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  • and another question – what is a custom link text for you?
    these are not congruent on changing the color?
    By the way the influence of that setting is only if you choose on menu dialog (“Button Style (Colored))
    It is in the preview a bit confusing because it is a menu point with normal font-color and a permanent background color.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Guenni007.

    to be precise – does anything change if you do some changings in Child-Theme Options dialog?
    On Quick css f.e.
    body * { font-size: 36px !important} do not forget to save it
    has it any influence to your theme?
    If not – it might be a folder/file permission instance.
    The settings you make here are all in the folder /wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/
    if the file f.e. “enfold_child.css” has no write permissions than it won’t work

    hm – you got only relative links to your anchors – but from a different page
    to the anchor of a different page it is a absolute path neccessary.
    so long you have only a onepage homepage everything is ok but on having more than one page you need the link back to homepage. (hosted on WPengine) (perhaps it is enough to have /#solutions ) but only #solutions is not enough.

    in reply to: Background video won't loop in Mac Safari #730717

    please try to insert this code: on Safari Developer Preview it sometimes loops ( i don’t know why it works not allways)

    On Safari the same – it seems to have something to do with screen height to width value (

    if you shrink or stretch browser window it sometimes starts again ???

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Background video won't loop in Mac Safari #730711

    did you change anything on the link above? because now a lightbox opens – but if you open the link in a new tab the result is the image above?

    in reply to: Background video won't loop in Mac Safari #730710

    so for a non member of vimeo – you link goes to nowwhere. Thats the point for me to ask if you are a pro or business member. Than there are possibilities to set up for each video permissions. I don’t know if Safari uses the same player type as the other ones (html5 etc. )

    This code above is in your source code of your site. That is the only reason why i mentioned it.

    in reply to: Background video won't loop in Mac Safari #730707

    please klick on your link –

    in reply to: Background video won't loop in Mac Safari #730573

    normal share (embed) code of vimeo looks this way: or
    your code looks this way:

    this will not work ! :

    maybe this is a setting problem because f.e. (this is only for beeing shure – i guess will do the job too)
    this loop works well on safari too

    Are you having a Plus, Pro or Business Account on Vimeo? and you can set up the options for each video?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Rename "portfolio-items" in the url #730562

    And how about the wordpress – dashboard – Settings… permalinks options dialog?

    concerning to this but a bit different.
    i have the custom post type : event
    and i want to have the side-navigation left right for that too! prev next event.

    I think i open better a new thread

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Guenni007.

    hm – it seems that it is not from the enfold magazine sort options ( it is from gallery plugin sortoption)
    so – first : no matter for you i guess. it is a part of ngg gallery
    the gallery is in a portfolio – and that gallery itself has sort options which on some reasons go to $excerpt of Portfolio – i have to look in that ngg code ( there seems to miss some closing tags)

    so can be closed- because it seems to be a problem with ngg !

    in reply to: Lightbox and JPG with capital letters #728896

    ok i now see the trouble.
    On uploading images with normal media uploader there was an automated rename to lowercase.
    On that installation i got a gallery plugin who could import images from a (ftp uploaded folder) at one click.
    But on that case there was no rename to lowercase. If there is an uppercase fileextension the images are shown – and with the (included fancy box they even show in lightbox) but with our lightbox (the plugin is able to use thirdparty lightbox by deactivating his own one) only jpgs and pngs are shown in our lightbox (JPGs and PNGs not).
    So i have to look if that plugin has an automated image-import with renaming to lowercase file-extension.
    Thanks – can be closed.

    in reply to: autoclose video lightbox ? #727257

    thanks vinay – meanwhile i do all know these links.
    But no link is helpful because on most of those hints the player was generated in an existing div.
    The point is to run a function outside the iframe from inside.
    Seems to be hardstuff. Can be closed

    in reply to: double loading of avia.js #727248

    oh sorry now i see – thanks – can be closed

    in reply to: Is there a way to overlay an image over an image? #727003

    if it must be a secure method to show your images – all possibilities with layers do not have a secure effect. If you want it you must create a watermark in the same layer as the image!

    CSS3 allows web designers to specify multiple background images for box elements, using nothing more than a simple comma-separated list.

    #example1 {
    width: 500px;
    height: 250px;
    background-image: url(sheep.png), url(betweengrassandsky.png);
    background-position: center bottom, left top;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    but everyone who knows to handle a developer tool or to read source code is capable to have the images without watermark than.

    so i think there will be no alternative to a watermark plugin.

    in reply to: Retina logo #727000

    because i do not see the hidden private content – is there a possibility to have a svg Graphic for that? Or does the logo require pixel-based datas?

    in reply to: Inspired by OSX Sierra Site #726999

    btw. scrolling with a wheel-mouse (or with my magic-mouse on Mac) is better than to pull down the scroll button in scroll-bar. I think this is set by default to 3px jump. And with high density mouse it is more fluent

    in reply to: double loading of avia.js #726996

    hm – just the rearrangement did the trick ? OK
    Is it important to have allways the add_action first and than the function.

    Because a lot of php tips here on board handle it this and that way?

    in reply to: autoclose video lightbox ? #726994

    for fancybox and other lightbox plugins there are (not so easy solutions) – but we have here on default an eventlistener implemented in enfold (aren’t we?) so in my JS suit (it is less than yours) i thought those JS Cracks here could handle it.

    in reply to: Inspired by OSX Sierra Site #726992

    did you see my link? i changed a bit the code and on my end here on Mac OSX Sierra :lol: on all installed browsers( safari, safari technology preview, chrome, opera, firefox) it works nice – but on ipad i had this “jitter”

    in reply to: Changing the parallax effect. #726532

    isn’t it possible to make it more specific and give the color-section a custom class and make it via this class?
    it is not so implausible to have another av_section_4 on different pages/posts

    in reply to: autoclose video lightbox ? #725721

    on shortcodes.js from line 900 you have :

    case "youtube": 
    	var params = _self.$;
    	if(_self._supports_video()) params.html5 = 1;
    	_self.player = new YT.Player(_self.$video.attr('id'), {
    		videoId: params.videoid,
    		height: _self.$video.attr('height'),
    		width: _self.$video.attr('width'),
    		playerVars: params,
    		events: {
    		'onReady': function(){ _self.$option_container.trigger('av-video-loaded'); },
    		'onError': function(player){ $.avia_utilities.log('YOUTUBE ERROR:', 'error', player); },
    		'onStateChange': function(event){ 
    			if ( === YT.PlayerState.ENDED)
    				var command = _self.options.loop != false ? 'loop' : 'av-video-ended';

    isn’t it possible to insert here some code to close the iframe in if ( === YT.PlayerState.ENDED)

    in reply to: double loading of avia.js #725668

    Ok – there is on child-theme functions.php allready a test for autoclose lightbox after youtube video stops – but it does not work now
    it is much more complicated from the inner of the iframe to close the iframe after playing. But to prove the avia.js case you can erase it here.

    Maybe yu got an idea – pleas look to the other thread

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: autoclose video lightbox ? #725437

    well there is inside the iframe a class added after video play. ended-mode
    but i don’t know how to close the parent div (maybe : div.mfp-container ) if the class exists.

    i look into youtube video player api there are eventlisteners which might help

    i think it will be nice to give a unique ID to that video

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Standard Text Editor not activating #725048

    i have the same since 3.8.x (in my case 3.8.4)
    i allways update via ftp and work with child-themes so i can do a complete Update ( delete enfold folder and upload the new one)

    same here on standard editor no text mode to activate.

    in reply to: Reduce sticky header size #724832

    i’m talking about the shrink process – the pixalized logo is the other question.
    Now you did change both values – and the shrinking is now fluently with no jump to an endpoint.
    i do not see how you influenced transparency on scrolling
    i changed the frontpage to transparency and glassy like you had. And there is no fluctuation on transparency amount.
    because see here:

    you can influence the change point on avia.js a bit more down (line 1650ff) ( default value is 50 – i changed it in the example above to 100)
    so after 100px scrolling the transparency of the glassy header goes to its given opacity

    but on your installation there is a “little pulsation” i don’t know where it comes from

    	if(st > 100)
    		av_change_class(header, 'remove', 'av_header_transparency');
    		av_change_class(header, 'add', 'av_header_transparency');
    in reply to: Tag Cloud not complete #724627

    do i need than the class-framework-widget ? : NO
    i only have to get rid of this layout.css rule set to important

    Thanks – as allways !
    this works too – because post_tag is an args too and its easier for me to remember

    add_filter( 'widget_tag_cloud_args', 'avia_change_tag_cloud' );
    function avia_change_tag_cloud($args)
    if ( isset($args['taxonomy'])){
    	$args['taxonomy'] = 'post_tag';
    	$args['number'] = 60;
    	$args['smallest'] = 8;
    	$args['largest'] = 20;
    	$args['order'] = 'RAND';
    return $args;
    in reply to: Reduce sticky header size #724313

    these two values are only the same for value 2 because scroll way and shrinked height of the header are only on that case the same.

    i can see it in your avia.js – that you have set both to the same Quotient

    in reply to: Reduce sticky header size #724020

    did you read it carefully? i can see that your logo jumps after scrolling to its end height, and transparency has strange behavior – so try the values noted on the code

    your header starts at 220px (custom value) you want to end at 95px (?) so the distance you have to scroll for changing class of the header is 125px

    if(shrinking && !isMobile)
        if(st < el_height/1.76)
            newH = el_height - st;
            if(st <= 0){
    			newH = el_height;
            av_change_class(header, 'remove', 'header-scrolled');
            newH = el_height/2.31;
            av_change_class(header, 'add', 'header-scrolled');

    because 220/1.76 = 125
    and 220/2,31 = 95,23

    that means – after scrolling down 125px the new Header Height is at its endpoint of 95px

    in reply to: Tag Cloud not complete #724017

    this is elegant Yigit but the thing is that the number=0 has no influence. And i don’t know why. The number remains 45 (default as in )

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