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  • in reply to: Table sortable header row #1463779

    then I would definitely recommend that no subheadings be accompanied by even the change of column widths.

    in reply to: Table sortable header row #1463771

    OK – but it looks good to me
    What do you like to change on that?

    But apart from that, I think the days of tables are outdated. You can see from the examples of Enfold demos that responsive implementation will always remain problematic. This is always particularly noticeable with large tables like yours. Smaller tables up to 4 columns still work somehow, but after that it only remains clear on large screens.

    On your example page ( ) you can see that responsiveness is not implemented at all and that you have to scroll horizontally.

    in reply to: Remove products from search #1463749

    Yes and the snippets above do only allow to show pages and posts ( so if product is not in that array – it will not be shown)
    the first is for having only posts and pages in that ajax search ( that is the menu search icon )
    i can not test it because i got no page at the moment with woocommerce .
    But with Portfolio it works this way.

    in reply to: Remove products from search #1463745

    thanks: didn’t know about that extra filter in portfolio registration

    did you try
    for ajax search ( thats the menu search) :

    function avf_ajax_search_query_mod( $search_parameters ){
      $defaults = array(
        'numberposts' => 5, 
        'post_type' => array( 'page', 'post' ), 
        'post_status' => 'publish', 
        'post_password' => '', 
        'suppress_filters' => false
      $_REQUEST['s'] = apply_filters( 'get_search_query', $_REQUEST['s']);
      $search_parameters = array_merge( $defaults, $_REQUEST );
      return $search_parameters;
    add_filter('avf_ajax_search_query', 'avf_ajax_search_query_mod', 10, 1);

    and in addition for search resultspage :

    function post_types_for_search_results($query) {
      if ( !$query->is_admin && $query->is_search) {
        $query->set('post_type', array('page','post') );
        $query->set('post_status', array( 'publish' ) );
      return $query;
    add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'post_types_for_search_results' );

    In this case, your code snippet would be unnecessary.
    btw: because of new cpt support in enfold – there is a similar filter for any other cpt: avf_custom_elements_cpt_args – maybe it is possible to use it for specific post-types ( portfolio, product, etc. to have that analog to your code snippet.

    in reply to: theme license says it is expired #1463734

    Where did you try to upload it? it sounds as if someone set the upload_max_filesize to a given value (8388608)
    because 8MB = 8388608 Bytes

    there are different reasons on that. Maybe you hoster ( because your installation is on your local computer this is not the case ) set a value on default to 8MB or some plugins do – or an entry in htaccess file or php.ini etc. etc.

    in reply to: Unload unused CSS/JS automatically #1463732

    here is the code i use for google recaptcha:

    function prohibit_google_recaptcha( $prohibited ){
      global $post;
      if( ! $post instanceof WP_Post ){ return $prohibited; }
      $content = Avia_Builder()->get_post_content( $post->ID );
      $prohibited = ( false !== strpos( $content, '[contact-form-7 ' ) || false !== strpos( $content, '[av_contact ' ) ) ? false : true;
      return $prohibited;
    add_filter( 'avf_load_google_recaptcha_api_prohibited', 'prohibit_google_recaptcha', 10, 1 );

    so – only if contact-form-7 or enfold contact shortcode is found the recaptcha is loaded.

    in reply to: grid-row full width pictures (no spacing) #1463728

    can you show me your page?

    all images that you have inserted have the same dimension?
    (f.e. by using image-size: portfolio (495×400) )

    in reply to: Unload unused CSS/JS automatically #1463727

    But the idea would be worth considering.
    To see which enfold shortcodes are used on the page and then only load these scripts/styles.
    I don’t know whether there is a performance gain, because this check also takes time.

    In the examples mentioned above, it is not a problem because a contact form only needs its scripts after the form has been filled in. The same applies to a ReCaptcha.

    in reply to: grid-row full width pictures (no spacing) #1463724

    Standard Padding of grid-cells are 30px – so if you do not set it to zero – it will have this 30px padding.
    I guess you are belonging to this?

    in reply to: Remove products from search #1463688

    can you post your code snippet that you used on portfolio?
    a portfolio is nothing else than a custom post type as woocommerce products too.

    i only do know that there is an include snippet – all posttypes that are not listet ( as: product ) are then excluded

    function exclude_from_search($query) {
      if ( !$query->is_admin && $query->is_search) {
         // include the posttype that should be included to search results
        $query->set('post_type', array('page', 'post', 'portfolio') );
      return $query;
    add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'exclude_from_search' );

    if you do not like the portfolios – just remove it from array

    btw. the ajax search has its own query ! If you like to influence this too …

    Actually, I’m just surprised that a contributor has this option at all.

    in reply to: Translate Main Logo #1463652

    Yes – and if you use for both logo svg files you can replace it by the ID of that logo file.
    you can find that ID on media library list view! ( it is an own column for that )

    try for default logo:

    function change_logo_on_different_languages($logo){
        $currentlang = get_bloginfo('language');
        if($currentlang == "fr_FR"){
            // see on media library what ID your Logo for Fr site has.
            $logo = 162;  
        return $logo; 

    and for transparency logo:

    function av_change_alternative_logo_img($header){
        $currentlang = get_bloginfo('language');
        if($currentlang == "fr_FR"){
            // next line is only neccessary if on options no default transparency logo has been set
            $header['header_class'] .= ' av_alternate_logo_active'; 
            $header['header_replacement_logo_id'] = 163;
        return $header; 

    or adjust Ismaels code that way with ID’s

    in reply to: Easy Slider ‘Mouse Hover’ #1463650

    but you read that

    and maybe sitespecifc – to not influence all sliders

    my code above works for that page-id: 12345

    if you use the global code from Ismael every slider ( easy-slider, fullwidth-slider, fullscreen-slider etc. will have that hoverpause.
    That is only the difference.

    in reply to: Table sortable header row #1463629

    send me an email – info under my nick

    in reply to: Table sortable header row #1463627

    therefor use the grid layout on that. My solution is pure css – the problem is:
    if you do not have scrollbar besides heading row – and only body scrolls – then the column width are not synchronized ( that it the reason for the above flex layout – with a pseudo-container after.
    having the scrollbar besides the whole table makes it much easier.

    in reply to: Table sortable header row #1463608

    on my example page there is now both code for sortable and “fixed” table header with tbody scroll.

    on the bottom of that page there is the example table styled layouted by Grid Layout !
    this had to be only for wider screens – on responsive case all tables are ugly;

    in reply to: Translate Main Logo #1463598

    oh – nice; I didn’t realise that polylang has an extra for currentLanguage

    with get_bloginfo() you can have info on current language too.

    function change_logo_on_different_languages($logo){
        $currentlang = get_bloginfo('language');
        if($currentlang == "fr_FR"){
            $logo = "/wp-content/uploads/YOUR_LOGO_FILE.jpg";
        return $logo; 
    in reply to: Asking for support on an old problem #1463553

    Sorry, I really tried to go through your decision tree, but there are quite a few logic errors in the conditional fields. Big disadvantage of the plugin is that there is only an and logic – no or – that would make things easier.

    I’m getting out now – if what I’ve achieved on the example page is enough for you – I’ll post the codes here.

    in reply to: Asking for support on an old problem #1463544

    is it this what you are trying to get?

    but on conditional fields there are missing values for the conditions e.g:

    but this is something you had to know better when fields are shown if e.g from above privacy not equals – and e-mail not equals.

    in reply to: Asking for support on an old problem #1463540

    What do you mean by 2steps ?
    This is the complete content of Formbuilder – isn’t it?

    First view shows me a value Avanti – that has not a field to prove!

    On the whole conditional fields these “Avanti” check has no field to prove.

    in reply to: Asking for support on an old problem #1463518

    can you please post the content of your cf7 formular code?
    use the code tag here to post!

    copy paste it from here:

    often the conditional field groups are wrapping all that should be hidden – my guess is that the p tag is outside the conditonal group

    and please post the conditional fields content ( use the text mode to copy paste it )

    show [rueckruf] if [rueckrufwunsch] equals "Bitte um Rückruf"
    show [mail1] if [rueckrufwunsch] not equals "Bitte um Rückruf"
    show [mail2] if [rueckrufwunsch] equals "Bitte um Rückruf"
    show [group-1] if [checkbox-15] not equals "Beratung"
               and if [checkbox-16] not equals "Schulung"
               and if [checkbox-17] not equals "Begleitung"
               and if [checkbox-18] not equals "Funded-heads"
    show [group-2] if [checkbox-15] equals "Beratung"
    show [group-2] if [checkbox-16] equals "Schulung"
    show [group-2] if [checkbox-17] equals "Begleitung"
    show [group-2] if [checkbox-18] equals "Funded-heads"

    And doesn’t it seem strange to you that almost all virus scanners(1/66), even very well-known ones, find nothing – only one of them gives an alarm?
    i suppose it has to be a false positive result. BitDefender, McAfee, Eset, Kaspersky, Symantec etc. all highly recommended Scanners find nothing !
    Who is VirIt ?

    My local scanners (Eset Smart Security Premium for PC and GData Antivirus on Mac OSX) do not find any suspicious files.

    in reply to: Easy Slider ‘Mouse Hover’ #1463467

    try on child-theme functions.php:

    as written on orig Post.

    and use it as (with $default) ( and maybe sitespecifc – to not influence all sliders )

    function change_slide_options($default){
    		$default['hoverpause'] = true ;
      return $default;
    add_filter('avf_avia_slideshow_defaults','change_slide_options', 10, 1);
    in reply to: Easy Slider ‘Mouse Hover’ #1463456
    in reply to: Replace Logo-image with text #1463448

    you can do that by subtext option – this inserts f.e. the bloginfo name and description as text.
    – but you do not need to insert these dynamic texts – you can insert simple html too
    ( this inside child-theme functions.php)

    add_filter('avf_logo_subtext', 'kriesi_logo_addition');
    function kriesi_logo_addition($sub)
      $sub .= "<h1 class='logo-title'>";
      $sub .= get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' );
      $sub .= "</h1>";
      $sub .= "<h2 class='logo-title logo-subtitle'>";
      $sub .= get_bloginfo( 'description', 'display' );
      $sub .= "</h2>";
      return $sub;

    then you can set logo img to display none – and style the text via quick css too ( positioning; font-size; colors etc. )
    btw: : you can see that here on top with logo and text. this “” and “Premium Themes” is placed that way ( but only in strong tags)

    PS: you can insert this way dynamically the page title as second text by replacing in the code above

    $sub .= get_the_title();


    #top .logo img {
      display: none
    #top .logo,
    #top .logo a {
    #top .logo-title {
    #top .logo-subtitle {
    in reply to: Sliders #1463446

    try on child-theme functions.php:

    function change_slide_options($default){
    		$default['hoverpause'] = true ;
      return $default;
    add_filter('avf_avia_slideshow_defaults','change_slide_options', 10, 1);
    in reply to: Sliders #1463442

    on slideshow.js these events ( mouseenter and mouseleave are bind to hoverpause status.
    it is set on line 69 to : hoverpause: false,
    but i do not see a filter to change that option – maybe a mod or dev knows a trick.

    in reply to: Sliders #1463440

    is it a fullwidth or a fullscreen slider that is needed?
    your link goes to easy-slider – the part below shows fullscreen slider.

    Do you have for each slide a different rotator text? Or should the rotator text lay over all slides and is synchronized on slide-change/rotator text change ?

    you can insert the enfold shortcode to caption input field of first slide, then on styling tab of the slider there is the option : “Use first slides caption as permanent caption” ( There will be warnings on doing that – but ignore them )


    there is no default option on slide stop on hovering the slides.

    if you are using image Element for that – just go to advanced tab on the image elmenent and choose as “Image Link”: set manually.
    Insert the url of that new image to show in lightbox.
    As long this is an image it will open then automatically in the lightbox:

    easiest way to hamper that lightbox opening would be a media query to set pointer-events to none for that link.

    if you like to have more selectivity – then use custom-class on the image element.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 899px) {
      a.avia_image.lightbox-added {
        pointer-events: none;

    for that close button you can shift it f.e. into the image – or to the right side of the image


    div.avia-popup .mfp-close {
      right: 5px;
      top: 45px;
      background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
    #scroll-top-link {
      display: none !important;
Viewing 30 posts - 691 through 720 (of 11,187 total)