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November 9, 2017 at 8:40 pm in reply to: Page Broken: Error: "was not allowed to run insecure content from" #874829
go and prove your links : the contact page getting from menu : is a http://www … and the link you gave us is a https://www
by the way :
on your http page there are two implemented images:
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by
please do adopt this to your homepage url and alternate logo url –
and do this into functions.php file of your child-theme:function custom_logo_home(){ if( is_home() ) { ?> <script> jQuery(".subtext img.alternate").attr("src", "https://url_to_your_site/wp-content/uploads/3times.png"); </script> <?php } } add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_logo_home');
to have it bigger it will be nice to see it live to give the right css rules to you .
Espacialy there have to be some overflow:visible settings.
You can see a testingpage (not home but a page on my server) : img.alternate is the logo which is shown if transparency header is seen.
But i don’t know if there is such a class (img.alternate) if you haven’t put in something to the enfold options dialog of transparency header.
So please do an alternative logo to that field even if you don’t have any other transparent page)-
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by
November 9, 2017 at 6:42 pm in reply to: Custom size logo gets cut off with shrinking header #874808your logo seems to have too much transparency room arround – these dimensions you don’t see on a background – but are taken into account on logo dimensions.
Open your logo in a graphic programm and cut of the unnecessary transparency room ( allthough there is no white – it is called whitespace)so – the one thing which i dislike of this fast solution – is that it will have the link option of the logo.
and see here it works ( just the subfolder is visible because it is my testpage in a subfolder) this instead:
you will now have no pointerevent on that title of the pagebut it will be best to see your life link to give any advice !
add_filter('avf_logo_subtext', 'kriesi_logo_addition'); function kriesi_logo_addition($sub) { $sub .= "<a class='page-title' href= '#'>"; $sub .= "<span class='the-title'>"; $sub .= $page_slug = trim( $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] , '/' ); $sub .= "</span>"; $sub .= "</a>"; return $sub; }
.responsive .logo img { height: auto !important; width: auto; max-width: 100%; max-height: 80px; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); } .responsive .logo a { display: block !important; } #top .logo {overflow: visible; width: 100%} .responsive #top .logo a:first-child { float: left; height: 100% !important} .responsive #top .logo { float: left; position: relative; pointer-events: none; padding-left: 2%; font-size: 1.5em } @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .responsive #top .logo a:first-child { height: 80px !important} .responsive #top .logo { padding-left: 4%; font-size: 0.9em } }
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by
this goes to your functions.php of your child theme:
you can decide if it is h1 or something elseadd_filter('avf_logo_subtext', 'kriesi_logo_addition'); function kriesi_logo_addition($sub) { $sub .= "<h1 class='logo-title'>"; $sub .= $page_slug = trim( $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] , '/' ); $sub .= "</h1>"; return $sub; }
and now it depends on your logo and header size which css will be in quick css:
.logo img{float: left} #top .logo, #top .logo a {overflow: visible } #top .subtext { float: left; position: relative; top: 50px; left: 60px; }
the concerning layout for the header is “logo left – menu below”
but you like to have the active Page / Post as Text in the header to be seen. This is something which is not implemented in Enfold.
Kind of breadcrump but only the title is seen in big bold letters in the header.There must be a possibility to get it. I’ll stick to the topic – and try to fiind a solution. – Maybe a mod has some idea to obtain that.
kleines Beispiel wo soetwas sehr hilfreich ist. Solltest du ein sehr ausgiebig gestalltetes Menu haben, welches eine gewisse Breite überschreitet, kann es passieren, dass der Punkt wo das mobile Menu tätig wird zu spät einsetzt. Heißt, das Menu überlappt ( bei Logo links – Menu rechts ) das Logo. Wie ist sowas zu beheben.
In der Online Dokumentation gibt es sogenannte Snippets : da wäre es also hilfreich das Mobile Menu in Abhängigkeit von der Browserbreite früher in Aktion treten zu lassen.
dieser Code ist dann in die functions.php des Child-Themes einzutragen, und damit man nicht immer mit ftp arbeiten muss, erreicht man diese und die Möglichkeit dort Einträge zu platzieren über das Dashboard – Design – Editor
da wählt man dann links die Datei an, die man verändern möchte. Anfangs werden dort die beiden Files functions.php und style.css gelistet.
Eventuell kommen welche hinzu. ZB eine header.php – falls man was am Aufbau des Headers verändern möchte (im verhältnis zum Eltern Thema)Wie Kinder halt so manchmal sind: sie greifen einem tief in die Tasche ohne eigentlich selbst etwas beizusteuern. Ihren eigenen Willen wissen Sie aber allzuhäufig durchzusetzen.
Und trotzdem lieben wir sie – weil Sie einem Freude bereiten.As children sometimes are: they reach deep into your pocket without actually contributing anything.
But they know how to enforce their goals.
And yet we love them – because they give you pleasure.:lol:
so try this in your functions.php of your child-theme:
add_filter('avf_logo','av_change_logo_url'); function av_change_logo_url($url) { if( is_single('4665') ) { $url = ""; } return $url; } add_action('wp_head', 'ava_add_iconnns'); function ava_add_iconnns() { if( is_single(4665) ) { ?> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href=""> <?php } if( !is_single(4665) ) { ?> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href=""> <?php } }
and do not enter on enfold options on favicon something. Let the option free
November 8, 2017 at 7:22 pm in reply to: How to add lightbox/pop-up containing text on clicking a picture on enfold? #874289by the way
you don’t need to generate the image or the button in the code element.
Place the code maybe on the bottom of your layout – the mfp-hide makes it invisible.
than create your alb element (Button or Image) in your layout – Link Target is manuall and the popup-ID
custom-class has to be popup !so in the code-element is only:
<div id="popup-target5" class="white-popup mfp-hide"> - Your popup content - could be avia shortcode </div>
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by
November 7, 2017 at 4:47 pm in reply to: layerslider: switch background image (without changing slide) #873798than you will have no chance but set up a layer on the bottom of all with the “new” background image .
than duplicate this slide – because advanced layerslider could not loop a single slide. – and set transition between the both slides the same as between inside one slide ( cross-fading – same timing)PS i believe that Revolution Slide has this on default
November 7, 2017 at 3:51 pm in reply to: layerslider: switch background image (without changing slide) #873761Your opinion concerning my abilities is probably too high
ich bin ein Meister der Kombination, Logik und Transferleistung – aber Code aus der Hand schreiben ist mir nicht gegeben.
Langsam komme ich auch in die jQuery Situation um dies zu tun und php gestaltet sich immer leichter, aber wie gesagt ich benötige immer Fallbeispiele die ich dann kombinatorisch zusammensetzen kann.Gerne werde ich mich aber trotzdem einlesen.
Solltest du aber ein Beispiel, wie das obige haben – so wäre es nett.die function um die es geht is ja :
function avia_header_size()
weiter unten wird dann mit .on
win.on( 'debouncedresize', function(){ el_height = $(elements).attr('style',"").filter(':first').height(); set_height(); } ); win.on( 'scroll', function(){ window.requestAnimationFrame( set_height )} );
debouncedresize und scroll sind jetzt die events; ?
how do i unbind that function on avia.js
and do i have to bind the new function ?November 7, 2017 at 2:49 pm in reply to: layerslider: switch background image (without changing slide) #873713on layerslider it is easier to make a new slide – on top there is an option “duplicate slide”
it is where the slider tabs are on the right side of the window
after that change background imageWhat danger do you fear comes from using a child-theme ?
it is much more better to use it. I really can not found a reason against it.
Look to the folder child-theme on your computer. Only three files are in it. So no file-size that incriminates your server.
Believe me or not there will be changings to make. And these get lost if you done it in parent theme.
Working from the beginning with a child theme is much more easy than to change it later. Allthough enfold brings some cool addons to make a change easy (like import theme settings file etc)See here: ( and maybe on google a search ? : Link ) mods on documentation there are some links to www – now you have it without www since https
November 7, 2017 at 11:58 am in reply to: How to add lightbox/pop-up containing text on clicking a picture on enfold? #873620so on code element it might be this for an image:
[av_image src='https://home_url/wp-content/uploads/abc.jpg' align='left' link='manually,#popup-target4' overlay_opacity='0.4' overlay_color='#000000' overlay_text_color='#ffffff' animation='no-animation' custom_class='popup'] [/av_image] <div id="popup-target4" class="white-popup mfp-hide"> the shortcode of your popup window </div>
November 7, 2017 at 11:50 am in reply to: How to add lightbox/pop-up containing text on clicking a picture on enfold? #873616on images the same thing
create your image file with all you like
link goes to manually : insert the popup id
custom class for the image is : popup
copy the shortcode for the codeblock-elementbut now be careful – i changed the class to the alb you want to use ( buttons , images) to only : popup
because now an image and a button and and … so code now is:function popup_script() { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(window).load(function(){ jQuery('.popup .avia-button').addClass('open-popup-link'); jQuery('.popup .avia_image').addClass('open-popup-link'); jQuery('.open-popup-link').magnificPopup({ type:'inline', midClick: true }); }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'popup_script');
November 7, 2017 at 11:31 am in reply to: How to add lightbox/pop-up containing text on clicking a picture on enfold? #873610well you see on the code element that it is a normal link with special link and class.
so on code element you even can use avia generated buttons – the only thing to think of is that the wrapper gets the class set on options dialog and not the a-tag.
So give to the avia button the class. popuplink='manually,#test-popup3' - is the link to the div with the popup info custom_class='popup' - is the class the wrapper of the a-tag gets -
so what to do is create an avia-button with all you like
insert in link your popup link ( #test-popup3 here)
give the button the custom class: popupA shortcode of a button might see this way then ( i did this with line-break that you better can see the structure)
[av_button label='PopUp Button …' link='manually,#test-popup3' size='large' position='left' icon_select='yes' icon_hover='aviaTBicon_hover' icon='ue837' font='entypo-fontello' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' custom_class='popup' ]
so now we had to add the class to the anchor – the whole script is then:
function popup_script() { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(window).load(function(){ jQuery('.popup .avia-button').addClass('open-popup-link'); jQuery('.open-popup-link').magnificPopup({ type:'inline', midClick: true }); }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'popup_script');
see test-page:
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by
can you please use for code the code element – it is better readable – and for you much more important it is copyable
it works either by click once on code button above – insert the code – click on (now it is /code-tag) this button after it
or insert the code – activate the whole block and click on code only once – than it will surrounds this lines.your link is postid-4665 and it is a single post – see source code
For Logo change there is on enfold an option to do that by overwriting the other one but –
i tested that if on enfold options dialog a favicon is set ! it could not be overwritten by this method – so there is the code for the first rule is to set favicon for that single post the other for not to be that single postthe one is
what is the other favicon ?you can see it here in action ( with is_page(330) – because it is in this case the page ) other pages got a different favicon.
November 7, 2017 at 9:41 am in reply to: How to add lightbox/pop-up containing text on clicking a picture on enfold? #873581the first button only has a text-block pure in it
the second button has the shortcode from the constallation beneath ( 1/2 containers with one heading left – and one textblock right)
the class white-popup needs more css rules –
a display:table or flex helps:.white-popup { position: relative; background: #FFF; padding: 20px; width: auto; max-width: 600px; margin: 20px auto; display: table; }
and if you are working with columns in the popup window – it might be a good idea to have some responsive rules for it:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .mfp-content .flex_column { width: 100%; padding: 10px !important; margin: 0 !important } }
November 7, 2017 at 9:12 am in reply to: How to add lightbox/pop-up containing text on clicking a picture on enfold? #873576yes – it seem not to work this way. Testing it on Enfold 4.2
i guess a load event is needed:
function popup_script() { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(window).load(function(){ jQuery('.open-popup-link').magnificPopup({ type:'inline', midClick: true }); }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'popup_script');
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by
this is more or less in goods ( no googles-) hand
The bots do scan often but not so often as we like it when a new site is born.
On Google developer Site you can there for example submit a sitemap. And you can try to trigger a scan. Thats all.
The Rest is SEO – and there are alot of good plugins.but first – not thinking of things you don’t have in your hand. Try to get familiar with wordpress first.
Setting up an individual Link in a WordPress menu is not a complicated thing – you only have to know where to find it.see the red arrow – click on that fly out menu.
here are the admin options for the menu. Here you have the choice to mark the boxes you like to have on green arrow.
click to enlarge:
There is the individual link – insert in url a #
and the name you like beneath
there you can put in submenu links ( by the way a submenu link is place a bit more on the right side under the main menu link – you can reach it by dragging it with your mouse )on wordpress on the left side there is the dashboard.
Now (activating the child-theme). there is an Options dialogo for Enfold Child – click it.
now on the right side there are Enfold Options.
If you like to start with a demo – goto “Demo Import”
look what all is in there ( some of them needs some plugins – f.e. if there are a shop demo – the woocommerce plugin)
on each of the images there is a link to the demo-page – you first have a look to – if it will fit your needs.
if so – hover the image and click “click to import”the child-theme comes with a lot of advantages. One big advantage is that all settings there will not be lost on parent theme updating.
The pre-build child-theme comes with an own functions.php file.
This is except of some comments in it at the beginning empty. most of the tips and hints here on board goes to that file.
functions.php is a very special file. On wordpress all other php files like ( header.php, footer.php, single.php, index.php etc.) are replaced by a file with the same name in child-themes folder. The child-theme functions.php contributes to the parent functions.php.
There are some functiions and codes which could force a overwriting of the parent rules – but this had to be special codes.
you see here at the documentation of enfold:
f.e. if you like to change the logo on different pages :
These changings stay active even if you are updating your parent-theme (enfold folder)
etc.this is for quick css – don’t know where it comes from. But this is the amount of shift it will bring it back to center the timeline again.
it is not necessary to do it in custom.css – the code you entered there is ok but i guess on quick css it will work too
by the way you don’t need to drag&drop them from the window on the left side in filezilla
you can even drag&drop them from outside filezilla into the themes folder (zB from your desktop or download got a ftp account ?
That is the fastest and secured way.
All my updates on enfold i do it this way.
if you have your account data.
1) Goto the wordpress directory via ftp – navigate to wp-content/themes/
that is the directory where the themes folders come into.
2) Your downloaded enfold zip – decompress it til you have an enfold folder
3) download the child-theme (believe me this is a good advice) here: Download
4) decompress it til you see enfold-child folder
5) both folders (enfold and enfold-child) upload it to this themes folder.
– 5a) If you are using filezilla – on the right side there is the Server directory. navigate to themes and click on it once.
on the window beneath there is the content of the themes folder. (
drag&drop both folders to the themes folder:
click to enlarge:
– now it is most done. Wait til upload process is finished with success.
6) Login to your wordpress with your account.
7) Goto Dashboard – Appearance – Themes. ( the child-theme preview looks a bit different – because i made my own preview image for it)
8) activate the child-theme – move with your mouse over the child-theme preview and than press activate
click to enlarge:
if you have further questions feel free to ask everything you like – there are no silly questionsthe white background is there but double lightbox is opening. see my hint above
aha – i wrote a custom widget for it :
Maybe this is a nice tip to all!
And should be printed above all –
As long as a page is in construction and not quiet ready for the public! – do not use caching tools or minimizer.
You always have to go and on each css code or functions.php editing you have to clear all cached datas.
Thats horrible.
After all styling and layout – the optimisation is the last you have to out now – try to delete the files as described – if there is no logo.png on that folder nothing could be done
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by