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April 6, 2018 at 2:13 pm in reply to: SVG links: is there a way to make them function within an Image media element? #938263
so i downloaded your svg file and have to beautify it first to see the code a bit more readable.
the header of the svg is not quite standard.placing a xlink on a path would cause xml errors.
you can see the code on the link yourself.:
btw: i inserted a link on that little light bulb at the left (pointer will change to hand)
here is the way i made it :
you can define for each path a link (and a title) or group some path<a xlink:href="" xlink:title="here it goes to my homepage" target="_blank"> <path d="M141.365 83.566c-6.127 0-11.09-5.764-11.09-12.872 0-7.109 4.963-12.872 11.09-12.872 6.125 0 11.09 5.763 11.09 12.872 0 7.108-4.965 12.872-11.09 12.872" fill="#9eb4ca"/> <path d="M158.934 53.806l-.111-.144-1.631-2.907c-2.096 2.157-5.11 3.515-8.465 3.515h-4.477v-2.288c0-.371-.316-.686-.761-.816l1.004-9.84-3.127-2.003-3.127 2.004 1.004 9.839c-.45.13-.764.445-.764.816v2.273l.002.015H134c-3.354 0-6.37-1.358-8.467-3.513l-1.54 2.744-.203.305c-2.86 3.729-4.566 11.074-4.566 16.022 0 12.208 9.93 22.143 22.139 22.143 12.21 0 22.144-9.935 22.144-22.143 0-4.948-1.713-12.293-4.574-16.022m-17.57 43.274c-15.026 0-27.252-12.222-27.252-27.252 0-5.804 1.894-14.143 5.51-18.98L130.3 31.82h22.13l10.675 19.028c3.619 4.837 5.512 13.176 5.512 18.98 0 15.03-12.225 27.252-27.252 27.252m10.041-68.474h-20.082a3.023 3.023 0 1 1 0-6.044h20.082a3.022 3.022 0 0 1 0 6.044m-21.465-11.81c0-4.645 5.121-8.407 11.436-8.407 6.318 0 11.437 3.762 11.437 8.407v2.644h-22.873z" fill="#9eb4ca"/> </a>
for having cursor pointer – even on chrome you had to put in quick css:
path { pointer-events: all !important } a path:hover { cursor: pointer }
April 6, 2018 at 1:36 pm in reply to: SVG links: is there a way to make them function within an Image media element? #938255but now to your svg –
i only see normal links to clip-path not one xlink in it.
the<g clip-path="url(#a)" …
is something totaly differentApril 6, 2018 at 11:53 am in reply to: SVG links: is there a way to make them function within an Image media element? #938223sorry – i should start to implement to the svg width and height.
without there is a need to make it via css. Now it should be seen on all browsers –
but i don’t know why css filter : drop-shadow does not work on chrome nor safari – allthough i setup a -webkit- rule
the fill rule works on hovering ?i see you are using on that site wp-super cache – did you empty your cache on that – because i havn’t that error message on my end here.
by the way – on DSGVO is comming soon – a lot of my customers switched to https (TLS) too.
On all those sites i do control / manage it the normal way – but after switching i use the plugin : search & replace.
it is a mighty tool to search and replace things in the database.
so you can have a search for example:
http://www.geoclima and replace it with
https://www.geoclimaby the way – they have a testrun on that to see how many entries are to be replaced.
(be carefull – a search for http and replace with https is not a good advice)i have only one image on a different site which seems to be loaded from a different site: disegno.jpg from
but the rest seems to be got it here : but sometimes it tries to load via an old site
guess you have to look into the layerslider backgroundsok ! but now you have to make all of the manual setted “points” in the page to unordered lists !
PPS :or
hr { margin: 10px 0 }
if there are 4 values it starts top right bottom left
if there are 3 values it is top (left/right) bottom
if there are 2 values it is (top/bottom) (left/right)
if there is 1 value ( all directions )
same shit different name ( and a few bytes less ;) )and as said before this is the only way to have different colors on list points.
there is no list-style-type-color at all ;)April 5, 2018 at 3:05 pm in reply to: Changing words in Enfold and Events Calendar plugin via .mo/.po is not working #937775And always think of it that german got two po/mo Combinations for Du/Sie ( the formal “Sie” )
! but read this :
there are two values to change ( and only on half size the divisor is 2 on both values !)
hey Josue – nice to hear from you again!
Are you doing well?Edit – oh wow – sometimes i have to look to the posting time . Sorry – Hope he is fine
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by
April 5, 2018 at 11:10 am in reply to: How to play youtube video full width on going issue / mobile and responsive #937601dear mods – i do not know why the iframe works on this now – the only difference is that here in the iframe surrounded by some divs in the code-block element. Or are there some fixes in the meanwhile since my last posting concerning to this iframe issue ( january 18 )
April 5, 2018 at 9:43 am in reply to: How to play youtube video full width on going issue / mobile and responsive #937567and this is a very usefull tool is:
on the footer you can switch the languages !
on inserting the video-id of your video 5kTP_6qW6IU and click “update player with selected options” the iframe code gets updated.
one thing to mention: the new ecver isn’t embedded on that page and if you choose “no modestbranding” ecver option does not work !Important: press “show player controls” to have full access to all “screws” you can turn
by the way if you want to have only simple separators on text-blocks :
just use<hr>
it does not need a closing tagi see some open divs with no closing tags. – because of use the enfold hr and deleting some entries on edit ( the lines goes through some texts)
if you like to style it a bit see:
you can click there on code to see the css for it
f.e.: { border: 0; height: 1px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); }
than use
<hr class="style-two">
in your text block (editor mode)April 5, 2018 at 8:47 am in reply to: How to play youtube video full width on going issue / mobile and responsive #937554so get rid of the autoplay=1
<div class="responsive-container"> <iframe class="responsive-iframe" src="" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div>
btw. you can setup all css inline via functions.php of your child theme – then you can erase the quick css entries:
function set_container_for_responsive_youtubevideo(){ ?> <script> (function($){ $('.responsive-container').css({ "position": "relative", "overflow": "hidden" , "padding-top": "56.25vw" }); $('.responsive-iframe').css({ "position": "absolute", "top": "0" , "left": "0", "width": "100vw" , "height": "56.25vw" , "border": "0" }); $('.responsive-container').closest('.container').css({ "max-width": "100%", "width": "100%" , "padding": "0px" }); })(jQuery); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'set_container_for_responsive_youtubevideo');
you can see here on another test-page that the right css goes to the concerning section – if code-block looks like:
<div class="responsive-container"> <iframe class="responsive-iframe" src="" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div>
April 5, 2018 at 8:44 am in reply to: How to play youtube video full width on going issue / mobile and responsive #937550Solution One is :
Colorsection with code-block element in it ( all checkmarks not enabled )
Content of the codeblock is<div class="responsive-container"> <iframe class="responsive-iframe" src="" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div>
( the ecver=2 is new to youtube videos – it restrains the related videos on pause – it is similar to rel=0 which hampers the related videos on the end)
this to quick css (very similar to enfold lightbox settings
.responsive-container { position: relative; overflow: hidden; padding-top: 56.25vw; } .responsive-iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100vw; height: 56.25vw; border: 0; } .responsive .page-id-31239 #av_section_1 .container { max-width: 100% !important; width: 100% !important; padding: 0; }
Solution Two:
Videoscreenshot Image with custom link:
To have nearly maximum lightbox size – this to quick css:
(i only set it for that page – you have to alter that).page-id-31341 .mfp-container { text-align: inherit; position: absolute; width: 98vw; height: 55.125vw; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); padding-top: 50px; } .page-id-31341 .mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-content { max-width: 100%; width: 100% } .page-id-31341 div.avia-popup .mfp-close { right: 5px; top: 5px !important; background: #900; border: 2px solid #ffee00; }
April 5, 2018 at 7:38 am in reply to: How to play youtube video full width on going issue / mobile and responsive #937520does this comes near to your aim:
but if screen size is very big the height will be more than screen height sometimes – and autoplay will not work on some mobile phonesbut why not playing in lightbox:
You can have then a nice masonry or something like that with images an link to video lightboxesif you like to have it for the whole page (team) and you have no other ul on it which should not be influenced by that code you can do it without custom class:
.page-id-29 .avia_textblock ul { list-style: none outside; } .page-id-29 .avia_textblock ul { line-height: 1.2em; } .page-id-29 .avia_textblock ul li::before { content: "\2022"; padding-right: 5px; font-size: 18px !important; } .page-id-29 .entry-content-wrapper .avia_textblock li { margin-left: -8px; display: flex }
so for Johann Müller you gave the class smalldot to ul try this
(but this you have to do now manually – if you gave the class to text-block alb element you can do that via Input field – described aboveyou can see here that i can simulate the results by clicking the screen-film:
(the code comes to quick css – but for the simulation i alway use in developer tools a nearly empty css file)ul.normaldot { list-style: none outside; } .avia_textblock ul.normaldot { line-height: 1.2em; } ul.normaldot li::before { content: "\2022"; padding-right: 5px; color: red; font-size: 18px !important; } .entry-content-wrapper .normaldot li { margin-left: 0; display: flex }
the “list-point” size goes than via font-size – the different color you can delete
give a custom class to your text-block where you have placed the list
f.e.: smaller-dotsi do not see any custom css at all for the avia text block elements ? !
f.e. Josias van der Westhuize you have set the class for the ul – ok that will work too – but than you have to do the transform yourself –
on my code the avia-text block class is before ul
now you have ul.bothdot etc pp.
read carefully – thats all – I apologize because I formulate a little harshly now but I try to describe it as accurately as possible, but it will not be read exactly.why don’t you set up your background to size : contain:
.header-scrolled .logo a { background: url(// no-repeat top left; background-size: contain; }
April 4, 2018 at 8:50 pm in reply to: SVG links: is there a way to make them function within an Image media element? #937367you see here the svg with text :
it is placed as an image-alb not as background-image
because i added svg support to every avia_image the svg is inserted: for example the “orange path” is a link to my homepage
this will work nice – Hover the path of the svg – but as background-image it is not inserted as svg itself i guess.
April 4, 2018 at 7:04 pm in reply to: SVG links: is there a way to make them function within an Image media element? #937349i use svg-support too. It is nice to see preview images on media-library.
on most cases i do insert on svg-support settings css-class to target. and insert on enfold: avia_image
because every img file inserted via image alb element gets this class on enfold. So if there is a svg file – it will be replaced by the file_get_contents so the svg itself.
i never tested your embeded links – where do you set these ?
can you post here a code how it would look in the svg file?
you can give the img itself a link – but this you know.PS : the lightbox does not work with svg’s and image alb element
@Studio13SprayTan :
great page – but on mobile there has to be some adaptationsBy the way – it must be a Required field and not preselected – so sender has to put it in an active way.
maybe you add :
.entry-content-wrapper .smaller-dots li { margin-left: 0; }
for less distance to the non list text
this is not possible in this way – but you can erase the list-style on that case and insert with pseudo class dots.
Great advantage of that method : you can have a different color and size than the font settings:give a custom class to your text-block where you have placed the list
f.e.: smaller-dots
see here: ul { list-style: none outside; } .avia_textblock.smaller-dots ul { line-height: 1.4em; } .smaller-dots ul li::before { content: "\2022"; padding-right: 10px; color: red; }
by the way: if you like to have different “signs” in front of your list :
the hexadezimal code is good for that
for bullet the code is :• with ;
content than iscontent: "\2022";
for » choose :content:"\00BB"
etcthis is not true. The enfold contact form offers checkboxes if you like.
Look : can do it via :
April 3, 2018 at 4:04 pm in reply to: How to play youtube video full width on going issue / mobile and responsive #936630with iframe it was possible to do that – but the iframe function is buggy on enfold since a long time.
i mentioned it here:
I also noticed that when I wanted to embed a video with very specific characteristics: you can see in your screenshot that this what you see is the logo alternate – this is the logo used if header layout is set to transparency (including glassy) and you will find that on Enfold options dialog / header / transparency options
you mean your footer and not the socket ? !!
#footer .menu-item.wpml-ls-item { display: none; }
and the following seems not to be part of the last widget-area – how did you place that ?
isn’t there a wpml-widget ?
if not there is a shortcode for the switcher , f.e.:
[wpml_language_switcher type="footer" flags=1 native=1 translated=1][/wpml_language_switcher]
documentation is here:
if you do not have a font icon of your “social-icon” you can use png files for that.
1 look for a png file you like to have
f.e.:2 : upload it to your media library and copy the link – you will need it:
3 : now go to your functions.php of your child-theme and enter:
that little goodreads will be the addendum to the class set by enfoldfunction avia_add_custom_social_icon($icons) { $icons['Goodreads'] = 'goodreads'; return $icons; } add_filter('avf_social_icons_options','avia_add_custom_social_icon', 10, 1);
with that you can now choose the new social icon on Enfold Options – Social Profiles ( it is at the end of the list)
4 : This comes to quick css ( you see here is the automatically created class av-social-link-goodreads )
#top #wrap_all .av-social-link-goodreads a:before{ content: ""; width: 20px; height: 20px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; background: url(https://link-to-your-image/goodreads.png) no-repeat center center; background-size: contain; }
5 : styling the hover effect – this to quick css ( color makes no sense here because we have no font )
#top #wrap_all .av-social-link-goodreads:hover a{ color:#fff; background-color:#9fae37; }
6 : for another “social-icon” you only have to replace goodreads
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by