Forum Replies Created
Your links in the “Available Options” tab all have a target=”_blank” attribute attached. This attribute will open a new window/tab if the user clicks on the link. I’m not sure if a plugin adds target=”_blank” to your links or if you added it manually.
If you’re not sure please create me an admin account and I’ll check the code.
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 27, 2018 at 8:01 am in reply to: I want to make a review tab in every single product on woocomerce. #1015142Hi,
To be honest I don’t understand the issue – both product pages and look similiar to me. There’re three tabs on both pages in the same order. The headlines are 설명, 배송정보 and 상품평 (probably the reviews tab because it shows the reviews and the number of reviews next to the headline). So I’m not sure why the one page is “right” and the other “wrong”. Maybe it’s a browser cache issue and you see a different version of the page(s)?
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 27, 2018 at 7:54 am in reply to: Sort category filter by slug in masonry portfolio #1015136Hey!
Ich habe jetzt die Resize-Funktion in der child theme functions.php ein wenig angepasst, das Problem sollte nun behoben sein. Der neue Code ist:
add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_auto_resize_masonry'); function ava_auto_resize_masonry(){ ?> <script> (function($){ setTimeout(function(){ $(window).trigger('resize'); $(window).trigger('av-content-el-height-changed'); }, 3000); })(jQuery); </script> <?php }
Great, glad it’s working now :)
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 26, 2018 at 9:31 pm in reply to: Enfold from local MAMP to live Server problems importing database #1014999Hi,
Great, glad I could help you :)
Best regards,
Yes I used the plugin. I activated the custom field view (near the bottom of the editor page with the headline “Extra veden”) to check if the right value is set. You can test it yourself – first go to the editor page (see link in private field) – the value is set to 149 at the moment. Then go to the bulk editor, insert a different value and save the value. Then reload the editor page and the value should change on the editor page (“Extra veden” section).
Please use ftp to update the theme. If you use ftp make sure to replace the entire theme folder. If you just overwrite the existing files you’ll get a blank page (500 error). Connect to ftp, go to wp-content/themes and rename the theme folder “enfold” to “enfold_bak”. Then download the new files from themeforest, unzip the theme files and upload them to wp-content/themes/enfold. Make sure the style.css file is located in wp-content/themes/enfold (file path wp-content/themes/enfold/style.css). If the theme works, you can simply delete the enfold_bak folder. If not, delete the enfold folder and rename enfold_bak to enfold.Best regards,
You can try to add following code to the child theme functions.php – it will add a rel=nofollow attribute to the search icon in the menu
add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'avia_append_search_nav', 9997, 2 ); add_filter( 'avf_fallback_menu_items', 'avia_append_search_nav', 9997, 2 ); function avia_append_search_nav ( $items, $args ) { if(avia_get_option('header_searchicon','header_searchicon') != "header_searchicon") return $items; if(avia_get_option('header_position', 'header_top') != "header_top") return $items; if ((is_object($args) && $args->theme_location == 'avia') || (is_string($args) && $args = "fallback_menu")) { global $avia_config; ob_start(); get_search_form(); $form = htmlspecialchars(ob_get_clean()) ; $items .= ' <li id="menu-item-search" class="noMobile menu-item menu-item-search-dropdown menu-item-avia-special"> <a href="?s=" rel="nofollow" data-avia-search-tooltip="'.$form.'" '.av_icon_string('search').'><span class="avia_hidden_link_text">'.__('Search','avia_framework').'</span></a></li> '; } return $items; }
Best regards,
I uploaded the file for you. You can now go to the option page (see link in private settings) and configure the theme options. You can also import the demo data (“Demo import” tab).
Best regards,
PeterHi James Sideropoulos!
Yes, all demos here: are included with the theme and you can import them to use them as a starting point for your website.
There was no breadcrumb set on the portfolio page. I now added a small snippet to your child theme
function av_breadcrumbs_shortcode( $atts ) { return avia_breadcrumbs(array('separator' => '/', 'richsnippet' => true)); } add_shortcode( 'bread_crumb', 'av_breadcrumbs_shortcode' );
so you can include it with a shortcode
I added it to the portfolio item (link in private content) and the breadcrumb now contains the “Bewegwijzering” parent page.
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 26, 2018 at 5:04 pm in reply to: Enfold from local MAMP to live Server problems importing database #1014874Hey TanSmi,
You can try to split your big sql dump with a script like: to avoid the runtime limits.
Best regards,
If you just want to set one page as parent page you can also set the parent page by using this code – insert it into the child theme functions.php and replace 1000 with your parent page id:
function avia_modify_breadcrumb($trail) { $parent = get_post_meta(avia_get_the_ID(), 'breadcrumb_parent', true); if(get_post_type() === "portfolio") { if(empty($parent)) $parent = '1000'; $page = ""; $front = avia_get_option('frontpage'); if(empty($parent) && !current_theme_supports('avia_no_session_support') && session_id() && !empty($_SESSION['avia_portfolio'])) { $page = $_SESSION['avia_portfolio']; } else { $page = $parent; } if(!$page || $page == $front) { $args = array( 'post_type' => 'page', 'meta_query' => array( array( 'key' => '_avia_builder_shortcode_tree', 'value' => 'av_portfolio', 'compare' => 'LIKE' ) ) ); $query = new WP_Query( $args ); if($query->post_count == 1) { $page = $query->posts[0]->ID; } else if($query->post_count > 1) { foreach($query->posts as $entry) { if ($front != $entry->ID) { $page = $entry->ID; break; } } } } if($page) { if($page == $front) { $newtrail[0] = $trail[0]; $newtrail['trail_end'] = $trail['trail_end']; $trail = $newtrail; } else { $newtrail = avia_breadcrumbs_get_parents( $page, '' ); array_unshift($newtrail, $trail[0]); $newtrail['trail_end'] = $trail['trail_end']; $trail = $newtrail; } } } else if(get_post_type() === "post" && (is_category() || is_archive() || is_tag())) { $front = avia_get_option('frontpage'); $blog = !empty($parent) ? $parent : avia_get_option('blogpage'); if($front && $blog && $front != $blog) { $blog = '<a href="' . get_permalink( $blog ) . '" title="' . esc_attr( get_the_title( $blog ) ) . '">' . get_the_title( $blog ) . '</a>'; array_splice($trail, 1, 0, array($blog)); } } else if(get_post_type() === "post") { $front = avia_get_option('frontpage'); $blog = avia_get_option('blogpage'); $custom_blog = avia_get_option('blog_style') === 'custom' ? true : false; if(!$custom_blog) { if($blog == $front) { unset($trail[1]); } } else { if($blog != $front) { $blog = '<a href="' . get_permalink( $blog ) . '" title="' . esc_attr( get_the_title( $blog ) ) . '">' . get_the_title( $blog ) . '</a>'; array_splice($trail, 1, 0, array($blog)); } } } return $trail; } add_filter('avia_breadcrumbs_trail','avia_modify_breadcrumb');
I wouldn’t use this code if you plan to set different parent pages because it can be tedious to include a switch or if statement for each category, etc.
Best regards,
No because portfolio entries are like posts and do not support “parent pages”. You can only assign categories and tags to them. The breadcrumb parent page option is a theme feature and not a standard wordpress feature which is supported by the bulk edit panel.
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 26, 2018 at 4:34 pm in reply to: where to copy the Google code and paste it onto every page of your website. #1014855Hey!
Great, glad I could help you :)Best regards,
Please create me an admin account and I’ll look into it.
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 26, 2018 at 3:34 pm in reply to: Ajax portfolio navigation behind fullwidth submenu / ajax doesn't load sometimes #1014792Hey Ink_Eye,
1) The error pops up if the user clicks on a portfolio item which is not fully loaded yet. You can activate the preloader effect (Enfold > Theme Options) if you want to make sure that your users can’t click on an item before the page content is loaded.
2) I adjusted the offset for you – I replaced line 158 in enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/portfolio/portfolio.js
var target_offset = target_wrap.offset().top - 175,
var target_offset = target_wrap.offset().top - 250,
Now the menu won’t cover the top part of the portfolio item.
Best regards,
PeterHey NiklasRaab,
Can you please check if the “Valid E-Mail address with special characters” validation works for you?
Best regards,
There was some leftover code in the quick css field (css animation which is not required). I removed it now. Please clear the browser cache and try it again.
Best regards,
Great, thanks for sharing the code!
Best regards,
Yes it will load all font files which you specify (i.e. 400,600,800 in the code sample above). In addition the code will overwrite the existing font data if the font name equals the name of an existing font – i.e. Source Sans Pro is included by default and your code overwrites the default font data.
Is this double activation then?
The code above just adds the font to the dropdown. You need to select the font from the dropdown and save the settings to actually “activate/use” it.Best regards,
PeterHey (Email address hidden if logged out) ,
You could try to implement a plugin like “Read more without refresh”: which shows or hides content with a javascript effect. Instead of “Read more” use the words you want to make clickable (Foot pedal, Sorting table, etc.) and then add the remaing content as hidden content to the page which pops up if the user clicks on the words.
Best regards,
PeterHey AWZ,
Personally I’d recommend to use the child theme functions.php to add or modify the font data. However it’s not necessary to write two functions – you could compress it to:
dd_filter( 'avf_google_heading_font', 'avia_add_custom_font'); add_filter( 'avf_google_content_font', 'avia_add_custom_font'); function avia_add_custom_font($fonts) { $fonts['Source Sans Pro'] = 'Source Sans Pro:400,600,800'; return $fonts; }
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 26, 2018 at 2:24 pm in reply to: Not Able to Type or Enter Text in Search When in IE 11 #1014740Hi,
Please try this code to resize the search form on the search page:
#top #wrap_all .search_form_field #s { height: 50px; }
Best regards,
The easiest solution (and also the most flexible one) would be to use this plugin: to set the breadcrumb parent page for your portfolio entries.
Install and activate the plugin, then go to the wordpress admin panel > Portfolio Items > “Bulk Edit Fields”. If you want to select the same parent page for all portfolio items select all items from the list, otherwise select them by category or tag, etc.
Then scroll down to the “Set Custom Field Values For Checked Portfolio Items” section and enter into the “Custom Field Name:” option field on the left side the value “breadcrumb_parent” (without the quotes). Then add the page id of your breadcrumb parent page into the “Value” field on the right side (screenshot: blob: ). If you don’t know the id of the page this article: will show you how to get it.
At least hit the blue “Save custom fields” button and you’re done. If you want to set different parent pages for different portfolio categories you need to repeat this procedure for each parent page, just select a different category, add the “breadcrumb_parent” value to the left field and insert a different page id on the right side, etc.
Best regards,
Ah – now I could reproduce the issue. I could fix it on my end with following code:
function avia_footer_scripts_close_menu(){ ?> <script> jQuery('.html_av-submenu-display-click').on( 'click', 'a', function (e) { if(! jQuery('html').hasClass('av-burger-overlay-active')) return; var avia_custom_burger_menu = jQuery('.av-burger-menu-main a').find('.av-hamburger'); avia_custom_burger_menu.parents('a').eq(0).trigger('click'); }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'avia_footer_scripts_close_menu', 999);
Please check if it works on your end too.
Best regards,
Great, glad I could help you :)
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 26, 2018 at 1:40 pm in reply to: copyright info for images inside a post and for post thumbnail #1014720Hi,
Please create me an admin account and I’ll check why the shortcode is visible and doesn’t function properly.
If you want to use it inside the loop you need to call it like:
echo do_shortcode('[av_display_image_copyright]');
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 26, 2018 at 1:34 pm in reply to: Move Additional Information and Description out of tabs Product pages #1014716Hi,
Please try to add following code to the child theme functions.php to show the additional information below the product description:
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'avia_add_additional_information_below_product', 10 ); function avia_add_additional_information_below_product(){ global $product; do_action( 'woocommerce_product_additional_information', $product ); }
Best regards,
I fixed it by re-saving the wordpress and theme settings.
Best regards,
Peter -