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but if you don’t like this – you can give the iconbox itself a custom class ( see here ) f.e: myiconbox
and than:
.myiconbox .iconbox_content { background-color: #900000 !important; }
hm – bgiacomo – you have seen my image i posted. this edited iconbox.php has the oportunity to set up by a selector input field the background-color.
(And by the way another added input field is for choosing the h-tag (h1 to h6)
but you have to be familiar with custom shortcodes ( but on download there is a little instruction)Or do you realy have that “Custom Iconbox Background Color” field too? ;)
or try to make it with advanced layerslider plugin – the parallax effekt and for text you can do everything you want.: you mean a percentage of width or height.
Because the full-width slider did that have allready (the limitation to height).and the fullscreen-slider you can force it to have less width:
f.e..avia-fullscreen-slider .avia-slideshow { left: -40vw; margin: 0; position: relative; transform: translate(50vw); width: 80vw; }
April 11, 2017 at 5:57 pm in reply to: How to remove "Home" from the permalink of the front page #776217hm – can not confirm this.
All my installations link to the source url.Please go to your Menus and on your home or start or whatever on the right side of each menu point there is a little dropdown arrow – press it
than you can see something like this:
What is there on your installation on url – here on example “Monster link”
and by the way on home there should be no url.-
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
Yes – but i think originally the iconbox_content is colored by enfold – so :
.iconbox_content { background: red !important; }
it could be so easy :
click to enlarge
Download of edited zip with instruction:
btw. it is with the option to choose the tag type of the heading (h1 – h6)by the way – from an old thread
i changed the three shortcodes slideshow_fullscreen, slideshow_fullsize and av-helper-slideshow (all phps comes to child-theme / shortcodes folder)
on those edited elements you got the choice to have h1 to h6 on those headings.this comes to functions.php of child-theme:
add_filter('avia_load_shortcodes', 'avia_include_shortcode_template', 15, 1); function avia_include_shortcode_template($paths){ $template_url = get_stylesheet_directory(); array_unshift($paths, $template_url.'/shortcodes/'); return $paths; }
Download is still there:
so you can setup the first slide with h1 , and the following slides to h2 etc.
don’t know how google reacts if there is more than one h1 on pagePPS: on both fullscreen-slider , fullwidth-slider i let the standard to h2
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
Yigit. Reason: Updated download link
Dear Mods : i achieved this allthough i did not link to the new includes subfolder – it seems to work by itself ?
It is directly listet in Dashboard / Appearance / Editor List – is that new – when i take the same folder hierachical structure that it worked without linking. ?hm the place you are looking for has no enfold prepared hook – but we can do it ourself.
if you are working with a child theme please goto your child-theme folder and create a subfolder named: includes
On enfold / includes there is a file : helper-main-menu.phpupload a copy of this to your child-theme includes folder.
We must now insert some code to that copied helper-main-menu.php
On line 199 you see:`/* end container */
$output .= ” </div> “;`after that insert :
/* * Hook that can be used for plugins and theme extensions */ ob_start(); do_action('ava_after_inner_container'); $output .= ob_get_clean();
so you have than :
/* end container */ $output .= " </div> "; /* * Hook that can be used for plugins and theme extensions */ ob_start(); do_action('ava_after_inner_container'); $output .= ob_get_clean(); //output the whole menu echo $output;
so now we have a piece where we can hook the widget to. in your functions.php of your child-theme add:
add_action( 'ava_after_inner_container', 'enfold_customization_header_widget_area' ); function enfold_customization_header_widget_area() { dynamic_sidebar( 'sidebar-header-widget' ); }
Important: If you have allready used that functions name (enfold_customization_header_widget_area) replace it by another function-name.
Goto your widgets and create a customized widget area called “sidebar-header-widget”
Goto your Quick css and add:
.html_header_sidebar ul.social_bookmarks { border-bottom: 2px solid #efefef; } .html_header_sidebar #header_main .widget { margin: 0 13%; }
Look what happens to this widget area on responsive case! it is than directly under the header.
You will manage that by yourself – i would decide to not show that container and do it to display none ?You can see the test page here:
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
if it was deactivated and all your sliders are seen in the layerslider options – you can deinstall it.
You can do what you did – and delete it via ftp – I would prefer the deinstall routine – to avoid some rest on your database.
On beeing a bit paranoid – save first all sliders – you can do that on layerslider options (best is list view) – on list view there is on the right side a little drop-down menu – there is an export option.And magic – from now on your layerslider will update via Enfold Update
April 8, 2017 at 9:22 pm in reply to: A way to add something at the bottom of every post in a category at one time #774705yes do it with that widget solution – this has another advantage because some plugins like restrict widgets or widget logic can customise the way where you inserted it .
F.e. place that content and restrict the visibility to only categories or posts or … etc.
you see the code to register that widget area – test it !
aha – jotform got no widget itself but here are some instruction to embed that form:
if you got a shortcode from jotform you can place it in a text in that widget area
JotForm’s Embed Form plugini placed testwise a contact form 7 via shortcode this way in a text widget:
<div class="avia-section"> <div class="container"> [contact-form-7 id="3235" title="Kontaktformular 1"] </div> </div>
these divs – just to have directly the correct width of the area.
haha – now i got an idea – it must be possible to place a widget there via that hook.
if you got a widget field there are a lot of contakt widgets on wordpress.add_action( 'ava_before_footer', 'enfold_customization_beforefooter_widget_area' ); function enfold_customization_beforefooter_widget_area() { dynamic_sidebar( 'before-footer' ); }
goto widgets and create a new widget area called “before-footer”
i placed f.e. a contact form 7 form in it
see here:
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
Sorry lucille – i’m Participant as you – so i do not see Private Content on your postings
Can you please post a link to one of those form elements ?
f.e. : if you place this to your functions.php of your child-theme:
add_action('ava_before_footer', function() { ?> Content <?php });
you will see on every page at the bottom – just before footer starts that text “Content”
so html is possiblebut
a form with sending options is something different – i do not know if f.e. it is possible to insert avia shortcode in it.
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
i can not see your site because i’m a participant as you – but the code did work on 2 testinstallations of mine (without !important) so my suggestion was that you are still in 1/4th column setup – and tries to unify the last two columns.
Sorry for that suggenstion. Did you set up on Dashboard – Enfold (Child) – Footer – Footer Columns : 3 ?The standalone Plugin will place on the same admin bar a layerslider heading.
Have you deactivated not deinstalled the plugin in your plugin list?
Please tell us what has been happend.-
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
so try to deactivate that plugin in plugins list. Nothing will be lost because Database has all your settings.
Click once to dashboard (because it has to regenerate the admin bar) and have a look if layerslider is still in your dashboard listing. –- if not you had to reactivate the plugin – save the sliders to your harddisc –
erase the whole enfold folder ( only if you working with a child-theme ) upload the newest version of enfold folder via ftp.
get rid of your layerslider folders in your plugins directory. Load your sliders in the embedded enfold one. - if yes and all your sliders are still there – delete your layerslider from plugins list (you can do that (because it is not activated yet – via ftp)
it seems that you have allways had that mismatch – who ever did that – it was the wrong way – if there is a layerslider folder on plugins directory – this is not the embedded one – believe me or not ( i’m just a noob with 3 Replies in this forum)
i have a standalone license of layerslider – and if i must use those only activated features (origami transition etc.) i do that code to functions.php child-theme to deactivate the embedded one and install the standalone plugin.
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
April 8, 2017 at 12:47 pm in reply to: Display video in a lightbox after a click on an image #774479and !!! what do you inserted in your video link ? this ist your site where the video to youtube is linked ?
that is why you got that scroll you got an iframe in an iframe !see again here:
do as manual link on your page direktly the link to youtube page :
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
well a lightbox is a lightbox – but you want it as big as possible!
please insert into your quick css:
.mfp-iframe-scaler { height: 55vw !important; width: 98vw !important; }
you can do 100vw and 56vw – but than i think the close button is out of screen. ( The values concern to 16:9 ratio)
btw: on youtube something changes with embed code !!! do not take the embed code instead look to your url in the browser window for that video on my example (right side) the link in the url is:
the link given to you by clicking the share button is:
if you click on embed on that screen you will get the iframe link:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
But we need the url in the browser add to that url:
and place it as manual link-
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
April 7, 2017 at 11:04 pm in reply to: Display video in a lightbox after a click on an image #774240what kind of video link is it – a selfhosted or youtube or vimeo ?
first place an image element . On that element there is a second tab – “link settings”
place an individuell (manuell link) put in the video url
and just try to ad after the url ?iframe=true f.e.
the first option must added with the “?” after that each option has to be added by “&” so f.e.
see here:
for youtube i think it is similar to that. For selfhosted i did not do a test til now.
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
well it is prepared to be 100% compatibel – but it is not embeded like Layerslider Plugin.
You have to have your own license.yes it is because you unconsciously talk at cross purposes.
Please Dandelion222 place that code to your quick css and goto your Enfold Footer options and
choose 3 columns for the footer : the last 3rd is than two times wider than the 2 in frontthis gives you the opportunity to do it via if clauses :
(in this case only for page 3191function my_datepicker_defaults() { if( is_page(3191) ) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery.datepicker.setDefaults({ minDate: 0, maxDate: "+12m" }); }); </script> <?php } } add_action('wp_footer', 'my_datepicker_defaults', 20);
see it in action: not for this sites:
but for that 3191 site: you please try to do this in functions.php of child-theme:
function my_datepicker_defaults() { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery.datepicker.setDefaults({ minDate: 0, maxDate: "+12m" }); }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'my_datepicker_defaults', 20);
this seems to work on my test installation
or – because it is an own action
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'helper_print_datepicker_script' );
that we can remove the action and set up a new one.
hm – i thought we can manage it via :
$.datepicker.setDefaults({ minDate: 0, maxDate: "+12m" })
but when i’m sucessful with that code inserted – some other things on enfold do not work correct. – And i don’t know realy why
oh wow – even a screenshot is now top secret :lol: must be a fbi or cia site
by the way – layerslider got his own export options – you can even export with all images you use. – so backup first this way.
And again my question !!! – if you have on plugins list a layerslider you have installed it stand alone.
This is not the embeded slider than. Enfold does not have on plugin list the layerslider. !!!if you definitly want to have your own layerslider – deactivate the embeded one! by inserting this to functions.php of your child-theme:
but the standalone does not support advanced layout builder element (layerslider ) you than have to insert it via shortcode !
If you like to have this option on inserting advanced layer sliders via alb into your page/posts you have to deinstall the standalone one !-
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by