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  • in reply to: LAYERSLIDER update issue is BACK! #769463

    i think that layerslider (kreatura media) itself have backtracked there 6.2.2
    on enfold 4.0.4 is definitly only the 6.2.0

    did your layerslider not work as before – is it only the warning of wordfence ?
    i have no problems even with older layerslider versions. So that little red update notice did upset you?

    be a little patient for the next enfold update – as far as i know Kriesi (Christian) is in contact with kreatura media to help them getting rid of that little inconsistency.

    in reply to: Adobe Spark #769398

    it seems to be an online tool from adobe – they offer after editing a download – for my first test they offer mp4 files – but i only tested the video section.
    If you want to implement – we had to know what. An mp4 is easy with enfold.

    but having such things like above the link of mine. or :
    these are definitly some kind of pure handmade Sites.
    Link for some examples:

    but i do implement sometimes some gimmicks in enfold – as you can see these greensock js is opensource – everyone can use it.
    btw: i believe that advanced layerslider did use it for some effects

    in reply to: change color of " your message have been sent" only #769382

    first of all – you got a caching tool or minify tool – erase your cache first –

    did you set up yourself any rules concerning to that:

    i didn’t see that you are using the dark form template

    #top .av-dark-form + .ajaxresponse .avia-form-success {
        color: #ff6600 !important;

    and for that gimmick:

    #top .av-dark-form + .ajaxresponse .avia-form-success:after {
        color: #135da3;
        content: "\e82b";
        display: block;
        font-family: entypo-fontello;
        font-size: 90px;
        padding-top: 40px;
        text-align: center;
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: change color of " your message have been sent" only #769349

    try this here

    .avia-form-success {
        color: #900 !important;

    by the way – you can push this a little bit by somthing like that:

    .avia-form-success::after {
        color: #135da3;
        content: "\e82b";
        display: block;
        font-family: entypo-fontello;
        font-size: 180px;
        padding-top: 140px;
        text-align: center;
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Adobe Spark #769138

    what kind of data you receive from that program?

    for me it looks a bit as if Adobe has “stolen” some ideas from green sock and scrollmagic.

    see f.e. :

    in reply to: LAYERSLIDER update issue is BACK! #769098

    on Enfold 4.0.4 Layerslider.php is on 6.2.0 not 6.2.2 !

    downloading on Envato Layerslider Stand Alone Plugin ( i got a single License on that) there is only 6.2.0 to download ???

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Site header doesn't extend the full width of the site #769091

    well – me as a participant as you – i can not see the sitelink. So i’m not able to help here too. But on one tip i see there are uber-menu settings.
    did you realize all fixes on that. How did you integrate ubermenu to enfold ( you did those things here on : ?)
    You regarded this fix for your enfold-search etc. pp.

    in reply to: Enfold 2.5.4 Not Working with Latest WordPress 4.7.3 #769083

    hm – and this is not a joke-thread – are you sure? “my Adobe Creative Cloud 2017 does not work under Windows 3.11” ? :lol

    sorry thats not polite – but indeed this is a bit strange – because you have a lifetime update – why do you want to use the very old version of enfold?

    in reply to: SSL Error: non-secure content in LayerSlider #769077

    or simple – reload the images in Layerslider –

    in reply to: Google reCAPTCHA and Enfold Contact Form #769075

    A nice thing to have is also the reCaptcha for WordPress Login (by reCaptcha Plugin)

    in reply to: search result .po file #769072

    momentan scheint aber alles in Ordnung zu sein ? oder

    but on case of WPML i had this crash only by updating the WPML. So there must be a bug in that plugin.

    in reply to: search result .po file #768703

    Die Sprachdateien sind ok (habe die auch bei mir eingefügt, und alles so wie du es haben willst) – wie hast du es erreicht, dass deine Suchseite mit Seitenleiste (Aside) dargestellt wird – indem du generell die Seiten auf Seitenleiste eingestellt hast?

    Bei mir kann ich ellenlange Sätze da hinschreiben, ohne dass da ähnliches passiert.

    Klick to enlarge the image

    in reply to: Columns within a column #768690

    from your screenshot – why is it necessary to have the additional 1/4 columns ?
    You can place under the images in the same column new content.

    if it is less space between them place a sparator between (whitespace )

    in reply to: Different logo for mobile AND different pages? #768661

    yes – Thanks that is right syntax – sorry – so here is for copy / paste the whole correct code:
    (btw. it works without semicolon too – but better is to have the correct way)

    function avia_custom_mobile_logo(){
    jQuery(".logo img").attr("src", "");
    add_action('wp_footer', 'avia_custom_mobile_logo');
    in reply to: Different logo for mobile AND different pages? #768502

    maybe it is only because you have now two functions with the same name ;)

    function av_change_mobile_logo($logo){
        if(wp_is_mobile() ) {
        $logo = "";
        return $logo;

    but i would try this code instead:

    function avia_custom_mobile_logo(){
    jQuery(".logo img").attr("src", "")
    add_action('wp_footer', 'avia_custom_mobile_logo');
    in reply to: search result .po file #768499

    kannst du überhaupt etwas in das Suchfeld eingeben?
    Ich komme erst garnicht dazu
    kannst du mir mal dein de_DE.po bereitstellen?
    Dann schau ich da mal rein.

    in reply to: Google reCAPTCHA and Enfold Contact Form #768493

    I use contact form 7 and reCaptcha from Google – if my customers definitly want to have more security – all you need is both keys from Google.
    The Form is easy implemented in Advanced Layout Builder by shortcodes.

    in reply to: tab-section question #768195

    Well thanks Andy for your input. You can close the thread.
    The link shows how i managed it – but with css solution only. the difference between the normal behavior of tab-section an mine is that alll images of the tab-heading stayes visible. Normally the tab-titles were centered arround the active title and the rest if bigger than screenwidth goes to off-screen.

    yes – seems to be gone – that was a pity

    in reply to: Where to put translation files? #767987

    yes please – use this new snippet:

    function overwrite_language_parent_theme_files() {
        $lang = get_stylesheet_directory().'/lang';
        return $lang;
    add_filter('ava_theme_textdomain_path', 'overwrite_language_parent_theme_files');

    yes that is the way – a copy to child-themes/shorcodes folder and than edit this copy.

    if they are in child-theme folder they will not be overwritten – but you are right if there are fundamental changings in a shortcode of an updated Enfold Parent Theme you won’t come into joy of these new features, because Enfold will than load the child-theme shortcode.
    But! usually there might be new shortcodes (as now Tab-Section) but very unlikely changings to existing shortcodes.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Guenni007.

    on line 443 of icon-list.php there is the code:

    $title_el = "h4"; change it to $title_el = "h3";

    save the icon-list.php and upload it to your child-theme/shortcodes folder (on Enfold 4.0.3 the overwriting of shortcodes through child-theme files does not work as before – it is on 4.0.4. ok again) so put in child-theme functions.php :

    add_filter('avia_load_shortcodes', 'avia_include_shortcode_template', 15, 1);
    function avia_include_shortcode_template($paths){
      $template_url = get_stylesheet_directory();
          array_unshift($paths, $template_url.'/shortcodes/');
      return $paths;

    but ! i don’t know if allready placed iconlist will change than to h4. Definitly new placed or edited will do.

    in icon-box.php you could choose the h1 but in the list all listpoints get that h1 – so a multiple h1 on page.
    But it is easy to add this option as you know. just add in that array the h1 option

    "subtype" => array("H1"=>'h1',"H2"=>'h2',"H3"=>'h3',"H4"=>'h4',"H5"=>'h5',"H6"=>'h6')

    in reply to: German translation misses time units for countdown timer #767942

    on enfold dokumentation there is a different code to that i know before – and the new one works:

    function overwrite_language_parent_theme_files() {
        $lang = get_stylesheet_directory().'/lang';
        return $lang;
    add_filter('ava_theme_textdomain_path', 'overwrite_language_parent_theme_files');
    in reply to: Enfold 4.0.3. a bit buggy #767934

    ok in theme dokumentation there is a new snippet but i renamed it a bit to be clearer what it does:

    function overwrite_language_parent_theme_files() {
        $lang = get_stylesheet_directory().'/lang';
        return $lang;
    add_filter('ava_theme_textdomain_path', 'overwrite_language_parent_theme_files');

    all mods are (an me for long time too) prefer those codes at the beginning.
    The code here works now with new 4.0.4. definitly ! – so forget the other two (former common advices)

    in reply to: How can I change the subtitle text under a menu item? #767685

    on that slide-out window you see that you can mark f.e. css-classes. so than you can give each Menu Point an own custom class etc.

    in reply to: How can I change the subtitle text under a menu item? #767682

    well – it is there but you don’t know how to get it:

    sorry i have only german GUI of WP
    on top right window-corner there is a little button- press it. on yigits image its called screen options

    than you can choose what options are seen in editor mode ( mark description ). under the red line you see the slide-out window

    Click on image to zoom

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: search result .po file #767669

    ich habe das eben ausgeführt, bei mir geht es immer weiter. Überprüfe mal die Eingabe. – oder hast du absichtlich dort einen
    Umbruch <br> bzw <br/>. eingefügt

    in reply to: Google Fonts einfügen in Enfold Child Theme #767655

    neuerdings gibt es wohl auch schon ein word-spacing. (Wortabstände) mit genügend großer Browsersupport Unterstützung

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