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  • in reply to: Events Calendar Styling Issues #994453

    Hi Victoria,

    Thanks for the info. So Enfold edited the plugin’s template for the Church Demo. Good to know. The title can stay where it is since I don’t know how to do that. What about the other issues?

    in reply to: Events Calendar Styling Issues #992971

    Update: #4 is complete. I don’t know how or why, but ” September >> ” just magically started appearing.

    in reply to: Events Calendar Styling Issues #992914

    Thank you Rikard for the code. That helps show the title, but my calendar still doesn’t look like the Church Demo calendar. See below for the things that I noticed:

    1. The page title appears above the calendar filter bar, but I would like the page title to appear just like the Church Demo, same location and same font size. How can the page title move to just above the actual calendar with the dates?
    Title Bar

    2. Please click ” << July “. The page is messed up as seen in the image. How can this monthly page, and any other monthly pages that may look like this, be fixed?

    3. In addition, ” << July ” is located a little higher above the actual calendar. In the Church Demo example, ” << July ” and “September >> ” are located in line with the page title. How can I achieve this?
    Calendar Months

    4. ” September >> ” link is missing from “August”, so how can someone view events in September?

    Thank you again!

    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #965231

    This design was recently completed using Enfold… have five more currently in development. Love the theme and especially the Support. Thank you all your help and guidance. Great theme!

    Fothergill Fly Fishing

    in reply to: Footer Help – Fixed + Padding + Border #944918

    Ismael… You and your team are the best. Thank you! Desktop and mobile seem to be working correctly. I greatly appreciate your help. Please close the ticket.

    in reply to: Footer Help – Fixed + Padding + Border #942608

    Hi Ismael,

    Unfortunately removing the extra curly braces didn’t solve the issue. The same mobile issue still exists on mobile portrait and landscape. Here’s what it’s doing:

    1. 1. The footer is ‘sticky’ at the top of the screen, but it only shows columns #2, #3 and the socket. Column #1 is missing.
    2. 2. The header image is ‘fixed’ behind the sticky footer and as I scroll down, the header image scrolls up behind the sticky footer.
    3. 3. Once the body content below the header image appears, the sticky footer scrolls up off the page as I scroll down past the first section of content (Master Brew).
    4. 4. Once I get to the end of the body content (Animated Numbers), the footer appears again, but it stops to only reveal column #3 and the socket… column #1 and column #2 are missing.

    I’ve deactivated all plugins but the issue is also still present on mobile. It works great on desktop. Thank you for your help in trying to correct the problem. I know this request is a functionality that’s not part of the Theme so I greatly appreciate your time.

    – eskitaco

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by eskitaco.
    in reply to: Footer Help – Fixed + Padding + Border #941530
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Footer Help – Fixed + Padding + Border #940501

    Awesome, Nikko. Thanks for your time. While everything seems to be working on desktop, can you please view the site on mobile? The fixed footer now appears at the top of the mobile site and when you scroll down, the page content scrolls up, revealing the fixed footer again at the bottom. Can you please help me solve that issue?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by eskitaco.
    in reply to: H2 Hyperlink Underline #924652

    Ok thanks for letting me know. You can close this topic. Thank you for your assistance, Jordan.

    in reply to: H2 Hyperlink Underline #924645

    Thank you Jordan but that didn’t work. I deactivated all plugins and also cleared cache but the underlines remain. Any other ideas?

    in reply to: H2 Hyperlink Underline #924535

    Hi Jordan,

    Thanks for getting back and sorry for the delay. I was out of the office yesterday. Please take a look at the site again. I edited so you can see the underlines as shown in the link in my original post.

    in reply to: Development site won't display or scroll correctly #852954

    Oh awesome. Thank you, Mike!! Looks great. Please close and thanks again.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by eskitaco.
    in reply to: Mobile Submenu Font Size #834797

    Hi Yigit…that did the trick. Thank you! I added a couple different font families to your code but settled on the default font that is used for the titles. It was just easier to keep everything the same.

    – eskitaco

    in reply to: Mobile Submenu Font Size #833530

    Hi John,

    Sorry about that. I thought I had correctly set the logins the first time. Lets try this (see below).

    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #833091

    Here’s my first Enfold design I did for a client, and second website overall. Thanks to the Enfold team for helping me along during the design.
    Glenwood Canyon Brewing Company

    in reply to: Contact Form Glitch #820564

    I removed the special characters and the page displays properly now. From now on, I won’t use special characters in the Contact Form. I also updated the theme to 4.1. Thank you, Rikard!

    in reply to: Missing Menu's #807558

    Awesome. Thank you so much, Ismael!! The topic can now be closed. Have a nice week.

    in reply to: Responsive Issues: Mobile Menu + Background Images #806091


    Thank you for your assistance. I greatly appreciate the time and effort. Please close the ticket.

    in reply to: Missing Menu's #805712

    Greetings Basilis,

    I guess I don’t understand your message and mine wasn’t explicit as well. Here’s what happened and what I would like to happen:

    * I created a Footer Menu and added it to the website. The Footer Menu appeared on my site with no problems. Please see screenshots for verification. This menu includes 3 links (Privacy, Terms & Site Map) and the Footer Menu box is checked, so this menu should be displayed in the footer (not the Main Menu).
    * I created a Sub Menu and added it to multiple pages of the website. This Sub Menu appeared on my site with no problems. Please see screenshots for verification. This menu includes 2 links (Current Beers on Tap & Full List of Beers). On each individual beer page, I have selected this menu to appear as a Sub Menu, not the Main Menu.
    * I created a ticket (#804520) which required help from other Mods to fix some mobile issues I was experiencing and still am experiencing. In so doing, a Main Mobile Menu was created.
    * The assistance that I received from the Mods in that ticket resulted in both the Footer Menu and Sub Menu being replaced by the Main Menu. The code that I included in my original message was not something that I added to my website, so I was just providing in case it had something to do with the two menu’s being changed.
    * I do not know what happened or why it happened, but I would like assistance in getting the Footer Menu and Sub Menu back by removing the Main Menu in both locations.

    I hope this makes sense. Thank you again for your time and assistance.

    in reply to: Responsive Issues: Mobile Menu + Background Images #804520

    This new issue resulted from an issue in this topic, but I started a new one per your recommendation. There are still a couple of outstanding issues in this topic before it can be closed however. Please see June 1 post.


    in reply to: Responsive Issues: Mobile Menu + Background Images #803680

    In reviewing the site again this morning, I noticed a couple of

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by eskitaco.
    in reply to: Responsive Issues: Mobile Menu + Background Images #802764

    Hello Ismael,

    Thanks for the help.

    1-2 – I disabled “Hide Mobile Menu Submenu”…not a problem having the larger mobile menu…however, when I click “Our Brews” (which isn’t a page, just a heading) the burger menu icon disappears. I have to refresh the page on mobile phone to bring the menu icon back. Is this standard or can something be done so the icon doesn’t disappear?

    P.S. I just noticed the drop-down menu actually slides to the right and reduces in size. You have to scroll the page left to right to see the smaller menu on a mobile phone (Samsung Galaxy S7). Again, is this normal?

    3 – Hmmmm, not sure where that css modification is located, I couldn’t find it, but when I added the override code, nothing changed on the mobile menu. It still looks the same.

    4 – The page was never removed but now that I have a full menu, it can be viewed under “Our Brews”. The headings that appear to be left aligned (want them to be center) are Our Craft, The Cold Side and The Perfect Pint. All other headings appear to be center on the page.

    Thank you again!

    in reply to: Responsive Issues: Mobile Menu + Background Images #800246

    Hello Yigit,

    #2c – You are correct that the menu looks like the screenshot you posted. That is not the issue however. The issues are as follows:
    1. Although a heading on the mobile menu, “Gatherings” is also a page that I would like to display. However when I tap “Gatherings”, the sub-menu appears (“Request Event”). How can I get “Gatherings” to be clickable so the Gatherings page loads and can be viewed?
    2. The same goes for “Our Story”. How can I make this page load on mobile so it can be viewed?
    3. Recent css changes also changed the sub-menu font under “Our Brews”. How can I make them consistent with the mobile menu font? This change occurred on my Samsung Galaxy S7.
    4. Also, view “Our Craft” on mobile device. Several headings reverted back to left align (“Our Craft and The Perfect Pint). I added css code to make all headings center on mobile, but for whatever reason, these two (that I found so far) reverted back to left align.

    #3 – Fixed! Thank you!!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by eskitaco. Reason: Added 4. - left align issue
    in reply to: Background images don't appear on mobile #800227

    This appears to have fixed the issue. Thank you Victoria! Have a great weekend and please consider this ticket closed.

    in reply to: Background images don't appear on mobile #799963

    Yes, that is correct for the Barrel Room, as well as any other background images that I have on other pages.

    in reply to: Background images don't appear on mobile #799928

    Hello Jordan,

    Yes, I have disabled all plugins and the background images still do not appear on mobile.

    in reply to: Responsive Issues: Mobile Menu + Background Images #799774

    Hello Yigit,

    Thank you very much for your time and assistance and for letting me know about separately posting my questions in the future. I figured this would make things easier but that’s not the case. I shall do that in the future. In regards to these questions, please see below:

    Question #1 – Will open up and re-post in a new ticket
    Question #2a – Fixed!
    Question #2b – Will open up and re-post in a new ticket
    Question #2c – I had already created a mobile menu just in case, so when I added the code you referenced in the other thread to the child’s function.php file, nothing changed. I still have the desktop menu for mobile. I’m not very proficient with coding so perhaps I need to add something else?
    Questions #2d – Fixed!
    Question #3 – The button does not align to center on mobile. I tried editing the code but that too didn’t work, so I reverted it back to your original code. Any suggestions?

    Thank you again. I look forward to resolving #2c and #3.



    in reply to: Responsive Issues: Mobile Menu + Background Images #798313

    Help with these issues would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    in reply to: Responsive Issues: Mobile Menu + Background Images #795901

    Hello Rikard,

    I apologize for the inconvenience as I thought I correctly added the login credentials in my original post but I can now see I did not. Please see private content for correct logins. Again, I apologize.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by eskitaco. Reason: links did not appear when I used + added links to images again without
    in reply to: Responsive Issues: Mobile Menu + Background Images #794901

    Hi John,

    Yes, the website is using a child theme of Enfold Restaurant. You can confirm by viewing:

    Appearance > Themes
    Appearance > Editor
    Appearance > Theme Options

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