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thanks ismael – i will test it and then goes to my personal snippet list
i did it this way:
function avia_custom_logo(){ ?> <script> jQuery('.html_header_sidebar .logo').find('img').attr('src', 'path to the new logo'); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'avia_custom_logo');
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
if you go to your dashboard and on layerslider – the first window – scrolldown ! what do you see here on the right side?
click on image to enlarge:
Or do you have a standalone layerslider license installed?
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
overwrite the php you have inserted to your parent theme with original and try this here in child-theme functions.php
coming soon – seem to be a bit buggy :lol
no -sorry i managed it to insert those settings but on enfold then something mismatched.
maybe one mod could help here.-
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
April 5, 2017 at 11:25 am in reply to: Product images are PNG but they are showing with a white background #772416do it to the outerimage container:
.av-masonry-outerimage-container { background-color: transparent !important; }
and if you want the figcaption too:
.av-masonry-container figcaption { background-color: transparent !important; }
and if that little arrow is disturbing :
.av-masonry-entry .avia-arrow { display: none; }
wie gesagt – reiner Eigennutz. Durch die Fragen bin ich gezwungen über die Machbarkeit nachzudenken.
Das hilft mir weiter, mich schnell einzuarbeiten.Doch das funktioniert :
Die Equal Height gilt ja für den Surrounding container also für die Column nicht für den Content. Der Content war es aber der den Hintergrund bekam beim Anlegen als top boxed content with borders.
Was also gemacht werden musste war: dieses Styling löschen, und es der Column zuordnen.
Um das mit dem Aussehen hinzubekommen – geben wir also nachher der Column diese Eigenschaften.Das Setup kann so bleiben denke ich wie du es gemacht hast.
Die Columns bitte in eine Color-Section und dieser Color-Section diese Klasse zuordnen: spezial-icon-boxWichtig: damit die Buttons unten auf einer Höhe und äquidistant zum Boden bleiben – nicht in das Textfeld der Iconbox – sondern als einzelnen Button zum 1/3 Container hinzufügen.
Bild klicken um zu vergrößern:
Alles andere ist dann nur noch verschieben der Inhalte:
.spezial-icon-box .av_one_third { border: 2px solid #eee; border-radius: 5px !important; box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px #ddd; padding: 20px; } .spezial-icon-box .iconbox_icon.heading-color { display: inline-block !important; left: 50% !important; margin: 0 !important; position: absolute !important; top: -70px !important; transform: translate(-50%); } .spezial-icon-box .iconbox_top .iconbox_content { background: inherit !important; box-shadow: none; padding: 0 15px 20px; } #top .spezial-icon-box .iconbox_top { margin-bottom: 30px; } .spezial-icon-box .iconbox h { padding-top: 10px !important; } .spezial-icon-box .iconbox + .avia-button-wrap { bottom: 0 !important; left: 50%; padding-bottom: 20px; position: absolute; transform: translate(-50%); } @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .spezial-icon-box .flex_column { margin: 30px 0 !important; } }
unten der Code ist um den Abstand dann der Columns zu gewähren, wenn die responsiv auf 100% Breite zurückfallen.
by the way what font should it be on f328 is something missing !
try this here: – (where did you get the hexcode from? on fontello you are right – that icon has 0xf328 but) on embeded entypo-fontello the code of that icon is ue907 (a bit smaller ue906)
function avia_add_custom_icon($icons) { $icons['spotify'] = array( 'font' =>'entypo-fontello', 'icon' => 'ue907'); return $icons; } add_filter('avf_default_icons','avia_add_custom_icon', 10, 1); function avia_add_custom_social_icon($icons) { $icons['spotify'] = 'spotify'; return $icons; } add_filter('avf_social_icons_options','avia_add_custom_social_icon', 10, 1);
by the way if you like to have the same behavior as the other social icons on layout.css there are the rules set for those icons (since line 1373):
#top #wrap_all .av-social-link-rss:hover a {color:#fff; background-color:#ffa133; } #top #wrap_all .av-social-link-facebook:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#37589b; } etc. …
so add for example to your quick css:
#top #wrap_all .av-social-link-spotify:hover a {color:#fff; background-color:#7c26f8; }
ich habe da mal was konstruiert, was wohl so nicht vorgesehen ist für Enfold.
den Iconsatz habe ich nicht aber mal die Texte so eingeführt wie bei dir.
Wenn das so gefällt, dann kann ich dir sagen wie es hinzubiegen i think the rule is set on class-form-generator.php since line 463ff
( it is in enfold – framework – php )maybe you can insert here from 494 the minDate and maxDate options about line 509:
changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, minDate: 0, maxDate: "+12m" }); });';
after ChangeYear i inserted those two parameters
minDate: 0 – means today on
maxDate i have set +12month
i deleted the year range parameteror look here:
don’t know if there is a way to make it via child-theme hook
hm try first with entypo-fontello as font name – than we will have a further look – maybe it is quite as simple
i got here a newer tip with f.e. weibo: ( Replace it with the name you want to register)
function avia_add_custom_icon($icons) { $icons['weibo'] = array( 'font' =>'entypo-fontello', 'icon' => 'ue92b'); return $icons; } add_filter('avf_default_icons','avia_add_custom_icon', 10, 1); function avia_add_custom_social_icon($icons) { $icons['weibo'] = 'weibo'; return $icons; } add_filter('avf_social_icons_options','avia_add_custom_social_icon', 10, 1);
try this in your quick css field:
#socket .container { text-align: center } #socket .copyright { float: none !important; }
by the way rikard : if he likes to have on those pages a different logo:
i see that those pages got on html the class html_header_left
can i make an if clause with a different logo when html has Class html_header_left ?i tried
if ($('html').hasClass('html_header_left')
but had no luck on the way – go and have a look here – there are some hints to settings:
well there was a snippet ( a bit bigger than the others) to have for each page/post the opportunity to choose if header is top, left or right.
for that snippet you have to use by default first the top header and than switch on the page.add_filter('avf_builder_elements', 'register_meta_elements', 10, 1); function register_meta_elements($avf_builder_elements) { $avf_builder_elements[] = array( "slug" => "layout", "name" => __("Header Position",'avia_framework'), "id" => "header_position", "desc" => "Select the position of the header", "type" => "select", "std" => "", "class" => "avia-style", "subtype" => array( __("Default",'avia_framework') => '', __('Top Header','avia_framework') =>'header_top', __('Sidebar Header (Left)','avia_framework') =>'header_left header_sidebar', __('Sidebar Header (Right)','avia_framework') =>'header_right header_sidebar', ) ); return $avf_builder_elements; } if(!function_exists('avia_header_setting')) { function avia_header_setting($single_val = false) { global $avia_config; if(isset($avia_config['header_settings']) && $single_val && isset($avia_config['header_settings'][$single_val])) return $avia_config['header_settings'][$single_val]; if(isset($avia_config['header_settings']) && !$single_val) return $avia_config['header_settings']; //return cached header setting if available $defaults = array( 'header_position' => 'header_top', 'header_layout'=>'logo_left menu_right', 'header_size'=>'slim', 'header_custom_size'=>'', 'header_sticky'=>'header_sticky', 'header_shrinking'=>'header_shrinking', 'header_title_bar'=>'', 'header_social'=>'', 'header_unstick_top' =>'', 'header_secondary_menu'=>'', 'header_stretch'=>'', 'header_custom_size'=>'', 'header_phone_active'=>'', 'header_replacement_logo'=>'', 'header_replacement_menu'=>'', 'header_mobile_behavior' => '', 'header_searchicon' => true, 'header_mobile_activation' => 'mobile_menu_phone', 'phone'=>'', 'sidebarmenu_sticky' => 'conditional_sticky', 'layout_align_content' => 'content_align_center', 'sidebarmenu_widgets' => '', 'sidebarmenu_social' => 'disabled', 'header_menu_border' => '', 'header_style' => '' ); $settings = avia_get_option(); //overwrite with custom fields if they are set $post_id = avia_get_the_id(); if($post_id && is_singular()) { $custom_fields = get_post_custom($post_id); foreach($defaults as $key =>$default) { if(!empty($custom_fields[$key]) && !empty($custom_fields[$key][0]) ) { $settings[$key] = $custom_fields[$key][0]; } } //check if header transparency is set to true $transparency = post_password_required() ? false : get_post_meta($post_id, 'header_transparency', true); if(get_post_meta($post_id, 'header_position', true)){ $header['header_position'] = get_post_meta($post_id, 'header_position', true); } } $header = shortcode_atts($defaults, $settings); $header['header_scroll_offset'] = avia_get_header_scroll_offset($header); if($header['header_position'] != "header_top") return avia_header_setting_sidebar($header, $single_val); //set header transparency $header['header_transparency'] = ""; if(!empty($transparency)) $header['header_transparency'] = 'header_transparency'; if(!empty($transparency) && strpos($transparency, 'glass')) $header['header_transparency'] .= ' header_glassy'; if(!empty($transparency) && strpos($transparency, 'hidden')) $header['disabled'] = true; if(!empty($transparency) && strpos($transparency, 'scrolldown')) { $header['header_transparency'] .= ' header_scrolldown'; $header['header_sticky'] = 'header_sticky'; } //deactivate title bar if header is transparent if(!empty($transparency)) $header['header_title_bar'] = 'hidden_title_bar'; //sticky and shrinking are tied together if($header['header_sticky'] == 'disabled') { $header['header_shrinking'] = 'disabled'; $header['header_scroll_offset'] = 0; } //if the custom height is less than 70 shrinking doesnt really work if($header['header_size'] == 'custom' && (int) $header['header_custom_size'] < 65) $header['header_shrinking'] = 'disabled'; //create a header class so we can style properly $header_class_var = array( 'header_position', 'header_layout', 'header_size', 'header_sticky', 'header_shrinking', 'header_stretch', 'header_mobile_activation', 'header_transparency', 'header_searchicon', 'header_unstick_top', 'header_menu_border', 'header_style' ); $header['header_class'] = ""; foreach($header_class_var as $class_name) { if(!empty($header[$class_name])) { if($header[$class_name] == "disabled") $header[$class_name] = $class_name."_disabled"; $header['header_class'] .= " av_".str_replace(' ',' av_',$header[$class_name]); } } //set manual flag if we should display the top bar $header['header_topbar'] = false; if(strpos($header['header_social'], 'extra_header_active') !== false || strpos($header['header_secondary_menu'], 'extra_header_active') !== false || !empty($header['header_phone_active'])){ $header['header_topbar'] = 'header_topbar_active'; } //set manual flag if the menu is at the bottom $header['bottom_menu'] = false; if(strpos($header['header_layout'],'bottom_nav_header') !== false) { $header['bottom_menu'] = 'header_bottom_menu_active'; } else { $header['header_class'] .= " av_bottom_nav_disabled "; } //header class that tells us to use the alternate logo if(!empty($header['header_replacement_logo'])) { $header['header_class'] .= " av_alternate_logo_active"; if(is_numeric($header['header_replacement_logo'])) { $header['header_replacement_logo'] = wp_get_attachment_image_src($header['header_replacement_logo'], 'full'); $header['header_replacement_logo'] = $header['header_replacement_logo'][0]; } } //header class that tells us to use the alternate logo if(empty($header['header_menu_border'])) { $header['header_class'] .= " av_header_border_disabled"; } $header = apply_filters('avf_header_setting_filter', $header); //make settings available globaly $avia_config['header_settings'] = $header; if(!empty($single_val) && isset($header[$single_val])) return $header[$single_val]; return $header; } }
f.e. look here:
and than have a look to the other pages.
well on fontello there is allready a fontawesome set. It is not as actual as the one on source url but nearby!
so activate all (hold mouse down and pull over all fontawesome icons (675 now icons are included) download the zip and upload to enfold options import dialog.what did you do?
you inserted that code to quick css – thats it – haven’t you .
did you realy read all he wrote?
then on your text block in Custom Css Classes add this text-justify.
Really ?
April 1, 2017 at 4:55 am in reply to: Is anyone able to help me write a CSS Class style… thing!? #770218if you have your editor on a text-block element you can see the image :
(Click it to enlarge the image)
On the text-editor you can insert your wanted Text. Mark the text you want to have bold and click on that little B of the menu after that mark again the word/s and klick on that little arrow besides the A – you can choose a predefined color there or choose to click on individuelle (on german – don’t know what is on an english GUI there) A little Window opens where you can paste in your HexCode of your color. Voila the Font is in your color and bold
Klick on that tab of text-editor beside the Visual mode there is the text mode – after that you can see what inline code was inserted.
Under the red separator (to have only one image to upload) you can see the alternativ view of what have been done.Down under the line there is your other possibility – just surround your text with that code with span – the class name you give is your turn. I’m a lazy boy – so it gets the class name b49a5d but it could have been Extracolor too.
Goto your Enfold – General Styling – Quick Css filed and put in:
.b49a5d { color: #b49a5d; font-weight: bold; }
Classnames have a point (punctuation dot) infront of the name , IDs have that # infront (only a few haven’t – which are the common one (like body, html, span, p, div etc)
so – today standalone update 6.2.2 is out.
thanks – can be closed
wenn du dieses unten nicht möchtest: (Wolllen Sie lieber andere etc. )
.search_not_found h3, .avia_combo_widget { display: none; }
it is not quiet as simple as you know.
it is a calculated width in avia.js (since line 151)and
function calc_offset(item, pos, megaDiv, parentContainerWidth)
. from line 1213. – heavy stuff to change itthis turning slider every second without the possibility to turn off sliding makes me nervous. Sorry i gave up
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
did you post in your hidden area the link ? i would like to help put as a participant as you are – without the link to the concerning site i’m not able to help you here.
well enfold sets up for the different form templates different classes.
The css (cascading style sheet)#top .av-dark-form + .ajaxresponse .avia-form-success
that little “+” means : that message is in a div which is not the child of that form element – it is an Adjacentso selector is: the adjacent div (with class “avia-form-success”) of that form element with class “av-dark-form”
if you are using a different template the class: “av-dark-form” is missing – and the rule has no influence.
again: try to get familar with developer tools of the browsers – it is a great help in finding out the code you have to change
me – i’m a fan of old plugin firebug for firefox – but modern browsers often now have there on tools for thathave a look and click the image:
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
i do change all my sites running under php7 – everything works fine
but now you changed the template or do give it an unique ID
than change it to
#ajaxresponse_1 .avia-form-success { color: #900; }
etc. pp
try to get familar with developer tools of the browsers – it is a great help in finding out the code you have to change
me – i’m a fan of old plugin firebug for firefox – but modern browsers often now have there on tools for thatder link zur Seite wäre hier wichtiger – man hat um Hilfestellung zu geben nicht immer lust die Sachen nachzuentwerfen.
oder du musst halt das im hidden area platzieren, mußt dann allerdings auf Mod Hilfe warten.and btw you only asked for a mobile logo version – why don’t you ask for a small screen logo ! ?
To have a good answer there has to be good question ;)
i don’t know if window load function is necessary but try that instead mobile rulefunction av_dif_mobile_logo(){ ?> <script> jQuery(window).load(function(){ if (jQuery(window).width() < 480) { jQuery(".logo img").attr("src", "");} }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'av_dif_mobile_logo');
well on my iphone i see the kriesi logo on your page.
the hint on your beginning thread was that function name was the same (
function av_change_logo($logo)
) so i did take a different name for the second ruleBut you have to change it in that code by your alternative logo and you have to style it via quick css
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
yes markofwits – your right with :
I like to put up a web site and just have it run… WORRY FREE… not constantly maintain it with upgrades.
What would your customers think if WordPress updated itself automatically, but their site broke down because the theme was no longer compatible? Not very happy customers!But all those idiots in former times destroying phone booth (don’t know if younger people do know them at all) are now in the internet.
So security updates are necessary. The fast-paced world is always asking for more learning and constant attention.So for my customers i got an automated backup monthly – and if the site is down caused by these Inconsistencies – i never have a totaly breakdown for more than 1 hour from customer call.
btw. be happy with enfold – f.e. microsoft allway do some updates – and third party (or even MS Software itself) do not run then under new conditions – and often the other updates will cost some money to avoid crashes.
PS: i would advise you to update your theme via ftp. It seems to be the most secure way. If you are working with a child-Theme – erase the whole enfold folder and upload the new enfold again.
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by