Forum Replies Created
Glad I could help you!Cheers!
At the moment it’s not possible to update the theme via wordpress because Envato changed the update api. We’re working on a fix and will release it soon. I’d recommend to use ftp ( ) to update the theme. If you use ftp make sure to replace the entire theme folder. If you just overwrite the existing files you’ll get a blank page (500 error). Connect to ftp, go to wp-content/themes and rename the theme folder “enfold” to “enfold_bak”. Then download the new files from themeforest, unzip the theme files and upload them to wp-content/themes/enfold. Make sure the style.css file is located in wp-content/themes/enfold (file path wp-content/themes/enfold/style.css). If the theme works, you can simply delete the enfold_bak folder. If not, delete the enfold folder and rename enfold_bak to enfold.Best regards,
Yes please post a link to your website and create us an admin account. Please also post a link/description/screenshot of the glitch.
Best regards,
You could add this function to the child theme functions.php:
function avia_delete_all_breadcrumb_parent() { $args = array('posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_status' => 'any', 'post_type' => array('portfolio')); $articles= get_posts( $args ); foreach($articles as $article) { delete_post_meta($article->ID, 'breadcrumb_parent'); } } add_action('init','avia_delete_all_breadcrumb_parent');
to delete all post meta fields with the value breadcrumb_parent. Then reload your website and remove the function. Afterwards you can either try to use the plugin to set the post meta values again or you can use this code:
function avia_add_all_breadcrumb_parent() { $args = array('posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_status' => 'any', 'post_type' => array('portfolio')); $articles= get_posts( $args ); foreach($articles as $article) { update_post_meta($article->ID, 'breadcrumb_parent', 1980); } } add_action('init','avia_add_all_breadcrumb_parent');
to bulk update the breadcrumb page for all portfolio items. You just need to replace 1980 with your parent page id and reload the website. Afterwards I’d recommend to remove the function because of performance reasons (unnecessary code).
Best regards,
You could try to edit the font files (ttf, etc.) with a editor like to fix the icon.Best regards,
I was not able to reproduce the issue. I created a test page (see link private content) with the same form which sends the e-mail to a without any errors.
I’d recommend to check if it’s an encoding issue with the mail client. Another reason could be syntax errors in your html code – try to use the contact form on the test page and check if it works on your end too. If yes the probefahrt page contains elements which break the contact form code.
Best regards,
Please try to add following code to the quick css field:
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { #top .single-product-main-image{ display:none; } }
Best regards,
Du kannst folgenden Code in die Child theme functions.php einfügen, um ein Bild im Kopfbereich anzuzeigen:
add_action('ava_after_body_opening_tag','avia_add_img_to_header', 10, 1); function avia_add_img_to_header() { $style = 'style="position:absolute;left:10%;top:30px;z-index:9999;"'; echo ' <div class="av_image_header" '.$style.'><img src="" alt="Trulli" width="500" height="333"></div> '; }
Ersetze die Bild-URL, Alt-Attribut und Width/height mit deinen Werten. Außerdem kannst Du durch anpassen von left:10% und top:30px die Position verändern.
Yes! The default font values are defined in enfold/framework/php/font-management/class-avia-type-fonts.php:
$fonts = array( 'Advent Pro' => 'Advent Pro:100,400,600', 'Alice' => 'Alice', 'Allerta' => 'Allerta', 'Arvo' => 'Arvo', 'Arimo' => 'Arimo:400,700', 'Antic' => 'Antic', 'Audiowide' => 'Audiowide', 'Bad Script' => 'Bad Script', 'Baumans' => 'Baumans', 'Bangers' => 'Bangers', 'Barlow' => 'Barlow:400,500,600,700', 'Bitter' => 'Bitter', 'Cabin' => 'Cabin', 'Cardo' => 'Cardo', 'Carme' => 'Carme', 'Caveat' => 'Caveat:400,700', 'Coda' => 'Coda', 'Codystar' => 'Codystar:300,400', 'Cormorant Garamond' => 'Cormorant Garamond:300,400,700', 'Comfortaa' => 'Comfortaa:300,400,700', 'Coustard' => 'Coustard', 'Gruppo' => 'Gruppo', 'Damion' => 'Damion', 'Dancing Script' => 'Dancing Script', 'Droid Sans' => 'Droid Sans', 'Droid Serif' => 'Droid Serif', 'EB Garamond' => 'EB Garamond', 'Exo' => 'Exo:900,700,400,100', 'Finger Paint' => 'Finger Paint', 'Fira Sans' => 'Fira Sans:100,400,700', 'Fjord One' => 'Fjord One', 'Flamenco' => 'Flamenco:400,300', 'Great Vibes' => 'Great Vibes', 'Heebo' => 'Heebo:100,400,700', 'Herr Von Muellerhoff' => 'Herr Von Muellerhoff', 'IBM Plex Serif' => 'IBM Plex Serif:300,400,700', 'Inconsolata' => 'Inconsolata', 'Josefin Sans' => 'Josefin Sans', 'Josefin Slab' => 'Josefin Slab', 'Kameron' => 'Kameron', 'Karla' => 'Karla:400,700', 'Kreon' => 'Kreon', 'Lato' => 'Lato:300,400,700', 'Lobster' => 'Lobster', 'Lora' => 'Lora', 'League Script' => 'League Script', 'Mate SC' => 'Mate SC', 'Marck Script' => 'Marck Script', 'Mako' => 'Mako', 'Megrim' => 'Megrim', 'Merienda' => 'Merienda:400,700', 'Merriweather' => 'Merriweather:300,400,700', 'Metrophobic' => 'Metrophobic', 'Molengo' => 'Molengo', 'Montserrat' => 'Montserrat', 'Muli' => 'Muli', 'Nixie One' => 'Nixie One', 'Nobile' => 'Nobile', 'News Cycle' => 'News Cycle', 'Open Sans' => 'Open Sans:400,600', 'Open Sans Condensed' => 'Open Sans Condensed:300,700', 'Orbitron' => 'Orbitron', 'Oregano' => 'Oregano', 'Oswald' => 'Oswald', 'Pacifico' => 'Pacifico', 'Parisienne' => 'Parisienne', 'Petit Formal Script' => 'Petit Formal Script', 'Pinyon Script' => 'Pinyon Script', 'Playfair Display' => 'Playfair Display:400,700', 'Podkova' => 'Podkova', 'Poiret One' => 'Poiret One', 'Poly' => 'Poly', 'Press Start 2P (Retro Pixelfont)' => 'Press Start 2P', 'PT Sans' => 'PT Sans', 'Quattrocento' => 'Quattrocento', 'Questrial' => 'Questrial', 'Quicksand' => 'Quicksand', 'Raleway' => 'Raleway', 'Righteous' => 'Righteous', 'Roboto' => 'Roboto:100,400,700', 'Sacramento' => 'Sacramento', 'Salsa' => 'Salsa', 'Signika Negative' => 'Signika Negative', 'Source Serif Pro' => 'Source Serif Pro:400,600,700', 'Sunshiney' => 'Sunshiney', 'Special Elite' => 'Special Elite', 'Tangerine' => 'Tangerine', 'Terminal Dosis' => 'Terminal Dosis', 'Tenor Sans' => 'Tenor Sans', 'Varela Round' => 'Varela Round', 'Work Sans' => 'Work Sans:700,400,100', 'Yellowtail' => 'Yellowtail', );
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 28, 2018 at 11:57 am in reply to: Progress Bar Line Height and Font color on dark background #1015712Hi,
1) This doesn’t change the gap between the progress bars themselves (I want the bars much tighter together vertically, is there a way to do that?
You can remove the margin on the top of the bar with following code:
#top .av-small-bar .avia-progress-bar { margin-top: 0; }
2) The animation code can be found in shortcode.css (I added a link to your shortcodes.css in the private content field). Basically you can copy following code to your quick css field or child theme style.css and adjust the “s” values:
.avia_transform #wrap_all .avia_start_delayed_animation.fade-in { -webkit-animation: avia-fadein 1.5s 1 ease-out; /* Safari 4+ */ animation: avia-fadein 1.5s 1 ease-out; /* IE 10+ */ opacity: 1; } .avia_transform #wrap_all .avia_start_delayed_animation.pop-up { -webkit-animation: avia_image_appear 0.5s 1 cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.275); /* Safari 4+ */ animation: avia_image_appear 0.5s 1 cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.275); /* IE 10+ */ opacity: 1; } .avia_transform #wrap_all { -webkit-animation: avia-ttb 0.8s 1 cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.275); /* Safari 4+ */ animation: avia-ttb 0.8s 1 cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.275); /* IE 10+ */ opacity: 1; } .avia_transform #wrap_all .avia_start_delayed_animation.bottom-to-top { -webkit-animation: avia-btt 0.8s 1 cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.840, 0.440, 1.000); /* Safari 4+ */ animation: avia-btt 0.8s 1 cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.840, 0.440, 1.000); /* IE 10+ */ opacity: 1; } .avia_transform #wrap_all .avia_start_delayed_animation.left-to-right { -webkit-animation: avia-ltr 0.8s 1 cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.275); /* Safari 4+ */ animation: avia-ltr 0.8s 1 cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.275); /* IE 10+ */ opacity: 1; } .avia_transform #wrap_all .avia_start_delayed_animation.right-to-left { -webkit-animation: avia-rtl 0.8s 1 cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.275); /* Safari 4+ */ animation: avia-rtl 0.8s 1 cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.275); /* IE 10+ */ opacity: 1; } .avia_transform #wrap_all .avia_start_delayed_animation.av-rotateIn { -webkit-animation: avia-rotateIn 0.8s 1 cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.275); animation: avia-rotateIn 0.8s 1 cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.275); opacity: 1; } .avia_transform #wrap_all .avia_start_delayed_animation.av-rotateInUpLeft { -webkit-animation: avia-rotateInUpLeft 0.8s 1 cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.275); animation: avia-rotateInUpLeft 0.8s 1 cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.275); opacity: 1; } .avia_transform #wrap_all .avia_start_delayed_animation.av-rotateInUpRight { -webkit-animation: avia-rotateInUpRight 0.8s 1 cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.275); animation: avia-rotateInUpRight 0.8s 1 cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.275); opacity: 1; }
Why don’t animations or scroll backgrounds work on ipad?
It depends on the browser. As far as I know Safari Ios does not support all animations/keyframes yet or requires special css “hacks”.Best regards,
Please try this code:
add_action( 'wp', 'avia_add_custom_html_class' ); function avia_add_custom_html_class() { global $avia_config; if ( is_product() ) { global $post; $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'product_cat' ); foreach ($terms as $term) { $product_cat_id = $term->term_id; $avia_config['box_class'] .= ' term-' . $product_cat_id; } } if(is_archive()) { $queried_object = get_queried_object(); if(!empty($queried_object->term_id)) $avia_config['box_class'] .= ' term-' . $queried_object->term_id; } }
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 28, 2018 at 11:15 am in reply to: Featured image not posting onto linkedin or google #1015699Hi,
According to the official website: you can use the data importer (Tools > SEO Data Import in your WordPress dashboard) to import the Yoast data.Best regards,
PeterSeptember 28, 2018 at 11:12 am in reply to: Styling blog post elements – styling by category tag #1015698Hi,
I added this code to your child theme functions.php to show the read more button:
function ava_custom_script_mod(){ ?> <script> (function($){ $( "" ).each(function( index ) { var url = $( this ).attr("href"); if(url){ $( this ).next('.news-excerpt').append('<a href="'+url+'" class="more-link" style="display:block;text-align:left;margin-top:0;">Weiterlesen<span class="more-link-arrow" style="display:inline;"></span></a>'); } }); })(jQuery); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_custom_script_mod');
Best regards,
We also support but I’m not sure if you can import your own svg there.
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 28, 2018 at 10:55 am in reply to: many enfold read more links in masonry portfolio #1015692Hi,
Glad I could help you :)
Best regards,
By default the dropdown doesn’t show a value “Please select” but it will always display the first value of the comma separated values in the “Form Element Options” field. If i.e. the values are “Option 1,Option 2,Option 3” the first value in the dropdown would be “Option 1” and not “Please select”. Thus there’s no general default value which would allow such a check out of the box. However we’ll look into it – maybe we can add a setting to add a “Default” value to the dropdown which returns null if selected.
Best regards,
Yes, that’s a great idea – I’ll suggest it to Kriesi.Best regards,
I fixed it for you – I replaced line 299/300 in enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/productslider.php:
wp_reset_query(); return $output;
wp_reset_query(); wc_reset_loop(); return $output;
Best regards,
PeterHey 360gradmedia,
The theme displayes the icon based on the font data. I checked your font file (link in private data) and it contains the same error. Please fix your font file, then the theme will display the icons properly.
Best regards,
When you download the theme files from themeforest you can either download:– All files (with documentation, psd files, wordpress theme, licence, versions file etc).
– Only the theme files.Please make sure to only download the theme files, otherwise you can’t install the theme directly but you would first need to extract the theme files from the zip file you downloaded from themeforest. The article I posted first also links to the help page here: which contains a step by step guide (with screenshots) how to download and install the theme. I can’t give you more detailed instructions than this guide.
Best regards,
I added this code to the quick css field to fix the style
#top .woocommerce-pagination .page-numbers li, #top .woocommerce-pagination .page-numbers li a, #top .woocommerce-pagination .page-numbers li span{ display: inline; width: auto; margin-right: 10px; font-size: 18px; }
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 28, 2018 at 9:38 am in reply to: I want to make a review tab in every single product on woocomerce. #1015658Hi,
I added this code to the quick css field to fix the style
#top .woocommerce-pagination .page-numbers li, #top .woocommerce-pagination .page-numbers li a, #top .woocommerce-pagination .page-numbers li span{ display: inline; width: auto; margin-right: 10px; font-size: 18px; }
Best regards,
PeterHey Mette Overgaard,
This article will help you to solve the issue:
Best regards,
Is there a way to move body classes to HTML,
Yes you can use the global $avia_config[‘box_class’] variable to add custom css classes to the html tag. Please add this code to the child theme functions.php:
add_action( 'wp', 'avia_add_custom_html_class' ); function avia_add_custom_html_class() { global $avia_config; if ( is_product() ) { global $post; $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'product_cat' ); foreach ($terms as $term) { $product_cat_id = $term->term_id; $avia_config['box_class'] .= ' term-' . $product_cat_id; } } }
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 28, 2018 at 9:12 am in reply to: many enfold read more links in masonry portfolio #1015645Hey Ink_Eye,
I fixed it by adjusting the code in the functions.php to:
// masonry read more function ava_custom_script_mod(){ ?> <script> (function($){ $(window).on('av-height-change', function() { $('.av-caption-style-overlay').each(function() { var more = $(this).find('.av-masonry-read-more'); var cont = $(this).find('.av-masonry-entry-title'); if( more.length >= 1 ) { cont.css('opacity','1'); return; } $('<div class="av-masonry-read-more avia-button">mehr erfahren</div>').insertAfter(cont); cont.css('opacity','1'); }); }); })(jQuery); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_custom_script_mod');
Best regards,
AMP has technical limitations by design which will probably never allow us to fully support it. Personally I had good results with however not all elements are fully supported. If you want to be sure your pages look good with AMP create simple pages with the default wordpress editor (with standard html tags and css formatting) and do not use too many shortcodes.
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 28, 2018 at 8:51 am in reply to: Best settings of Enfold to get maximum google pagespeed score? #1015631Hi,
I checked your website with gtmetrix: and your website is already well optimized. You can install a plugin like to merge all javascripts (and to remove the query strings from the resources). The other issues are caused by external scripts (google, etc.).
Best regards,
Please go to Appearance > Editor and make sure the “Enfold Child” theme is selected in the dropdown on the right side (if you’re not using a child theme make sure “Enfold” is selected).Then click on “functions.php” in file/folder tree on the right side sidebar. The editor will then load this file. Scroll to the very bottom of the file and insert the code there. Then save the file.
Best regards,
Please add this code to the functions.php file.
//portfolio query add_filter( 'avia_post_grid_query', 'avia_post_grid_query_mod', 10, 2); function avia_post_grid_query_mod( $query, $params ) { $query['orderby'] = 'date'; $query['order'] = 'DESC'; return $query; }
and adjust the value(s).
Best regards,
PeterHey prana3stil,
This article should help you to set up a google maps api/account:
Best regards,
Peter -