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  • in reply to: please check enfold2017 demo #780566

    I looked to it a bit deeper and the only thing in difference to the other megamenus is – that the columns got a real heading – and not a “-”
    on menu there is the comment: (if you dont want to display a title just enter a single dash: “-” ) if there is a single dash than there is no span on top of the ul.sub-menu.
    Look to my example what happens to a row if i set a heading . But the reason why this happens on that case “-” i don’t know
    Edit: this rule fits on that case if a single dash is used:

    #top #header_main > .container, #top #header_main > .container .main_menu ul:first-child > li > a, #top #header_main #menu-item-shop .cart_dropdown_link {
        height: 120px;
        line-height: 120px;

    maybe in the other case it is not the first-child but why does it work if header is not in custom pixel height value ?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: please check enfold2017 demo #780560

    This is the Enfold2017 Demo – and when choosing a custom header height in enfold options – this is what happens to the last mega menu:

    going back to slim or big header everything is fine again

    in reply to: slowness of websites #780435

    hm this is not so bad :

    if you look on that link to the waterfall tab – there are nearly 2s of whole 3.6s response time ? on my server this is 600ms
    the rest seems to be more than o.k. and allthough you got big images the total size is only 645kb – that is a good value – the average is 2.6MB

    my advice is to use f.e. a minifier like Better WordPress Minify
    Sometimes there are some problems with layerslider scripts but there are solutions for that.
    On BWP Minify if you will use it set the cache time to 28days – otherwise the gtmetrix will nag on expires header time

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Add each selected category (not just one) to portfolio #780195

    please prove your code above. If i put it in my functions.php i got white paper view

    in reply to: Google jquery loading #779974

    yes i know – so thats why the code above is with same version as WordPress used now.
    And if its not on the cdn the embedded is loaded. (f.e. if your offline)
    And maybe if it was an exotic js file this will be an accelleration effort but with wordpress jquerry the amount of millions of installations will garantee that on personal machine there is in the cache the same js file.

    in reply to: Google jquery loading #779325

    hm but it seems to be not the way – and performace advantages are less than supposed to be.

    the wordpress embedded jquery runs in “no conflict” mode – so if you like to rund from a cdn it must be under the same conditions.
    How i could obtain that – will be my next study

    in reply to: Redirect Loop When Changing Static Frontpage #778412

    i think it has to be a serverside problem – so i have to wait for serveradmin to go on this problem. The monthly saved Site runs on my Server perfect.

    in reply to: Google jquery loading #778242

    in the meanwhile a lot of other big players do offer such things. for example: CDN itself :

    if ;) i would now take that code here:

    if( !is_admin()){ 
        $url = ''; 
        $test_url = @fopen($url,'r'); 
        if($test_url !== false) { 
            function load_external_jQuery() {
                wp_register_script('jquery', ''); 
            add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'load_external_jQuery'); 
        } else {
            function load_local_jQuery() {
                wp_register_script('jquery', '/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js', __FILE__, false, '1.12.4', true); 
        add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'load_local_jQuery'); 
    in reply to: LayerSlider manual update #778232

    Well – it seem to be solved now – and btw. the video on youtube you mentioned above has nothing to do with enfold (genesis).

    in reply to: change sidebar colour #778230

    well you won’t like it because even aside did not go from header to footer – it stops when content is less than main content.

    #top #main .sidebar {
    background-color: #900

    and you will see what i mean

    in reply to: Layerslider #778229

    Import Sliders on Szenario 1 (my favorite) there is a little button on top of the first window shown on layerslider : template store – press it.
    New fullscreen windows opens with all layersliders even the newest one are shown – there are buttons on hovering the slider preview to get a preview or to import that slider.

    in reply to: Layerslider #778226

    i would do it this way –
    install Enfold. Purchase the code for Layerslider.
    Do not install the standalone Plugin – just enter the purchase code to the embeded Layerslider.
    From that moment on, you have all the advantages of an activated Plugin – without the loss of alb element.
    There are only a few weeks between those updates. But you have that great advantage that you can use it with Advanced Layoutbuilder.
    All shortcodes are working too.

    If you don’t like that – and waiting for the next Enfold Update to get the newest layerslider update – than you have to put this to child-theme functions.php:
    then install your standalone plugin.

    in reply to: Add each selected category (not just one) to portfolio #778168

    on elegant blog template there is an output of the concerning categories :

        $cat_output .= '<span class="blog-categories minor-meta">';
        $cat_output .= $cats;
        $cat_output .= '</span>';
        $cats = "";

    but that works only if posts were made without advanced layout builder.
    and on portfolio i think these “categories” aren’t categories they have the taxonomie : portfolio-entries
    so first we had to clear how the loop comes to those posts and portfolios made with alb.

    in reply to: Redirect Loop When Changing Static Frontpage #777850

    hm – don’t know if this has to do with your trouble – but i have too a problem with “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS”
    all the instructions on internet with cookies erasing do not work.

    the bad thing is that i do not come into backend.
    this is a customer site – and badly i have no mysql access.

    i have manually updated WordPress and Enfold to the latest versions.

    in reply to: How to add same form code to every post? #777756

    please get familiar with using a child-theme it is very easy to create one – even afterwards you have allready settings in your parent theme.
    Enfold is very userfriendly on that. you can download a child-theme folder on documentation of enfold here.
    Unzip the file and upload that folder to your themes folder via ftp.
    Now there is on Dashboard Appearance another Enfold (but now marked as Child) Theme. After activating that, Enfold is now listed on dashboard as Enfold Child and has on Options / Import-Export the possibility to “Import Settings from your Parent Theme”

    A Child-Theme has a lot of advantages. Update of Enfold will only change things in the Enfold (Parent) Folder – all customizations will stay because you are using the Child.
    One central File in WordPress is the functions.php and that file has one difference to most of the other WordPress files. Entries in the functions.php of your child theme folder are only added to the parent theme functions.php (only if there are detailled intruction to remove parent things – these are erased) But both files are active.
    (other files like the header.php in your child-theme folder this will totaly replace the one in your parent-theme)

    So all those usefull snippets like here a short list: can be placed now in functions.php of the child-theme without loosing it on updating the theme itself.

    Enfold Team has placed a lot of little “eye” all over there code where a hook can grab in – often seen as do_action( ); with mostly some comments on it like : Hook that can be used for plugins and theme extensions (currently: the wpml language selector) etc.

    So for your problem i found that do_action( 'ava_before_footer' ); in footer.php and that is the right place for placing some code.

    in reply to: Add a widget to left main menu area #777479

    the ava_after_main_menu is there – but it is the position as described after main menu above social media

    if you want it specifically only for one form
    give the form a custom class ! f.e. colored-form

    #top .colored-form fieldset {
        background-color: #efefef;
        padding: 20px;

    padding is necessary because it would look strange with the input fields direkt on border

    in reply to: Add a widget to left main menu area #777395

    is it too complicated?
    There is a position under Menu – above social media links. But register a new “header” widget is here necessary too.

    in reply to: Add each selected category (not just one) to portfolio #777265

    ich glaube das einfachste wird sein, man nimmt die beiden loop Dateien:

    loop-index.php und loop-portfolio-single.php sich vor. Da unten werden ja auch schon die tags hin und wieder gelistet!
    mit echo get_the_category_list( ) sollte man das hinbekommen

    Für Beiträge habe ich sowas vorhin schon gezimmert. Ist aber noch nicht optimal:

    Abends erst mehr; jetzt muss ich Kundensachen wegbringen.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Add each selected category (not just one) to portfolio #777217

    letztendlich hat das ja WordPress schon vorgemacht. In der Beitragsliste stehen ja hinten tabellarisch die Kategorie-Zugehörigkeiten.
    Man sollte denke ich also diese Feld in WordPress finden, und mit in das single.php einbauen können.

    in reply to: Add each selected category (not just one) to portfolio #777189

    Weil auf deiner Seite sah ich keine solche Sortieroption – daher das Missverständnis.

    Du willst in einem Portfoliobeitrag irgendwo die Zugehörigkeit zu der Kategorie anzeigen; wobei es Portfolios gibt, die mehreren Kategorien angehören (also du hast ein Foto, welches sowohl Landschaft als auch Architekur z.B ist)

    in reply to: Add each selected category (not just one) to portfolio #777136

    oh i think we can go on to speak now german:
    auf meiner linkseite oben siehst du ja oberhalb des Portfolio Grids die Sortieroptionen musst nur dran denken das auch anzuwählen!

    Sollen die Sortierungs-Optionen (auf Kategorien basierend) angezeigt werden?

    und die Categorien kann man oben durch gedrückt halten der Maustaste und ziehen alle anwählen oder eben durch shift (hochstelltaste) halten und einzelklicks.

    in reply to: Add each selected category (not just one) to portfolio #777130

    hm first of all – you have looked to the options of portfolio advanced layout element (masonry or grid) ?

    Which categories should be used for the portfolio?
    You can select multiple categories here. The Page will then show posts from only those categories.

    see link with image above. :
    you can activate one by another if you are clicking on the category you like to show under pressing the shift key there is the possibility to choose more than one!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: A color section with caption text? #777124

    by the way – see here my experiment with color-section and in it a transparent layerslider : Testpage
    so you can take a color-section with background image (scroll, parallax etc.)
    and than do whatever you like with headings – other images etc.

    in reply to: Make Widgets Sticky with CSS #777113

    well this is the code for some pages on my testinstallation – you can get rid of that beginning if-clause

    function my_fixed_sidebar() {
    if( is_page(600) || is_page(1395)  || is_page(1398)  ) {
    <script type="text/javascript">
            jQuery(document).ready(function () {  
              var top = jQuery('.inner_sidebar').offset().top;
              var headerh = jQuery('header').outerHeight();
              jQuery(window).scroll(function (event) {
                var y = jQuery(this).scrollTop() + headerh;
                    if (y >= top) {
                      jQuery('.inner_sidebar').css('top', headerh );
                    } else {
                      jQuery('.inner_sidebar').css('top', " " );
                    jQuery('.inner_sidebar').width( jQuery('.inner_sidebar').parent().width() - 50 );
    add_action('wp_footer', 'my_fixed_sidebar', 20);

    without that if-clause on beginning:

    function my_fixed_sidebar() {
    <script type="text/javascript">
            jQuery(document).ready(function () {  
              var top = jQuery('.inner_sidebar').offset().top;
              var headerh = jQuery('header').outerHeight();
              jQuery(window).scroll(function (event) {
                var y = jQuery(this).scrollTop() + headerh;
                    if (y >= top) {
                      jQuery('.inner_sidebar').css('top', headerh );
                    } else {
                      jQuery('.inner_sidebar').css('top', " " );
                    jQuery('.inner_sidebar').width( jQuery('.inner_sidebar').parent().width() - 50 );
    add_action('wp_footer', 'my_fixed_sidebar', 20);

    than you have to setup in quick css :

    .fixed { position: fixed }


    on some pages with special Content on top and than colorsection under it with less content do not work as expected –
    but i think if sidebar is small enough and content is big enough it could work the whole site. Other wise – you see that the function can be setup through if clauses only to work for categories or posts or etc

    in reply to: Make Widgets Sticky with CSS #776931

    if you are lucky with this here:
    i can tell you how to reach (even for only some pages – the other blog pages like : do not do that trick !

    in reply to: Make Widgets Sticky with CSS #776606

    well you can do this via:

    .inner_sidebar {
        position: fixed;

    but the footer is over that sidebar – so with small content there will be overlap –
    but what will you do in responsive case?
    what will you do with pages with big sliders or 1st color-section on top?
    What is the way for mobile devices? because often position fixed does not work on that case!

    even if we do that with jquery ( scroll to top than fixed) alot of questions stays unsolved

    in reply to: Quick CSS failing to do anything! #776603

    well i see in your code:
    click to enlarge:

    there is a class and it is hidden!
    There is another text over that section

    in reply to: [CSS-Jedi] – Resize the Masonry Perfect Grid #776591

    and you have no oportunity to crop the images ?- because on performance instances this will be the best solution.

    in reply to: Icon box: custom background color #776574

    but if you don’t like this – you can give the iconbox itself a custom class ( see here ) f.e: myiconbox

    and than:

    .myiconbox .iconbox_content {
        background-color: #900000 !important;
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