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  • any link for us?

    in reply to: How to insert an image into the socket #988251

    editing the files means having a child-theme footer.php and maybe insert your own hook

    f.e. after the <?php on line 162 of footer.php
    do_action( 'ava_in_socket' );

    in reply to: How to assing an ID to a button #988249

    if you have downloaded the buttons.php – please redownload again.
    i have inserted that if clause – to avoid inserting id with no value to the other buttons. Thats my careless fault
    new version 2018-07-22 works perfect now

    try this – that is probably a good approach to the solution

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
      .big-preview.single-big, .big-preview.single-small {
        width: 120% !important;
        max-width: 120% !important;
        margin: 0 auto !important;
        position: relative;
        left: -10% !important;
      #main .content {
        padding-top: 0px
    in reply to: Missing space between words in headings #987773

    maybe you try to enter on css not the phrases : thin, lighter, light, bold etc. Instead use 100, 300, 400, 700 etc
    do not use 200 as font-weight – because it is not defined
    how did you activate/load the font ?
    Enfold list only loads : 'Lato' => 'Lato:300,400,700',

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Missing space between words in headings #987772

    i edited the thread because i see in your css some strange things:

    by the way on my Mac newest OSX and Safari / Safari Technology Preview / Chrome / Firefox all is ok with your Headings

    in reply to: Missing space between words in headings #987769

    First of all : what should a font-weight of 230 do?
    where do you get the 200 font-weight?
    i only can see 100, 300, 400, 700, 900

    in reply to: How to assing an ID to a button #987473

    i think he likes to add an ID to an Enfold ALB Button!
    There are scripts to achieve this, but then the class should definitely only exist once! – otherwise you will have double ID conflicts !

    give the button itself a unique class (in my case: unique-class )
    add this to functions.php of your child-theme:

    function add_ID_to_unique_class() { 
      		$('.unique-class .avia-button').attr('id', 'what-you-like');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'add_ID_to_unique_class');

    If you have this often – then i would edit that alb element to have an id Input field – put it in child-themes/shortcodes folder and load that.
    See here:
    Download here:

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.
    in reply to: Using pngs instead of fontello icons #987156

    So kids so much imagination you should have that you can add !important.
    It’s the same code as here:
    Head shake emoji :lol

    in reply to: What Plugin i can install for hyphenation with Enfold? #987152

    Ich bin mir aber nicht im Klaren, ob das Plugin oder ein anderes das in Überschriften vermag, wenn ein explizite word-break oder word-wrap Anweisung existiert.
    Ausserdem solltes du mit solchen tools sparsam umgehen. Dei Manuelle Methode ist zwar zeitaufwändig, aber dafür Performance schonend. Denn wenn ganze Seiten von dem Plugin nach möglichen hypens durchsucht werden und gesetzt werden müssen geht das ganz schön auf die Server-Power.

    Eventuell stellt dich ja die normale Trennung zufrieden (nicht die grammatikalisch perfekte):

    h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {
      hyphens: auto !important


    But I’m not sure if the plugin or any other plugin can handle headlines if there is an explicit word-break or word-wrap statement.
    Also, you should use such tools sparingly. Although the manual method is time-consuming, it is performance-saving. Because if whole pages are searched by the plugin for possible hypens and must be set, this goes quite on the server power.

    in reply to: Translate some words in Portfolio & search #987151

    hope you uploaded both po an mo files. (because on your zip only the po file is in it)
    poedit generates automatically (if you set that mark) both files.

    in reply to: Can NOT use the LIGHTBOX in Images on own template #986959

    where did you insert that do_shortcode block?

    maybe you have to put in the echo do_shortcode( ) at that template

    in reply to: Open Youtube videos in lightbox #986906

    but best would be if you open a new topic here on board. Your problem is not realy concerning to this thread here.

    and by the way on mac keyboards there is no sign for it – you find this special backslash on

    in reply to: Open Youtube videos in lightbox #986847

    first of all – do you have a custom header.php in your child-theme?

    in reply to: Open Youtube videos in lightbox #986841

    have you a link where this does not work – or where you want that to work.

    in reply to: a better image resize algorithm ? #986683

    short-pixel seems to be one solution. But it is “expensive” they have a credit system. And when you’re in a hurry, you just bite the bullet

    From nearly 211 MB upload folder size to 54MB – thats ok. and realy – you can’t see a big difference to the “Enfold recalculated Sizes”

    in reply to: Make video background responsive on mobile #986677

    ah – onething i have forgotten: you have to shift the content the same value to top ( to adjust the padding-top of color-section)
    i did it with the column option for the first column: Custom top and bottom margin margin-top : -52vw

    in reply to: Make video background responsive on mobile #986676

    see here responsiveness with color-section – but if content is determing the container height of the color section this will not work.
    With all its settings like transparency and overlay color.
    very important: the color-section has no padding no min height !!!
    and the color-section gets the custom class: resp-container

    the code is set for that page only – you have to adapt this to your needs – maybe you omit the if-clause
    this comes to functions.php of your child-theme:

    function responsive_background_video(){
    if ( is_page(32661)){
    	$('body').on('DOMNodeInserted', function(){
    		$('.resp-container iframe').addClass('resp-iframe');
    		"position": "relative", 
    		"overflow": "hidden" , 
    		"padding-top": "56.25vw"
    		"position": "relative", 
    		"top": "0" , 
    		"left": "0", 
    		"width": "100vw" ,
    		"height": "56.25vw" ,
    		"border": "0",
    		"-webkit-transform": "scale(1.4)",
    		"-ms-transform": "scale(1.4)",
    		"transform": "scale(1.4)"
    		$('.resp-container .av-section-color-overlay').css({
    		"top": "-56.25vw" 
    add_action('wp_footer', 'responsive_background_video');

    this is for 16:9 Videos only

    by the way – very nice trick with DOMNodeInserted

    in reply to: Make video background responsive on mobile #986651

    last try from my side here: you see that example page with your video:
    Isn’t that the thing you like to optain?
    You can not have full height and responsiveness. These are conditions that are mutually exclusive

    If you have some content in front of the video – i can understand your request. But without the best way is to use the full-width video slider

    in reply to: Different logo depending on screen ratio #986510

    by the way – there are some jQuery scripts which did that job for you.
    if there was an image with same name but with a given suffix ( guenni2.jpg versus (Email address hidden if logged out) ) and the pixel ratio is more than 2 it will show the alternative image.

    you can see it here:

    the image on the left is the same resolution as the guenni2.jpg but i renamed it to guenni1.jpg
    on the right there is the guenni2.jpg – if you look to that right image on retina displays the better resolution image is shown. ( (Email address hidden if logged out) )

    in reply to: Different logo depending on screen ratio #986487

    you mean something like this:
    for making a difference between highresolution screens – like apple retina displays ?

    function av_change_logo_url($url){
        if (window.devicePixelRatio >= 2)
            $url = "";
        else {
    		$url = "";
        return $url; 
    in reply to: What Plugin i can install for hyphenation with Enfold? #986475

    yes it is best influence if you do the custom-class to the p tag or span where your text is in.
    But it will work too if you do the class to a parent container.
    see example here
    you see on the first two columns that there are dashes at the end of a line – and break the word with grammatical rules.


    But looking to your Examples i think you are talking about something different.
    You can influence Words behavior on shrinking screen width. A lot of Enfold Headings do not break on very small screens. This might result in an overlapping heading over the container border.

    you can set this via css – see here the usage with trials : :try :try :try :try

    on a lot of input fields you can enter manual “predetermined breaking point” for example for long headings – where you like to decide where a word break:
    soft hyphen = discretionary hyphen &shy; or &#173

    the last code you have to set a semicolon after the 3 – boardsoft did change it imediately – even if i insert it in code tags here

    in reply to: How to insert an image into the socket #986404

    did you try that code above by copy / paste ?

    the advantage is that the image floats to the text.

    in reply to: How to insert an image into the socket #986388

    by the way – you can style a text-block as you like it and insert that shortcode to that copyright input field like:

    [av_textblock]<img class="alignright size-full" src="" width="120" height="120" />Wedding Planners in Tuscany by Luccaorganizza Viale Agostino Marti,
    415 - 55100, Lucca. Email:  (Email address hidden if logged out) 
    Phone +39 0583 952440 • Mobile +39 328 2930862 • P.IVA 01616520464.[/av_textblock]
    in reply to: Previous/Next buttons only same category #986372

    yes i know – and you can see on may test-page ( ) that the code above works well for my Enfold 4.4.1
    there are a lot of portfolios but- only two with “category” frontside – and only these two are shown.
    i do not know why it works on my installtion (4.4.1) and on your setup not.

    in reply to: Change the order of the social bookmarks icon #986314

    if you got a shop cart symbol there – it might be better to move the social bookmarks before the nav
    i changed the code in the topic on top too – because this is more logical to do it the other way round

    function change_menu_position() { 
    	$('.main_menu ul.social_bookmarks').insertBefore($('.main_menu div.avia-menu'));
    add_action('wp_footer', 'change_menu_position');

    PS: no adjustment needed as i can see on your site – looks good

    in reply to: Change the order of the social bookmarks icon #986302

    well my first input to that was to move the two things in the DOM.
    because I am intensifying my knowledge about jQuery, I have a solution here, but I think it must be easier done. I looked at the helper-main-menu.php, but couldn’t find anything at first sight.
    Maybe there is a solution via the filter: avf_main_menu_nav
    It now depends on which headers you use. You may need to make adjust it for the transparent headers. The icons follow the shrink behavior. You still have to determine the transparency font color.

    this to functions.php of your child-theme

    function change_menu_position() { 
    	$('.main_menu ul.social_bookmarks').insertBefore($('.main_menu div.avia-menu'));
    add_action('wp_footer', 'change_menu_position');

    this to quick css:

    #top nav .social_bookmarks {
        margin-top: -20px !important;
        overflow: visible !important;
        height: 40px !important
    .avia-menu.av_menu_icon_beside {
        padding-right: 0;
        margin-right: 0;
        border-right-width: 0;
        border-right-style: none;
    .social_bookmarks li a {
        height: 40px !important;
        line-height: 40px !important;
        width: 40px !important;
    #top .social_bookmarks li {
        width: 40px;
        height: auto !important;
    #top .av-logo-container .social_bookmarks li a {
        border-radius: 50%;
    .av_header_transparency .social_bookmarks li a {
        color: #969696 !important;

    the exact positioning of the social-bookmarks is then only possible if i have your life link afterwards.

    in reply to: Change the order of the social bookmarks icon #986167

    ah sorry for missunderstanding – i see your issue now.

    in reply to: Change the order of the social bookmarks icon #986166

    why don’t you add them to Enfold Options in the ordersequence you like to have?

    the top is on the left – the bottom on the right.

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