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  • #923983


    I have a grid row with four 1/4 columns with H2 Special Headings in each that I have hyperlinked to different pages of the site. I would like to remove the underline from each H2 but the css that I am finding and the different workarounds aren’t working. Can you please help?

    The H2’s appear over a background image with a black transparent overlay.

    Here’s the issue… the underlines do not appear when using the default color (dark color but text isn’t readable with black background), but when I switch to a a white custom font, the underlines appear on display and disappear on hover. I would like the underline removed on display and hover.

    I have included the logins below along with a link to a screenshot. Thanks for your assistance!


    Hey eskitaco,

    Can you screenshot the issue? I’m not seeing the underline beneath any H2.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,

    Thanks for getting back and sorry for the delay. I was out of the office yesterday. Please take a look at the site again. I edited so you can see the underlines as shown in the link in my original post.



    Thank you. Please add the following to quick css:

    #top .custom-color-heading a, #top .custom-color-heading a:hover{

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Thank you Jordan but that didn’t work. I deactivated all plugins and also cleared cache but the underlines remain. Any other ideas?



    I logged in and add it to the very top of quick css and it worked without issue. Please check. This means you have some bad or broken css underneath it. You will want to go through and fix that.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Ok thanks for letting me know. You can close this topic. Thank you for your assistance, Jordan.



    No problem at all. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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