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habe das jetzt mit dem durchgeführt – auch da ( liegt also nicht daran, dass die andere url im unterverzeichnis ist) – klapt es nicht.
Wie gesagt – mit der älteren Lösung könnte ich wohl eher leben und blende dann im Menu die Unterstriche aus.
Oder glaubst Du es ist jetzt noch das Problem, weil ich in einem Unterverzeichnis arbeite. ?
ich installiere mal auf wpml und schaue mir das Verhalten da an.
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
PS : was mich wundert ist, dass es bei dem anderen Link ja alles funktioniert. wo hat also eine Veränderung stattgefunden.
Da ich es mit der exact gleichen Version auch bei Pragma probierte kann es nicht an dem Plugin Ordner liegen.Ich werde mal testweise den config-wpml der älteren Installation rüberkopieren.
Die erste lösung fand ich akzeptabler.
Geh noch mal bitte auf den link zu Pragma.wenn ich von der default Sprache ausgehend zB Leistungen drücke – navigiert der zum anker (und wird auch im Menu als activ angezeigt)
drücke ich nun die englische Fahne springt der zum entsprechenden englischen Anker korrekt um (lediglich mit der kleinen Verschiebung)
zurück zu der deutschen Fahne allerdings nicht mehr – sondern geht zur top marke.bei der anderen Lösung funktionierte bis auf den kleinen Versatz und die current Position der menu Strichlein alles korrekt – hin und her springen in den Sprachen wurden immer die analogen Sprungpunkte angezeigt.
bitte mach dir nicht zu viel Arbeit. Das geht schon weit über das hinaus was Ihr leisten solltet. Nur ist es für mich nicht nachzuvollziehen , warum wenn der Anker erreicht wurde und ich hin und her wechsele die Einsprungstelle korrekt bleibt, aber wenn ich im Menu den Anker annavigieren will dieser nicht erreicht wird (und somit die active marke nicht auf dem Menupunkt gesetzt wird.
Ich vermute das beim Scroll down nicht die “ist-header-höhe” mit berücksichtigt wird. Scrolle ich um die Header höhe (also die des geshrinkten Headers) runter – springt die Marke. Das heißt diese Höhe müsste dem Scrollbetrag noch dazugerechnet werden.Danke
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
Might be a problem with understanding :
The default installation folder of enfold is: enfold
Do you like to update by uploading to a new folder called EnfoldNew ?
On manual update you completely replace the enfold folder by the new one.concerning to:
on css optimizers often the last semicolon is erased. it is not necessary.
So code could be:#socket .container { text-align: center } #socket .copyright { float: none !important }
because there was no attribut list for each rule – if so the semicolons are necessary – except the last !
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
and by the way you can replace the text inside your button on click:
In my case on the testpage it is “contact me” to replace
function add_custom_toggler(){ ?> <script> jQuery(window).load(function () { jQuery("#toggle-color-section").addClass("notseen"); jQuery(".avia-button-wrap.color-section-toggler").click(function () { jQuery("#toggle-color-section").toggleClass("notseen"); jQuery(".avia-button-wrap.color-section-toggler span.avia_iconbox_title").text(function(i, v){ return v === "contact me" ? "thanks for your interest" : "contact me" }) }); }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'add_custom_toggler');
etc. pp
so i played a bit with the code:
as target for the buttons use: #toggle-color-section
and the class goes to buttons is: color-section-toggleruse this code instead (has the opportunity that the color-section is there but with height = 0px )
function add_custom_toggler(){ ?> <script> jQuery(window).load(function () { jQuery("#toggle-color-section").addClass("notseen"); jQuery(".avia-button-wrap.color-section-toggler").click(function () { jQuery("#toggle-color-section").toggleClass("notseen"); }); }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'add_custom_toggler');
and do this to quick css:
.notseen { height: 0 !important; min-height: 0 !important; }
see here:
allthough i believe that the hide function should work too- but i guess the link to the anchor has no target on click. Because the color-section is on display: none.
here the color-section is allways there (even for seo) but it is not visible-
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
it seem to be a matter of full-width button but i can not see why – the thing is reproducable on my example site !
does the other page with the toggler exists too?
try to delete this page or remove the ID from that color section to prove if it is a double ID conflict.i changed it above try only #toggle-color-section as target of your button
it would be better to insert as button link the page url with the id
so in your case to that site try to insert #toggle-color-section-
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
Ikke noe problem
you inserted in the field the class with the dot – the dot comes automatically to the class
insert please only : color-section-toggler and not : .color-section-toggleryou did it right with the ID – you don’t insert it with the # – the same with the class
i placed a container above the color-section ( all you want ) on my case it is a 2/3rd 1/3rd Column.
In the 1/3rd Column on the right i placed a button with manual link to #
and as described in the thread you mentioned with the custom class .i edited a bit the code because i like to know what is all about – so my code looks like :
function add_custom_toggler(){ ?> <script> jQuery(window).load(function(){ jQuery("#toggle-color-section").hide(); jQuery( ".color-section-toggler" ).click(function() { jQuery( "#toggle-color-section" ).toggle(); }); }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'add_custom_toggler');
the button gets the custom class: color-section-toggler
the color section gets the unique id: toggle-color-sectionyou can do the positioning via Enfold – Header – Menu and Logo Position: there you can choose the option Logo center menu below.
Or you can try to influence the parameters for your header layout be:
Well first of all i would deminish a bit your Menu font-size from 15 to 14 and change a bit the padding.
Because your Menu is very big (witdth):#top #header .av-main-nav > li > a { font-size: 14px; padding: 0 11px; }
than you can change the break-point where the mobile menu starts through media query rule:
(i do put those media querries allway on the bottom of my quick css)@media only screen and (max-width: 1070px) { .container #advanced_menu_toggle, #advanced_menu_hide { display: block; } .main_menu .avia-menu, #header_main_alternate, .fallback_menu { display: none; } }
Or maybe it is an opportunity to have a top navigation with less informative context (like imprint or about etc.)
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
you can insert it as manual and only a #
i tried it – see here
and it works with thatAugust 29, 2017 at 10:31 am in reply to: 3 adjacent 1/3 width equal height columns not displaying correctly. #845259Nice – but i’m a Participant as you – so you have to wait for a Mod here on Board.
August 29, 2017 at 9:07 am in reply to: Individual background images for each tab (tab element) #845241i removed the other solution for tabs (not tab-section) at all to get rid of possible influence
i did it via child-theme edited php file so you can find the edited php file under appearance – editor
test yourselfOn Mac OS X :
Firefox – did not work
Safari – only the first background is seen and it works on that; tab2 and tab3 not
Chrome – only the first background is seen and it works on that; tab2 and tab3 not
Opera – only the first background is seen and it works on that; tab2 and tab3 noton all browser source code i can see that background-position is calculated in the manner we changed ( with center on vertical positioning)
so 0vw , 100vw and 200vw – so it might work-
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
August 28, 2017 at 5:22 pm in reply to: 3 adjacent 1/3 width equal height columns not displaying correctly. #844898by the way – the setting of the team-member image to “fit into container the image” is important here too – try to prove if this is on f.e. “Dr. Margriet H.M. van Doesburg” the case
August 28, 2017 at 5:05 pm in reply to: 3 adjacent 1/3 width equal height columns not displaying correctly. #844889here you can see a working page in your style:
one thing before we start – the default setting of a column is individual height. So if you begin to drag and drop those 1/3rd columns to your advanced layout builder they all have this implemented.
When you now start editing your first 3rd columns in a row and after that on some reasons you decided to change some positions, because of surname f.e. order there might be a desaster on having coloumns set to equal height some are on individual height.To avoid this just drag and drop your first 3rd column to your editor field and make now all the settings you need. Background-colors, equal-height, paddings and Custom top and bottom margins ( i did only a bottom-margin here of 20px). Put in your team-member dummy now – and again – make all settings now you need !
(fit into container the image; font colors etc.)On my screenshot you see a Separator / Whitespace (this is an edited one by me to have in case of whitespace the possibility to set here an individual ID ! (so you can have anchor navigation here – download follows)
A Headline ( Handchirurgen, Handtherapeuten etc.) follows and than 3 1/3rd columns. Create this with all settings you need. – Now go and save this as templateyou now can create the whole unit at once. You only have to replace the team-member than. If there is no heading needed delete it with the whitespace. – If a new heading is set (f.e. OK-assistenten) you have to edit heading and whitespace to set the ID (f.e. OK-assistenten)
by doing it this way you can later drag and drop and change positions of the team-members without the loss of your settings.
with that method i can not reproduce your page
Download modified hr.php to have ID (in case of whitespace):
If you need help with modified shortcodes and child-themes ask for help or use search functionPS : you don’t need those hr – but to have these anchors and
it is necessary-
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
August 28, 2017 at 4:00 pm in reply to: 3 adjacent 1/3 width equal height columns not displaying correctly. #844855hey – another good reason to visit the netherlands for THC (:lol The Hand Clinik and Tetrahydrocannabinol)
no i’m kidding – i try to recreate your page – to look if i got the same problems here.edit…
kannst du dir den Versatz der Sprungmarken erklären?
Du siehst oben ja auch die gelben (aktiven Menupunkte) Striche, die wechseln erst nach dem Scrollen von einigen 10pixeln.
Der Switch springt korrekt um – immer auf den Kontent – auch zurück geht es . Wenn man jedoch von home ausgeht innerhalb einer Sprache bleiben die Menupunkte (Anker) annavigiert, dann bleiben die gelben Striche zunächst auf dem “Voranker” stehen.Danke ich habs jetzt
muss ich denn das js file über das Original laden oder könnte ich nicht auch via functions.php child-theme das ganze machen?
Edit: ich habe es via:
function include_custom_wpml_js() { wp_enqueue_script( 'avia-main-child', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/js/wpml-mod.js', array('jquery', 'avia-default'), 3, false ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'include_custom_wpml_js', 100 );
in den head bereich geladen unterhalb von dem entsprechenden css file.
PS: Danke – warum es dann aber bei der älteren Version von Enfold und WP läuft bei gleicher WPML Version weiss ich nicht.
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
August 28, 2017 at 12:34 pm in reply to: Individual background images for each tab (tab element) #844768ok – i didn’t see that tab-section has on color the oportunities to set a background-image. But even with that – the code does not work.
August 28, 2017 at 9:01 am in reply to: Individual background images for each tab (tab element) #844730i do not have this extra conditional logic on tab_sub_section.php.
Or did you change code above in “#post-839693”this couldn’t be the whole trick. these are my settings on test page ( i set a class to the tab-section = bgtabs):
you see that positioning goes allready over top left.bgtabs .tab_counter_0.active_tab, .bgtabs .tab_counter_1.active_tab, .bgtabs #tab-id-1-container, .bgtabs #tab-id-2-container , .bgtabs #tab-id-3-container , .bgtabs #tab-id-4-container, .js_active .av-layout-tab.tab2 { background-attachment: fixed; background-position: left top !important; background-repeat: repeat; background-color: hsla(0,0%,100%,0.5) !important; background-blend-mode: overlay !important; } .bgtabs .tab_counter_0.active_tab, .bgtabs #tab-id-1-container , .bgtabs #tab-id-3-container , .js_active .av-layout-tab.tab2 { background-image: url("//")} .bgtabs .tab_counter_1.active_tab, .bgtabs #tab-id-2-container, .bgtabs #tab-id-4-container { background-image: url("")}
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
August 26, 2017 at 7:10 pm in reply to: Individual background images for each tab (tab element) #844399Yes – please !
Kannst du das js nochmal hochladen, ich war jetzt auf Kurzurlaub – da habe ich das verpasst. Danke
PS : Eine Board Persönliche Nachricht vermisse ich echt sehr.
Yes this might be the best position for it:
add_filter('avf_builder_boxes', 'register_meta_boxes', 10, 1); function register_meta_boxes($boxes) { $boxes[] = array( 'title' =>__('Layout','avia_framework' ), 'id'=>'layout', 'page'=>array('page' , 'post' , 'portfolio' ), 'context'=>'side', 'priority'=>'low'); return $boxes; } add_filter('avf_builder_elements', 'register_meta_elements', 10, 1); function register_meta_elements($avf_builder_elements) { $avf_builder_elements[] = array( "slug" => "layout", "name" => __("Menu and Logo Position", 'avia_framework'), "desc" => __("You can choose various different logo and main menu positions here", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "header_layout", "type" => "select", "std" => "", "subtype" => array( __('Logo left, Menu right', 'avia_framework') =>'logo_left main_nav_header menu_right', __('Logo right, Menu Left', 'avia_framework') =>'logo_right main_nav_header menu_left', __('Logo left, Menu below', 'avia_framework') =>'logo_left bottom_nav_header menu_left', __('Logo right, Menu below', 'avia_framework') =>'logo_right bottom_nav_header menu_center', __('Logo center, Menu below', 'avia_framework') =>'logo_center bottom_nav_header menu_right', )); return $avf_builder_elements; }
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by