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and by the way – from your link above – till now avia.js was splitted in different files.
The setting now can be find in : avia-snippet-lightbox.js line 20
so a different method could be to have a child-theme avia-snippet-lightbox.js file and load this
but this will be a bit harder to make – because the script was conditionally loaded on functions.php of enfold.don’t know how to deregister that conditionally and register conditionally via a child theme
but i think what you mean is not the scrollbar in the lightbox but that background of lightbox is scrollable:
(sometimes the content of the lightbox isnt an image but maybe a website or a lot of text – this should stay scrollable)try this in functions.php of your child-theme:
add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_lightbox_script'); function custom_lightbox_script(){ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> (function($) { function a() { $('body').on('click', '.lightbox-added', function() { if($('.mfp-bg').length >= 1) { $('html').css("overflow-y", "hidden"); } }); $('body').on('click', function() { setTimeout( function() { if($('.mfp-bg').length == 0) { $('html').css("overflow-y", "scroll"); } },500); }); } a(); })(jQuery); </script> <?php }
January 29, 2019 at 8:26 am in reply to: Add a line break in Element Label on the Contact Form #1059907you can use tags inside a input filed of that form alb:
(if you use span it will have a different font-size)<i>First Line</i><i>Second Line</i>
#top label i { display: block; }
so try the code in quick css and put in your field:
<i>Message (You can list the number of rooms / areas or rough sizes)</i><i>ex) 3 Bedrooms, 1 Living room(12‘x16’), 12 Stairs, 1 Hallway, 1 Rug</i>
January 28, 2019 at 5:44 pm in reply to: How can change yellow into blue on the Construction Demo theme? #1059698What kind of predefined color scheme is used on that demo?
have a look to Dashboard – Enfold (Child) – General Styling
There are most of the color settings. Sometimes the demo stylinges have some “Advanced Styling”Dear Bubu – it would be very nice if approaches to solutions that lead to the goal would also be positively decided. afaik has Enfold included the waypoints script – there is an existing sticky script to it. But i never worked with it.
maybe a mod knows how to use the waypoints script to have sticky elementsthe biggest problem is that position sticky is not well supported on ever browser: can reach it with Javascript. And on a quick and dirty function i got this. But it does not respect the resize function.
see result here: this is no problem for you – i will tell you how to.
January 27, 2019 at 9:39 am in reply to: codeblock javascript issue > missing header, messed up anchor links #1059322And what code do you insert on that page?
(please use code tag here on the answer)And if you are interested to have the choice on each page/post – you can have a meta-box on every page/post where you can set it like template or breadcrumb etc.
by the way you can decide this via functions.php for only some pages with if-clauses:
if you choose header top on the enfold options – you can have sidebar navigation for frontpage only by:add_filter('avf_header_setting_filter','av_change_header_style'); function av_change_header_style($header){ if( is_front_page() ){ $header['header_position'] = "header_right header_sidebar"; } return $header; }
Dashboard – Enfold (Child) – General Layout – Logo and Main Menu : choose now if left or right sidebar.
You can see here the demo overview:
Scroll down to: Consulting DemoFirst you can decide to insert in the heading input field the word with a softhyphen !
<span style="color: #eaa11d;"><span style="color: #ffffff;">#FairShare­</span>Everywhere</span>
helps you to have a non visible breakpoint for your heading
And then you got the opportunity to go to that tab “screen options” there are some options for screenwidth for both the heading and the subheadline font size.
Result is here:
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by
I’m afraid this isn’t going to happen. You have a shortcode based layout here.
For example, if you use a multi column shortcode plugin, and then want to go back without using shortcode afterwards, that’s not possible either.
With text blocks it may still be relatively easy, but with pictures and media elements and and so on. pp ? noMay I possibly know the reason for your change? Maybe there are solutions for the “separation decision” and you can stay with Enfold.
if this is the only reason: – there are solutions for it. All my Enfold installations are now on Enfold 4.5.3 and WP5.0.3 – and everything works fine as it should.
your rules are correct i think – but only the transition point at 1400px got the troubles
on the first you like to show only if it is a wider screen than 1400px
because it is visible on default it is ok to avoid displaying it below 1400px
so the first one you can shorten to:@media only screen and (max-width: 1400px) { .page-id-1602 #av_section_1 { display: none !important; } }
the second rule you like to show it only between 1280px and 1400px
so can you try:@media only screen and (max-width: 1400px) { .page-id-1602 #av_section_1 { display: none !important; } } .page-id-1602 #av_section_2 { display: none; } @media screen and (min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1400px) { .page-id-1602 #av_section_2 { display: block !important; } }
here we have the point 1400 both at max-width – this has to work better
and don’t forget to have the page-id everywheredid you solve the problem? Is it your homepage? – i mean with your nick it is not so hard to find yours. ;)
by the way – try to compress / optimize the jpg a bit more : f.e. the rustic_farmhouse_plaque_pig.jpg got over 2MB – which reduces the performance of your loading.or post your quick css – somethimes it is only a missing closing bracket or missing semicolon.
January 26, 2019 at 11:04 pm in reply to: Button Element fixiert in einer Zelle über Hintergrund mittig unten platzieren #1059259Also vorhin war auch der Responsive Fall für mich ok.
Jetzt sehe ich die Seite nicht mehr, da du ja wohl wieder im Wartungsmodus bistJanuary 26, 2019 at 7:33 pm in reply to: Button Element fixiert in einer Zelle über Hintergrund mittig unten platzieren #1059227genau – sieht jetzt gut aus. Oder?
January 26, 2019 at 7:32 pm in reply to: Button Element fixiert in einer Zelle über Hintergrund mittig unten platzieren #1059226siehe einen Post vorher da stehen jetzt 85% und ein margin-top von 90px
also den einen Code mit dem anderen ersetzen.
Und bitte den Button in der linken Zelle entfernen.January 26, 2019 at 7:16 pm in reply to: Button Element fixiert in einer Zelle über Hintergrund mittig unten platzieren #1059221für Deine Seite denke ich wäre es gut die Werte so anzupassen:
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'move_impressum_button' ); function move_impressum_button() { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> (function($){ $('.avia-button-wrap.kontakt-botton').insertAfter($('.avia-button-wrap.kontakt-botton').closest('.flex_cell')); $('.avia-button-wrap.kontakt-botton').css({ "position": "absolute", "top": "85%", "left": "5%", "margin-top": "90px" }); $('.avia-button-wrap.kontakt-botton').prev('.flex_cell').css("padding-bottom", "100px") })(jQuery); </script> <?php }
January 26, 2019 at 7:13 pm in reply to: Button Element fixiert in einer Zelle über Hintergrund mittig unten platzieren #1059220bitte nicht zusätzlich sondern ausschließlich
dann musst du nur noch diesen Top wert von 75% anpassen
January 26, 2019 at 7:08 pm in reply to: Button Element fixiert in einer Zelle über Hintergrund mittig unten platzieren #1059217den Impressum Button nur in die Rechte Zelle setzen. Links aus der Zelle wegnehmen !
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by
January 26, 2019 at 6:59 pm in reply to: Button Element fixiert in einer Zelle über Hintergrund mittig unten platzieren #1059215Bitte tausche den Code mal aus- ich habe das ganz aus dem Flex-Cell rausgenommen !
Und nimm den Impressum Button in die Rechte Zelle !
Dann kannst du auch die linke Zelle Verschwinden lassen.January 26, 2019 at 6:57 pm in reply to: Button Element fixiert in einer Zelle über Hintergrund mittig unten platzieren #1059213ich hatte den code oben jetzt mal verändert.
Dann kannst du die linke Zelle bei mobil versteckenDu musst dann nur den Button in die Zelle rechts mit hineinsetzen. Nach unten. Denn die absolute Positionierung macht den Rest dann.
January 26, 2019 at 6:22 pm in reply to: Button Element fixiert in einer Zelle über Hintergrund mittig unten platzieren #1059208wenn du es eingerichtet hast machen wir die Feinheiten.
January 26, 2019 at 6:13 pm in reply to: Button Element fixiert in einer Zelle über Hintergrund mittig unten platzieren #1059204hm – das Problem ist, das der innere Container in dem Grid oben platziert ist.
Versuche doch mal bitte das hier in der functions.php deines child-themes:add_action( 'wp_footer', 'move_impressum_button' ); function move_impressum_button() { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> (function($){ $('.avia-button-wrap.kontakt-botton').insertAfter($('.avia-button-wrap.kontakt-botton').closest('.flex_cell')); $('.avia-button-wrap.kontakt-botton').css({ "position": "absolute", "top": "75%", "left": "5%", "margin-top": "50px" }); $('.avia-button-wrap.kontakt-botton').prev('.flex_cell').css("padding-bottom", "100px") })(jQuery); </script> <?php }
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by
the input field is there – but in this case all other form_elements will do the same.
If you only likes to center the button send try this in quick css:
.form_element .button[type="submit"] { position: relative; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); }
January 26, 2019 at 3:26 pm in reply to: Button Element fixiert in einer Zelle über Hintergrund mittig unten platzieren #1059142Es wäre um einiges leichter mit der entsprechenden Seite einen css code dir zu liefern.
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by
the #top id belongs to the body tag – it can not be placed before the html tag !
( the classes : avia_desktop and avia_transform3d are on html tag )
and this could not work before too! try:.avia_desktop.avia_transform3d #top .av-masonry-animation-active .av-masonry-entry.av-masonry-item-loaded .av-inner-masonry { -webkit-animation: none !important; -moz-animation: none !important; animation: none !important; }
ok – got it. it was one of the older shortcodes that disturbed the things.
Sorry can be closed
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by