Problem im Safari 10 / El Capitan nicht!
aber wie gesagt, Du musst ja nicht das Bild genau 1500px groß machen ! Lege doch mal bitte eines mit 1510px bereit und nimm dann original sizeEdit: wenn ich im Safari vergrößere mit (früher) apfel + und das ein zweimal – dann habe ich da auch einen winzigen weissen streifen.
Aber bei 100% Vergrößerung nicht !-
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
hm – did you have a link for us.
Fullscreen Slider has no option with video ?try it with no scaling images – it seems to be only a few pixels – sometimes f.e. cropping tool of photoshop did not work pixel precise – sometimes a 1499px Image is saved allthough you have made for the crop tool the right input.
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
just a moment – to clarify what you want.
You want to show the sites of your website as a list in your Footer – but you have too many sites – so that the list is too long?
First of all – you don’t need to show a sites list. This is a default setting if the footer widgets are empty.
To split the list i think is not possible by default.If you do intentionally drag&drop the pages list there f.e. in the first column there is first a sort option (via ID or page title etc.) and than (for you ) the possibility to exclude some pages from the list. So exclude the second half – and on Column 2 exclude the first half of your site list
– but you have to know your Page-IDs for that.In Dashboard on Pages List you can see the ID by hovering the page – there is at the left bottom corner of your browser-window than a link with the ID of the post. (On Safari not – but Firefox, Chrome, Opera etc. did)
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
September 22, 2016 at 12:17 pm in reply to: Enfold 3.8 Icons not showing/bugged – Still an issue #690213And you are definitly on an apache server? The htaccess file exists before and you put in that additional code?
How did you do that? Downloading that file – renaming it – editing (on a good texteditor (wordpad ++ or sublimetext), ! not word or something like that please) – rename it again – and upload it ?Where does that icon font come from?
Thanks – i’m a participant here too – but i could help you because your nick here on board and a bit of google – helped me to find your site.
aha no the display block is in it from copy paste : remove the display: block rule from #top .av-magazine-group:
#top .av-magazine-group { clear: none; float: left; width: 70%; }
the display option and opacity option come from a script i think – and i pasted my changings inclusive this setting – my fault – sorry
thats it !but nevertheless i think 1/4 3/4 will be nicer on that – because “Dienstleistung” “Kaufmännisch” etc are short enough to make that column a bit smaller
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
no – no hack at all.
Meanwile all browser got a kind of developer tools. But i like the first tool in that manner it is called firebug (Firefox Plugin)
On that you can f.e. right click on a heading and choose from context-menu “investigate with firebug” a second window opens and shows you the sourcecode and the concerning css code / the DOM / or script-elements
On that little tool it is possible to simulate f.e. any css changing you want and the screen from firefox shows the changings made for that.
So no live hack – it is a simulated Change with screen control.To your Problem now.
for some reasons i had to set up the clearing to none . Perhaps this is the reason for double content.
The construct is very strange because the content is there twice ( on klick to a group the all content goes to invisible – look to the source code:<div class="av-magazine-group sort_all" style="opacity: 1; display: block;">… <div class="av-magazine-group av-hidden-mag sort_58" style="opacity: 0" display: none;"> … <div class="av-magazine-group av-hidden-mag sort_45" style="opacity: 0; display: none;">… <div class="av-magazine-group av-hidden-mag sort_44" style="opacity: 0; display: none;">…
you see how the sorting works – clicking on all the first div with all is visible – the rest is display: none
so there is twice content because all and for each group once!Try to change first that f.e.
#top .av-magazine-group { clear: right; display: block; float: left; width: 70%; }
if this is not the solution please remove all clearing rules and than i will have a look with my firebug to solve it.
no this is not a “template” in a real way. It is a snapshot of the status quo. So if you put another image in that slideshow, the others are untouched.
All Headings in your footer looks the same here (Mac Safari, Firefox, Chrome) Same Font, Color and font-size.
if you look at the source code the pricing tables aren’t real tables they are unordered lists
each column of a pricing table got his own ul – so it must be possible to select them via nth-child option f.e..pricing-table-wrap:nth-child(2) { color: #009; font-weight: bold; }
the rules to colorize the prizing tables are set through enfold the same way – and i think quick css does not overwrite these rules accept we set those rules to default color first.
If you don’t like to change every table on your site it is best to give the pricing table you want to change a custom class f.e. rawtable
than you can set the font colors to default to have the chance to change them:.main_color .rawtable .pricing-table > li:nth-child(2n) { color: inherit !important; }
after that you can change color of font (headings have their own rule – so from this it is not touched)
.rawtable .pricing-table-wrap:nth-child(1) { color: #900 !important; } .rawtable .pricing-table-wrap:nth-child(2) { color: #090 !important; } .rawtable .pricing-table-wrap:nth-child(3) { color: #009!important; }
if you have more than a few columns and want to change f.e. every second column :
.rawtable .pricing-table-wrap:nth-child(2n) { color: #090 !important; }
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
September 21, 2016 at 5:22 pm in reply to: Create a form for users to add their names- then display names in a list #689940seems to be a bit like a booking system – and events calendar has one.
So you can present a calendar on which (if the members are logged in) they can enter their names. The calender solution has one big advantage – you don’t need to erase the list week by week – you can show f.e. only the running Month and so on.
I suppose that could be a solution for youbut only from this thread here:
Vorteil zu dem bei der Script Lösung – du kannst auch gleich noch den Shrinking amount einstellen:
Auf der Seite oben habe ich zB von Hälfte auf Drittel eingestellt.Wenn man diesen Shrink Amount nur bei kleinen Screens haben will kann man das via Css auch ermöglichen
wie gesagt das kleine script von Josue ermöglicht am ipad das shrinken. Also beim runterscrollen geht das auf die 80px oder so an höhe zurück.
Du kannst das auf meiner Seite sehen – scroll mal am Ipad : dem Anderen wüsste ich jetzt nicht adhoc eine lösung.
PS: wenn das im Content beim scrollen der gleiche Hintergrund kommt wie im Header – meinst du es sähe besser aus, wenn der Header einen kleinen Schattenwurf bekommt? sonst verschwinden die Übergänge so oder?
#header_main { box-shadow: 0 2px 5px #666; }
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
Du willst das der wegscrollt ?
muss gehen !
wenn du nun die Navigation nicht so weit rechts haben willst, dann
#header #header_main .container { padding-right: 30px !important; max-width: 100% !important; width: 100% !important; } #advanced_menu_toggle { right: 30px; top: 70%; }
das paddding-right mit 30px halt varieren und das mit dem Toggle ist damit das nicht so hüpft wenn es umspringt und in etwa auf der Höhe von der Navigation ist
nur diesen Code hier sehe ich in deinem CSS nicht (30% scheinen bei dir zu reichen):
.av-main-nav > li > a > .avia-menu-text, .av-main-nav li#menu-item-search [data-av_icon]::before { bottom: -30%; position: relative; }
Auf dem Ipad musst du dem Link oben folgen. Josue schrieb mir mal ein kleies Script, dass das Shrinken auf dem Ipad wieder möglich machte.
Musst du in der functions.php des Child-Themes dann als custom script einfügen.machen wir mal deutsch weiter – ist auch für mich leichter:
hast du den link gesehen:
wie gesagt ich hatte es jetzt mit -23% so eingestellt, dass die Pfeile des Logos auf die Navigation zeigen
wenn Du da wieder -35% einträgst ist es bei 200px header der Boden (ich stelle es mal auf -35% zurück im Beispiel-Link).Wenn du den Screen mal schmal machst, und das menu togglest, dann ist da auch das logo drin.
Damit mein Code oben greift, müsstest du allerdings erstmal das was du bisher versucht hast verwerfen. denn der Code oben reicht völlig aus, um auch das Shrinken mitzunehmen.
Der zeite Code ist nur dafür da, dass du links neben dem Logo nicht auch noch ein graues Feld hast.
#header #header_main .container { padding-right: 30px !important; max-width: 100% !important; width: 100% !important; } #advanced_menu_toggle { right: 30px; top: 70%; }
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
another hint if you set it to:
.av-main-nav > li > a > .avia-menu-text, .av-main-nav li#menu-item-search [data-av_icon]::before { bottom: -23%; position: relative; }
the navigation is on the level of the two arrows of the logo – looks nice too
and if you like to have the logo (the yellow background full left)
#header #header_main .container { padding-right: 30px !important; max-width: 100% !important; width: 100% !important; } #advanced_menu_toggle { right: 30px; top: 70%; }
what did you do to have the nav points on bottom ?
i only did the following: logo left menu right – shrinking header: and
.av-main-nav > li > a > .avia-menu-text, .av-main-nav li#menu-item-search [data-av_icon]::before { bottom: -35%; position: relative; }
thats enough – but you have to get rid of the other settings you did til now:
see here : Link
btw: the shrinking header did not work on default on ipads : Solution see here from Josue
you have to upload a js-file into your child-theme js folder and add a code snippet to child-theme functions.php -
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by